Hold up, before you report me for my very misleading title; I do have games to give away here, and I do want recommendations.

I've been in such a gaming rut this year, nothing seems to capture my interest for a full playthrough anymore. Unless it's something cozy with LGBTQ+-tag. I really loved Life is Strange: True Colors (sorry for the region-locks, blame GMG), and I think everyone should have a Steph in their lives.
And No Longer Home was short and cute.

Just bought myself Queer Man Peering Into A Rock Pool.jpg and Terranova, does anyone else have any recommendations? I feel like it's mostly VNs that has this tag, and I think I'm just overly picky when it comes to that specific genre.

Happy gayming!

(I'll be sure to check out your recommendations, and hopefully it's also a good way for others to find new games too!)

For fun and giggles, I noticed my pack of toothbrushes had some sensitivity to them.

Giveaway added January 2024; The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood - Finished
A Fold Apart - Finished
Mary Skelter Finale - Finished
Frogsong - Finished
Doodle Date - Finished

Giveaway added March 2024; Here Comes Niko - Finished

Giveaways added April 2024; Repurpose - Finished

Giveaways added May 2024; Across the Grooves - Finished

[More soon!]

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7 months ago*

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A non-VN game with LGBTQ+ themes? That's indeed a bit of a hard request now that I stop to think about it, but I'm sure it's not impossible.

Iconoclasts: it's a metroidvania. One of the secondary playable characters (who's present for most of the story) is a lesbian and her relationship with her gf is part of the main plot, a couple of antagonists are an obvious gay couple, and a number of other characters give a queer vibe.
Aerannis: a platformer with a narrative focus and some metroidvania influences. It's a very weird game about a radical feminist dictatorship with terf-y tendencies, a transwoman protagonist, and some bizarre interpretation of religion. I'm not gonna pretend like I completely understood what the hell was going on with the plot because I didn't, specially towards the end.
Dominique Pamplemousse: point and click adventure, but it's a black & white stop motion comedic musical noir detective story with fully voiced claymation characters. The protagonist is an enby, they have to keep explaining that they're neither boy nor girl every time they meet someone.
Majotori: narrative oriented trivia game. Multiple queer characters and plotlines... assuming you don't fail miserably and get everyone killed before reaching the romance parts :P
Timespinner: metroidvania (more vania than metroid this one). I think all the characters are either queer, polyamorous, or both.

Took me longer than expected to get some entries that weren't VN's, and that I had personally played to the end and can recommend. And I almost did a "oops! All metroidvanias-ish" without realizing. If you're only gonna check out one then go with Iconoclasts, that's why I put it first.

7 months ago*

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I recently played Bad End Theater and had a lot of fun! It takes only about an hour to complete but it didn't feel too short. It has a cozy ending and lgbt characters :)
And thanks for the recommendations, I wishlisted some of them!

7 months ago

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yess! this is a good one.

4 months ago

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Dustforce Dx

7 months ago

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I played a normal lost phone a few days ago: https://store.steampowered.com/app/523210/A_Normal_Lost_Phone/
maybe this could be something for you

7 months ago

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[H] bump [W] to bump the thread

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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It wouldn't satisfy your second criteria, because there is not the tag. But i remember there are (among many others) some LGBTQ+ passengers in https://store.steampowered.com/app/680380/Night_Call/
It's a game with a high degree of intimacy, as you play a taxi driver who mostly listens slices of life and empathizes with the passengers in the cold Parisian night. The game takes a sympathetic look at passengers, their difficulties, their dreams, their projects and their suffering. A humanist and caring game so maybe you would like to take a look ?

(Obviously i see too what you did there, i'd like cg website to remain consensual so that it open its arms to everyone, but i can understand your - and not only your - concern of no longer being able to express suffering to find some comfort, i think that's because it was one of the most consensual website of the internet that here could be found some comfort for the ones who suffer)

7 months ago*

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Actually not that picky! Scratch cozy, more LGBTQ+-seasoning! Night Call has an alluring aesthetic.

(Hey, someone has to check to what level these rules go; I am just a humble servant serving games and asking questions, no foul play! giggles)

7 months ago

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Just remembered another one : Yes your grace
The game was in Humble Choice 2022
I just finished it recently and was surprised by the good quality of the story, you play a king who makes decisions by just answering yes or no, in harder and harder situations. It doesn't have the tag either, but one of the main characters is LGBTQ+. It was unexpected and the way it was brought by the story made me smile, the character is likeable.

7 months ago*

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Such a great game. And you're right it does have quite a few queer characters.
I guess this one just need a few more people adding the tag on Steam so i'll go add it just to do my part.

7 months ago

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Sorry for the late answer, i see how the tag can help people find their way around, but it can also drive players away who otherwise would have discovered great games and maybe these games would help them open their mind / their heart ? (unexpected empathy for the characters in a great game)

Here i don't have a strong opinion (it is better to tag or not), both have pros and cons.

