
Stage 1: Time is of the Essence
Stage 2: Journey Into the Unknown
Stage 3: The Stage is Set
Stage 4: Face Your Fears
Stage 5: I Dream of Keys
Stage 6: It Boggles My Mind
Stage 7: Seriously, I couldn't think of a good title
Stage 8: It is so Meta -> The Blind Leading the Blind


  • No sharing giveaway links or character codes. No sharing ITH answers.
  • Feel free to give hints, bounce ideas off each other and generally help each other solve the puzzles. Essentially you can discuss anything except give away the answers. It is most likely impossible to reach the end without collaboration.
  • Please login to your ITH account before solving so I can note the top solvers for possible future giveaways.

It's been months since your mysterious benefactor last contacted you. Finally, today, the walkie-talkie springs to life once again: "I've found those thieves! I'll be sending you the coordinates, so get there ASAP!" A couple of minutes later, a letter twirls down from the sky and lands right in front of you. With the coordinates in tow, you head out to find the way back into The Temple of Steamgifts.


Journey Into The Unknown
--Correction: In picture #6, "Deliver the Message to Wilmuth" should be above "Deliver the Message to Eimar"--
Hint 1: Clicky
Hint 2: Clicky

The Stage is Set
Hint 1: Clicky

I Dream of Keys
Hint 1: The characters that make up the keys don't matter. You can't construct the answer from the names of the games either.

The Blind Leading the Blind
Hint 1: There are six sets of six
Hint 2: For each set, out of the 36 lettered circles, you can construct six six-letter things concurrently (one per set of six circles). The other 5 positions on the circles will still be gibberish. Make sure to orient them in a such a manner that it falls under the mask - the mask is actually there only for orientation purposes, to make you put the circles so the word is pointing out towards 9PM. This puzzle has nothing to do with clock face or time
Hint 3: Each of the POKEMN upper letters indicates the lower letter is part of a particular set. All "P" letters belong in one set, etc.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Tips,hints and questions regarding ''Journey Into the Unknown'' as replies to this comment to keep it nice and clean please.

9 years ago

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Well, Im officially lost, and taking a break. That last one burned my brain. Need to smoke and kill off those braincells.

9 years ago

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Same here. I opened the skyrim quests and kept looking at the images with a smile thinking wtf is going on.

9 years ago

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So... My current idea is that the answer might be encoded using the original quest names (which have been replaced with 'Group Puzzle Quest').

9 years ago

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Its definitely possible, but what a cunt to figure out. especially since quests in skyrim were not linear. Actually I have an idea now. Will report back.

9 years ago*

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I have never played Skyrim so I don't know much on this one. I don't think the answer is skyrim related though, as this would restrict the target audience that can solve this part.

9 years ago

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So, up until this puzzle, there have been 7 codewheels and 1 differing codewheel. Assuming we dont count the newest one on this puzzle. 7 wheels 7 images. Maybe Im barking up the wrong tree because I cant find anything, but it seems rather coincidental.

9 years ago

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No idea, my initial thought when i saw the new wheels was that we still need more, and they would make a full circle of words or something like that.

9 years ago

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I just checked for one of the quests and it doesn't seem to exist in the Skyrim Wikia...i'll check the others too.

9 years ago

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image 5 is Kyne's Sacred Trials (using Skyrim wiki), and i also think image 1 is Trouble in Skyrim, it's a randomized quest from what i've read

9 years ago*

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The "quests" seem to be made up. Maybe it's coded in the locations which you are supposed to visit?

9 years ago

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Could be, or even some names that are mentioned in the quests.Also, some objectives are not done and some are done.

9 years ago

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Yeah, that's what I thought. So image 5 yields this: http://i.imgur.com/SHpsoiN.png

9 years ago

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It could be a really bad 'V' drawn by a 5 year old

9 years ago

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You used some Skyrim util to draw it? I wanted to draw rest of images and see if the would look like some kind of letters.

9 years ago

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I don't know. The thing I got as a result of my efforts didn't look like anything useful in particular, so I scrapped the idea and decided to think on the quest images a bit more.

If you feel like trying a few others, I simply used this Skyrim map - although this one would've probably been better. None of the maps I tried allow you to draw lines on them, or even display several hotpoints - so I just grabbed a screenshot of a specific area and drew the lines in MS Paint by looking up the points on the map in the browser.

9 years ago

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I just noticed, that not all objectives contains places names. Probably you are right and this isn't the right path.
Btw. Name of quest is different in first image.

9 years ago

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And here's a lightning-shaped nail in the coffin. ;)

(That's image 4.)

9 years ago

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could be an "s":P

9 years ago

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Well, yes, but making it look like I'm trying to hide something, ironically, does a better job at discrediting the idea. ;รพ

9 years ago

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So i made a lot of dots and thought I could share them with you
image/dots [1]1-4 [2]5-7 [3]8-14 [4]15-19 [5]20-25 [6]26-33 [7]34-38
Marked them from bottom to top image one to seven.
PS the blue ones are possible alternative locations

9 years ago

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Cheers, that's one hell of an undertaking.

