So, it's been discussed here before but I just wanna vent.

Some of my GA winners have been quite active here and been quite busy on steam as well. I tried contacting them via both steam and via comments here (commented on there GA). However, they are neither replying to me, nor accepting/declining the gift.

And this is what the official system wants me to do , when I tried asking for a reroll.
I currently have a very busy schedule, and have been working more than 12 hours most days, and combine that with travel, household responsibilities, etc I get only about 1-2 hours per day for myself, which I usually end up wasting here on SG (And ranting like this). I feel so overjoyed that SG expects me to now also chase after the winners, to make them accept something that they are getting for free, and something they apparently wanted, as they entered the GA (of free will I presume).

I love this system.

Thanks to cg, for confirming that this is about to change. I am hopeful the new system would be much better.

View attached image.
1 month ago*

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Hey aklgupta, I agree it's an annoying process. I know people want to see it changed, and it's in the process of being changed. Expect an announcement in the next couple of days.

1 month ago

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a wild (cg-)spacecat appears :D

Could you please also fix the unstable sorting bug affecting giveaway listings for groups & users as well as user-listings of group member pages. Only needs a tiny SQL query addition to the sort order parameter, easy and quickly done.

1 month ago

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If I remember correctly, I left the giveaway listings without secondary ordering for performance reasons. I'll make a note and try to take another look at it though.

1 month ago

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That would be great! That too is an annoying thing, sometimes prevent being able to see some GAs since there are some people the like the make GAs in mass.

1 month ago

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Nice to see you here :)
I just want to ask when you plan to do another bot-users purge? That would also help with the issue :3

1 month ago

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And loose half of the active members ?

All this precious traffic....

1 month ago

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Don't you remember all the arguments he had last time as I asked him on why it's impossible? At least today SG booted an autojoiner and it did take barely 2,500 wins to nail him.

1 month ago

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wow amazing news

1 month ago

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Wow! Thanks a lot. Looking forward to the change.

1 month ago

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love to hear that

1 month ago

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Good. I just had a very "amusing" case of some guy who won three games , each more than three weeks ago. One of them was mine. And only now has he managed to mark them as received (and mine as not received, as I have absolutely zero intention to reward them for wasting my time).

I certainly wouldn't mind if this happens never again.

1 month ago

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Excellent news, thanks for letting us know!

1 month ago

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What makes you think real persons entered your GAs? The behavior you describe reeks strongly of autojoin script.

1 month ago

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That's true. But after putting in too much time determining if one's bot or human, I have given up on it. It's not worth it it seems now!

Edit: They have been active on Steam too.

1 month ago

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Occasionally I've had luck emailing them.

1 month ago

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I email if they are not online, but if they are online on SG and entering more GAs, or playing games on steam, then I see no reason to send an email.

1 month ago

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There's really no reason to email winners as they get a notification from SG automagically. If their email is fake or not up-to-date it's on them and idc.

1 month ago

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Right, I forgot about that. SG actually emails automatically on a win!

1 month ago

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unless they turned that feature off

1 month ago

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Edit... I misunderstood your msg earlier.

1 month ago

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I have been told to email the winners after the 7 day grace period ends, as sometimes the SG email system glitches :(
I really feel that since this is a free gift they have won, the winner has the obligation to pick it up in 7 days or we can reroll.

1 month ago

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If you enter a GA you send a unequivocal signal that you want the game. When the game is made available to you it should be entirely up to you as winner to activate the game on your account in a timely manner.

What messaging options you chose to switch off or not is your decision entirely. It's turning rational thought upside down to demand to chase the winner for begging him to accept the gift.

1 month ago

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Totally agree.

1 month ago

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If it's your Scribble it! GA, it ended less than 2 days ago, you can't do anything before 7 days passes. Don't sweat i, not really worth even checking it before 5-6 days passes.
If they activate it, you don't have to do anything. If less than 7 days passed, you can not do anything.
So why worry? Play your games, don't spend your limited time worrying about somebody, when you have no control over it ^^

I have a GA ended 3 days ago, the winner didn't even log in for 3 days. Support can see the time I sent the key, so I did my part by sending it a bit after the GA ended.
If the winner is not online after 8 days passes, I ask for reroll.
If they are online and don't check/activate the key, I ask for reroll.
If they activate it by then, I have nothing to do.

