Lately gifting has been losing its charm, doing less and less to fill the emptiness inside. The whole obsession with level and real CV is also starting to irritate me to no end (people can deny it but it is an important thing to a small part of the community). It feels as if a persons worth is determined by these to metrics, being consigned to the crap pile for not meeting standards.

I know there are those on this site that don't like me, those that only care about their image and their small little world within this community. I feel like I don't belong and thus I ask: should I leave SG permanently or not?

For those who only care about gifts:

7 years ago

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Should I permanently leave SG?

View Results
Don't let the door hit you on the way out
Burn the witch!!!
You can stay if your ratio is good enough

This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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I don't, there is just a part of the community that obsesses over it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Got blacklist nr 2 from the nice community

7 years ago

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Why you would leave because of other people thoughts , stay as the way you are , and F... all the ones that thing in that way :) !

7 years ago

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if it's causing you grief then a break might do you some good, but you shouldn't feel forced to leave because of others opinions or restrictions

7 years ago

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Fuck em if they can't take a joke

You stay; they leave

7 years ago

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Already got 1 blacklist. That which empowers all.

7 years ago

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Hmmm, I think we've talked about this before. But, to be honest, you wouldn't ask this question if you really wanted to leave steamgifts. So, better stay in steamgifts. You can just use the forums. No need to make giveaways and such.

7 years ago

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The forum is the biggest problem for me.

7 years ago

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So, if you don't want to make giveaways and you don't want to use the forums, then I suppose you should leave steamgifts. But as I said before, you wouldn't ask this question if you really wanted to leave steamgifts.

7 years ago

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I do want to make giveaways. I do love doing that, but it isn't as fulfilling as it used to be.

7 years ago

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Fulfilling? Then make puzzles. Something that will interest you. Something that will assure you that only the people you consider worthy will enter your giveaways. Something that will cheer you up.

7 years ago

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The problem would be with determining who is worthy. Just because of X someone is seen as unfit to partake.

7 years ago

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What would make YOU think that someone is worthy? Because he's smart? Because he's good? Because he's good at observing things? Just think of it and make a relevant puzzle.

7 years ago

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Or a contest! :D

is bad at everything try me! :P

7 years ago

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I'm good at eating. :D I'm pretty sure I can win something with this skill. :P

7 years ago

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There is the jigsaw puzzle thing, just use an image you like, make it what ever size you want and make the giveaway invite only and once they get to the end they they get the link to the puzzle, though it is a little annoying that the text is not copy and paste, but still a fun idea. Personally I like doing them now and then even if I don't want the game, its sort of relaxing cause I can finish it and just go on and do something else.

7 years ago*

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Seems to me you're allowing the opinions of others influence your fun here.
Let me share a little something I learned a long time ago:

Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one... and theyr'e usually full of sht.

That in itself is reason enough to do as YOU wish, not what others would want.

7 years ago

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After reaching level 6, CV isn't exactly important anymore 'cause it doesn't change very much. I still enjoy creative puzzles and the chance to win something nice, though! If you feel like you're having fun on SG, you should definitely stay! No need to hang out with CV-obsessed people if you don't like them. (^w^)

7 years ago

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You just need a virtual hug and a virtual cookie...I only have hugs right now.

gives hug

Find a spot on SG you do like. SG group chat on Steam or BAA group chat are terrible places...when I go there...when I'm not there I hear it's awesome, but oh well, too bad for them, I keep coming back :P

7 years ago

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the forums are so friendly lately, why would anyone want to leave? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

anyway, it's up to you to decide if you want to stay or not. if you aren't happy with the useless forums, avoid people that annoy you.
it's not the perfect solution but better to give it a try. there's even a script to hide threads made by some users.

7 years ago

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It is below that surface that things aren't that nice. Some of the threads made by a small part of the community depresses me. There is this whole "we are SG because we gift more" and "filthy leeches" thing. Gifting should be about trying to be nice and not about being part of an exclusive clique.

7 years ago

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yes, that's the new problem on sg. too many people focused on "trading" games instead of giving away.

but there's also shameless leeches with inventories worth $500 that only use this site to make profit. it's... complicated.

7 years ago

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People are friendly lately , well I agree some people are friendly , but not as friendly as they show, I know that you can do whatever you want to do with your games , but mostly of the time people are friendly just for a couple of ones , they restricted everything , and the same people is winning again and again , that's the huge problem I think ...

7 years ago

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IF you don't enjoy the site anymore maybe you should stay away for a while and then see how you feel, but I think you should not decide (wether to leave or to stay) acording to what some people might think.
Steamgifts (or any community) is what you want it to be, and probably is very different things for many people.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I don't want you to go, but yeah, the forums gen get pretty shitty at times, sometimes I have to leave the site for a week to get away from it.

7 years ago

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You really shouldn't worry about this kind of stuff.

And only give if you feel like it, not out of some sort of obligation.

7 years ago

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Giving isn't something I feel obligated to do, I really like it. Just lately it hasn't been that good at making me cheer up.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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I'm more into direct gifting. How I do it most of the time.

7 years ago

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Sent you a friend request

7 years ago

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Never let yourself feel pressured to be or do anything. Just do what feels right for you.

There are some folk who are really into the levels and the ratios and shit, that stuff never interested me even remotely. It is like with people talking about SJW nonsense... People preach about it and you just wish they would fucking chill out.

If you really like a game and want to share it, share it. If you really want to play with a friend, play with them. If you really want to eat an entire tub of mayo, munch on some grindage buhdaye.

What I enjoy when giving a game is the mutual enjoyment, when I really liked a part of a game and a friend gets to that part and we can both talk about how cool it was... That's just great. So maybe you need to consider which game you most enjoyed when doing a giveaway, and try sharing it with a tight group of friends, then shooting the shit about the game as they go through it.

Everyone's different, no two people's tastes align, but it may be that you enjoy doing that too.

Or you could do what I did for a couple years - make people fight to the death for the gifts you give out. Trivia was an entertaining way to add some spice to game sharing. You may enjoy making more puzzles and less public giveaways.

7 years ago

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yes you totally should leave just because some scrub bragged about their ratio

7 years ago

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Potato said you should stay

7 years ago

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No ofc, you have all reasons in the world to stay
If SG is distracting you from education/work, maybe yes
But it's not!

Just don't care about those little people & their small world
You have us! :3
Forum is kinda friendly-ish.. If you're in right topic :)

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7 years ago

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