Curious to see how people watch their movies, since there are so many ways to do so nowadays.

I do a mixture of Blu-Ray, Streaming, and a little in theaters. Mostly Streaming, with Blu-Ray coming in 2nd

6 years ago

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How do you usually watch movies?

View Results
4K Blu-Ray
In theaters
Streaming (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video etc)
Digital copies (iTunes, Amazon Video, YouTube Movies etc)
Other (leave a comment!)

I don't?

6 years ago

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usually i search for movie 30 min before sleep then fall a sleep in 5 min :/

6 years ago

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Hehe, I fixed that problem with lists. I have a general watchlist and several for specific themes and interests. From those I randomly add movies to a "next" watchlist, which always consists ~30 very different movies. That way I always have a narrowed down selection, with lots of variety. Usually I make my pick within 1-3 minutes.

6 years ago

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im more only for comedy movies,life its joke so at leats with comedy we can laugh so its hard to find some good xD

6 years ago

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Haha... yeah... my Netflix time is 90% browsing 10% watching :)

6 years ago

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exactly hahahh browse best netflix movie watch trailer no one its good enough then put some shit and fall a sleep xD

6 years ago

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other <redacted>


6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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xD yep.

6 years ago

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With all the cell-phones, crying babies, and people kicking the back of my chair in theaters, I watch most of my movies on 4K Blu-Ray these days.

6 years ago

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Luckily where I live the theaters aren't usually crowded, but when we saw Infinity War these obnoxious teenagers were sitting towards the back talking/laughing the whole time, kinda sucked : / I'm waiting for 4K blu rays to come down a bit in price and improve their selection before I make the transition over, most of my collection is Blu-Ray

6 years ago

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There's something to be said for being able to kick your feet up, ordering a pizza, and stretching out on a sofa with a good film.
Most of my collection is actually on BR, too - I only get newer movies on 4K (since 4K came out).

6 years ago

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Amen to that! I came across a website called Real or Fake and it was interesting to learn that a lot of 4K movies are just upscaled, which is kinda disappointing. With the right TV, right settings, and distance from the screen even the "fake" 4K movies probably look better than normal Blu-Ray but it seems like false advertising when a lot of it is just upscaled 2K. The more you know I guess... just annoying having to research what is real 4K and what isn't.

6 years ago

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Oh nice! Thanks for the link - it's quite helpful. I'm shocked to see some movies in 4K I didn't expect, and others I expected were true 4K really weren't.

6 years ago

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the same was true in the early days of HD. Back 10 years ago, HD could mean 720i rather than 1080p

6 years ago

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95% streaming (flatrate and purchase), 4% tv and some cinema. Haven't watched anything on physical media in many years.

6 years ago

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Uh, I see that The Big Sick, Birdman and Open Range are on Amazon Prime (at least in Germany) since Wednesday. Yep, streaming is just too good these days.

6 years ago

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I'm from the(/a) video store/rental generation, yet I still have trouble paying for streams. I guess it's the whole physical thing, I can't hold a stream and read the back to see if I'll like it :P

6 years ago

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Haha, I can imagine that being an issue. Especially as most streaming UIs are just plain out horrible. Depending on the hardware you use to access Amazon Prime, for example, it might not even tell you the genre(s) of a movie. The plot description is often enough useless and imdb ratings are often missing too. At least they got trailers, sometimes.

But as I use an external solution, that's not much an issue for me. I make my choice there and then start the required stream.

6 years ago

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Kodi media center, have Netflix too but that's mostly for TV shows

6 years ago

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This reminded me how awesome popcorn time is.

6 years ago

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DVD/Blu-ray & satellite TV mostly, sometimes Netflix.

6 years ago

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Happy cake day! Damn, double celebration. :o

6 years ago

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Oooooh finally found you. I won Poly Bridge a week ago from a WL only giveaway you made. Just wanted to thank you (couldn't do it before, I was out of your WL) and I will play it this before the end of the month for sure.

One more "thank you".

I think I'm good :)

Thank you for this awesome gift

6 years ago

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Redbox shouldn't really count as they are a dvd/bluray rental unit.

6 years ago

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I don't have anything that can read Blu-Rays, so I stick with Streaming or... uhm... some other ways.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I have a large DVD and Blu-ray movie selection with Netflix as a back up. ^^

6 years ago

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With my eyes open.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Fudgesicles. I'm too late to make that joke. No surprise.

6 years ago

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I don’t care if DVD or some streaming portal, but it is important that I can increase the speed
I watch mostly everything at 1.5 or more and most series at 1.8 Speed
Because of that I don’t like to go to theater as movies there are so slow
I mostly get my DVDs from my local library as they cost only 20€/year for as many as I like.
Currently I have a free 1 year amazon prime Abo, as I‘m a student.

