I think it would be great if you were able to read all new comments that are posted in a particular thread in chronological order. Right now it's not possible without scanning the whole thread for new replies once in a while/constant monitoring through the 'Bookmarked' tab (and then using the green > button to get to the latest reply), and in case there are two posts one after another then I may be screwed cause one of them may be a reply to an old comment that'd again require a scan of the whole thread that has 500+ pages in my case (the Lootboy thread).

1 year ago

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But why tho? I'm not joking, just genuinely curious as to why would you want to see all comments displayed like that instead of just checking what's the most recent or the ones replying to you directly, there's a good chance that many of the comments that aren't in the last couple of pages are simply people having a conversation or addressing old stuff. If it's relevant to everyone most users will have the common sense to post it at the very end to make it visible.

Edit: now that I stop to think about it, it would be nice if we had the option to get notified whenever someone adds to the conversation even if they're replaying to someone else. By conversation I'm referring to the indented replies instead of a new comment at the bottom, don't really know what's the name of those.

1 year ago*

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Very standard forum function tbh. Also eliminates the "good chance" and other people's "common sense" and the checking of the "last couple of pages". As soon as there's a new comment, there is no easy way of finding the previous comment between the pages, even if it was just seconds before the other.

1 year ago

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But is that information relevant to everybody? What I mean is that I don't get why that's necessary.

1 year ago

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It may be relevant to me. I am subbed to a bunch of threads on actual forums, I read through them all (or glance), even if it's just a chat between two people. Sometimes it's interesting too.

1 year ago

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I guess, I usually limit myself to only checking the most recent thing in the lootboy thread so it does sound like overkill to me.
TBH this is the only "forum" I currently visit, and before that I sometimes frequented some forums but only as an occasional lurker, so I don't really know what's considered to be standard features.

1 year ago

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+1 Don't really understand why such a basic function isn't already present.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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You could try ESGST, it has a similar functionalities: mark comments within a thread as (un)read, go to first/next unread comment etc.

1 year ago

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As I've explained here, it sadly doesn't solve my problem. But thanks anyway!

1 year ago

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I believe "go to first unread" fits just well here.

1 year ago

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Except that it doesn't work properly. It has to scan pages to find unreads. And it doesn't start from the beginning of the thread (usually it's limited to the last page), otherwise it'd take ages.

1 year ago

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Well, that's the cost of being a client-side extension. And that's the best we can get now.

1 year ago

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Yes, I am not saying ESGST is a bad extension, but it doesn't matter cause in the end I am left with a button that barely does its job. And that's why this thread exists at all :D

1 year ago

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Yeah, I've got it. But I wouldn't bet too much on the thread, unless cg already have this in his plans.

1 year ago

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