Please read this part before linking a game: If you are going to link a game here, please check to make sure that it has not already had it's CV removed. Support has already removed the CV from a very large number of these type of games. People can still create giveaways for the games, they just won't get any credit for them. There are a few different ways you can check. If you see a giveaway, you can just click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the game name and it will bring you to a page that will show a date next to "No Value" if it has already been reduced to give 0 CV. You can also go to the bundle game list here and search the name of the game or it's Steam ID. It will show a date in the "No Value" column if it has already had it's CV removed. The last way you can check is to go to the page to create a giveaway here and type in the name of the game or the Steam ID. The game has already had it's CV removed if there are 2 red asterisks next to the name of the game.

A lot of games have been reported in this thread that have not had their value reduced. To make it easier to see if a full CV game has already been reported here in the past, PoeticKatana has taken the time to go through the entire thread and check all the reported games. He found a large number of games that have not been reduced and created a table with a list of all the games and other helpful info about them.

List of already reported games

Gelweo has taken over and is updating the list of games that have already been reported. This is a link to the new thread.

Update: Thanks to the support members who are looking into this. I noticed that many of the games listed below have been set to reduced or no value. Dropping the games to no value is great, but letting them get reduced value on fake $50 games is still kind of crazy. They are still getting $7.50 real CV each for dozens of copies of $50 games. It would be nice if those could be reduced more, but at least something is being done. Thanks for helping :)

Update 2: Big thanks again to support. A comment has been posted to let us know that all the games listed here have been added to the free list so they don't give anyone CV at these crazy prices. I just checked the dates on all the games compared to the date of the first GA anyone created for them on SG and I am happy to report that every game listed here has been set so that nobody will get any CV from these games no matter when they created the GAs.

Update 3: I just want to point out that this thread is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all of these type of games. I stopped adding games to the list here a long time ago. I originally created the thread to try and figure out why these games are being priced so high and if there was something that could be done to prevent users from abusing them to cheat the CV system. There is a large number of these games being created and support has been working to remove the CV from them. There are probably hundreds of these games at this point and I have no intention of trying to keep track of them all.

I am not a support member, so I personally cannot modify the value of these games. If you want to report one of these games that has not had it's value reduced yet, support members may be watching this thread and posting about the game here may get their attention, but I am not positive. I believe the official way to report these games is to file a support ticket in the "Add game to list" category.

Also, if you notice that some of the games listed here are not expensive anymore, they were at one time and probably will be again. I do not know why they change the prices so drastically. The game may be $2 one day and $200 the next.

Original Thread

I just noticed users giving away multiple copies of games that are full CV with a value of $50 (a lot are $50, some are $25-45) and they look like they should cost $1 or $2. There is no way anyone would pay that much for these games and they all have around 10-12 review that are 100% or 90% positive.

Is someone creating these games for the purpose of cheating the CV system here or is there some other reason why they would be created and somehow users here got keys to give away?

I am not saying that everyone who gives away one of these games is bad since I can understand if a user normally creates giveaways for any free keys they get and happens to get one of these from somewhere, but I checked one user's account and they are creating multiple GAs of most of these games and another account that is giving away 5 copies each of a lot of them.

I'm not sure what can be done, but maybe support could manually set the value of games like these to $1 or just mark them as free so they don't give any CV. I don't think anyone would have much to complain about because I doubt anyone is actually paying much if anything for these. The only ones that would be upset would be the ones who lose their fake CV, but they have nothing to complain about.

I just want to point out that the majority of users, like myself, have been here for many years slowly working our way up through the levels. I am almost level 8 after 8 years, but if I knew where to buy these games on grey market sites for pennies, I could be level 10 tomorrow. I don't want to do that though because it is wrong and if everyone started doing it, it would hurt the site. If a new level 0 user gives away 5 copies each of 12 of the $50 games listed, they would be level 9. It would probably only cost them around $10 to do this where it would cost the average user giving away their spare Humble Monthly games around $1200 or someone who looks for decent sales or bundles that give about 4 times what they pay in CV around $750. (Edit: It is no longer just $50 games, there is now a very large number of these games giving $200 CV)

This is just a short list of examples from when I created the thread. There are hundreds more that follow the same pattern.

Art your brains
Ball Torture
Bots City
cookies СOOkies COOKIES
Crazy Zoo
Dr. Science quest
DUCK Mission
Eagle Simulator
Fishy Business
Fortitude invasion
Grot Slasher
helicopter 2.0
Hot Summer
Ink World
The Last Metal Shooter
Limousine Parking Simulator
Magic War
My Sweet Ants!
Need for Spirit: Off-Road Edition
Over City
Panda Run
Pixel Pirate
Police Hot Pursuit
Puzzles with nature
Ragedanger Earth
Rich Taste of Ecchi
Super Arkanoid
TOTO Quest
Underwater battles
Voice Shooter "Pif Paf"
What do you hear?? Yanny vs Laurel
Yuonger Adventure

1 year ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago*

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1 month ago

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Already, on the list, thanks.