So it's a few clicks I'll have to do tops, in 5 days? Nothing until then :P

1 month ago

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If it's your Scribble it! GA, it ended less than 2 days ago, you can't do anything before 7 days passes. Don't sweat i, not really worth even checking it before 5-6 days passes.

That, and some past GAs. This rant is actually not specific to a particular GA, just the recent 2-3 incident reminded that annoyance that this system causes.

1 month ago

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So why worry? Play your games, don't spend your limited time worrying about somebody, when you have no control over it ^^

I guess I am just built like that, an idiot how worries too much and wants everything to be perfect.
I really wanna play games, but I am too tired all the time lately. I fell a sleep a few days ago on the menu screen (luckily sound dropping the controller woke me up).

I have a GA ended 3 days ago, the winner didn't even log in for 3 days. Support can see the time I sent the key, so I did my part by sending it a bit after the GA ended.

If they don't login, that fine by me. I hate it when they are actively using the site, and steam, but neither replying to any communication or accepting/rejecting the GA.

So it's a few clicks I'll have to do tops, in 5 days? Nothing until then :P

I hope I can learn to be patient like that.

1 month ago

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GA ended 5 days ago, and I got the feedback somewhere in the past 24 hours.

While others do not agree with me, most of my GA problems solve itself within a week.I may just be lucky, but I had barely any issues with level 0-1 forum, and level 2 public giveaways for most of my time.Like... less than 5 problematic GA from a thousand, and even in those cases winners agreed on rerolls / deletion when it came to that.

I don't know if it's just patience, but I feel lucky to have such a smooth experience with the site. I deleted a few giveaways, some even to the winner's request - they don't matter too much. After level 4 or so levels matter quite little, feeling good (or at least okay) with the site matters more, if you want to enjoy your time here ^^

1 month ago

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winners agreed on rerolls / deletion when it came to that

Yeah, never had a problem with that either.

I don't know if it's just patience

That could be it. I have always gotten feedback on the GA, sometimes in hours, sometimes in weeks.

Anyway the point of this discussion was not that winners takes time, but rather the SG doesn't allow a reroll even when a clearly active winner doesn't respond to any communication attempts nor do they provide a feedback for their winnings.
It's even worse in cases where the winner has revealed the key (has happened once to me).

1 month ago

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I wouldn't bother trying to chase them down, that's not your problem. If people are apparently active on the site on a regular basis with a flashing notification and can't activate their game within a week or at least leave a comment letting you know what is going on, they don't deserve the game and it should go to someone who will appreciate it more. Just leave them a comment on SG somewhere or try to add them on Steam and if they don't make contact, ask for a reroll after a week. You do need to give them a week before trying to get a new winner though.

Edit: I just saw CG's comment and I'm happy to see that something is being done about this issue.

1 month ago*

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You do need to give them a week before trying to get a new winner though.

That's what I don't understand. If they are active on SG, why the 7 days wait. I don't mind waiting 7 days if they haven't logged in since I share the key. But if they login, and are active (doing things/playing games), then they should be able to spend a few seconds to accept the key. It's just 4 clicks, on the trophy" icon on top of the page, the big green redeem button, the "accept" check box on steam & then the "continue" button. That's all.

1 month ago

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Yeah, it's annoying in those situations, but it would be hard to keep track of when each individual winner is online and change the rule on a case by case basis based on activity, so the site has a rule for all giveaways that just states 7 days. I was just saying that based on the site rules, you have to give them 7 days.

1 month ago

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I was just saying that based on the site rules, you have to give them 7 days.

Yeah, I know. I didn't mean to so you are wrong or anything, just that this system is broken.

it would be hard to keep track of when each individual winner is online and change the rule on a case by case basis based on activity

Actually, it's quite easy imo. You just need to check the last time user logged in.
imo, the rule should be something like this:

  • 7 days since the GA ended (or winner declared in case of a reroll)
  • or 48 hours since last login, only if the login was after the "Sent Gift"/"Send Key" option was used by the GA creator

This should give the winners fair amount of time while also reduce the waiting time for the GA creators.

1 month ago

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Hey aklgupta, I know this is a pain sometimes (I had to wait 14 days to reroll a game, the new winner was probably very surprised)

But Cg seems to point to an exciting future new proces! Can't wait to have good news!

1 month ago

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But Cg seems to point to an exciting future new proces! Can't wait to have good news!

Yes, this makes me a little happy. Specially nice SG is the only "thing I do" nowadays.

1 month ago

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are you talking about the giveaway that ended 2 days ago or the one 10h ago?

