First of all, I just want to say, I appreciate being unbanned a while ago. I'm just curious as to how long I'll have to wait until it passes over to SteamTrades.

So I was banned due to a misunderstanding around 9-10 months ago, I only recently got unbanned. The problem is, back when I got banned, the trading section of the site was simply SG Trading. A part of the same site. Now it's SteamTrades, so the info got passed over while I was banned that I was also banned on SteamTrades. It appears both use different databases for the bans now which makes me think I could be waiting for quite some time. Rather annoying to be honest as I do enjoy trading but not so much so that I can't wait for it to be sorted, I mean I've already gone so long without it as it is.

Again, no complaints here. Just curious as to how long I should expect to wait. Going to make some giveaways when I wake up too as it's been a good week or two since I did the last batch. :)

7 years ago

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I have no idea how Steamtrades works with suspensions, but did you "misunderstanding" relate with trading in any way?

7 years ago

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No, not at all. It was to do with "multiple accounts" stemming from letting a friend use the site here. :)

7 years ago

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Well then I suggest you ask your questions to support, since they are the ones in charge of suspensions both on SG and ST.

7 years ago

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Oh I have submitted a support request. But as I said, I'm just curious as to how long I'm going to have to wait to get a response or more along the lines of curiosity towards how much of a workload SG Support must get in order to take so long to respond. Hopefully it'll be soon but judging from the last time, I only received a response once every 3-4 months.

7 years ago

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Ah, you didn't specify exactly what it was you were waiting for. :P

more along the lines of curiosity towards how much of a workload SG Support must get in order to take so long to respond

This should give you an idea.

7 years ago

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Oh wow, nice. I've never seen that page before.

7 years ago

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No idea since I don't even know which of the mods have any power over on the trade section now that it is its own thing. Hopefully this resolves itself because "Other" tickets can take a life time to be addressed :/.

7 years ago

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I was hoping it was just going to be a sync delay sort of thing with the database but no luck so far. :(

7 years ago

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Well I wish you the best of luck. Maybe you'll get lucky and draw cg's attention since he is known to lurk the forums :D.

7 years ago

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Thanks man, I hope so too. :)

7 years ago

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Hey PeterIntelligence, the suspension has been lifted on SteamTrades.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by cg.