Hi everyone on SG!

So, I used to play 2 PSX games which names I don't remember, and if I'm not mistaken these games were on Euro demos.

The first game, all I remember is that there were 2 teams, the Red and Blue team, and each team had its base, and the objective was to eliminate the opposite team as well as their base. You could build (I think you could build them) tanks, and drive around and shoot the enemies and stuff. Can't remember much more than this, I think it also had multiplayer, and the angle of the camera was an above view.

The second game is even harder I suppose, because I know I played this one earlier and my memories of it are not specific at all. It was kind of an arena fighting game, where you control some sort of insect (insect robot? maybe? can't really tell by now) and you'd fight the other guys (I think there were 4, one of them being you) on a square shaped arena. I remember that the arena I played was themed as desert.

Btw, the first game is more important for me to find out the name, rather than the second one.
Well, that's pretty much it, in case I remember any other stuff from these games, I'll be sure to post them here as well with hope it'll make it easier to reach the bottom of this mystery.


1 decade ago*

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For the second game : The Unholy War ?

1 decade ago

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You totally got that one right! Cheers friend!

1 decade ago

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The first game might be Team Buddies

If not, look up Return Fire. No building, but worth a check.

1 decade ago

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Yes! That's it! Thank you!

It was Team Buddies. I'll definitively check that one out! :)

1 decade ago

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Happy to help. Have fun playing the games again.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Jovel.