So now we know that connecting the immediate dots yields anything from Egyptian hieroglyphs to Younger Futhark runes to coathangers.

Maybe we're supposed to look into singling out specific ones.

9 years ago

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Connecting 34 to 38 looks like from Daedric alphabet or I just started imagining things... And your marked symbol looks like from Dwemer alphabet

9 years ago*

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So I made a spreadsheet I'd like to share with you.

I took the coordinates from this map and put them all in the spreadsheet. I have diagrams made from the locations and hoped I could make out any shapes. In some cases I thought I could use the semaphore again - but I didn't get any useful letters/numbers.
So please feel free to play around with it, maybe it helps.
Unfortunately I cannot connect the dots in the diagram but have a look yourself.

9 years ago

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that's impressive

9 years ago

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WOW it's look great. Now time to think :D

9 years ago

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Just to clarify, Pic #1 is Miscellaneous, not Diplomatic Immunity.

9 years ago

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thanks for clarifying. I'd really like to know what you think when you see us trying all those different approaches, struggling and being in the dark...

9 years ago

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I didn't expect this one to be that difficult. Probably will post hints soon unless you get more headway

9 years ago

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Let me be first to say, OH THANK GOD.

9 years ago

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Spent 7 hours today trying to advance and hit a dead end. Those hints would at least point us into direction cause now we are lost.

9 years ago

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Theo1001 is on the right track below. Most of you thought of that but dropped it after svipur posted his image of pic 4.

One person almost there but seems like everyone ignored the post

9 years ago

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Theo1001 has two ideas below :D
It's too late. Maybe tomorrow start again the Journey

9 years ago

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I mean this one is on the right track

9 years ago

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There must be a significance to this to warrant a clarification methinks.

9 years ago

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I`m in a dead end, I will try later, maybe some coffee will help.

9 years ago

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For objectives that contain npcs or items instead it could be the location of the npc or item ingame. Although i guess the problem there is books since they have multiple locations.

9 years ago

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It kind of looks like a rotated "D" in the dragon alphabet if you remove the middle line?

9 years ago

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I don't think jatan went through all this guys. I mean think about it, he looked the locations on skyrim and drew lines to make letters, eventually even a word, and then he knew what quests have exactly these paths? I mean come on It's too much unless he has 2k hours playtime on skyrim. Unfortunately i am out of ideas and don't have something new to offer.

9 years ago

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You do not need to launch skyrim.

9 years ago

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yeah but still, I think it requries a lot of game knoweledge to make a word out of letters on the map, gotten from quests. I might be missing something though.

9 years ago

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You don't have to get those locations from quests. In fact, the quests as they are seen in the images don't exist. Theoretically, Jatan could just find specific points on the map and write them in to make a quest appear as a specific shape.

9 years ago

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If the quests are made up then it makes sense, and it also credits the idea of marking stuff on the skyrim map.

9 years ago

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I think that quests are made up because person from them are for example kids (that quest about traitors)

9 years ago

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Yes it can be, they marked under "group puzzle quest" but the first image don't have it and also there is all gray dots filled, while on gpq first dot always empty, wonder is it just a coincidence?
And they all separated to different image I think each of them count as one letter 7 letters it word?

9 years ago*

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I just bought Cities Skylines because I cant even think about this anymore. I dont care to admit how many different ideas I've chased down unsuccessfully over the last 3-4 hours. I'm almost at the point of deciding the journal is a red herring and focusing on the wheels. Meh, either way I think I'm done for a while.

As a side note, I'm building a whitelist of those people who've tried to help each other instead of being greedy and keeping their ideas to themselves for a future giveaway. I think thats why I've always preferred this site to other giveaway sites was the community even though I tend to keep to myself usually.

9 years ago

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There is a date on every journal page (same on all of them: Morndas, 5:10 AM, 29th of Sun's Dusk, 4E 201), but according to this site, it looks invalid to me. It should be "Loredas" instead of "Morndas". Or i messed something up:)

Edit: Or it is just game bug (according to the page i linked, something may be messed when specific conditions are met).

9 years ago*

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I modified the exact same quest every time. First time making my own mod in skyrim :P

9 years ago*

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Wondering why the first one isn't named as the rest: it's missing "Group puzzle quest"

9 years ago

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first one is also the only one with all the grey diamonds filled in

9 years ago

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When I first saw the image I thought it was only 1 image. Maybe it's only for distracting purposes? I'm going to try to make some guessing using only the other 6 images, using only their no finished missions. I want to see if they make any recognizable shape.

EDIT: An "e" :|

9 years ago*

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Hm, at first I felt like we are stuck on the locations without any proof, but the fact that this one is called "Journey Into the Unknown" when the first one was called "time is of the essence" seems like this might be the right direction...

