It's ti̼me to celebrate another year here. E̼ven thou̼gh I don't f̼requently provide giveaways I do TR̼Y to contribute. W̼ith the occasional GA, but mainly my site script. Though UZ̼UALLY I don't get to ups̼d̼ate̼ as freq̼r̼uen̼tly as I thought I'd be able to, due to work and limited free time. But I've put some time aside to put together something for the GA that seems to be tradition on cake days.

N̼ow I've g̼otten a v̼ery c̼rafty b̼i̼t̼ u̼f a̼ (N̼EAT) puz̼zle for you to decode. B̼ut instead of q̼uietl̼y hoping for at least F̼IVE solver̼s this time, I've decided to f̼ast-for̼ward past all̼ the hints A̼ND JUST G̼IVE you the steps to solve i̼t. You j̼u̼st need to follow each step and you wi̼ll q̼uickly m̼ake out the answer to the puz̼zle.

  1. First, you need to use a Vernam cipher with this pad to decode the text.
  2. Then yo̼u need to use 64 characters and change the text back into it's BINARY FORM̼.
  3. Finally, just rotate the letter̼s over by thirteen, and you will have solve̼d this puzzle.

H̼ow easy was that? W̼here else do y̼ou get the answers right at the beginning?
No where, that's where. I'd wish you good luck, but you won't even need it.
You have about a week from when this was posted to enter the giveaway, so be quick!

7 years ago*

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You shouldn't get any weird characters on any step. If you do, try using a different tool.

7 years ago

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Hey this is still running! Just over a day left, and there a few hints posted in the topic - just scroll down!

7 years ago

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The problem with giving you the instructions in the first post is that I can't really provide more hints.
Anything more and it's just the answer. Look through the thread if you are stuck.

It's all there, you can do it!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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bump for now :)

7 years ago

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Happy Cake Day!! Didn't try to complete the puzzle, it seems lately I just don't have the attention span for them

I must be going through a weird phaze.

7 years ago

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I'm at the first step and I don't even know what that means. Heh.
Edit: Okay, now just stuck at step 2. The sentence makes no sense but it's 2:30AM so I'm pretty sure I'm just tired. This edit is a bookmark so that I remember where I was tomorrow. :P

7 years ago*

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to remember you =)

7 years ago

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You forgot to solve it, hurry up! :3
there's hints now too if you haven't checked back

7 years ago

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Nope, still can't solve it. I've already given up a while ago. :P

7 years ago

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Happy Cakeday Phaze0!!
Hopefully this time it's not as tricky as last time.. :3

7 years ago

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what do u mean by this pad?

7 years ago

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I can't find the right pad i think because the output is not a *64 characters encription" output as well..

Edit: I put in accidentally the name of the encryption, now removed
Edit2: I thought that Vernam Cypher and One Time Pad were the same thing, but appearently they arent ;')
Edit3: I found some numbers (knew you were hiding something lol)... but now i don't know what to do O:O

7 years ago*

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Vernam Cypher and One Time Pad are the same, at least for this puzzle. I think wikipedia claims one is derived from the other but that's just semantics.

7 years ago

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What about "Edit3"?

7 years ago

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Those are important too, you should include them. :3

7 years ago

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The pad is the secret key you need to use to decode the text.

7 years ago

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I guess that understanding which is the text to decode is part of the puzzle too ><

7 years ago

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I guess that for people who've never done this before it's unclear which one is the text and which is the pad we have to use, even if we can get the character sequence.

7 years ago

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Read the post again, it tells you exactly what the pad is.

7 years ago

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Nah, I guess it's too much for me, as I don't understand some terms. Randomly converting codes would lead to nothing if I don't know what I'm doing or at least that I'm following the right path. Thanks anyway.

7 years ago

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I've found two "mistakes" in your title: Quick Solve Puzzle.
Even with your attempts to spoonfeed us, this is beyond me.

7 years ago

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Still stuck at that "use 64 characters" thing. I don't understand what it means. ;_;
Bump for 2nd try at solving. I'll be back for more after I let my brain cool off.

7 years ago

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did anyone managed to solve this?

7 years ago

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Nope, still trying. I'm pretty sure I messed up the Vernam cypher part, so I'm trying to figure out how to make it work.

7 years ago

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Are special characters considered weird? :/ Technical issues are the worst kind of issues, that's it for me I think. Thanks for the puzzle anyways.

7 years ago

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Bump for solved. It is possible!

7 years ago

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how many steps?

7 years ago

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All 3 steps are listed in the OP; there is nothing extra.

7 years ago

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Puzzle solved bump!

7 years ago

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Bump for.. solving

7 years ago

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So...the text after Step1 have to make sense? or is it stil jibber jabber ?!

*but im closing in. almost got close :/

7 years ago*

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Bump for Solved. Finally.

7 years ago

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Well, about halfway through and not nearly as many solvers as I would have thought.
I was expecting 56 after the first step, and 42 after the second. But only four people have reported making it past the third step..

Everything you need to know is laid out in that post, you just have to put it together!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Instructions are really helpful.

7 years ago

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Shouldn't be so empty here....its really doable. There are more difficult puzzles here^^

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Less than 15hrs left! Final piece of advice:
The pad isn't made of it's own encrypted text, try taking that one line more literally.

7 years ago

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Bumping this for the last hour. Definitely possible to solve it in that time!

7 years ago

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