7 months ago*

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I see your point but I honestly don't know if people who avoid games because of the LGBT tag have minds that can be open anymore.

7 months ago

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They can think it's a full game about this, people can be sensitized to a cause but few like to feel that there is "forcing".
I'd recommend a more subtle approach to convince (even if i can really understand that sometimes you can just get fed up and go for it.)
If it's a game that interest them, then people approach it with a more open mind.

It's like, you would like that people try a new fruit but they are not really curious at start.
Then cook a chocolate cake and there is this new fruit. Maybe they will try it thinking i love chocolate and then some will love some will hate.
But if you write "xgfjfjth fruit cake", some will immediately renounce to taste.

7 months ago

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Degrees of Separation
that's my recommendation

7 months ago

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the game doesn't have that tag, but I'm sure there are LGBTQ+ characters.
it's half detective visual novel (they were very clearly trying to copy Ace Attorney series), half picros (too easy as for me), so maybe it'll work for you.

7 months ago

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I added the tag yesterday and I guess it passed the minimum required as it is now tagged properly on Steam.

7 months ago

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Good job ^_^

7 months ago

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being lgbt is irrelevant to the story, but you can play as a same sex couple if you want to, it's a really nice game specially if you have a partner to play with or a special friend

not cozy, maybe sad? maybe not? up to you how it goes, also f2p, so just give it a go without thinking about sales/codes/etc

also according to some people on reddit, genshin impact is gay, but idk about that.

7 months ago

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"Partner to play with or a special friend", WELL THAT'S JUST NICE. Jokes aside, it looks nice! Thank you.

this reminds me of missed messages (which I have played and enjoyed), tried memories? I am not in the mood for playing it just yet, in time - in due time.

7 months ago

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looks cute, added to library but will play one day in the futureβ„’

also btw one of my friends recommended this, i haven't played it myself though

7 months ago

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since i wrote these recommendations i got blacklisted 4 times lol.
someone even gave me 6 jester awards on steam on all my reviews and profile, imagine the level of pettiness lol, those were probably from a different thread, related subject though.

7 months ago

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Bumping! ~ I've discovered some interesting games because of this thread. Thanks to everyone who gave recommendations!
My recommendations (mostly copied from True Colors giveaway):

  • Ikenfell - turn-based RPG, there's quite a number of characters that are non-cishet
  • Tell Me Why - same dev that made LiS, similar kind of vibe too
  • A Summer's End - Hong Kong 1986 was really good, my desktop wallpaper is an animated wallpaper I made from the CGs in the game :)
  • VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action was pretty fun to play
  • a new life: very short game, broke my heart to pieces. 10/10 would recommend. Made me want to get Angela He's other games too.
  • Not specifically LGBTQ+ (but it can be!), but Coral Island has been so much fun to play! Plenty of romanceable options, and plenty of character customization. It's a great game for people who like farming games :)
  • I wouldn't classify this in the genre either, but there is an LGBTQ+ character in it. Spiritfarer is a must recommend for me. Heartbreakingly great game.
7 months ago

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Bump for the best thread on SG right now :)

Sadly all I have to recommend are VNs or was already mentioned by someone else :/

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1302050/Milky_Way_Prince__The_Vampire_Star/ Really nice visually, not very cozy though since it's about a toxic relationship :x

https://store.steampowered.com/app/435300/We_Know_the_Devil/ Not cozy either but I really liked the atmosphere in that one

https://store.steampowered.com/app/836450/Heaven_Will_Be_Mine/ Same dev, I only played one of the routes yet but I thought that using space opera as a metaphor for queer culture was pretty clever

https://store.steampowered.com/app/2055540/Graveyard_Girls/ It's more about grief than queer issues but it's still a love story between two women so...

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1259430/First_Snow/ Finally something more light-hearted, the love interest was not really my type but it was still a pretty cute love story

7 months ago*

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Much obliged!

Don't be sorry, VNs can be great, and this thread is for everyone even somewhat remotely interested in LGBTQ+-games, so every bit and bump helps! (Also, I wonder what to fill this with when EVERYTHING worth recommending is recommended, ughhh!)

7 months ago

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I can't believe I somehow missed there is another Life is Strange game in the series. This is the first time I hear about True Colors. Big thanks for recommendation and GA !

7 months ago

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It's like discovering there is a little bit of ice cream left in that container you thought was empty, isn't it? ;)

7 months ago

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Or finding yesteryear's money in your jacket when autumn comes ^^

7 months ago

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This thread made me want to log in and check the discussions today so thanks for that.
I feel I should pimp Gayming Mag just in case anyone wants to check their reviews. I found quite a few games I didn't even know had queer characters there.

7 months ago

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One can find interesting articles to read there beside just the reviews though, at least in my opinion.

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7 months ago

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Thanks for this! I hadn't heard about it before and I don't usually visit blogs much, but I found some interesting stuff while perusing. I will keep this site in mind to check regularly. ^^

7 months ago

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They also send a digest to your mailbox if you sub it, which is a good way to keep an eye out for things, even though it doesn't include everything.

