From time to time selfmade food from myself.
Often with a direction by the price and sometimes with a needed time to make it.
Not presented professional and the pictures are made with a weak camera but i hope sometimes you feel the mouth orgasms that a part of the food made or at least you are hungry and cook then for your family or yourself :o)

I have the permission from to use exactly this title.
Very late jatan but i don't had forgotten it :-D

At least in germany are the most women love it when you are able to cook good. All my fem. friends and girlfriends too.

Let's start with the last one. More food are at the comments :o)

Wagyu Beef burger with black forest bacon, cheese and salad.
I can recommend Wagyu beef mine is not from Japan - Kobe, it is from australia, its really worth the 5,50€ for 2 patties.
All together the burger costed me around 3,50€/each. At McDonalds you pay here over 5€ for a "better" burger and it is from a much lower quality then the self made. You need around 10 Min. to make them.
Don't look at the chaos around the plate, i paint at the last days in my flat~

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5 years ago*

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Potatoes, different carrots, kohlrabies, bacon, 2 sausages

The color comes from the different carrots.
Price for 3 days of much food for 1 person = 6 €.
Time needed around 1,5h. but the most of the time it cook alone and you only need to look from time to time if still enough water is there.

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5 years ago*

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1.) Maccheroncini (Pasta), Tomatosauce Bolognese (only a bit meat in it), bacon and a spring onion

2.) Nearly forgot the cheese ;-)

Cost around 3-4 € for 4-5 plates My calculated prices aren't with the cheapest meat so you can press it down IF you are willing to eat really cheap meat
Time: Around 10 Min.

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5 years ago*

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1.) rhubarb tart with eggsnow topping

3.) The picture is a bit to dark but you see the eggsnow and the fluffy dough very well :)
Oh and i had 3x whipped cream to it. I must look on my figure :-D
And yes, i am evil :-D

I am more the cooking guy, i don't bake often and i am only "ok" at baking... but a rhubarb tart with eggsnow topping is 1x/year demanded :-D

Price: 4-5 €
Time: around 2h

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5 years ago*

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Actually making this on the coming friday with some fresh-from-the-garden rhubarb, haha. For the first time. Wish me luck XD

5 years ago

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I wish you luck and a good tasting cake :o)

5 years ago*

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Well it was a tasty mess alright XD

5 years ago

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never had it, is it good? only thing I think of for rhubarb is strawberry rhubarb pie, my dad would get sometimes.
eggsnow is a premade meringue?

4 years ago

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Sure its good :o)
At least if you like the sweet (eggsnow and a good load of sugar) and the bit bitter taste from the rhubarb.

The eggsnow is selfmade, not a premade meringue used.
If you want i can send the recipe after i had sleep.

4 years ago

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yes send the recipe, i am very curious. :) never heard of eggsnow. thought it was some brand. i was reading it eggs now, not egg snow. :p

4 years ago*

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I haven't forget you totally. Only a lot of things to do in the Reallife and much to less time. Will send the reciepe soon (i think at the next monday)

4 years ago

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no problem. real life is first.

4 years ago

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my favourite one few years ago
and from time to time i was using Gooseberry

4 years ago

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german pancakes/omelet
normal eaten with apple puree but you can use marmelade or nutella or cheese or ham or or or

Costs: Really low, maybe 2 € for 2 persons
Time: around 15 min.

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5 years ago*

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what's making it ''german'' ? :P

5 years ago

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I think a lot people understand at "pancakes" much smaller and thicker ones with maple sirup (the US/canadian style ones).
From my thoughts much more know the US/canadian version then the german (and maybe from other countries too -i don't know which countries use them besides the german speaking ones-)

5 years ago

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You could say it like that ;)

Crepes = thin / large diameter (relative)
Pancakes = thick / small diameter (relative)

German pancake = thicker than a crepes but not as thick as a pancake / large diameter (relative)

All the same

5 years ago

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Yep, crepes are the french thinner ones and normaly eaten with sweet stuff.

5 years ago

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not neccessary, sweet crepes are usually served for breakfast or dessert, but it's also very common to get savory crepes in french creperies, these are usually eaten for lunch :) But in one I do agree, they are usually much thinner than your usual german (or polish as well) ones :)

5 years ago

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They're quite popular in the Slavic countries too - the Polish ones (naleśniki) look pretty much the same :)

4 years ago

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in czech: "palačinka" = "Palatschinken" in the german translation

1 year ago

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"German" word in "German pancakes/omelet" :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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german pancakes are called "Eierkuchen" (translated: eggcake) more eggs compared to crepes and pancakes, and in my region it´s usually eaten with ham, cheese, minced meat , mushrooms etc.

5 years ago

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in the US german pancake looks like this and is made in a cast iron skillet.

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4 years ago

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Looks very strange and as nothing that i would call a pancake :-D

4 years ago

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That does not look like any pancake I've ever seen here... and I've lived in Germany all my 41 years.

4 years ago

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I don't know who fried that sombrero, but I doubt it was a German. It's just not their kind of thing.

2 years ago

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Bami Goreng

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5 years ago*

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something up my alley :) you stir-fryed it on wok or a normal pan?

