Is Outlast 2 worth playing? It looks good in the videos but I have been fooled before. For $13.49 I figured that is is a good deal.
Here is the store link :

6 years ago

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I believe it will get cheaper soon ,so better wait? I do not have the game but they say the first one is better

6 years ago

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That's kind of what I was thinking. I figure it will hit Humble before long especially if sales have dropped enough on it.

6 years ago

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I will wait I have not even completed the first one and well my black log is outta control and I'm trying to go on a game buying strike.Bundles make it so hard though...or some anyhow

Is it worth it?Unless you really loved the first one it's hard to say not sure if bundles can get a refund if not you might be better off paying the 14.99 for a chance at a refund and give the game a try.

6 years ago

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That is where I'm at about it. I played a lot of the first one on PS4 and got bored with it. I had heard this one is better. I believe it may keep coming down if sales have dropped off.

6 years ago

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Personally, Id say its worth picking up and playing. First one was better imo, but the second one is still pretty good

6 years ago

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That's good to know because I got bored with the first one( on PS4 not PC) so I quit playing it. If the second one is worse I may need to steer clear of it to it gets cheaper.

6 years ago

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That doesn't inspire much confidence. The first one relied way too heavily on startle scares, which ultimately detracted from what made it potentially good. The whole thing ended up feeling like a slog to me, which is a shame. There were a few points that had cool ideas, but it was a big swing and a miss for me.

6 years ago

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I didnt mind the jump scares so much, but I liked the atmosphere and story of the first one. To each their own :)

6 years ago

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I don't mind startles too much provided they happen with reason and they're not just tacked on, like when an early monitor turns on to static and the game even adds a brief musical audio-stinger to startle you, it just wrecks the immersion for me. Which is weird because I actually enjoyed the original Five Nights At Freddies because the jumpscares were deliberately comical and dumb, and that kind of self-awareness created a "so bad its good" kind of effect.

Meh, so long as the jumpscares dont >completely< infect every other horror title with potential, I can't complain. Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky :3c

6 years ago

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Really good deal, but only if you plan on playing it right away. If not, there's always a chance that it will be on higher discount as time goes by (winter sale soon) so you might as well wait for that. Really depends on what you want. Personally I don't have a lot of time to play and I am not in rush to actually play the game so I will wait for the winter sale or maybe even summer sale 2018. :)

6 years ago

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I'm in that same boat myself. I believe I will wait and see how the winter sale goes before buying it. I have plenty to play until then anyways :-)

6 years ago

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I already have Outlast 1 and DLC, so i need to pay 6.65 $ to get Outlast 2 on Trinity bundle (On my country). But, i think i'm pass for now. (I think it's worth to play)

6 years ago

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Outlast has been bundled twice AND given away once, so I'd say you are definitely better off waiting for a bundle this time as well.

6 years ago

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So, the bundle discount is just $1.50? Seems like if we wait we can get a much better deal down the line.

6 years ago

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The flashback sections in Outlast 2 where you're in the school all seem like boring filler. And the chase sequences are so linear and scripted. What is that, like 75% of the game right there?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by wawilojr.