This is a pretty unimportant and niche question, but it bugs me that I don't understand it: Has anyone figured out when the account age ticks over? Although this is probably the same for topic ages etc...

According to my profile I registered "September 14, 2013, 10:26pm". It currently is "September 16, 2023, 10:56am" and this is still marked as "9 years ago". I can't think of any way of counting that still rounds this down to 9. Looking at some random other accounts I know that "June 27, 2013, 12:58am" was "1 decade ago" so there is a point where it will tick over. Of cause there is the possibility that whey are just only updated once every x days or something but that would be an unsatisfactory solution 🙈

If anyone can satisfy the nerd in me that just likes to understand how systems work I would be grateful :)

EDIT: one more interesting idea based on the rounding down that's happening. Assuming that it calculates every value from the previous one, with rounding down, we would get 315491400 sec -> 5258190 min -> 87636 h -> 3651 d -> 521 w -> 117 m -> 9 y

8 months ago*

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Sadly I have no clue how it works and it seems wrong since you should be on year 10 now, am curious if someone else knows the reason for it!
That said, you wrote 2013 twice, not that it matters since I assume everyone understand but still ^^

8 months ago

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Good point. That's what I get for trying to be EXTRA specific and not just saying "now", more places to make mistakes :-p

8 months ago

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Don't worry, it happens! Not like it's a huge game changing mistake, just decided to point it out just in case, since it says 'it currently is' it's pretty obvious that is 2023 so don't worry, mistakes means you are human ;)

8 months ago

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Perhaps it only checks the month and it will change on October 1.

8 months ago

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It subtracts the days you were banned from the total of the age....

Just kidding....I have no clue why and no glue to fix it.

8 months ago

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I suspect the unsatisfactory solution is the probable satisfactory solution!

8 months ago

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it's also similar with the giveaway end times, e.g a giveaway that ends in 12 days from now is marked as "1 week remaining"

so it could be what Mitsukuni suggested and it only looks for the next week/month

8 months ago

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Well, but that can be explained as 12 days is 1.7 weeks which if you always rounds down is 1 week.

8 months ago

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sep 14 2013 was saturday, today is also saturday. if it counts only in full weeks maybe it will tick to 10 years on monday? no idea honestly

8 months ago

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How weird. That was a Saturday? I clearly remember being in a hostel due to work... But maybe I found it there and had to wait for some timer until the next weekend. Now you added a new layer of mystery for me to this... 😂

8 months ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 months ago

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You can see from view-source: line 273 that the calculation is made on the server side, 9 years is present already. The tooltip is then calculated in the browser from the supplied timestamp (1379190374), but that works correctly (you can drop it into or just put new Date(1379190374000) into the JS console of your browser - it needs milliseconds, hence the 000 added).
A thing I can imagine that this field is stored in the database. And then it may be updated only when "something" happens to your profile, like synchronizing with Steam could be that something, you can try that. Another possibility is that it uses a homebrew calculation instead of a library call, and something is oversimplified in that calculation. For example in an extreme case treating all years 366 days long the turnaround will be 8 days late, on next Friday.

8 months ago

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I did notice that the unix timestamp is stored in there but I did not notice that it is actually turned into the popup in browser, nice find.

And thanks for reminding me about the sync, that was something i wanted to check but forgot. And that's not it.

8 months ago

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I would think it would be calculated on the server, but is the date correct on your computer? I remember something about having an incorrect time zone selected in Windows affecting giveaway times. It's probably not the problem, but you checked so many other things already, so why not :)

8 months ago

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Hm, good idea, but that would be double strange, since I also see "9 years" when I visit his profile.

8 months ago

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I meant that if the server was waiting for the local time on their computer to show that is is Sept 14th 2023 and then it would update to 10 years on the server and change site wide for everyone. That would be a bad design though and I don't see any reason why it would have been done that way.

8 months ago

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Well, from my experience once you hit 10 years it stops counting. Or, maybe it starts counting in decades.
When you hit that magic 10, is the counter gonna gonna be more or less annoying? :)

8 months ago

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It not turning to that magic "1 decade ago" was what made me notice that it's weird. I remember noticing it not switching when I expected it to the last time I looked at it around mine and others cakedays, but I've never taken the time to look at it for longer because 7 to 8 years feels less interesting then 9 years to 1 decade ;)

8 months ago

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I bet you it will become 2 decades in 10 years (huh, and a few days, to dribble this "bug" SilentGuy found)... wanna bet? A "fresh" Baldur's Gate 3 key? ;D ;D ;D


8 months ago

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Took 4 or 5 days for me, i got super confused and made me think it might was the 9th cakeday instead the 10th (and i forgot how to count)

8 months ago

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This is odd indeed. I see it still shows "9 years ago", and it is nearly 2 days late...

(And, as you said, "1 decade ago" does exist -- my profile is one of them).

I am eagerly waiting now for your turn -- maybe in 30 minutes or so, when it turns 10 years 2 days?


Edit: but you did get your cakeday 2 days ago?

Edit 2: I see "1 decade" now. YAAAAAAY! :D

8 months ago*

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Yeah, the cake showed up when I expected it. Oh and you spotted the decade as well, I did not notice the edits

8 months ago

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seems you finally got your magic registered a decade ago status.

8 months ago

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Damn, I did not keep a close eye on it at 22:26 to see if it was EXACTLY 2 days but it seems like it. Now I wonder if it's ALWAYS 2 days or maybe related to how many leap days were in that gap.

It has been 3654 days which is a multiple of 7 and as such maybe related to weeks? Hmmm

8 months ago

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I think you are too much overthinking, but can't confirm before march unless I become stalker

8 months ago

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Let's push for Level 10 now, you can do it :)

8 months ago

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If I remember correctly at level 7 AND 8 AND 9 I thought that this was definitely the end to my progress... And seeing how even the big finisher for my last event only pushed me up .23 I'm not sure I'll see 10 anytime soon, esp. cause I stopped being in all those cool fancy groups and events AGES ago. but who knows 🤷‍♂️

8 months ago

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You'll get there. I never thought I would :D

8 months ago

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Hey. can anyone tell, how can I know my account creation date as I regularly clear my inbox.

8 months ago

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Click your icon in the top right corner, then hover over to the right of where it says "Registered" and for you says "2 years ago"

Should show "June 12, 2021 3:03am" but adjusted for your time zone.

8 months ago

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