Hi and welcome to our Steam Group Recruitment,

Who are We:

We formally created this Steam Group with the intent to deliver on short burst reviews for Steam that are linked to our personal accounts that offer a much more detailed overview of the games we play. We still continue to do that, and as well create YouTube videos with reviews, game related topics, discussions, and game listings that we think you would enjoy watching.

Today, we have decided to open up our Steam Group Recruitment for Giveaways. These giveaways will contain games that are rated on the Positive side of the spectrum, from AAA games to AA and Indies. My partner and I will do this kind of Steam Giveaway(s) or Discord Giveaways (if they are for PlayStation, Xbox or Nintendo, Epic or GOG) once a month, probably at the beginning of the month, and provide you with one of the best games you've wanted to get your hands on or want to play. Some of the games may be containing a whole collection and some will be stand alone. If we're not able to provide game codes for consoles, we'll be giving away specific console codes that contain a value for that game and from there you can choose if you wish to purchase that game or others.

What we want from those who wish to participate is to PLAY OUR GAMES. I think it's important that you understand that even if these games are as giveaways, somebody out there, worked hard to get the money and invest it in the prize, so we value that you play the games we put out for review in the next upcoming 3 Months since receiving the game.

If you want to know more about us feel free to reach out to us, but make sure you write a comment before you add us. We may or may not accept, so we appreciate your patience and understanding.

This is us: Vasharal and Arrmeya so, if you want to reach out to us you can do so via Steam.

How to Join:

  1. First Apply on our Steam Group and write us a comment that you applied in this thread.

  2. [Optional] Create, if you haven't, and share your BLAEO account in the comments.
    ❕ BLAEO helps us easily check your won games through without going through the hassle to check through Steam or other tools that are more likely slower and it's neatly organized. YOU DO NOT NEED TO TAKE PART IN ANY CHALLENGES.

  3. If you partake in the giveaway and win our giveaway, we want you to play that particular game in the next 3 months. You don't have to complete it, but we'd be happy if you'd at least attempt to beat the main campaign. If it doesn't have a campaign or story, play a significant amount of time to kinda cover 25-50% of the Achievements.

Group Rules:

  • At least Level 2 on SteamGifts.
  • If you're new to SteamGifts, you need to be a member for at least 3 months.
  • Multiple or un-redeemed wins within the last year - are forbidden.
  • Your overall Reputation should be clean on SteamRep. If you've had a VAC ban older than 1 year, and explain why you got it, we might make an exception.
  • You have to have your Steam privacy settings for your profile and games as Public (example);
  • Check our Steam Group Announcement for further details and announcements. Rules and Information there may be different, but currently, this thread is the most up-to-date that you should follow. Future updates will be made there too to reflect the group.
  • You have to play your giveaway within 3 months' time - there are exceptions if you're unable to play, but you have to reach out to the person in that 3 months time-frame, not when the 3 months are over;

Giveaway Rules:

Giving giveaways using our group is not required. It's just our way to give out to people who wish to support us on our YouTube journey. But, if you wish to take part in the group and give giveaways, please remember that you have the follow the following rule:

  • No games should be given that are rated as Mixed or Below.
    We want each winner to have their hands on games that are highly rated on Steam.

As a reference you need to keep in mind some of these metrics:

  1. 10,000+ reviews on Steam and 70%+ Steam rating
  2. 1,000+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating
  3. 100+ reviews on Steam and 90%+ Steam rating
  • The giveaway should not be region locked.
  • When creating a giveaway it is recommended to include a small group rule reminder in your giveaway, something like:
    "This is a TalePlay giveaway, by joining you commit to playing this game within three months if you win it."
  • You can Giveaway alongside other groups or whitelist if you wish, but you must mention the above statement for members of the group to inform them of the rules. If they are not part of the group the rule of 3 months does not apply to them.

Final Notes:

Requesting to join without leaving a comment below will result in an automatic rejection after a week or more. Please don't forget to do this because often times we receive a request and never hear from the applicant at all on Steamgifts. I find it difficult to reach out to individuals who don't respect the rules as their profile is very restrictive and can't write back to them. If you don't hear from us in a week time after you applied know that's the case.

Do know that by using BLAEO helps us easily go through the win and see your progress, but if that's something you're not happy using, we'll be using this script or completionist.me to monitor and track your progress with the game. We will not nudge you or force you to play the game, but do know that you may lose access to the group if you abuse it.

To join BLAEO you need to apply here.. Your application may take a while to process, but once you've got your hands on your account all you have to do is share your profile, that way it's easier for us to just monitor your progress with the game.

If we missed anything or may require some updates, we will be updating this discussion.

If you wish to check Status updates for your game, removal from the group or something similar, visit our Steam Group Giveaway Status Discussion section to learn more.

Among other Play your Wins groups we'd like to be able to create a deeper relationship between the gifters and the receivers, so we'd like you to be transparent about the things you liked about the game. You can share your views about the story, because I personally really enjoy a good game that has an amazing story. Some games I might have played them myself and so did Arrmeya, and we can freely talk about them without the fear of spoilers, so we'd like people who do win the games to be opened for discussion about them. Games are fun and should be experienced at a much deeper level than just finishing a game to 100% or be forced to complete every side-quest or worst, playing it for a few minutes and never picking it up again.

We want that you keep in mind this aspect while being part of TalePlay. We know that sometimes we get over-saturated by the sheer amount of games we can win or we can buy, to the point we build up a backlog. Let's make gaming and receiving games fun again!

Thank you for considering joining us and we're looking forward to seeing you partake in our giveaways as soon as we get started.

If you wish to check the games we're giving away you can check our Steamgifts Group Giveaway.

View attached image.
1 year ago*

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Hey! I would love to be a part of this group! I requested to join on Steam.

2 weeks ago

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I love that you placed A Plague Tale as your favorite game. So is mine! Welcome to TalePlay!

2 weeks ago

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Thank you! A Plague Tale scratches every itch what I enjoy in games. I just appreciate you a bit more :D

2 weeks ago

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More people should see for what it truly is.

2 weeks ago

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Hello Sir. Can I join the steam group. I have not send any joining request yet.

2 weeks ago

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Hello! You have a great-looking profile and great taste in games!

You haven't applied yet, so make sure to apply so I can approve your request!

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for the compliment.
I have sent joining request.

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Can I join "TalePlay Exclusive"

2 weeks ago*

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2 weeks ago

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thank you.

2 weeks ago

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Hi. I would like to join. I am trying to play my wins. I usually join the Samwise84's event every month which is : https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/IR3ko/may-is-a-play-a-game-you-won-on-steamgifts-month-all-the-small-things
I do not have BLAEO account but i already have "do you even play bro" script as well. i like to see my stats.
Requested to join.

2 weeks ago

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Request approved!

I am thankful to see more members of PAGYWOSG joining TalePlay. Welcome!

2 weeks ago

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Hi I'd like to join

2 days ago

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Hi, all is good, but there's one small thing. 🀏🏻 Profile needs to be public in terms of game activity so I can determine if you've played or not the game. If you're okay to share that, I'll invite you right in. Thanks! πŸ˜‰

2 days ago

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May I add you as a friend instead?

2 days ago

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I am not the only one doing the giveaways, so this would mean you'd have to add a lot of people in. It's a bit complicated that way. πŸ€”

But sure, you can add me as at the end I'll check to make sure you did play. But during wins, you're required at least to show your progress then or provide screenshots.

2 days ago

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Will do thanks

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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Hello, sent a request to join!

2 days ago

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Request approved! Welcome! πŸ₯°

2 days ago

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