7 months ago

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Last year, I played Tell me why and I really enjoyed it :)

7 months ago

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As a twin, I can say that the portrayal of twins in fictional media is rarely more than a bunch of clichΓ©s strung together but this game was a notable exception.
Not only is it a great game but the writing was very sensibly done on several fronts and it's highly recommended.

7 months ago

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I can't think of any games that haven't already been mentioned.

I have played the first LiS, but I stopped on the last chapter as I was spoiled on the ending and it ticked me off (the ending, not just getting spoiled). I guess I will have to finish it one of these days.

I wish the remastered version changed it or at least made for a better choice.

One moment that I am happy I was able to avert (pretty big spoiler, beware!) was Kate killing herself. I felt so happy when I was able to save her, it literally gave me chills

7 months ago

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Gasp, this is the worst and bound to happen, I can't let this just be an awkward bumperino-party until the giveaway ends. I will not let my inbox be filled with well-meant but oh no dearies no so boring "just bumps", hafta weird it up but don't know how.

You should, I do understand why the ending doesn't feel fantastic for some, I am not sure I even really truly enjoyed the first game for what it is until I played further into the series. WHAT A HOT TAKE AND I DID IT.

Mhm, doing that is one of the top moments for me #brokenbirds<3

7 months ago

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Poking in out of curiosity, which ending did you dislike (more) and what was the part about it that annoyed you the most?

7 months ago

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It's a very controversial ending, for sure. I really liked how emotionally involved you get by the end and how they didn't try to make things perfect but I get that for those very reasons, some players are ticked off.
It's a testament to the game's writing though.

7 months ago

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You could always figure out how to join the Homo-Sexual Underground in Disco Elysium and try to seduce Kim...

7 months ago

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From what I didn't notice anyone mention while I had fun playing it: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1191120/Growing_Up/

7 months ago

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Never play Metal Gear. Just read the scenario book. Whatever you experience there, it is a trap, beware. bump

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

7 months ago*

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hey you also like true colors, sweet. i still have the last episode to finish, but have genuinely enjoyed the game so far. and yes, you are 100% right, everyone should have a steph in their lives. i have a crush on her :') also i spot ellie in the second pic.. one of my all-time fave characters. heck yeah

my recommendations (ones i've personally played or finished). all have queer aspects to them, though not all 100% cozy though tbh!

  • Unpacking - probably a recent fave of mines. the concept of its gameplay might sound silly or tedious, but imo it's not at all! it works. don't look up much about it, just start playing. i'd suggest waiting for a sale though (with all the games i mentioned too).
  • Haven - can be grind-y & frustrating at times imo. but the main characters & their relationship are the best parts. devs added a free update where you can now play as either the original (male & female couple) or same-sex couples (both male or both female). i played the sapphic couple on my 1st playthrough & loved them.
  • Gone Home - vibes aren't exactly cozy lol, more spookyish imo. but the narrative aspect is still very sweet.
  • Games by Angela He! her illustrations and art style are so pretty. i finished the free "missed messages" vn a couple of years ago. definitely worth checking it out imo

hope you end up enjoying something from this. if not that's okay too of course. other people also put up a lot more recommendations which is neat. also, those toothbrushes are so cute.

7 months ago

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I think it's impossible not to feel something for Steph in this game, esp. considering what she does in this game, heart melted fast.

Unpacking is such a sweet game too! One of the first titles I played when my world turned upside down, and it did have a positive effect.
Haven, isn't that game almost meant to be played co-op?

Everyone has done a great job adding recommendations, for me and for everyone else genuinely interested.
And heck yeah, they are rad.

7 months ago

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Lots of good giveaways and suggestions here! Afraid I haven't tried any myself that haven't already been suggested but I've heard good things about this one (and haven't seen it suggested yet): https://store.steampowered.com/app/674930/Boyfriend_Dungeon/

It technically doesn't have the tag on the store page but if you dig in a bit it seems to fit the bill. If not that's OK too but hey, it's not just a VN :)

7 months ago

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I don't play that many games, but I can recommend some game I personally played and loved, and I didn't see recommended yet:

Life is Strange: Before the Storm - You have the option to have a same-sex relationship. And this is my favorite game from the Life is Strange franchise.
There is also the Remastered version, which has slightly better graphics, but much higher price.

Crusader Kings III - Probably not the first game that comes into mind when you think LGBTQ+. But I really love the game, and it basically allows you to choose any sexual orientation to your character/ruler. He/She can be a straight or gay, or even asexual.

7 months ago

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Life is Strange: Before the Storm - You have the option to have a same-sex relationship. And this is my favorite game from the Life is Strange franchise.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck them for not discounting the game for god knows how much time.I didn't buy it when it was just a few euro, and now it's almost cheaper to buy the remastered collection for a pretty hefty 15€-ish price :(

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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I recommend one night, hot springs.

7 months ago

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