4 years ago

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I made it in a wok

4 years ago

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awesome ^^

4 years ago

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The potatoes got a bit flour that they will be a bit more crunchy and besides only salt, rainbow pepper and a bit spicy paprika powder used.
For the other eaters it gave onions too but not for me because of my illness

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5 years ago*

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Potatoes, sausages, spinach with bacon and a sauce.
I would call this "a typical german meal" :o)

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5 years ago*

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Potatoes, 3 different carrot types and spring onions

Added beetroot. 2 Pans because one beetroot wasn't 100% finished and needed a special treatment :o)

Then beef goulash, smaller made, with Crème fraîche

The result looked, because of the beetroot, like a bloody mess but tasted very good :o)

I started to cook when i was hungry like a bear... so maybe the ammount was "a bit" cough, much, cough too much for me alone.
Next day i invited a part of my family and they helped me to solve that "problem" :-D

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5 years ago*

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Jasmin rice, chicken meat marinated with Teriyaki and Soya sauce, started to cook it, added later mini corns and a bit "water" from it, added a can of mango with "sugar water", mini carrots with the water of it, curry, paprika, pepper, salt and cocos milk.
And after that i only needed to wait that the water were, partly, gone from the cooking and adjust the spices that all fit together.
I ate 7 plates of it in 1 day :D

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5 years ago*

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Breakfast 1 with only showing different stuff like (bio) buns etc..
Breakfast 2 with (bio) bread + vegan almond based spread cheese, goat cheese with peppercorns, a strong cheese and junipers ham
I like to buy in a bio bakery that let the dough untouched for 24h before it will be used for buns, breads etc.. That way it is much better for the bowel. No problems for people that have problems with normal dough that is "optimized" that they can use it direct without to give the 24h time

I hope you are hungry now :o)

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2 years ago*

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Noodles, white sauce, brussel sprout and ham. It was great.

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5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Beef soup (high rib -from a good butcher-) with carrots, leeks, onions, celeriac, rutabaga, leek and parsley.

It looks like a small bowl but normaly it would be enough for, at least, two because 10 cm high and far from small. Let's say i were very hungry 🙂

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2 years ago*

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Sounds like a soup I'd be happy to be a spoon for. Diving into it. Yum.

2 years ago

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won't lie, looks pretty good... and I'm just a little jealous xD

5 years ago

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You are the food monster that would eat all and a lot :-P giggling

Food 2 and 3 are up at the comments (but you know that one's)

5 years ago*

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I wouldn't just stop at eating all the food. You can bet on it that I'm going to start sitting in the kitchen yowling for more... potentially at 3am, who knows? :D

5 years ago

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I am sure your man is very happy to cook for you at that times :-D

5 years ago

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Trust me, I've sat downstairs in the kitchen meowing and he not only dared to not feed me, he told me to knock it off and go back to bed. 😾 very rude

5 years ago

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yes thats rude :-D

5 years ago

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... I bought a ready-made 1kg lasagna for 3.50€.

Yeah, pretty pathetic, I know :/

5 years ago

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Sounds cheap, at least for my german prices here, for so much lasagna.
I like lasagna and mostly i buy it too but pschhhhttt, don't tell it someone :-D ;o)

5 years ago

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Yeah, I rechecked the price and it's actually 3.69€. Though, that extra 19 cents ain't nothing.

I'm just lazy and also shit at cooking. The problem is that with lasagna, for example, making it takes at least an hour actively and another hour passively. And the end result is that you'll get the dish for around 20% cheaper or so. It's just not worth the time investment imo. Sure, I can add more meat, but in all honesty, I don't want any more meat than the ready-made product has. The sauce is better as well.

Though, I can cook some eggs with onions quite decently, so at least my cooking skill's on par with a 5-year old.... :P

5 years ago

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Yes with Lasagna you can't do it fast and the lower costs from selfmade isn't so big as by other food.
Your cooking skills are higher then a 5 yo ones. Don't worsening yourself.

I don't eat often meat. Mostly only at the begin of the month, when i made my monthly food shopping. When i calculate it up maybe 1x each 2 weeks. I want good meat and aren't rich so i prefer to don't eat meat when i have only the money for cheap one As a nice sideeffect better for the animals too.

At other food you can reduce the costs between buyed and selfmaid down to partly 20% and mostly 50%. normaly :-D Better taste and healthier on top of it too :o)

Cooking is a "try and get better", not really difficult when you start with something that you know and change it a bit.
Or get help from your family, a friend or a partner. After one or 2x cooking it with someone you can cook the meal by yourself.
I do that normaly with my girlfriends because im in 95% the better cook and i like to cook together, talk, make jokes. That lowers the needed time to "zero". At least it feels like that ;-D

I was forced to cook for myself from at least the age of 21 and done it before from the age of around 15 from time to time.

Soups and Pasta with a sauce as example are very easy and with little changes you can do a "complete" different endresult.

If you want a reciepe write me and i try to help with something easy.

5 years ago

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Yeah, it requires time to learn for sure. I just need to force myself to learn at some point :D

5 years ago

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To be honest the food looks great.
But my favorite so far is the burger, it looks like something from a master chief :D

5 years ago

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Thanks :o)
I will try to beat it with the other food pictures ;-)

I think tomorrow will follow more

5 years ago

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tbh i was thinking more like this:

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5 years ago

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Yes, lower or middle quality bacon level much up from roasting :o)

But really good bacon should not be roasted.
Only smoked and sliced in very thin pieces thinner = more intense taste in that case. Eaten to buttered bread.

5 years ago

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Shokugeki no Souma! <3

5 years ago

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Is this from the first episode? I tried making the bacon covered mashed potatoes once. And it didn't turn out very well....

4 years ago

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I´ve no idea really. Only remembered the cringe when AnalDluffy posted some gifs years ago :D
You might be better off asking t0b3berlin, he seems to know his Anime :)

4 years ago

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Yes, that's from the first episode.