1 month ago

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More :

From My Way Games Editor :

From Louie Inc:

From baKno Games

From Enoops

1 month ago*

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1 month ago

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Thanks, added.

1 month ago

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It's cheap now but it's also made by Laush Studio so watch out for a price hike.

1 month ago

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I'll watch it, but the up-pricing seems not to be enough to be in the list for now.

1 month ago

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CrazyCar - Images and Music
The first thrust of God

have already been set to 0CV.

Seek Love
and all dlcs from the game
Fantasyland - All Heroes
The first thrust of God - All Aircrafts

have at least been set to reduced CV.

1 month ago

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Ok, next time I'll verify. But still, the overpricing is very high and recent.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago*

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Thanks :)
I wondered, some editors like Conglomerate 5 have published some ok to meh games* before, like Through abandonned or Akin.
Did Atomik Fabrik buy some editions and their catalogs or did something change ?

Same questions about old editors from meh-tablet games like baKno Games that rising up the price of their games just this year (and some games are as old as 2008...)

  • I mean not good, but at least with a little work to be playable.
1 month ago*

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Strangely, it seems that Conglomerate 5 must have a connection with Valkyrie Initiative

1 month ago*

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Already listed, but thanks :)

1 month ago

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Quickly checked before posting but didn't notice. Np and also thanks. :)

1 month ago

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Looks like JKGames is another trash dev to add to the list.

1 month ago

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Changed my commentary, the other game seems to use stolen assets from Empire of the undergrowth...

1 month ago*

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It's another one of Atomic Fabrik's million billion aliases. The game's update history shows him changing the dev/publisher names 2 weeks ago.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I updated the link in the main discussion to go to your new thread. Thanks for your help :)

If it makes it easier to manage, I have no problem with you or anyone else taking over this thread and creating their own if they want to. I pretty much just started the thread to find out what was going on with these games and draw attention to the issue, but I don't have the ambition to keep track of all the games and do updates. I just leave the thread open as a place for people to report games incase it helps support. It doesn't bother me to leave it open, but if it makes it easier for you or whoever wants to keep track of the games, I have no issue with someone else starting their own thread.

1 month ago

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Thank you very much :)

For the subject, I think it could be confusing to create a new one,
but maybe if one day it become necessary, I'll think of it.

1 month ago

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Thanks, added.

1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Already set to 0CV.

1 month ago

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I saw it earlier this morning, was trying to remember the game but you guys were already on point 😇

1 month ago

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... no one else has mentioned it but
50P, full CV and mass giveaways (10+ copies)

1 month ago

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Thanks, added. Strangely, the price evolution is not up-to-date on Steamdb.

1 month ago

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Probably worth adding this one as well
Another 50P game but bundled with the previous mentioned game for under $10 USD ... still too much :P

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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This thread is to report the overpriced/shovelware/asset flips that aren't 0 CV yet, if I understood correctly? Here are a couple I just came across:

1 month ago

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already reported, but thanks.

1 month ago

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Oh. I'll check that thread before sending more, sorry.
Thank you for what you do!

1 month ago

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You are welcome :)

1 month ago

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Wow, that's just April? Valve really should do something about this. -_-

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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No, it's updated until April, but yes, Steam must do something...

1 month ago

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Since the Neon Fantasy games are only 2 CV, I guess they aren't "priority" to report? Some of them already have reduced CV (Monkeys, Predators).
Neon Fantasy: Horses | Quantum Quiver Games | [Link] ( | Full | [$1.99] ( | N/A | Feb 7, 2024

1 month ago

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This sort of games are not overpriced, so I don't think, even they are crappy games.

I think the conditions are :

  • Shovelwares / asset flipped "games" or sometimes basics games if >
  • Price rising a lot (at least x10 for a 1 Euro game) without valid justification.

I know asset flips and unplayables "games" are a problem, too... but here it is a problem of pricing.
At least it is only my opinion.

1 month ago*

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Alright, what I thought. Thank you!

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Absolutely. That is one of the games where Atomic Fabrik hid their name afterwards. And it started at 99 cent before they hiked the price up massively.

1 month ago

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Ah, I see, interesting. Thanks!

1 month ago

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Thanks, added. Another crap from Atomic Fabrik...

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Thanks added.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Just saw it had already been mentioned.

1 month ago*

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1 month ago*

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Currently £167.99 or $200, lowest price £0.20 or $0.39. Nothing unusual at all... considering it's from Gamesforgames.

1 month ago

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