"Retro Games Ltd., the company behind the C64 and A500 Mini micro-consoles, has revealed its product roadmap for the next few years.

The headline news is that the company plans to release a full-size "Amiga console" in Q4, 2024. This will sit alongside the A500 Mini system, which launched in 2022. It has been confirmed that the new system will have a fully working keyboard.

In addition to this, Retro Games is releasing a new mini-console in Q1 2024 (A400 Mini released next week), and has plans for two more "full size" console releases in Q1 and Q4 of 2025. It has not yet been confirmed what these consoles will be.

Finally, it has a "major product update" planned for Q4 of this year, as well as a new accessory for Q3 2024.

First released in 1985, the Amiga family of computers sold 4.85 million units worldwide. Models include the Amiga 1000, Amiga 500, CDTV and CD32."


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2 months ago*

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2 months ago

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I had a second hand amiga 500, invested so much like fast mem, a converter to hook it up to my pc monitor, but i just never could get around to it, and it was a bit sitting in the way on my desk, but i kept all the rest of my computers, i could have just put it in the closet but for some reason i sold it, maybe i shouldn't had and glad for another chance.

I got myself a C64 Maxi back then and so did my dad, he often felt not well and i tried to push him, like let's go and we both bought second hand BASIC books, and about the time he was like okay i am gonna try it again (perhaps 1-2 times before he passed away). Sad memory but also beautiful and i gonna continue using it hoping he is looking along.

I just seriously wonder what the other 2 would be, i am guessing also more computer then console, MSX and Spectrum?

2 months ago*

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Lugum, continue writing some Basic programs, as a memory.

I have a Spectrum +2 at home, I barely use it but now I got a device to get games on a SD and other to use Usb (mouse, keyboard or joystick).
And a borrowed Msx, even less time used.

I favor retro gaming but FPGa emulation is not my thing (yet!).
I prefer the old hardware (a 386, for example) but I can recon that it's harder to get old computers each year.

Emulation can be necessary eventually because there is no physical house that can store everything that you want and moreover, all competing for the same free time. In retro forums that I visit, many people is selling machines that they can't use.
So much to do, so little time... and space.

2 months ago

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how many "new consoles" do we need to play retro games though? 4.85 million is not that many either when the population of one country can be many times this size

2 months ago

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In theory: 1. https://www.retrorgb.com/mister.html (got one with a roland mt32 module but never tried).

2 months ago*

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instabuy for me

2 months ago

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They kinda have to. Since they released full-size C64 after releasing mini, me and all my friends skipped A500 mini in anticipation of the full size, lol. I wonder what will the other full-size consoles be. Not A1200 perchance? ;-) No real need from hardware/emulation point of view, but maybe it's just about the shape? Not impossible, given how quickly they come after one another. And the third, maybe CD32? ;-)

2 months ago

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Thinking ZX Spectrum and MSX.

2 months ago

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Might be. Depends on what mini they launch in Q1 2024 (btw 10 days left), it might be a full-size version of that. But there's only one mini and two full-sizes.

2 months ago

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That's gonna be this. https://retrogames.biz/products/the400-mini/

I already preordered it some weeks ago.

2 months ago

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Ah, ok then. I focused too much on the picture rather than the post. :-)

2 months ago

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If we get an atari mini perhaps an atari ST then? Also thinking an apple 2 GS.
But commodore and amiga are in their collections, so it could be possible to see more amiga.
Though the ZX Spectrum was very populair in certain countries, they made an Spectrum Next but expensive and hard to get one.

We will see, they all gonna be instabuys for me regardless. :p

2 months ago

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I've never had ZX Spectrum but I played a lot of Spectrum games emulated on my Amiga, lol.
This one for many hours. ;-)

2 months ago

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Thought emulation started on pc.

2 months ago

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Nah there's a lot of emulators for Amiga: https://aminet.net/misc/emu
I've had ZX Spectrum (Speccy I think) and C64 (Frodo) emulators.
A friend emulated Mac on his bigger Amiga with Basilisk
And then there's MAME of course... but that was started as a MS-DOS program.

2 months ago

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Sure, I loved all of them, when it was their time in 80-ties and even early 90-ties (though I mostly went PC by then), but what's the point today, especially when we have some quite decent emulators around?

2 months ago

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That's like saying why buy games when you can pirate them? Just because they are old, you can just emulate them?

And perhaps some are more nostalgic having to type on a real breadbox c64, or playing with an original atari controller?

And if you look here software emulation will always stay different to hardware emulation.

2 months ago

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Why do people take their kids to the places they lived in or visited in their youth? For memories and legacy, among others. For some, Amiga 500 is a big part of their life and the "remake" is a good opportunity to re-live and share these experiences. Emulation is cool, sure, but it makes a special kind of experience if it's physical.

2 months ago

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It would be better to release a usb hub that you connect to a monitor and connect a keyboard and whatever else to, and to instead promote emulator development, than release a new big bulky console that's gonna take a lot of space. There's already better alternatives to whatever they're doing, so I guess it's only going to be bought for being "official" and "collection" and to be resold later when it's off the market. Cute, but pointless.

2 months ago

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It's not official, that's why it's named A500 and not Amiga.

2 months ago

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https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/2QJtEKb (it's expensive though with 600-700 euro but if it emulates so much).

And i am keeping my (and my dads) C64 Maxi forever, but then again i am a collector (anyone can check my profile to see what i have).

2 months ago

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The main point seems to be a working keyboard, which is a major change and a nice asset. I like the retro consoles, but I think that RetroArch or other software can cater a more varied group of retrogamers.

2 months ago

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I never used a real Amiga, and have never even seen one in person, but I have emulated a few Amiga games over the years. The Amiga just wasn't a big American thing for whatever reason.

A lot of Amiga games are better than their DOS equivalents. But there's a lot of Euro jank, so watch out.

2 months ago

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damn, i remember a friend of mine had something like this (picture below) and we played mario and some other platformers on it

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2 months ago

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This is awesome!

I had a Commodore 128. Loved that thing back in the day.

If you want to see it in action (I got it out of storage and restored some broken mechanical things before gifting it to an awesomely crazy retro tech friend of mine, who did incredible things with it), you can literally see my childhood machine in action here: Ordering Starbucks with a Commodore 128


2 months ago

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That's funny.

2 months ago

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Well, they sure know how to milk a rich market.

2 months ago

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