
Confirmed: posting link to Steamgifts on Steam = BAN

I just got banned from steam for 2 weeks for writing a Chinese guideline of
"how to use steamgifts"(如何使用steamgift參加抽獎) for my Chinese friends.

Hello 香草喵 Cauchy,
Your guide 如何使用steamgift參加抽獎 has been removed for reported violations of the Steam Community & Content Guidelines. This guide is now only visible to you.
Your account will be unable to upload user generated content on Steam until 7 Jun @ 10:15am.
If you believe this content was removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support.

the content of the guide is below in the pictures.
and gaben just deleted my guide and banned me without reason for 2 weeks.
I've already known that Steam has the WORST customer service of all times
but I still try to contact the customer service

Message from you on May 25 @ 1:26am | 1 hour and 31 minutes ago
I am appealing you to cancel the ban because
I've check the guidelines and I don't see I violate any rules

This is just a guideline on "how to use use steamgifts"
there is no scam, porn, what ever you list in the rules.

Please remove the ban, this is a mistake.

As I expected, steam customer service only use "copy-paste" answers to BRUSH ME OFF
they just sent this piece of copy-paste

The guide was removed by our staff based on an investigation of reports from other Steam users. I have confirmed that the content is not a good fit for the Steam community based on our Global Rules & Guidelines.

The page linked above also explains the reasoning behind these content decisions in greater detail.

As with everything on Steam, we rely on feedback from our community to calibrate our decisions. I have forwarded this report to other members of Valve to be a part of our conversation as we continue to improve our service.

Best Regards,

so this is it, the ridiculous steam who ban ppl for 2 weeks for this.
F*** their attitude for doing whatever they want like the North Korean Dictator
the gigantic monopoly who treat their customers like a piece of crap and only wanna leech more cash
Ban whatever they don't like

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6 years ago*

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I'm sorry for your troubles!

Try to think of it this way though: Steam is a store to buy games. You are angry they won't let you put up a big poster in their store telling people how to get their games for free and not have to buy them from Steam.

Steamgifts is a great site but Steam is a business and have to make these kinds of decisions.

6 years ago

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Givers here still need spend penny to buy games to give others.
anyway, steam sucks.
maybe you are right,
the reason I got banned is just "Steam is a business, So Steam don't like Steamgifts, lol"

6 years ago

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Givers here can spend money outside of Steam too, so I wouldn't consider it as a valid argument.

6 years ago

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Valve is the business not Steam.

6 years ago

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The irony is Steam made it almost impossible to gift gifts that are bought on their own store ^^ (when they made region restrictions super harsh and disabled storing gifts in one's inventory)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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yeh, just don't post something on steam unless you wanna get yourself in trouble.

6 years ago

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there are tons of thousands of trash guidelines out there
I bet 99.99% guidelines there are trash.
and why the hell my tutorial is targeted and other trash are fine.
Steam sucks.

6 years ago

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Just got final judge , that's tooo ridiculous.
Posting link to steamgifts = BAN 2 weeks confirmed PERIOD.

if posting link to steamgift = advertising,
so posting links to google/youtube/imgur/amazon = all adverting :) :) :)

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6 years ago

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Confirmed: posting link to Steamgifts on Steam = BAN

We carefully reviewed your guide and confirmed that it was the right decision to remove it from Steam.

We strive to make all content on Steam suitable for users of all ages and backgrounds, and unfortunately advertising content isn't.

Since there's not much more that I can say or do to be of help with this particular issue, I am going to close this help request.

If you have questions on an unrelated issue, please create a new help request and we will be happy to help you.

Best Regards,

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6 years ago*

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why are they allowing groups like fanatical and indiegala exist if advertising is not allowed?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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don't ask me, ask steam :(

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Report them?

I doubt Valve will do anything without it.

6 years ago

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Looks like most of the crap I reported yesterday is gone.

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6 years ago

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While I can see both sides here(being both a Steam and Steamgift user), your reaction to their reaction is coming off as childish. Two weeks is hardly anything to get this upset over, and now you know not to promote steamgifts on Steam.

6 years ago

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It's a matter of principle.

6 years ago

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People need to understand though that it's a business. I get that they aren't banning EVERYONE for this, but try going into any American retail store and, right in front of a store manager, walking up to another customer and telling him/her that if you leave the store right now and go here or here you can get this product for free.

If that manager enjoys having money in his pocket you'll be asked to leave and to never come back.

Again, I get it, everyone should know about steamgifts and other sites like it, but from the business perspective of Steam, I can see their point as well.

6 years ago

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I just want to add - No one there comes and checks what this site is about. Same as all the discussions around Humble.
No one particularly "hates" or "disagrees" with SG and gifting as such. This site comes off as a site for free games..
How can people not understand that Humble and Steam dont give a rats ass about details on how these games ar acquired. Its free games.

As Humbles view on it is "game trading". They dont come on the site and dont go all evel with tainted fingers going "eeeexceleeent, now were gonaa ban helpful people"
They go through regular check up without going into detail..

OP - I get why your mad. Banning you for such a minor thing. I just dont like the attitude "they are against it".. BEcause they arent against it even if they dont know SG exists and what does it do.

6 years ago

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try going into any American retail store and, right in front of a store manager, walking up to another customer and telling him/her that if you leave the store right now and go here or here you can get this product for free.

Actually, it's more: go into any retail store, and right in front of the store manager walk to a customer and say "you can go over there and have a small chance to win a product for free that I bought at this store".
As I view it, Steamgifts is a nice promotion for Steam and encourages consumption at Steam big time. When I joined a year and a half ago, I had maybe 150-200 games and I had spent maybe $20 on Steam (as far as I know, the only game I bought from the Steam store was TF2 - not long before it became F2P :x). Now I'm at 4k+ games and almost $150 spent.

If Valve's issue is that people buy most of the things they give away on third-party key sellers, maybe they should do something against said key-sellers, instead of targeting a place where all we do is exchange stuff we spent money on that we wouldn't have spent if we didn't have a place to give said stuff away... I mean, it's not as if SG was some kind of Silk Road for stolen keys...

6 years ago*

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It sucks, but a guide explaining another website really has no place on Steam (alongside every other troll and dumb non-game guide).
Steam won't act unless someone has reported the guide and most people don't really care enough to report guides. You got unlucky.

Though the two week ban is definitely unnecessary, a removal would have been just fine for the first incident.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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And where did you put this guide? Under some random game?

6 years ago

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Steam support:

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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