4 years ago

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I love cooking, and it's really amazing how just a little extra attention to appearance and presentation can take your dishes and eating experience to the next level (plus, people are so easily amazed by it). Of course, flavor always come first, but once you get the hand of making good tasting food, it's time to start enhancing it with good looks. Good job, dude.

5 years ago

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Thanks :o)

Yes its sometimes easy to "impress" people with normal food. Nothing extra special. Only from food that they smell before they can bite in it. That are fresh and not from a shop and then only made in the microwave.

I try to get vegetables from a farmer in my village, as a example. The prices are mostly only a bit higher then discounter vegetables but lightyears better from the taste and i know they don't put so much scrap ("Round Up" -from Monsanto- and such ones) on it. Partly it growths there at the side of the house in there garden and they eat it by themself.

5 years ago

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My favorite so far, just look at those textures. So juicy & yummy! ツ 👍

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5 years ago

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Thanks :o)

5 years ago

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I usually don't spend that much time on how my food looks, focusing more on flavour. Basically, what I'm saying is that I'm lazy :P
1: Spicy bean empanadas. One sadly decided to open itself during cooking
2: Blue cheese & broccoli pie
3: Roast beef with potato wedges, asparagus & home-made bearnaise sauce
4: Zucchini fritters

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5 years ago

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I look firstly on the taste too. And your food pictures don't look like lazy. They made me hungry :o)

1.) I never made empanadas
2.) I like broccoli but haven't experience with vegetable pie to be honest. Which dough you use for it ?
3.) That looks great you monster. Special the Roast Beef.
4.) Zucchinis aren't my prefered vegetable ... so i pass at this ones ;o). I like them made from potatoes and eaten with apple puree

5 years ago*

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The pie crust is very simple 125g butter, 3dl flour, a splash of water, and a pinch of salt.

Filling is also quite simple. Apart from the broccoli, there's 3 eggs, 2,5dl cream, 150g blue cheese and about 2/3 dl of grated Gouda.

Use room temperature butter, and just mix it together. Then put it in a shallow pie tin, and make sure there's an even layer of crust in it. Put it in the fridge for ~15-30min, and then pre-bake it for 10min in a 200°C oven. While it's getting pre-baked, just mix together all the non-broccoli ingredients. If you're using fresh broccoli with a big stem, cut it off cut it into thin-ish slices, and give them a quick boil. Then once they are soft enough to eat, remove the water from the heat, and just dunk in the remaining broccoli and let it sit in the hot water for about 2-3min.
Spread out the broccoli evenly, then just pour over the other ingredients. Use a spoon or something to make sure that you don't get large concentrations of cheese in one area. Put it in the oven for about 20-30min, until the top is starting to brown, like in the picture, and then let it rest for about 10min before serving.

5 years ago

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Thanks i will try that :o)

5 years ago

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No, no. Please try the zucchinis. I, like you, don't like them, but when made this way they taste fantastic.

4 years ago

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Give those to me :3

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5 years ago

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Ugh, so much pizza...

Also your attached images do not work :hehe:

5 years ago

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Since you started with a burger I'll repost mine. Original somewhere in jatan11t's series.

Burger with cheese, gherkin, lettuce and smoked bacon wrapped in a homemade bun.
Cost: 2,5-3€
Time: 3 hours( the buns take long to prove :P) otherwise around 10 min.

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5 years ago

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I would never have such a clean plate when i make a burger and are hungry :-D

I never tested to make buns by myself. Yours look very good.

5 years ago

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Damn that looks good.

5 years ago

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your bun look stunning, how do you glaze it to get such an awesome reflection? I tried glazing mine with eggwash, but when it looks nice the buns are still undercooked, and in time they get cooked glaze is already darkish-brown ;p

5 years ago

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It's just a beaten egg, no water or milk added.
Maybe you bake them too hot? The recipe I use says bake them at 200°C for 15-20 min.

5 years ago

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then idk, I also use plain beaten egg, plus I bake them at 180°C ;P

5 years ago

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The only thing I can eat these days is French fries. 2.5 KG ready made fries pack costs 5.50€.
Time: 4-5 mins with fryer, (I'm too lazy to spend more time than that for cooking something)

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5 years ago*

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I like french fries (Pommes -frites- in germany) but that alone each day would not enough for myself.

And i see you have Oettinger, german, beer there :-P

With 4-5 Min. max time you want to spend for cooking it will be hard to find much.
Maybe a few eggs in a pan, onions to it.
Or the sweet version with makeing the eggs in small pices and add later in the pan sugar to it.
The last version isn't liked from all people.
Or sausages.
Or a sandwhich, made in the pan with cheese, ham and all other you want on it.
Or a Milkshake :-D

I don't have more ideas, right now, for that timeframe :-D

5 years ago

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What do u think about this? I added some mushroom and cheese + organic potato instead of ready-made fries

2nd one with fried vegetable sandwich:

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5 years ago*

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You raised your 5 Min. timeframe ^^
Good decision.
That looks much more as food for "each day" :o)

5 years ago

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Junge, der Käse gehört AUF das Patty, nicht umgekehrt. Wenn ich das schon sehe.. xD

5 years ago

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Dir ist schon aufgefallen das auf beiden hälften Käse war und somit auch darauf beim zuklappen ? :-D

Bei den anderen beiden Burgern hab ich den Käse kurz in der Pfanne angewärmt, da kam er dann direkt aufs Fleisch damit er nicht so wegfließt. Sah aber fürs knipsen nicht so gut aus^^ (aber war lecker)

5 years ago*

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War bestimmt lecker :)

5 years ago

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Looks very tasty (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
And since we share porn now, here is some of mine :3

Those things in the second picture are supposed to be melon breads :D

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5 years ago

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I known that you can jump in at that .... :-DDDD

Was ist das beim ersten Bild für ein Teig ?
Sieht nach ausgestochenem Nudelteig bzw. Ravioli Teig aus aber wozu den, ungefüllt, drunter legen ? Ist mir deshalb nicht ganz schlüssig.