1 month ago

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Well, it's not really about any particular GA. It's about my experience so far. In fact I stopped doing GAs for a few months because of things like this (and bots).

1 month ago

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most my winners activate their gifts within 24 hours
in rare cases longer
And yeah - people, who seem to be permanently online on both steam and steamgifts doesn't look like real people to me.

1 month ago

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And yeah - people, who seem to be permanently online on both steam and steamgifts doesn't look like real people to me.

This ^^^^
But reporting them to is of no use, since you can't really prove them to be bots.

1 month ago

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Wanted to edit my post but you already responded so I will add that therre are people who are permanently online.. But they either activate their wins quite fast or at least see your comments/posts/invites and interact with you.

Being ignored by your winner for 7 days in a row is really annoying and it's (for me) dead giveaway that it's just bot account.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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You should re-phrase your sentence: People, who seem to be permanently online on both steam and steamgifts and don't react to messages doesn't look like real people to me.
I'm online 24/7 provided my network doesn't have a nervous breakdown and my response time is under three hours normally.

1 month ago

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Yes, when I say online, I don't just mean their status being "online", but there being some activity, like them playing games on steam, going and coming back to SG, entering new GAs or making comments, etc.

1 month ago

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That's what a Bot would say ;)

1 month ago

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Half-true it's what an AI would say :)

1 month ago

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Oh great. You are an AI, created to activate giveaways.

Wait... If you are an AI that can activate giveaways, and even play the games for cards, what is the human needed for?

1 month ago

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Well, I'm surprised my custom title on AWA hasn't given it away yet. To be precise as Kuang Grade Mark Eleven I'm an ICE breaker. Humans in the Sprawl have no significance to me.

1 month ago

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I can understand people online not answering. Maybe they are just sleeping and they left the computer online.

One week passes, always online, no answer? Stinks of bots to me

1 month ago

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@akigupta you actually call me bot also, just because i join and write the same comment to all giveways that i join. ... xD i check back every now and then (~ once every 2 or 3 days so what?) not everyone is able to check every time or just forgets it. since thats a human thing ^^

1 month ago

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lol.... The site is sadly flooded with bots/auto-joiners/key ninjas/etc, etc...
It's very difficult to determine which account is a bot, and which not.

As for your particular case:

  • I not only called you a bot, but also BLed out after waiting for your reply for a few days (un-BLed you now)
  • You should go through this thread:
  • and this:
  • Read the description of the GA you entered
  • I replied to your comment to make sure if you were a bot or not
  • I waited 4-5 days to BL you, and only after making sure that you are had been online after I called you a bot and you had ample time to respond (it can be subjective, sorry but there's no "good" enough expiry time/limit)
  • I am always ready un-BL if someone contacts me, as I BL only bots/auto-joiners and multi-accounters, as I don't care at all about other stuff (ratio, level, CV, etc)
  • This same trick has worked on multiple people accounts so far and I have BLed more than a dozen accounts this way till date, you are only the 2nd to contact me after I BLed them
1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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Again, i don't say you are a autojoiner, ...

Transhumanist maybe ;)

1 month ago

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Thank you, but honestly, I longer dig that deep anymore.
I assume might remember how crazy I went with my research into finding bots, and even shared some data with you! Well, as you told me earlier, it really is futile. There are too many bots and more come everyday, so it's no use trying to fight it, specially when you have a limited BL limit, and support can't do much about removing them.

1 month ago

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well ofc i can understand both of you, but still, going on blacklists because one Person calls u a bot, is also a bit BS - i mean, i made giveaways and idk ... do bots even do that? As from now on, i will only join "slowly" and dont open "a few" tabs" as preperation. and stop copy pasting Thanks :3 xD if that pretents me from being "registered" as a bot, i am willing to do that. and i will read the Links from aki when i get home! thanks for the "inputs" though - have a nice weekend (:

1 month ago

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i mean, i made giveaways and idk ... do bots even do that?

yes, more than you could guess
I just checked your stats, and imo some bots make way more GAs than you did in 6 years

and i will read the Links from aki aklgupta when i get home

and please read the GA description of the GA you entered.... it seems you still haven't read it

1 month ago

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i read about the first, i cannot read the description since it says: Error
You do not have permission to view this giveaway, since you have blacklisted the giveaway creator, aklgupta.

1 month ago

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lol... if you BLed me so obviously you can't see it...
I can't do anything about it..

1 month ago

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