9 years ago

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Perhaps it is like previous puzzle too. There are again 3 steps and connecting the dots is only step 1 of 3. Step 2 would be to find out how to decipher the resulting shapes.

9 years ago

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Very good catch.

9 years ago

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after a fun fill hour of connected the dots, and then another hour or so of looking at them some look like they could be star constellations and others just look like well i have no clue. That or I'm starting to see things that aren't there either way time for a break

9 years ago

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I just noticed that on picture 1 (miscellaneous) has show on map greyed out as opposed to the other ones.
When you map them though it seems to cross the other figures. Maybe it shows the order in which to use the symbols?

9 years ago

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I'm not sure.

The main problem is that the first quest only lists four locations, whilst there are 6 more quests.

9 years ago

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I think I found something: clicky

9 years ago

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Looks promising.
Maybe those 'optional' markers are there to split the symbols into distinct characters.

9 years ago

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Well, if I squint hard enough, I think I can kind of see something starting with 'quad' or 'gta' - but there are still shapes that don't quite look like anything. I'll have to sleep on it.

9 years ago

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After looking at what you've drawn, I realize that the quest system in Skyrim requires some explanation - it's not evident if you haven't played before. When you complete a quest objective, the new one appears above it - the lower you go, the older the objective is. The marker that is not filled in is the current objective, while filled up ones have already been completed.

It seems like you're also not taking into account crucial parts of the quest. Think how a typical RPG quest is done.

Edit: Found a mistake in one of the quest logs. Fixed in the OP.

9 years ago*

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Jatan confirmed skyrim shill.

9 years ago

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Are you sure that the"fix" is actually a fix ? The "unfixed" version gives me the correct answer...

9 years ago

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Sigh, I'm getting myself confused now >.< I think the fix is correct though?

The first three should be Whiterun -> Chillfurrow Farm -> Honningbrew Meadery

9 years ago

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original: Jarl (Whiterun) -> Wilmuth (Chillfurrow Farm) -> Eimar (Honningbrew Meadery) -> ...
"fixed": Jarl (Whiterun) -> Eimar (Honningbrew Meadery) -> Wilmuth (Chillfurrow Farm) -> ...

The "fix" is not a fix.

9 years ago

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Oh crap you're right. I was going by the maps people were drawing and they went backwards in that section for some reason.

9 years ago

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(Reply to get all the way down)

So I've changed my spreadsheet, unfortunately I can't upload my .xlsx anywhere, where you can work with it the way it's intended but here's the result:

Yet I've got the feeling I'm missing a few things:

  • The location of the books (I didn't use any)
  • Only in the first puzzle quest I actually used the location mentioned in the quest description (aka Sarethi Farm)
  • I used the optional tasks as delimiter - but this means the error jatan mentioned wouldn't change anything (so the way I used it must be wrong)

But it really looks like runes already :P
If you want me to change anything just throw them coordinates from this map at me and I'll recreate the graph.

Edit: If anyone's using Excel and want to have his own go I'll gladly load it up somewhere (but neither google spreadsheets nor Excel online work with this sheet)

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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I think you missed Jatan's comment on the task order: "When you complete a quest objective, the new one appears above it - the lower you go, the older the objective is." I didn't know either.

9 years ago

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Does this mean, the order of the tasks as in the pictures from jatan should be any different?
I understood the tasks are in chronological order just the way they're in the pictures (just from bottom to top and not from top down; which wouldn't make any differences when drawing the lines)

9 years ago

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It does make a difference. For example, your #2 look really different depending if you go bottom up or top down.

9 years ago

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Sorry, apparently I don't get it. It doesn't make any difference when drawing a line between two (or more) points, when you start from the one or the other side.
Quest 2 is a bad example cause I'm missing all the book locations there.
I think I'll give it a rest and try later again. Thank you for trying to help me there, but I guess I just can't think at the moment.

9 years ago

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Oh I was referring to picture 2, so I guess quest one? Sorry for the confusion. Also for quest two I think all of the book locations in the imgur are correct.

Like for quest one:

Aduri Sarethi is looking for her missing sister -> Find her remains in Treva's Watch -> (Optional) Follow her trail to the dwemer ruins -> Search the cave to the West

Is different from
Aduri Sarethi is looking for her missing sister -> Search the cave to the West ->(Optional) Follow her trail to the dwemer ruins-> Find her remains in Treva's Watch

9 years ago

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Now I understand. I didn't take the quest description into account, since I couldn't point to a specific location for every quest description. Thanks for helping me out here.

9 years ago

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Map including location from description (not for quest 5), travelling from the bottom to the top, and optional quests treated as separators. Quest 1 not included because it is miscellaneus and not a part of the puzzle

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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Very Nice. Now you might want to draw the points from miscellaneous also on the map, but only as points?

9 years ago

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Dots added with paint (hopefully somebody will make a better job, I'm at work now XD)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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since you've done it obviously: is there any other task needed but decrypting these signs directly into letters?

9 years ago

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Anagram. (If you have trouble, try doing it while listening to some music)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You guys are great! I almost gave up. Thank you!

