10 months ago*

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Maybe it's The Beastmaster?

10 months ago

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Damn...at least tell me if its either a thriller or horror, because abduction or Kidnapping is about half of the films in both genres

10 months ago

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The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) says my AI companion.

10 months ago

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Calvaire (2004)?

10 months ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

10 months ago

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Do you remember which country did this movie? It could help.

Nuwanda suggestion is a good one! Everything seem to corresponding.
I had The Loved Ones (2009) when I read your description but the "dressed as a woman" part does not fit. At least it gives you an idea of another movie with the same genre to watch. :)

10 months ago*

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The movie you are referring to is "The Wicker Man" (1973), directed by Robin Hardy. In the film, a police officer named Sergeant Neil Howie (played by Edward Woodward) travels to the isolated island of Summerisle to investigate the disappearance of a young girl. While on the island, he discovers a pagan cult and becomes entangled in their rituals. Towards the end of the movie, Sergeant Howie is captured by the cult members, dressed in a woman's dress, and tied to a chair as part of their ritualistic ceremony. He manages to escape but eventually falls into a giant wicker man structure where he meets his tragic fate. The film is known for its suspenseful and eerie atmosphere and has become a cult classic in the horror genre.

10 months ago

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Closed 10 months ago by Deleted-4661648.