I created two giveaways a few days ago and totally forgot I had done it until this morning. I wanted to apologize to the winners for making them wait, but I can't figure out how to send messages. Is that possible?

5 months ago

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not on here best thing is to try to message them through Steam

5 months ago

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Reply to a message if they posted one or maybe leave a message on an old giveaway they created

5 months ago

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You have 7 days to send the gift, nothing to apologize for, unless by a few days you mean a few weeks lol.

5 months ago

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If you want to write to the winners, then you can write them e-mails or try to add them on steam, but that works 50/50.

5 months ago

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there is no direct/private messaging on SG
what you can do on SG is

  • comment on one of their old giveaways
  • reply to one of their comments in an other win of theirs, like a thank you message
  • reply to a comment of theirs in the forums though unless they made their own discussions you may no find an old comment from them on the forums and i would do also not to reply to a discussion that is already dead to not necro that post.

other than that

  • you can email them. as a gifter you can see the email of your winners
  • try to reach them over steam... but be very carefull with that as you might trigger steams algorithm for spam/scams when you try to leave a message on their profile containing words like gifts or win/won

but like aez76 said, unless its really been a long time since your GA ended, there would be no need to apologize

5 months ago

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It's been three days. In the past I've tried to stay on top of it and get to my computer within an hour or two of the end, so I thought three days might be a little long to keep them waiting. I know how it feels when that dopamine hits :p

5 months ago

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think of it as an extra dopamine hit

1) woo hoo I win!
2) disappointment for slowness
3) woohoo game!

that's all I got.. :D

5 months ago

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3 days is really not that much.
in the end the winner will get something for free, having to wait a bit isnt that much in regard of that
so dont stress yourself, after all the rules state you have 1 week to deliver... all is fine

5 months ago

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OFC I try to send and accept gifts ASAP, but things happen and if I was just 3 days late (or if someone else is), I would not see it as a big deal. I sure would apologize though, if I went over a week or even very close to a week. Also, you can just wait with your apology till they accept the gift and thank for it... if they don't bother to say thank you, I would not care for sure.

5 months ago

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life happens :O
and as long as you deliver within the 7 days, there's no need to apologize ;)

5 months ago

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If you want to send a private email to a winner, you can use Sendity, where the one who receives your email cannot see your address.

In case if a user would not respond to your message, it will be a good idea to select an option for sending a copy to you.

5 months ago

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The best way to reach someone on SG is to leave a comment on one of their old giveaways. If they haven't created one then reaching out to them on Steam or even there email will be the way to go. It's only been a few days so don't stress too much.

5 months ago

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