9 years ago

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Without the music I dont think I wouldve solved this, so thank you. And thank you to everyone who contributed.

9 years ago

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I thought I found correct letters but it's seems I've made a mistake somewhere

9 years ago

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Now that's a sight to wake up to. Splendid job, everyone. ;รพ

9 years ago

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Holy ..... that's fantastic work, thank you :D

9 years ago

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Maybe quest 1 need to be included

9 years ago

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Once again stuck...
I have the 7 numbers but in my case they start form 3 to 22.
The 1000+ number translated into 3 for me for some reason...

9 years ago

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try what i did and work backwards. i dont know if i messed up somewhere or not, but once i had last 4 letters I was able to guess the word.

9 years ago

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wait...so is it actually a word?
Then i might be decoding the 7 numbers wrong?
Are they not positions of letters in the alphabet?
Edit: Forget it...bruteforcing works wonders xD
Also, thanks for the help.

9 years ago

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Well let me try to reexplain Svipur said.

You convert the dots and dashes to clock times. Use semaphore code to convert the times to numbers, one of which is a space(rest). Convert the numbers to letters on a straight scale, ie a=1 z=26. The answer appears.

9 years ago

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He got it :)

9 years ago

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I don't get semaphore at all. I have the clock face numbers but I can't convert these into anything.

9 years ago

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Think of the clock hands as the hands of the guy doing the semaphore gestures. So 6:30 means both hands down - which is the semaphore symbol for 'space'.

9 years ago

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Can someone explain how to transfer semaphore from the times into numbers, I can only find letters...

9 years ago

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I have the problem that I deciphered 640 twice but can't find a according number that would make sense....
Am I on the right track or is this 640 wrong already?

9 years ago

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made it. thanks.

9 years ago

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I didn't get a single 640 in my sequence - maybe you just counted the lines wrong.

9 years ago

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640 is wrong, you did something wrong in the decryption

9 years ago

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6:40 is what i got too, apparently the small lines were not 0. But i was able to get it using what was closest.

9 years ago

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Yes just now found out the lines were not 0 LOL I also got 640 because of it
but actually this lines just don't have grandma to feed them

9 years ago

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Okay, I got it... And of couse, you finally get it while I I take a movie break ;-)

The next one confuses me even more sighs

9 years ago

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So I got to the semaphore thingy, but almost none of my numbers match up with the semaphore signs! I mean some of them could be interpreted as the same sign. Is that right? I have some nonsense letters that can't be made into a word. What am I missing? I decoded all the numbers right, that is 100% sure. I did the deciphering three times now, and always get the same numbers.

9 years ago

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Your goal is to decipher the semaphore signs into numbers first, and then into letters. Some of the different clock faces will give you the same semaphore sign - that's okay.

9 years ago

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Yeah some are the same. Also, decode them into numbers, not letters. And lastly, use 1 as A and not 0.

9 years ago

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Oh, cool, thanks for the anwers! But I don't really see the point in deciphering into numbers first, because the semaphore alphabet already gives A-K (without J) for 1-9 and 0. I work with this pic:

View attached image.
9 years ago

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It doesn't make any sense if you decipher them into letters. You do get a legit word otherwise.

9 years ago

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You're supposed to decipher those into digits, not numbers. You'll get numbers in between the 6:30 spaces.

9 years ago

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Oooohh, I get it now, thanks ^^

9 years ago

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I'm in the same boat but I really don't understand how you are meant to translate the images into numbers when it only goes from 0-9?

9 years ago

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Bump for wondering how much this one will make my brain hurt.

9 years ago

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Time to rumble in the temple!

9 years ago

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Bump for solved semaphore, jesus I was being stupid. As a tip, do not ignore 630 spaces.

9 years ago

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have a bump for my incompetence

9 years ago

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Anyone got any idea what this http://i.imgur.com/NBiTCLK.png (the 9 letter wheels, so far, that I found) might be ? May a compass have anything to do with it ?

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure it's not complete yet.

9 years ago

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To steal: Tips, hints and questions regarding ''The Stage is Set'' as replies to this comment to keep it nice and clean please.

9 years ago

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yamato man - drill man - pharaoh man - gemini man- snake man - Dr. Cossack - shadow man
shade man - star man - spring man - dive man - gravity man - Dr. Wily - wind man
centaur man - slash man - ring man - turbo man - crystal man - toad man - stone man

9 years ago

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and they are from series

6-4-4-3-3-Cossack is probably 4 or 5 - 3
7-5-7-4-5-Dr. Wily who knows, it looks newer than the rest so maybe 7 - 6

I hope I didn't make mistake here XD

9 years ago*

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on last sequence you put toadman twice i think.
Should be 6-7-4-7-5-4-5.