5 years ago

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Das waren bloß irgendwelche fancy Raviolis aus der Packung :D
Um die selber zu machen reicht mein Koch-Skill nicht aus :P

5 years ago

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Skill brauchst du, erstaunlicherweise, gar nicht dafür.
Teigrezept und dann einfach die Füllung wie du es magst (Gemüse, Spinat, Käse etc.). Ab ins kochende Wasser (ist am einfachsten) und fertig sind sie. Oder wenn geünscht danach noch kurz in ner Pfanne anbrutzeln.
Letzteres mache ich gerne mit gekauften. Die einfach in Streifen schneiden, ab in die Pfanne, ablöschen mit Joghurt/Schmand/Sahne (was grad zur Hand), bißchen Gewürze dazu, eventuell Wurst falls was weg muß/dazu soll und falls Käseliebhaber den zum Schluß drüber. Fertig ist das Essen. Es macht ruck zuck satt :-D und ist natürlich nicht das Ideale wenn du 150kg hast. Für mich Fliegengewicht aber durchaus :o)

5 years ago

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I like your pictures, pretty good porn there ;) I have never eaten rhubarb though, is it sweet?

Eggs In Hell from this recipe without the green peppers, easy and delicious with bread.

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5 years ago

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Thanks :o)

The video looks good.
Nice idea to make the eggs with so much liquid that they are like little "ballons" and can "melt".
Thanks for the hint.

5 years ago

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I have never eaten rhubarb though, is it sweet?

It's been a while but I would describe it as moderately sour with a hint of sweet.

5 years ago

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I actually made that yesterday, from a recipe someone posted on one of my first giveaways.
I usually make chapati with it.
No pictures though.

5 years ago

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Rhubarb is definitely sour. I like to dip it in sugar and eat it! You can also make rhubarb jam or rhubarb pie! Both are so tasty!

5 years ago

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Oh forgot to answer your question. Sorry.

Rhubarb is sour and a part of the people like there cake this way BUT in my cake were 300g sugar (divided to the dough and to the eggsnow topping) so it only have then that sweet/sour "fresh" taste.

5 years ago

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Das sieht alles SEHR lecker und gut aus!
Aber WAS hat Hela Ketchup (mit viel Glutamat) in so einer guten Küche zu suchen?

5 years ago

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Der ist lecker und Ketchup mache ich nicht selbst :-D
Kenne keinen der das nicht drin hat.

5 years ago

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Ich kenne da ungefähr 10 andere Sorten :-)
Du gibst dir so viel Mühe mit der Zubereitung des Essens um dann Ketchup drauf zu hauen, dafür ist deine Mühe zu schade.

5 years ago

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Du kannst mir gerne welche schreiben die kein Glutamat enthalten und keine Hefe/Hefeextrakt da es im Endeffekt nur ein verstecktes Glutamat ist.

5 years ago*

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Sorry, dass es so lange gedauert hat, aber hier ein paar Ketchups ohne alles (Curry und andere Gewürze kann man auch selber dazu mixen):
Alnatura Tomaten Ketchup
Biokids Tomaten Ketchup von Bio Zentrale
Dennree Kinder Ketchup Bambini, Bio

Im Allgemeinen ist in den meisten Bio Sorten eben nichts drin, aber gucken muss man trotzdem.
Ich esse seit ca 10 Jahren nur noch Bio Zeug und vermeide auch Hefeextrakt oder Steinpilzpulver und
was sich findige Leute noch so einfallen lassen.
Wir kochen eh so gut wie alles selbst, was dazu führt, dass wir kaum auf Zusatzstoffe gucken müssen,
da im "Roh" Lebensmittel keine Zusatzstoffe zu finden sind :-)

4 years ago

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Danke, werde ich mir mal anschauen.

Öhm, bezüglich Steinpilzpulver weiß ich von nichts. Was hat es damit auf sich ?

Nur Bio ist bei mir finanziell nicht drin aber auch beim Bauern aus meinem Dorf bekomme ich deutlich unbehandelteres Gemüse u. Eier als aus nem Laden der es importiert.
Und wenn Bio dann kein EU Bio, denn das kann man dann auch direkt lassen.

Eine meiner Ex arbeitete auf einem Bioland Hof (Blut und Milchpropen ziehen, beim melken teils helfen, Bodenproben nehmen, da dieser Hof einer Uni angegliedert war und Versuchsfelder für diverse natürliche Schädlingsabwehr angelegt hatte, ebenso auch für die Optimierung der Ernte auf natürliche Weise und dann hat sie auch noch im Hofladen stundenweise verkauft (waren mehrere Jobs und die Blut und Milchproben wurden natürlich auch noch auf anderen Höfen gezogen).
Hab erst durch dieses Fleisch dann gemerkt was für ein himmelweiter Unterschied zu Billigware besteht. Kannte davor von daheim nur Billigfleisch.

Bei Alnatura schaue ich eher zweimal hin, da ist auch nicht jedes Produkt astrein.