6 years ago*

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There is nothing more stupid than speed watching
sorry :p

6 years ago

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I started watching movies faster a few years ago and since then always upgraded and are really used to it. If I watch a series with normal sped I would sleep immediately as they talk so slow. No normal human being would talk that slow in real live.
Sadly I haven’t seen a way to speed up cut scenes in games, but if there is a way to customize text speed, I always choose the fastest option.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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For me, this is just a stupid trend that has come up in recent years.
Most people make it to quickly catch up with the latest episodes of a series.
Here is my first point why should I intentionally shorten a series that I like?
I have a friend who do just that and if I ask him about the content of the series he can seldom answer correctly
which is clear, because much cant be noticed by the increased speed.I know it is a matter of getting used to
I always played unreal tournament as training at 1000% gamespeed^^
and the sound is completely broken. Like at PAL Speed-Up there are only 4% increased speed and everything is already broken
especially in comedy so much is completely alienated simply because the heights are no longer correct everything sounds funny then ^^

and neither does anyone speak @ 1.5-2x :p

6 years ago*

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I‘ve never really had a problem understanding anything even with increased speed
My time is valuable so way should I waste 2h for a movie when I can watch it in 1,5 and don’t get bored in between.
Sound is no issue as I don’t know any player which changes the sound.
I‘ve always talked really fast and people get annoyed by that, but normal people would probably talk at 1.3 speed of a series
It’s funny that you say it’s a trend as I‘ve never found anyone else doing it (except my wife, but she learned it from me and we mostly watch together)

6 years ago*

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What kind of shows do you watch where people seem to talk slow?
I feel like pacing and rhythm are very important for me when it comes to enjoying a movie. I understand that some - usually older - silent movies tend to have a very slow setup, but watching current movies sped up feels like sacrificing the intent of the people behind the movie on the altar of 'turning movie watching into work', as if that's something that just has be completed as quickly as possible like some chore.
I had a similar experience as jeef, a friend of mine does this as well, and he was barely able to remember scenes and I can't even imagine how broken the soundtrack must feel. I guess this is just not for me.

6 years ago

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Nearly every show.
It’s obviously fine if you don’t like it, but I really enjoy it that way and am able to watch even more.
It’s funny to hear the opening jingle for a show you watched faster a lot in normal speed ;)

6 years ago

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Yeah that's kinda what I mean.
I am just curious, are the little nuances, subtle facial expressions, pauses, comedic timing, scenes of reflection, the sound design - things that are lost in double speed - not as important to you as the story of a series? Or you don't miss those either, because you are used to it? Or what do you find most important in a tv show?

6 years ago

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Don’t miss them as I’m used to it
I mean they aren’t lost, because I still see these and the pauses are still there, so I don’t think I‘ve have a lesser experience.

6 years ago

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But if you have no time or desire, why do you look at all? feels very suboptimal^^
With the sound, I meant something completely different but too late to explain that now

Yes its/was a trend started around 1-2 years ago
google "speed watching" but already quite decayed thought it was already over

6 years ago

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Because I enjoy watching movies

6 years ago

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It sounds like you appreciate the stories in movies, but most people see that as only one element of the film experience. I don't think too many directors or cinematographers would consider that you are really appreciating their art if you are watching it at a non-standard speed (or on a mobile phone screen, for that matter). It's a bit like taking a meal prepared by a chef and blending it into a smoothie so that you can suck it through a straw in a minute or two: you get an overall flavour impression but you aren't able to appreciate the texture variations.

It's good that you can enjoy movies in that condensed "Reader's Digest" style, but it isn't for me.

6 years ago

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Interesting. I typically speed up everything that I watch on youtube for content, but never thought about it for shows/movies that I'd watch for entertainment. (Then again, there's only one current show that I regularly watch, and only see about one movie a year, and that's in the theater.) :P

6 years ago

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That the reason why I don’t really go to classes anymore. Professors are just talking really slow and often need to explain stuff way to long. I understand that other students need more time to understand stuff, but I rather learn it at home. When there is a video of the lesson it’s even better, as I then can speed up

6 years ago

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I can't find the I don't. option.

6 years ago

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...that's sad, why don't you watch?

6 years ago

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I don't like watching movies alone.

6 years ago

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What if there is a movie only you want to watch?

6 years ago

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The last movie I saw was Civil War. ( •_•)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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5 years ago

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I very rarely watch them but when I do

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6 years ago

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You buy them from Edward Kenway, I get it.

6 years ago

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rarely watch a movie anymore, but when I do it's usually on my phone sat on my desk behind my keyboard, while I'm working on something else

6 years ago

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I hope all the pirates ITT eventually create media of their own (to then be pirated).

Yeah yeah, I'm a lamer. But just remember that there are lots of people behind the scenes, like me. Try to pay it forward someday.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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In my underwear.

6 years ago

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Since download films isnt ilegal in spain.... i will do it until a) movie theater get lower than 4€ b) "legit" online services give me the same content that they give to other countries for the same price (or lower spain price)

6 years ago

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I put the DVD on hold at the local library and borrow it when it becomes available. Because I'm stingy.

6 years ago

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There's nothing stingy about utilizing a public system that you pay taxes for.

6 years ago

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DVD rips on torrents.

6 years ago

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Shhh don't say the "t" word.

6 years ago

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yify ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by VEF215.