9 years ago

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Looking at the title wouldn't it make more sense to look at the stages they are associated with?
E.g. yamato man with Impregnable Fortress

9 years ago

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I think so. Something related with stages

9 years ago*

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Not sure 100% correct (but I wanted to make a table :D)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Impenetrable Fortress Ore Mines Egyptian Excavation Mirror Cavern Snake Tower Dr. Cossack's Citadel/Cossack Castle Sewer System
Horror Fortress Space Station Bounce Labs Sea Base Anti-Gravity Research Facility Wily Castle Mechanical Tower
Ancient City Mecha Dino Research Area Space Simulator Giant Trailers Crystal Mines Rainy Sewers The Highlands
9 years ago

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My first instinct is that the bosses are arranged in a 3x3 grid that might correspond to a numpad, except for MM7. No idea about that. But it looks like that would end up with
1 2 4 1 8 5 3
7? 2 6? 8 8 5 8
3 5? 7 8? 9 7 1
if 1 is at the bottom left, where ?'s are the order in MM7 the boss appears.

9 years ago

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The last two (7 and 1) should be swapped. Also, using this MM7 stage select screenie, I'm getting the following table:

1 2 4 1 8 5 3
3 2 7 8 8 5 8
3 9 7 1 9 1 7

Alternatively, counting from the top left:
7 8 4 7 2 5 9
9 8 1 2 2 5 2
9 3 1 7 3 7 1

9 years ago*

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Tried combining these numbers with the table of Mega Man games these characters are from. Got four tables of two-digit numbers. Converting from ASCII codes into text yielded nothing.
I'll leave the tables here.

16 24 44 13 83 54 33
37 25 77 84 85 57 86
36 97 74 17 95 14 75

61 42 44 31 38 45 33
73 52 77 48 58 75 68
63 79 47 71 59 41 57

67 48 44 37 32 45 39
79 58 71 42 52 75 62
69 73 41 77 53 47 51

76 84 44 73 23 54 93
97 85 17 24 25 57 26
96 37 14 77 35 74 15

9 years ago

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Some random thoughts and observations:
There's no way for there to be a zero in this setup, so if this is on the right track it's probably not a straight translation from numbers to something else.
Thought about translating the numbers into letters using a phone keypad, but 1 doesn't translate into anything, and it didn't seem to come up with any words anyway.
My guess would be that the games they come from is irrelevant. If I were making the puzzle, I would pick something with a big enough pool of possibilities (like Mega Man games) so that I could represent the same symbol in different ways, preventing symbols from repeating which would just make it into a substitution cipher.

9 years ago

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The game does matter. There is also a reason I used those images for Dr. Cossack and Wily and it has nothing to do with separation.

Someone below already has the correct method if my interpretation of their comment is correct.

9 years ago*

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On the one hand, I admire the effort you put into these puzzles, and on the other I loathe you for making me think so damn much over the last couple days.

9 years ago

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Converting from T9 to text yields nothing too

9 years ago

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What if we group them vertically? Like 799, 883, etc. Does that do anything?

9 years ago

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I can't seem to think of a way to turn three-digit numbers into something useful.

I tried drawing symbols using these three-digit numbers as cardinal directions (1 for SW, 8 for N, etc.) - but I'm not entirely sure this gives us anything either:

9 years ago

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x/y/z positions in space, or map coordinates? also what if wily and dr c, are separators since all the rest are regular bosses?

9 years ago

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I thought maybe use Columnar Transposition but before need to make letters from this numbers
hmm 1=a not working
must be something else

9 years ago

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I first thought about the apperance in the series too, but then I read this:

Most Robot Masters possess a unique identification code, consisting of a two-letter "series code" followed by one of N, No, or #, then a three-digit "serial number".

So I put them serial codes here in this table Maybe someone's got an idea what to do with it.

Robot Masters - - - - - -
yamato man drill man pharaoh man gemini man snake man Dr. Cossack shadow man
DWN-048 DWN-027 DWN-028 DWN-019 DWN-022 - DWN-024
shade man star man spring man dive man gravity man Dr. Wily wind man
DWN-055 DWN-037 DWN-053 DWN-031 DWN-033 - DWN-047
centaur man slash man ring man turbo man crystal man toad man stone man
DWN-042 DWN-054 DWN-029 DWN-056 DWN-040 DWN-026 DWN-035
9 years ago

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already tried that, but just got gibberish

9 years ago

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Dr. Wily has number 094

9 years ago

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X,Y Coordinates? eg, 4,8 2,7 2,8 (Or alternatively perhaps it has something to do with the position of the bosses on the level select grids ie, west,southeast,north)
Order of use in puzzle? eg, 019,022,024,026
I think there may be something to this, but with the clue about Stages in puzzle title, so perhaps the order we use the stages based on the id number of the boss?
I dunno just tossing out my thoughts

9 years ago

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It's clever but I think that sticking to the Stages is correct in this case and the serial numbers are from each Master Robot , it has nothing to do with the stage :S

9 years ago*

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A little late to the party, but I agree with the idea that it probably has something to do with their stages' positioning on the stage select screen. At least, that was my first thought.