4 years ago

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5 years ago

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I love to cook, but I suck at presenting food and making photos (I make them anyway) ;p So I'll just drop some photos of mine below ;p

love the thread btw, always glad to look at pictures of food, especially if photos are made better than I do them myself ;p

5 years ago

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Chicken parmigiana with spaghetti :)

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5 years ago

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DUDE! This looks awesome, don't you dare to tell us you can't shoot food :P

5 years ago

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I actually like this one, I made it at weekend so we were able to eat it (and take photo) with natural sunlight, that's why it's not as dark as most of my photos ;p

5 years ago

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You gotta open a small restaurant some day ;)
As for the light - natural light and open spaces do add production value to photos =)

4 years ago

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yeah, but like I mentioned elsewhere - we are usually able to only eat in the late afternoon, when we are bopth home, with no more natural sunlight (hidden behind another building), our dining room is pretty small and closed (our whole flat is only 30m2), and poorly lit (only one weak lamp and one window), hence why imho all my photos look weak and colorless ;p Solution would be investing in special light just for photos, but tbh not gonna invest money just so I can take a few photos every now and then ;p

4 years ago

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Shōyu-ramen with soba noodles (my fiancee cannot eat original ramen noodles sadly :( ), spicy pork chop , baked pepper, mung sprouts, marinated onions and egg.

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5 years ago*

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That looks similar to my lunch today.
I had gyoza on the side.

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5 years ago

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I really suck at making gyoza and other handmade small dumplings, I have too big hands and fat fingers to properly stick pastry together and they always turn out ugly, so I avoid making them and only order in restaurants ;p

5 years ago

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Crespelle with ricotta and wild mushrooms filling, under cheesy white sauce.

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5 years ago

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Maybe a bit much sauce for presenting :-D

5 years ago

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It may not look great, but it's supposed to be like this. It's recreation of awesome dish I've had on my trip to Milan and in it crespelle are supposed to be entirely covered in sauce :)

5 years ago

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Vegetarian Okonomiyaki with lemon-arugula sauce.

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5 years ago

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Schnitzel marinated in orange and honey breaden in oatmeal, young potato salad with pickled cucumber, baked bacon and honey-mustard dressing.

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5 years ago

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Breakfast Bento Box - Tamagoyaki with spring onion, hot-dogs with wasabi, tomato, cottage cheese with fresh peach and chocolate.

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5 years ago

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Nasi Goreng with chicken, red pepper, green beans and sugar peas.

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5 years ago

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I like such ones. Very easy to change stuff and create "complete" new tastes

5 years ago

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it is, generally that's why I love stir-frying on wok, I can add whatever meat I want marinated in whatever I feel like, all kinds of veggies, different noodles or rice, all different kind of sauces and come up with different dish every time. I also love how fast stir-frying on wok is. putting aside prepcook like marinating meat or tofu, making sauce, cooking noodles or rice and slicing veggies - all of which I can do before actual cooking and just have waiting, when it comes to cooking itself it's just few minutes of stir-frying and you have everything prepared. I think out of all my culinary "toys" Wok gotta be my most favoritue one :)

5 years ago

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Arancini with tomato risotto and mozarella

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5 years ago

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Compliments from a sicilian, those arancini seems really tasty! 😀

5 years ago

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thanks, this comment made my day, no better compliment than local person complimenting when you try to recreate their own cuisine :)

5 years ago

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The original one have a ragout preparation with minced meat inside, try it sometime. :D

4 years ago

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I've already tried meat-filled arancini, once I had leftover wild mushrooms risotto and made arancini, just not with minced but shreadded pork. It was quite good, but personally I prefer mozarella filling, as it adds more moist into the centre, and act of deep frying kames food dry, so extra moisture is always welcome. I also had saffron arancini with minced meat last year when I visited Palermo for my birthday, but I was not a fan, maybe a case of poor preparation, but it was very dry and hence after 2 bites I had to drink to be able to finish it, I had quattro frommagi with some fish inside at the same spot, and I prefered it a hell lot more :)

4 years ago

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Schnitzel two ways, marinated in orange juice and honey, breaded in poppy seeds and marinated in mustard and honey breaded in oatmeal. Roasted buckwheat with wild mushrooms sauce.

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5 years ago

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Crepes with homemade chocolate filling and candied bananas.

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5 years ago

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Same ingredients different format.
Banana and chocolate crepes cake(pie?).
Layers of crepe, slightly salty bananapaste and ganache.

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5 years ago

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nice, gotta try bananas with salt, sounds good, never thought of it :) I went with gingerbread spices route with my bananas, first fried bananas on butter, then added honey and cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and nutmeg to the pan and candied it all :)

5 years ago

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Coming back to banana with salt.
(Deep) frying slices of Cooking banana and then add a bit of salt works well too.
Depending on thickness of the slices, it's a bit like potato chips. I prefer them thicker, around 3 mm, so it's more chewy, less crunch.
If you can find the bananas.

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4 years ago

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Noname dessert ;p Wafers with peach mousse, lemon creme, chocolate jelly and roasted almonds

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5 years ago

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Salmon en croute - in puff pastry, with herbal crepes and fennel + mushroom filling, served with Beurre blanc ā l’aneth sauce.

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5 years ago

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Chocolate fondue.

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5 years ago

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Stuffed tomatoes.

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5 years ago

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I am no fan of tomatoes .... since over 30 years. From one day to the other i don't wanted to eat them.
Forced me to eat them 4 or 5 years ago but only a bit and not high ammounts.

