Yes i have that problem and can't find something that i changed. No Bluescreens or errors.
Change the Profile setting to private or friends and later back to public don't help.
Logout and Login again at steam don't helped too.

EDIT: I can visit the recent list BUT that doesn't show the games from today and partly from yesterday. All before that was and is ok.

Here you see that i don't see my last played games at the profil.

My thoughts, after sleep, were that i played more then 3 games that aren't in the steam shop anymore and that is the reason for not listed at my profile (thats ok) and kicked that "feature" complete for my profile (not ok).
After starting a game with a shop page my last played games appears again in my profile and i was able to sync sg.

Thanks for your time and help :o)

View attached image.
5 years ago*

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works fine for me though ,i can see your last played games <.<

5 years ago*

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Das ist sehr strange. Ich sehe sie nicht. Weder im Client noch per Browser.

5 years ago

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Everything is working fine for me and I can see the recently played games on your account.

5 years ago

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That is very strange because i don't see them at the client and at the browser.

5 years ago

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What do you see when you try to view the page? Does it just not load? Maybe it is timing out when trying to load the list of your 4000 games. I know it can take a very long time to load the full list of games for accounts that have a lot, but the recently played page should load quick.

Can you go directly to the recently played page from this link?

5 years ago

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I can visit the recent list BUT that doesn't show the games from today and partly from yesterday. All before that was and is ok

Here you see that i don't see my last played games at the profil.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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I can see the recently played games on your main profile page just under where your screenshot stops. It shows ClearMem :: Free Up Your RAM last played today and the other two games were last played yesterday, they are PixelJunk™ Shooter Ultimate and 3D ParticleGen Visual FX. The same 3 games are listed in that order at the top of the recently played games page.

Maybe your ISP is keeping a cache of webpages and they are showing you the last cache they saved instead of updating the page. I am not positive, but I think some ISPs do this to save bandwidth and speed things up, but it can cause pages to be outdated.

Edit: An old cache of the page could explain why you wouldn't see the newer games played in the recently played games page, but it wouldn't explain why you can't see the recently played games on your main profile page. The only reason that would make sense is if your ISP got the cache while you had your games hidden on your profile.

5 years ago*

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Very strange because that aren't the last played games.
I had running a few old games that aren't anymore listed in the steam shop.
FarCnight as example.

But that would be ok when i would see my own games and are able to sycn it but i don't see how.

5 years ago

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Can see the same. Have you been running the Clear Mem app at all recently? Seems possible that that is causing the problems, or have you only been using that to try debug the issue?

5 years ago

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Clear Mem is ok. I use it "often". That don't make the problem.
I will try a few of the new tips.

My thoughts are that i played more then 3 games that aren't in the steam shop anymore and that is the reason for not listed at my profile and maybe kick that "feature" then complete for my profile.
Will test to start a game with a shop page and see if my feature appears then again.

5 years ago

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Am only saying that as the Clear Mem (according to the description) does clear browser cache - and what you are describing does seem like a cache issue. Strange one - hope you come right!

5 years ago

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Ha, that was the problem.
I am a genius ... or with other words ... SLEEP HELPS :-D

Thanks for your time and help

5 years ago

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Haha - glad it came right. Go get some sleep! :)

5 years ago

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I had , that was the reason for the great idea that "too much" games without a shop page blocked that "list the last played games feature".

That was the punishment for starting, sorting and kicking such games from my installed ones :-D lol

5 years ago

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I see that sometimes on my friends profiles. Recently, I see in my games, one of my friends that plays the games has vanished even though they are still on my friends list,.

5 years ago

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  1. Stop Idling.
  2. Quit Steam.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. If none of those work, you're shit out of luck.
5 years ago

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My thoughts, after sleep, were that i played more then 3 games that aren't in the steam shop anymore and that is the reason for not listed at my profile (thats ok) and kicked that "feature" complete for my profile (not ok).
After starting a game with a shop page my last played games appears again in my profile and i was able to sync sg.

Thanks for your time and help :o)

5 years ago

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You could try emptying the Steam browser cache and see if it fixes it:

Go to Steam > Settings > Web browser > Delete web browser cache

5 years ago

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My thoughts, after sleep, were that i played more then 3 games that aren't in the steam shop anymore and that is the reason for not listed at my profile (thats ok) and kicked that "feature" complete for my profile (not ok).
After starting a game with a shop page my last played games appears again in my profile and i was able to sync sg.

Thanks for your time and help :o)

5 years ago

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If it's nothing they already told you, it could also be that you've played some games that don't appear in steam? Because I read somewhere that those games do not appear, and they do not show anything on the list like when you do not play anything for a few weeks.

5 years ago

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My thoughts, after sleep, were that i played more then 3 games that aren't in the steam shop anymore and that is the reason for not listed at my profile (thats ok) and kicked that "feature" complete for my profile (not ok).
After starting a game with a shop page my last played games appears again in my profile and i was able to sync sg.

Thanks for your time and help :o)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Masafor.