9 years ago

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Stages and bosses

yamato man - drill man - pharaoh man - gemini man- snake man - Dr. Cossack - shadow man
shade man - star man - spring man - dive man - gravity man - Dr. Wily - wind man
centaur man - slash man - ring man - turbo man - crystal man - toad man - stone man

BL - BC - ML - BL- TC - MC - BR
BR - BC - TL - TC - TC - MC - TC
BR - TR - TL - BL - TR - BL - TL

9 years ago*

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Open all the stage select screens in consecutive tabs and stare at them for a while.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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I saw that jatan. Is jatan like satan? Japanese satan?
Also it looks like interest dropped off pretty hard.

9 years ago*

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Pretty sure people are just asleep.

9 years ago

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What is a jatan even.

9 years ago

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I was.

9 years ago

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Lol, got stuck at 6th cause for some odd reason I thought wind man was at the last position of the 3rd row, not the 2nd.

9 years ago

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Thanks for that hint :D Solving it right now

9 years ago

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This one really helped

9 years ago

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I still don't know how to solve this ... i'm puzzled

9 years ago

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When in doubt, just remember that j-satan has a connect the dots fetish.

9 years ago

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Me too. But after my yesterday's desperate spell of connecting dots in 3D (5 3x3 grids stacked on top of each other, one for each MM game), I'm still none the wiser as to how exactly I'm supposed to be reading the tables. So far, the best thing I've come up with is connecting the dots in individual 3x3 matrices, reading the 7x3 tables horizontally - but even then I've no idea what to do with the resulting patterns. I feel like there's just too many ways to do the reading, and I'm becoming dumber and dumber every time I try a different approach. ;(

9 years ago

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You're missing one in #4

9 years ago

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Cheers, That did it.
The guesswork has almost killed me. ;(

9 years ago

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4 killed me, i just couldnt see it for the life of me, even having all the dots.

apparently using #first makes text bigger

9 years ago

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My killer would have been the fact that the 7x3 table has 2 repeating boss positions in each column (barring the last one). Like, the first column has one bottom-left boss and two bottom-right ones. It just looks too neat to be a coincidence.

If you replace each tile with the first letter of the corresponding stage name, and then only use the non-doubled ones, you get the following sequence of letters: I M E S C R. Which is an anagram for 'crimes'.

When it didn't work, I almost gave up - my mind boggling at all the different ways to approach the decoding that I'd have to try.

9 years ago*

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So close!

9 years ago

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You dot-loving devil, you.

9 years ago

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Woo-hoo, I got it! I'd done the same thing earlier but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what 4 was supposed to be until I saw yours. Thank you!

9 years ago

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Thanks for posting the image. I could at least confirm that I was on the right track :)

9 years ago

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I stared at them for now 40 solid minutes. I don't see it.

9 years ago

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Perhaps its a process of elimination. Or Not.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I thought I had it after this comment, but I didn't. Hmm.

9 years ago

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if you had what was left, you didnt have it.

9 years ago

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If there is one thing this whole puzzle series made me realize about myself, is that I am a lot dumber than I thought :D
We get 5 letters right? With elimination 2 symbols we get make on sense as letters. We can flip them around and make some but still i don't get a legitimate word.

9 years ago

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thank you :D

9 years ago*

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Well, haven't solved 3 yet myself, but apparently some people have!

So here's a thread for Stage Four: Face Your Fears

9 years ago

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I see a bunch of Final Fantasy characters, and based on the title the direction they're facing is probably important?

I'm pretty sleepy right now and I off the top of my head I mostly only recognize the FFVI characters, so I'll leave game-matching for someone else for now, or do it when I wake up if no one else has by then I guess.

9 years ago

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Can't see anything in it, but I drew pretty arrows :3
(What do you mean they are not pretty? D:)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Now go find this place on earth where there is a magnetic field distortion that looks exactly like this :P

9 years ago*

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No, it's clearly a set of DDR instructions

9 years ago

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WHAT? DDR? Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration

It's the secret code to world peace.

9 years ago

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The ones 'facing' their fears?

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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Also, joining dots you get the easiest maze ever.

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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Found this site for sprites: http://www.videogamesprites.net/
Filling in the grid now

9 years ago

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Okay I've checked the first 5 games and this is what I have so far:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Firion Geomancer Mystic Knight Maria Warrior ? ? Thief
Gordon ? ? guy ? ? ? ?
? ? Rydia Kain ? Cecil (Dark knight) ? Black Wizard
Viking Lenna ? Geomancer Monk ? Krile ?
Leila ? ? Leon ? Edge ? ?
Josef ? ? Minwu ? ? ? White Wizard
Devout Krile Porom Yang Black Mage ? ? Knight

From game:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 5 5 2 1 ? ? 1
2 ? ? 2 ? ? ? ?
? ? 4 4 ? 4 ? 1
3 5 ? 3 1 ? 5 ?
2 ? ? 2 ? 4 ? ?
2 ? ? 2 ? ? ? 1
3 5 4 4 1 ? ? 1
9 years ago*