So i would pass at that one ^^

5 years ago

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I'm polar opposite. I'm not a fan of raw vegetables, usually hate all kinds of salads, I love veggies, but only when they are cooked - be it boiled, roasted, seared, whatever, just not raw. With exception of tomatoes, since I was a kid it's the only vegetable I can eat raw and really enjoy it, heck I can even eat tomatoes alone (I often eat cherry tomatoes as a snack).

5 years ago

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My last girlfriend eaten tomatoes each day ... and not only one ^^
When she don't had at least 1 package for 2 days it was a crisis.
She was a great combination to me by that point too. Each time when we eaten somewhere she was happy when i don't wanted my tomatoes and i was happy that she took them :-D (win:win)

5 years ago

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Lunch bento box - kaga are meatballs, yasai yakitori glazed in honey and soy sauce, mirin marinated carrot sticks with black sesame, rice noodles with nori.

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5 years ago

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Involtini with roasted eggplant, prosciutto, red pesto infused with anchovis, mozarella.

I actually once won a local amateur cooking competition with this dish ;p

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5 years ago*

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You have a hand for cooking AND your camera is lightyears better then my used one :o)

5 years ago

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nah, I think none of my photos is better than your wagyu beef burger photo, it's beautiful :)

5 years ago

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Thanks but i still think that your pictures are much better then mine :-P

5 years ago

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Chilli Burger and Beer Onion Rings.

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5 years ago

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Panna cotta with white wine. topped with strawberry mousse.

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5 years ago*

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Another lunch box - steamed lemon cod, "kaszotto" (it's like risotto, just with groats instead of arborio rice, I don't think there's english translation for it) with leek and asparagus, radish and cucumber salad.

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5 years ago*

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Another steamed cod (I like cod ;p), with ptitim (israeli couscous), cream sauce with leek and chanterelle mushrooms, served with pickled cucumber and chocolate tomato.

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5 years ago

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What is the difference of israeli couscous and the "normal" couscous ?
chocolate tomatoes = ??? o_O ???

5 years ago

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There is a big difference, first of all normal couscous is more similar to groats, while ptitim is a roasted pasta (it's not really couscous, it's just called like that ;p same was as cherry tomatoes don't really have a lot in common with cherries ;p), it's also much bigger in size - when cooked each grain of ptitim is 2-3mm wide. It also tastes different and have different texture - texture reminds me a little bit of fluffy potato dumplings.

Chocolate tomato is also just a name for a specific type of tomato - like cherry tomatoes, raspberry tomatoes, green tomatoes etc. It's name comes from it's colour, it's brown, like milk chocolate. In taste it's slightly more sweet and much less acidic compared to normal tomatoes.

5 years ago

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Ah thanks for the explanation.

That type of tomato sounds more like one for me.

5 years ago

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"Clouded eggs" infused with Parmigiano-Reggiano.

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5 years ago

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Stir fry with turkey, udon noodles, bell peppers, green onion, pineapple and homemade sour plum sauce.

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5 years ago

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Homemade pizza, my favoritue topping - three cheeses (mozarella, parmigiano and gorgonzola), dried tomatoes and fresh arugula.

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5 years ago

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Baked Salmon, garlic potato puree, baked red onion, salad from roasted bell pepper, tomato, black beans and peppermint.

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5 years ago

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God, this dish sounds delicious. Can I please have the recipe for "salad from roasted bell pepper, tomato, black beans and peppermint."?

4 years ago

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sure, it's very easy actually, just time-consuming ;)
you will need:
big red bell pepper
2 medium tomatoes (I used Roma tomatoes, generally better use more meaty kind of tomato, with less juice as you will toss it away, also preferably less acidic tomatoes)
can of black beans
fresh peppermint (I buy flowerpots with fresh herbs including peppermint)
smoked paprika
olive oil
balsamic vinegar

Cut bell pepper in half, remove all seeds and white parts from inside, using brush smear olive oil on both inside and outside of halves, put them into oven preheat to 220C for 20-30min (until skin burns and turn black), then coold down, peel all burnt skin (you can do it with your fingers ;) ), cut pepper in dice. Other way - if you have blowtorch you can do it much faster - burn skin using blowtorch, wait to cool down, also peel it and dice :)
Peel tomatoes - cut small crosses on bottoms of tomatoes, put them into boiling water for short while, cool down, skin should now be easilly peeled, so grabbing ends of these cut crosses peel all the skin.
Cut tomatoes in 1/4 and remove seeds and juice from the inside, then cut tomatoes into dice same size as pepper.
Put half of can of beans into strainer and under water so you remove all brine.
Make simple paprika vinaigrette - put 2 spoons of olive oil into jar, add tbsp of balsamico, salt, pepper and smoked paprika, cover jar and shake it energetically until oil and balsamico mix and turn into emulsion.
Mix diced pepper and tomatoes with beans and vinaigrette.
Take leaves from half bunch of peppermint, cut them same way you would cut parsley, add to your salad, mix and serve right away (you don't want your peppermint to wilt too much, so toss it in just before serving).

Salad is sweet, acidic and most important - very refreshing. As salmon, garlic puree and baked onions are all very strong tastes and can close tastebuds it serves here as cleaner for your tastebuds, every few bites you will eat salad to clean your tastebuds that could got a little overpowered by strong tastes, after bite of salad you will again enjoy other tastes to their fullest :)

4 years ago*

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Thank you very much! I will give that a try soon enough.

