Oh, that one's a doozy...
So, ngl, I was getting to write this up for like a month, maybe even more depending on how you count things... Anywho let's get to the point:
As some astute viewers might have noticed I've been a little less active lately you can have some fun with definition of 'lately' here. Now, I've felt somewhat compelled to explain that issue to all you lovely folk who don't give a slightest β–― about it. And to punctuate that with a lovely month-long Train ending today. Alas, the life has it's own plans, hence delay and I'm lazy af but we can omit that deatail Regardless, Question is - why am I here? I think it's mostly legacy compatibility issue. I was gonna make that post in one form or another and it has to be done or else it'll bother me. Problems discussed henceforth have less meaning right now. It was supposed to be a form of vent, self-help or maybe a coping mechanism, now it's juast a wall of text partially to satisy my and partially to obfuscate the train. But lest get back to the topic at hand - why was I gone.
A while back coming on to a year now it seems I've met a girl. And oh boy, was she something! And don't throw the words around easy, but she was closer to perfect than I'd ever dream about. Yeah, I fell head over heels for her. And the best part is she was into me as well. So one thing led to another and as it happens we end up together as a couple. And I basically end up the happiest guy on the planet. Oh, and my trip to Japan (a life long dream) happens around that time as well totally amazing, got to visit all my favourite spots from Yakuza IRL, wonderfull place. So yeah, I was quite absorbed with life and didn't have much time to hang here. Long story short, here comes January and she says she doesn't feel it and breaks up with me. I was davastated. Crashed right from the top to like the lowest point in my life ever. Now, I had a plenty of time to hang around here then but I didn't really want to be around. Here, or anywhere for that matter. Yes, what you might think of came to me. In hindsight I don't know if it really mattered, but I was under some form of professional care, so if I did came to use you as a shoulder to cry on you wouldn't bare it all on your own... Anyway I struggled a lot right to somewhere around April. April came and I was like a new man! All the problems gone and I'm feeling good! That's where we get that aforementioned monthly timeline. Was gonna write up a long post like that one and tell y'all to hop on a train that end on my bday! But life had different plans again and I've fallen on some bad health do people do it? do you fall on bad health? whatver, I guess I did. Nothing too too serious, just some lifelong ailments acting up WAY more than usual. But that was enough to throw me off-kilter for a while. But I got some meds, I've got a hospital visit for treatment planned soonβ„’, and overall I'm better. Now my bday came and well, I'm kinda down again. I'm getting older and while I'm seemingly doing well life kinda sucks. But why do I write this? You can't really help me nor am I looking for pity. I know ppl have it way worse then I do yet here I am crying about my First World Problems. So I'll just close it with a little Simpsons meme I might be overusing, but that resonates with me well. find attached below
For the train - it's mostly bundled, non-reg locked, non-free crap exceptions apply lvl 2/3 (sorry, mixed) and runs from my bday till the end of the week. I ran out of slots on this one lol it should be fine but some eagle eyed individual might run a sanity check if all's linked correctly (all my private GAs should be in this one) making trains is a β–― Oh, and there's a little something for my πŸ’™ as well ;)

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1 month ago*

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obligatory yearly train

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Hey hope you're doing well, /) * (\

Just keep the trip in your mind, one day I'd love to travel there as well but who knows when or if I can ever, do you have any photos of the trip of those locations if not screenshots will work XD

3 weeks ago

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What a roller coaster, glad you were able to visit Japan, I've gotta get back when I get the chance.

Hope things get better otherwise! <3

3 weeks ago

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Bump, thanks for the train.
Hope life is going well.

3 weeks ago

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