
Animal pics/gifs are always appreciated :)


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5 years ago

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My favorite dog breed, the alaskan malamute (if I can figure out how to post gifs)

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5 years ago

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awwwww, its like a little teddy :P
good luck :)

5 years ago

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lol :P
Good luck :)

5 years ago

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Fuck. I just realized I can't read.

My bad. :X

5 years ago

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hahaha :D I thought you were making a joke :P

5 years ago

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It's your fault, you madea Giveaway for an anime game and then wrote "animal". xD

I swear I even re-read the description and was still like "yeah wants anime".

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Key received. Thank you!

5 years ago

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You're welcome. Enjoy :)

5 years ago

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It started with a riot in the Ukraine thread. Everybody who participated, including me were suspended for very good reason, Actually a way longer suspension for all of us would have been more appropriate in my opinion.

I have to disagree, the riot was only possible, because of the absence of any moderation for days and when moderation finally reacted, the riot was in fully swing and several people including me were drawn into the discussion.
The suspensions were fair, but would there have been so many suspensions, if mods reacted earlier? probably not
I also smell double standards in their reasoning, that we should avoid reacting to trolls. They come and offend us for months and we shouldn't react to them for months?
Yes, some of the worst offenders were suspended permanently, but only after months of constant offending and several suspensions. Some of them are still around, like Hammerfart and cementales, only because moderation constantly ignores tickets and calls us smart ones to give in and getting insulted and offended over and over again.
And about the lenght of the suspension, they have fixed fines, in my opinion some should have beend suspended longer for different violations, because they were not only spamming the same text for at least 4 times, they also posted off-topic and were told so many times, spam suspension is 3 days, everything else falls under inappropriate behaviour afaik and which is 2 days.

While being suspended, i also saw my other suspension for spam, which wasn't even reasoned, see how much of a joke moderation is?

8 months ago*

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Oh haha :D When I clicked permalink I was like "why the f would i give anybody a key in this thread?!?!". I expected to be somewhere else :P But yeh, it's better to write it in private.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I completely agree with you. All those people constantly come in the Ukraine thread to on purposely provoke and start a conflict. It has nothing to do with awareness, its just hate and war mongering. Nothing is ever done and it pisses me off too. If the mods react after every first hate-speech then none of the drama would happen on the forum.
This guy went way to far too. And of course I joined the riot against these sickos and went too far too, but actually hoping a mod would finally show up. If anything, I crossed the line even further by exposing him. (not actually doxing, i didn't post enough info for it to be illegal). But I guess it worked.
With the comment under my suspension I also have my questions if it is impartial. With the suspension for personal attacks and inappropriate behavior I fully agree and that's perfectly fine. However he wrote: "Why did you try so many times to insinuate that the user is antisemitic, because they are from a specific country?". He completely disregarded he wrote his first comment the morning after the terrorist attack which was the reason of my disgust. And I kinda find that comment offensive. Even though I did use being Paki against him as pressure point as he is being a stereotype.

Of course moderators should do their job. But I have been there.
I have hosted a small gaming community too, about a 1000 people for about 15 years. I hosted and paid for the game servers, website and everything and was of course responsible for the moderation too. Day in day out people kept coming causing drama for whatever reason. The "victims" complained, I punished the wrong doers on which they complained. You would not believe the amount of death threats I have gotten over the years. But almost never a simple "thank you". You have to realize that the mods do it for free in there spare time and the only thing they see is constant drama they have to resolve. And there is always a party that isn't happy with you. After 15 years I decided to quit because of the constant drama. I simply couldn't be bothered anymore to police because another dick showed up every day. The warning on my previous website is actually still up from when I quit because of the latest drama which was the last straw.
I guess what I am saying is. Moderating is an ungrateful never ending job so don't judge them too harshly unless they are actually impartial.

8 months ago

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I see the burden of being a moderator, but if they're struggeling with the workload they should promote more people to mod, a thing they've missed doing for years.
Their problems are selfmade

He completely disregarded he wrote his first comment the morning after the terrorist attack which was the reason of my disgust.

MSKOTOR is a she. She probably missed good chunks of the whole discussion, as she had to glean 3 days or so and didn't done that or it was just their laissez-faire approach, where several things go unpunished, which would be punished in proper forums, remember the whitelisted insults i was talking about?

8 months ago*

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I completely agree with you. I just wanted to give you an insight of an admin/mods perspective. cg/steamgifts his problems are indeed self made but with some nuance . The mods do what they can (I hope). It is up to CG to make more mods, which is difficult. When I needed more referees (mods in quake 3) of the regulars who I deemed as trustworthy, only a few were friendly enough to help out. A lot of people asked to be referee to help while they were in some drama conflict and completely irresponsible. It is hard to get good free help.

She 100% surely didn't read the whole conversation. The only comment she deleted was about me "doxing him." Yet, she didn't remove the other comment where I exposed him with exact same information. She surely didn't see the grasp of the conversation which now lead into a whole new topic full of the hate speech where nobody is suspended yet. They whitelisted insults, even a russian advertising guns on a shady website.
I am all agreeing with you. But the bad people are really the bad ones. The mods should solve it yes. but I at least hope they arent the enemy. :)

8 months ago

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