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My 2c:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Firion Bartz(Geomancer) Mystic Knight Maria Warrior Faris(Dancer) Lenna(Ranger) Thief
Gordon Edgar ? guy Sabin Rude Shadow Cyan
? Locke Rydia Kain ? Cecil (Dark knight) Rinoa? Black Wizard
Viking Lenna ? Geomancer Monk Cloud? Krile White Mage
Leila Terra Rosa Leon Celes Edge Selphie? Strago
Josef ? Vincent? Minwu ? Aeris Squall? White Wizard
Devout Krile Porom Yang Black Mage Edward Krile(Beastmaster) Knight
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 5 5 2 1 5 5 1
2 6 ? 2 6 7 6 6
? 6 4 4 ? 4 8? 1
3 5 ? 3 1 7? 5 1
2 6 4 2 6 4 8? 6
2 ? 7? 2 ? 7 8? 1
3 5 4 4 1 4 4 1
9 years ago*

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I think the one you're missing in the 8th column (next to Selphie) is Strago from 6, the one between Sabin and Shadow is Rude from 7, the one between Monk and Krile looks like Cloud from 7 to me, and to the left of Squall is Aeris from 7.

9 years ago

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Thanks, edited.

9 years ago

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Added some more. You don't actually need to know the names btw ;)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Firion Geomancer Mystic Knight Maria Warrior Faris (Dancer) Lenna (Ranger) Thief
Gordon Edgar Reno? Guy Sabin ? Shadow Cyan
Onion Knight Locke Rydia Kain ? Cecil (Dark knight) Rinoa ? Black Wizard
Viking Lenna ? Geomancer Monk Cloud? Krile White Mage
Leila Terra ? Leon Celes Edge Selphie? Strago
Josef Galuf Vincent? Minwu ? ? Squall? White Wizard
Devout Krile Porom Yang Black Mage Edward Krile (Beast Master) Knight

From game:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 5 5 2 1 5 5 1
2 6 7? 2 6 ? 6 6
3 6 4 4 ? 4 8? 1
3 5 ? 3 1 7? 5 ?
2 6 ? 2 6 4 8? 6
2 5 7? 2 ? ? 8? 1
3 5 4 4 1 4 5 1
9 years ago

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Seeing as you replied and have made it, I would think the game # has relevance, but still so many ? still in the chart so no?

9 years ago

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Game number is relevant. The answer was clear enough so that I didn't need to look up the rest.

9 years ago

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I wonder if the directions are relevant then...

9 years ago

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They are

9 years ago

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I can see some of the answer, but some parts are still indecipherable >.<

9 years ago

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This should be enough for you to solve it then ;)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 5 5 2 1 5 5 1
2 6 7 2 6 7 6 6
3 6 4 4 8 4 8 1
3 5 7 3 1 7 5 1
2 6 4 2 6 4 8 6
2 5 7 2 8 7 8 1
3 5 4 4 1 4 5 1
9 years ago

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I am dumb and cannot follow directions >_> Thank you!

9 years ago

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Kept messing up the fourth one. Damn I'm bad at this.

9 years ago

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That was the one I was messing up on too!

9 years ago

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Assuming I identified their correct facing direction and combining with your table I get this:
(F - front, B - Back, L- Left, R - Right)

Yet I don't understand where I'm supposed to go from here :s

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Or in another way:

View attached image.
9 years ago

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This way is better.

9 years ago

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Thanks for all your work, guys

9 years ago

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Got it, woo!

This image should be the only thing you need to solve the puzzle.

9 years ago

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Still can't get it right :(
I can only get to something like this

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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I can't tell what you're doing exactly, but while you've got the right idea in making shapes, you're not making the right shapes.

9 years ago

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My idea was to draw a shape for each game, but both horizontal and vertical order got me nowhere.

9 years ago

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Wow, got it finally :) I feel like i'm doing same puzzle over and over.

9 years ago

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Stuck as well, I tried taking as (0,0) a spot and then drawing around as instructed. Tried it with lines, columns, and game number but got nowhere.

EDIT: Ok got it, i am dumb

9 years ago*

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It's much easier than you think. Use nothing else than MjrPITA diagram.

9 years ago

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I am getting the same images as you, what is wrong there?

9 years ago

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Seems like 4 people solved that puzzle after I posted this and I'm not the wiser :s

9 years ago

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Instead of back and front try to think of it as up and down.

9 years ago

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thats what got me through,

9 years ago

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Here's an up/down version... that still doesn't make any sense to me

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Ofcourse it doesn't, you swapped up and down :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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When it's facing you it means it's looking down, when it's facing away with his back turned on you, it means he is looking up.

9 years ago

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I got that part, I was just shocked that I've spent almost a whole day staring at the wrong directions...
here's the final version anyone will ever need... me too... I hope:

View attached image.
9 years ago

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You helped 90% of the solvers to solve it you know that right?