A word on the garlic puree, please. I'd squash about 1-2 cloves of garlic into melted butter and fry it just a little on low temperature before adding that into the puree. I love garlic. Is there a way to enhance the garlic-y flavor of the puree? How do you do it? Usual puree - mashed potatoes with milk and spices?

4 years ago

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first of all, potatoes themselves are very bland in taste, you will need a lot more than just 1-2 cloves of garlic for them to get infused with flavour, also for puree I prefer to use fried or roasted garlic rather than raw. If you want raw, use about half head per kg of potatoes, if fried (you can put both your butter and garlic into frying pan for 1min to fry it) or roasted (preferred by me, ends up much smoother in taste) use 1 head of garlic per kg of potatoes.

As for my recipe:
1kg of potatoes
1 head of garlic
1/3 glass milk
1/3 glass sour cream
1/3 glass heavy cream
half stick of butter
herbs de provence

Roast whole garlic head in oven - I roasted it alongside bell pepper for salad ;) 20-30min until cloves are soft but not yet burned, take out, separate cloves, squeeze through garlic press (no need to peel skin, it will remain in press and you will get awesome aromatic roasted garlic paste).
Boil potatoes in salted water until soft.
Smash potatoes (I use potato press from IKEA to make it fast, if you don't own potato press and smash them by hand do it precisely and several times, you can also put them through strainer at the end to make sure there are no lumps)
In a pot heat milk, sour cream and heavy cream a bit, you want them warm but not hot, don't overcook it, no boiling, be careful so sour cream don't break. Add diced butter and wait for it to melt. Infuse mixture with roasted garlic and herbs de provence, wait few minutes for aromas to go into mixture, keep steady temperature.
After few minutes start stiring in potatoes, a bit of potatoes, stir until smooth, another bit, stir again, repeat until all potatoes are used and whole puree is smooth and glistening.
In the end season to taste with additional salt and pepper, stir last time, serve :)

4 years ago

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hmm, as salmon and onions are made together and it's shortest part of recipe I can write it down as well to have whole recipe presented here :)

Red Onions
Salmon fillets
Olive Oil
Herbes de Provence

Remove skin from salmon, as we don't fry it, only bake it, skin would end up chewy.
Cut salmon into pieces you want per portion.
Cut onion into thin rings.
Smear salmon with olive oil and squeezed lemon juice. Season with salt, pepper and herbs de provence.
Smear inside of heat-resistant glass ovenware with olive oil, put onion rings on bottom of it.
Put salmon at top of onions, put thin lemon slices on top of salmon - they will keep fish moist as well as roast themselves during baking.
Cover glassware and put into oven preheat to 180C.
Bake for 12-15 minutes, be careful not to overcook salmon.

The fat from salmon will go down onto onions and they will fry/bake in fish fat giving them wonderful aroma, so make sure to serve them as well, fish will be lemony, herbal with a hint of onion aroma. Serve fish with roasted slices of lemon on top, so anyone can squeeze them and add acidity to their liking.

4 years ago

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Chicken roulade, with onion and gorgonzola filling, wrapped in serano ham. Green beans, baked young potatoes, baked paprika tomatoes.

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5 years ago

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You add here a lot of food porn too :-D

5 years ago

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I'm almost done with my photo-dump xD

5 years ago

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I think that you present your food very well.
The chicken parm. would be great right now :D

I made today only noodles, with eggs, mozzarella cheese, sucuk sausage (a turk. sausage, a bit "spicy" and with a lot of garlic) and a green salad to it.

5 years ago

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Not bad, I actually know what sucuk is (althou I know it under name sujuk), I actually ate it slightly over a month ago, it's also popular in Balkan countries and I went on a roadtrip to Montenegro in April and had it there :)

5 years ago

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Chocolate souffle

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5 years ago

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That's a real nice looking soufflé. It's aaaaalmost level too.Very cool and I bet it was like eating a chocolatey cloud. Looks like the structure held up great and the texture seems light

4 years ago

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yeah, souffles are always a lottery, you can make everything right and it may still not work out, so I was really happy with how well this one ended up :)

4 years ago

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I don't know why but I've yet to screw up a soufflé. And I've made a lot. Even people who make them for a living are jealous lol
I'm bound to fail massively one of these days I guess because they are temperamental!
And you should be happy. This one looks fantastic!

4 years ago

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Pan-seared shrimps with garlic, parsley and cayenne, black rice, carrot chips, sauce from carmelized shallots with white wine reduction, blanched asparagus with hollandaise sauce, baked cherry tomatoes.

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5 years ago

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I never had black rice (only wild one that is brown and much more lenght then the normal "polished" one).
I like shrimps but it is hard to get ones that come out of the ocean and not only from a sea (where they life in there own dirt for many months) and raised with a lot of chemicals (from Monsanto and such companies) to get a bigger size.

5 years ago

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Black rice is very very different from other kinds. Some people love it, some people hate it and I get both groups. It's much harder than normal rice, it's almost "crunchy" and has earthy flavor to it.

I personally hate brown rice, it has no taste for me, from normal rice types I prefer basmati rice. And from unusual there's nothing better in this world than risotto (it's actually my most beloved dish ever), so arborio rice :)

5 years ago

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Rice paper pouches, with spicy eggplant and mushrooms, both marinated in hoisin sauce, pickled ginger, tied with chive.

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5 years ago

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Turkey escalopes in puff pastry, with feta cheese, baked pepper and basil, served with sweet sauce from saturn peaches stewed in white wine.

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5 years ago

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Pici di spinaci pasta, marinara sauce with kalamata olives, meatballs from turkey thigh with mozarella and parsley.

