So what's your first and/or favorite MMO that you have played.

Mine was Lineage 2: TC 1,5 and I absolutely loved it (though I played at private server), I even have boxed copy of the game :)
Lost ~3 years of life on it, then Kamael happened and after 2 or so major patches I thought that the game lost it's charm.
Later I tried to get hooked up on WoW and other MMO's but it was not the same experience.

With all that said Lineage 2 was my first and still a favorite MMO game, I even think of trying it again but I'm not sure how it would feel after so long + I still need to finish studies, so I can't be a hardcore no-life x)

9 years ago*

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Dragon Swords MUD, back before MMOs had these fancy pixel graphics. I even helped develop the bard class on there.

Modern day MMO, Guild Wars.

9 years ago

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My first true MMO was Ragnarok Online which I started way back in the alpha test and played up until just a couple years ago. Favorite would be between RO and Dream of Mirror, if you could get past the goofy cell shaded graphics domo was a really good game with a class system most other MMOs only wish they had.

9 years ago

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The 1st mmo i got into was Conquer Online, then i played WoW for a while, but the one that i fell in love with is Lord of the rings Online.

9 years ago

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My first and favorite MMO is WoW. I play since 2005 or 06, and i always keep coming back to it, even though i say "This was enough for me" at every new expansion lol. Tried dozens of f2p MMOs too, but none of them had that athmosphere (or they just simply sucked lol), maybe only DC Universe Online, but i don't play it for some reason. MAybe i should convince my friends to play it :p

9 years ago

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Ultima Online. 17 years later, and still there is no MMO that can offer you similar interactivity.

9 years ago

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first: Runescape

Favourite: GW2

MMO with the biggest impact upon me: Dragonica, Allods Online, GW2, Maple story, ESO

9 years ago

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First and best: Lineage 2:)

9 years ago

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My first MMO was Maplestory during US beta. The grind on that game was... incredible. Holy shit does that bring back bad memories. Fast forward a few years and they've released some patch called "The Big Bang" and I play it for the next 2 years or so. Perhaps my most played MMO and technically my favorite.

Tried FF XIV and got bored of it after 2 months. Had about 35 days left of time on my account by the time I quit. Bleh, waste of money.

9 years ago

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The only one I ever really gave a fair shot to is Star Wars The Old Republic. I'm not a Star Wars nerd by any stretch, but it seemed to appeal to me. I played it hardcore for about a month, but the subscription BS turned me off of it. This was before it was F2P. They had a free week or something like that so I tried it and got into it and went bought the DVD version the next weekend (it remains to this day the last physical PC game I've bought) as you got a free month for buying the game and the free play was level capped.

I've given a few others a try (WoW most notably) but I have never been able to get into any of em. They're just not my thang.

9 years ago

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my first and fav was Lineage2 :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It was great before they changed the whole thing to appeal to Wow players

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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first Everquest 1 after Dark age of Camelot (RvR omg!) and Guild wars for finish.....last its Guild wars2 and i have stop mmo :x

9 years ago

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hell yeah daoc, in its prime, the pvp was the best ive ever played... mordred pvp was the best, then played some classic rvr action... 8v8 roaming pvp war was just the best...

9 years ago

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My first mmo was Mu Online but my favorite was Lineage 2, on which I spent 7 years, I liked it a lot :)

9 years ago

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anyone heard of dragon swords? that was my first
loved it to bits and was devastated when they shut it down

9 years ago

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No such thing. MMOs suck. Played Shaiya and Guild Wars, both bored me to fucking tears. And for Guild Wars I actually paid money. Liked the idea that it didn't have a subscription fee like the rest of the shams that steal your life away and make you pay them for that. Or be like the ones that lie to you about being completely free, but then bombard you with micro-transactions without which you'll barely be able to move in the game without getting squashed by someone who paid. But it was just so lackluster. Then I tried the WoW free trial. Definitely not something I'd pay 15 bucks a month to waste my time on. I really don't get what the fucking big deal is about this game. Hundreds of free 2 play games that offer about the same experience. And some aren't that offensively pay 2 win. I haven't even touched The Old Republic, even after it got free 2 play. And I'm a gigantic Star Wars fan. That's how much NOT into MMOs I am. How the hell could I have a favorite?

9 years ago

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Mine was Star Wars Galaxies.

Man I loved that game.. The freedom of character progression, guilds that conqured half the planets, the planets themselves, the space expansion, the completely player driven economy, hanging out in cantinas listening to music and plannning raids on player bases and in game politics, sitting naked next to a herd of rancors in the middle of the dantoine night in order to regen your HAM, the furious commitment of two teams of 20 people to storm the Death Watch bunker in order to be able to craft one mandalorian helm..

The memories..

9 years ago

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Look up SWGEmu. There are currently about 1900 people playing Pre-CU SWG!

9 years ago

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This really was a great game pre-CU.

9 years ago

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Ragnarok on fucking line, played that shit when it came out. One of the best mmos eva. Shit, i still play on a private server and the legit f2p server when I get bored. WoW was awesome as well, had to quit because of many changes that killed world pvp :( Here's hoping arche age is fucking tight.

9 years ago

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WoW before easy mode and GW1

9 years ago

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Lineage 2 was my first MMO experience. WoW was my most longlived. Warhammer Online was, and most likely always will be, my favorite MMO. It may have had it's flaws, but it gave me the most fun, keep in mind i'm saying fun not balanced, PvP experience i'v ever had. Plus i'm a huge Warhammer fan and it felt awesome just felt awesome to visit all those places. Guild Wars comes in a close second.

9 years ago

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Ultima Online for both questions, 14 years ago

9 years ago

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Ultima Online for me too. THough I started when it was released back in 1997.... I feeld old now
Id still say those days were the best gaming-wise that I ever had and I dont think anything will beat it - ever. It was just the first of its kind and everything was new to everyone who played it. Ah jeez already getting nostalgic again

9 years ago

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Well I guess it depends on what you could call an MMO. The first games I played online was TFC and Diablo on Bnet. But if we are talking about full on RPG type modern MMO's then mine would be Flyff.

9 years ago

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My first mmo's where Everquest and Anarchy Online.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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First and best MMO ever Mabinogi. Isn't pay to win instead its pay to look Pretty. Huge assortment of skills from Ninja skills to Gun Skills to Magic Skills.

9 years ago

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