An option like option 5 when creating giveaways (Region Restricted), but you can exclude countries that use currency XY (for example Swiss Franc) as main currency. Would make gifting games directly on Steam a bit easier. ;-)

7 months ago

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How would that make it easier to gift directly on Steam?

7 months ago

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Sometimes when I see a nice game I want to gift through Steam and I check SteamDB, there are several currencies that have more than +10% price difference for this game in comparison to my country, for this reason I can't gift them to these countries from my country through Steam. (I hope my english makes sence)

An example: If I want to gift this game: (FIND ALL 3: Travel)
it shows at the bottom (see screenshot)
Therefore I can't gift this game to countries that use Australian Dollar, U.S. Dollar, British Pound or Swiss Franc as main currency. First I have to check what countries use them as main currency, second I need to search and click these countries individually in the Region Restricted option. So yeah, this is a bit a QoL suggestion. ;-)

Again: sorry, if my english is confusing.

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7 months ago*

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But there is also South Asia - USD and CIS - U.S. Dollar, which use the same currency, but have VERY different price. And soon there will be two regions more with USD. So, if you filter by currency and not by region - it will not make any sense.

7 months ago

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I think it might be easier and quicker to make a list of which countries use which currencies on Steam. Then you can look up the "bad" currencies and see which countries you need to exclude. I could not find this information after a quick search but it is likely out there somewhere

7 months ago

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Yeah, think you're right. I know I googled this once and found infos about this so just need to beat my laziness once. πŸ™‚

7 months ago

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isn't this the same as region restriction but with extra steps?
so instead of restricting switzerland, uk, usa and australia, you will restrict swiss franc british pound, usd and aud?

7 months ago

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Problem is, many currencies are not binded to only one country. Swiss Franc for example includes Liechtenstein and Switzerland. That's not a problem and easy to exclude in the region restriction list. But U.S. Dollar and British Pound for example are used by many more countries (than only USA/UK). So more work before finishing creating a giveaway. Like I said, it's just a QoL thing.

7 months ago*

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ah, i get it now,
unfortunately steam is changing many regionally priced countries to USD, so that idea wont work anymore,
so your only option currently is to select the countries you see on that list and know you can gift them.

7 months ago

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Sadly yes, but ... ;-(

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7 months ago

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While ideally every country to where gifting is possible should be included, it's much less of a headache if you limit Steam gifts to Europe (the pre-configured Steam region) and then exclude Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Edit: And European countries using GBP in this case - normally they aren't above the 10% mark.
This should be UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar. The Humble Bundle region includes all overseas territories as well.

7 months ago*

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That's a possible solution, but feels a bit wrong to exclude my whitelist & group-friends from outside Europe!
I wouldn't mind doing this for public giveaways though! But rarely make Steam gift giveaways public. ;-)

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 months ago

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But Steamgifts does not track currency used
That'd probably require a massive rework

7 months ago

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Yes, would be a lot of work beforehand. Wouldn't blame cg/staffmembers not wanting to do this. And opinion poll says it's not a good idea overall.

7 months ago

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It makes no sense. First of all, steamgifts have no idea about the currency user has, and IIRC there is no reliable way to get it from steam. Honestly, even user's country depends a lot on a good will of user, since it's not directly received from steam. And currency does not influence gifting in any way, only the converted price matters.

7 months ago

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I have to think about your post(s), but makes sence at first sight.

7 months ago

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It wouldn't matter if Steamgifts knows about the currency of an user or not, since I would exclude the countries that are linked to certain currencies. This would of course exclude people who don't use the main currency of their country too. And people can fake their country yes. πŸ€”
Overall this is a bad idea after a bit thinking. And really not worth the effort to implement.

7 months ago*

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If Steam provides an API that gives mapping of country to regional pricing then the implementation would be rather simple. Otherwise, it would be a pain to figure out and maintain the mapping every time there are changes.

Is it worth it or not? Probably not that much considering most of the giveaways on this site are keys.

7 months ago

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Yeah, not really worth it. It just came to my mind as I was looking for games I can giveaway through Steam, the past days.

7 months ago

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