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5 years ago

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Another Stir-Fry :D: This time with seared tofu, peppers, pineapple, green beans, rice noodles and peanut sauce.

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5 years ago

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I had 2 times tofu.
1x was it nearly tasteless and had the texture of bubblegum. That wasn't great.
1x was it ok in a restaurant.
I am sure there is air to the top (it is possible to eat much better made ones)

5 years ago

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Tofu itself is almost tasteless, has only a slight aroma and gummy texture. But it's great at taking other tastes and aromas ;) So all depends on how you prepare it, it can be like you said - like tastless bubblegum, but it can also be infused with basically any taste you can imagine, you can marinate it, you can smoke it, you can mince it and add to filling instead of white cheeses, you can do countless things with it, but you gotta do something, because with nothing it's pretty much meh ;) In this case it was marinated in soy sauce, oyster sauce, rice vinegar and sechuan pepper.

5 years ago

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Oof. I'd eat that. Thanks for the inspiration! :D

5 years ago

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Takeaway snack I made for one of out roadtrips. Pastry "cages" with garlic and tomato sauce, sausage, pepper, onion, mushrooms and cheddar cheese.

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5 years ago

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Nice Snacks :o)

5 years ago

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Egg yolk ravioli, with ricotta cheese and sage butter. I know pasta is a bit too thick, but it was made before I got myself pasta machine so I had to roll it all by hand and it was quite difficult ;p

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5 years ago

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Chicken Tikka Masala.

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5 years ago

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I like CTM

5 years ago

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Coconut curry with cauliflower and beans

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5 years ago*

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Spicy Chicken Strips.

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5 years ago

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Roasted corn cream soup with chilli sprouts.

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5 years ago

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Homemade lemon sorbet.

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5 years ago

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Tomato and blood orange risotto.

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5 years ago

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And I think that's enough food porn for now. I have much more photos, but they are scattered all over HDD, so dropped just ones from handy food folder ;p

5 years ago

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Damn, now I want all of that.

And the photos are great. Maybe a bit dark, but that's it.

5 years ago

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yeah, light is my biggest problem - thing is we usually eat in the afternoon or evening (5-6PM earliest, when we are both home), and at this time there is no more sunlight in our dining room (they've build a giant building out of your windows, and sun usually hides behind it around 3PM, I have natural sunlight in our apt only between 11AM-3PM), plus our whole dining room is lit with just one small lamp, so it's pretty dark there at time when I can take photos. And at the other hand using camera flash makes photos look oversaturated and colors look unnatural, so I try to avoid it whenever I can, so there is no solution outside of investing in special light just for photos, and tbh I'm not going to invest money into something like that, just to make food photo every now and then ;p

5 years ago*

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A good trick to optimize natural light is to bounce it out of frame. A nice piece of white plastic on the opposite side of the light can help tremendously

4 years ago

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yeh, but like I said, there's usually no natural light left when I take photos in the evening ;p I gotta use normal ikea standing lamp, which does not produce anything reminding natural light, but it's the only lightsource in our living room ;p

4 years ago

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Oh I thought you only had limited light.
I'm pretty much in the same situation as you. We get brutal sunlight for about 30 minutes in the morning and then after that the building across the street just hides the sun.
I can't take much food pics because of that. When I do, I use a white LED flashlight I got and filter it through parchment paper. It helps soften it so it's not as harsh as a camera flash but I've been looking for ways to improve on that.

I read good things about those "natural lights" lamps that are supposed to help when you're working nights or are jetlagged often (and I could use them with all the odd hours I'm working) but they're not cheap!

4 years ago

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zelghadis, will you marry me?

4 years ago

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sorry ev, you're almost exactly 2 years too late, as I proposed almost exactly 2 years ago ;p

4 years ago

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Proposed? So there's still hope :D

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4 years ago

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but I suck at presenting food and making photos

you wot m8
that presentation is 11/10! all of those dishes you shared look delicious! I probably wouldn't eat any of those meals myself (being vegan and all) but they do look very delicious!

5 years ago

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well, you could eat at least 4 - rice paper pouches, coconut curry, tofu stir-fry (minus oyster sauce ofc, but it's not necessary and can be easilly replaced with some vegan asian sauce) and lemon sorbet :) no animal products in any of them ;) But yeah, just made me realize I actually very rarely cook vegan, and even if I do it's rather just by accident, not really thinking bout it. I cook vegetarian dishes quite often (used to be vegetarian myself for 14 years), but not really vegan, because even without meat I incorporate eggs, cheese or yoghurt/cream/milk quite often.

5 years ago

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That's fair and you are correct, yes. But then again, I'm rather lazy so I'm not a huuuge fan of cooking but it's slowly starting to get better, I think :D like I'll try to cook things I've never cooked before and see how it goes.
I think rarely anyone ever accidentally cooks vegan these days; and I get that, because cheese and meat and all that is really delicious :D

5 years ago

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For me cooking is also a hobby, I've never been good with any manual works - repairing stuff, electronics, craftsmanship etc, anything you associate with boys or men, I also work intelectually, sitting down in front of computer, so cooking is something I do to actually do some manual work, to relax, to do something physical, not just intellectual, to free my thoughts, and as it turned out I'm pretty good at this, then even the better ;p Plus I love experimenting in kitchen, basically every other day I try to make something I never cooked before, or make something different, try new ingredient, new spices, change taste in some old dish etc. Probably helps that I also love to eat, so I can kill two birds with one stone, as while cooking I'm also tasting all the flavors all the time to make sure everything tastes good ;p

5 years ago

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