9 years ago

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Probably. It also doesn't prevent me from being still stuck on this part...
Besides - I based my template off of aapje's table, so he's the one to credit

9 years ago

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The one where forward meant up and back meant down made more sense to me,but both that one and this one don't work for me,I am either blind or stupid but I just don't see any letters/words there...

9 years ago

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Treat each game separatly. Try maybe the 5th and the 7th first, probably those are the easiest. If you are told to go left, go left, if up go up, etc... :P

9 years ago

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in "7" if go by column order I see letter "y" but in 5 no letter for me, if I go by row also no letter, that is why stuck, I got that it should be done separately a day ago, but how to connect them if I can't see letters in this lines?

9 years ago

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I meant the game number. Misunderstood. The start point doesn't really matter. Can you see the dots?

9 years ago*

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dots (O.O") ?

9 years ago

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Pretty colored not so round dots ;)

9 years ago

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right direction? but #3 what letter is it? is it anagram?

9 years ago

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It's not an anagram. If you figure out all the rest you can guess the 3rd even if you have trouble recognising it.

9 years ago

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thank you very much <3 <3 I got it, still not recognized 3 one but by other letters got what is it, I think the "-" for it must be higher
kiss hug <3

9 years ago

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Did it !!!
Damn, that took so long!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Let's just say that my initial diagram was enough - I was simply limiting myself in how I was solving it

9 years ago

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okay I see it,I got a couple of letters but when I put them together its still wrong,is it an anagram?

9 years ago

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Nope, it's an actual word.

9 years ago

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Haha,wow,never would've thought its a word like that,thanks =D

9 years ago

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Hello,new here,I am still stuck on this one,I don't understand how should I connect them,I tried connecting them using just directions but I only got 3 letters from that,am I missing something?

9 years ago

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You're not :)

9 years ago

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I have to be missing something,no matter how I connect or what picture I use,I am just not getting any words,I can post a image of what I did and what looked like it made sense but I am afraid that if I post the picture I'll show too much...I'll try a few other ways,if it doesn't work I'll just focus on the next puzzle...

9 years ago

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I was trying to do the same watching http://www.ffcompendium.com. but got bored really fast :/

9 years ago

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Stage 5: I Dream of Keys

Edited in fenixdown's list

Zombie Shooter
Hacker Evolution Duality
Your Doodles are Bugged! Easter Pre-purchase Edition
Zombie Shooter 2
Hacker Evolution: Untold Comp

Section 8
The First Templar
Dream Pinball 3D
Disciples III: Resurrection
Tropico Trilogy
Imperium Romanum Gold
Dino D-Day

Patrician IV Retail
Slam Bolt Scrappers
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Paranautical Activity
RADical ROACH Deluxe Edition
Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty

Beat Hazard
Sol Survivor
The Baconing
Plain Sight

King's Bounty: The Legend
NEO Scavenger
Kung Fu Strike

Making History:The Calm & the Storm
Razor 2: Hidden Skies
Beat Hazard
The Ironclads Collection

9 years ago*

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Last part. started with 7
7AGNY-LI98J-XMPQL - Zombie Shooter
7DF07-PXPEA-AQ2T3 - Razor2: Hidden Skies
7DANV-CBGFA-VJAZ0 -Razor2: Hidden Skies
7EYFJ-ZTWW3-7574R - The Iron clads Collection

9 years ago*

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The 4th group are all Beat hazard

9 years ago

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The penultimate set:
066F6-I6IVM-C8V0W - King's Bounty - The Legend
0535B-923EM-EGXN4 - X-Blades
23WW2-B3RLV-ZNQ27 - Kung-Fu Strike

9 years ago

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I'll need to check when I get home, but if you are getting multiple keys in a row being for the same game, it's most likely that Steam bug that reports the same key if it's a duplicate.

9 years ago

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  1. Enter duplicate key for game X
  2. Steam will complain about duplicate key for game X
  3. Do not close the window, use back so you can enter second key
  4. Enter duplicate key for game Y
  5. Steam will complain about duplicate key for game X

To get it right, you need to close activation window in step 3 and open it again.

9 years ago

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Didn't know that workaround, thanks

9 years ago

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i thought that might be the case

Edit; also is it ok that we started helping with this one even though we havent completed the last?

9 years ago

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You can do whatever you want to :P. I post all of the puzzles when people reach them so if you really can't finish a puzzle you're not stuck forever there.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up!

9 years ago

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http://store.steampowered.com/app/33130/ | Zombie Shooter
http://store.steampowered.com/app/110400/ | inMomentum
http://store.steampowered.com/app/70120/ | Hacker Evolution Duality
http://store.steampowered.com/app/48900/ | Saira
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=1123 | Your Doodles are Bugged! Easter Pre-purchase Edition
http://store.steampowered.com/app/33180/ | Zombie Shooter 2
http://store.steampowered.com/app/70110/ | Hacker Evolution: Untold Comp

http://store.steampowered.com/app/97100/ | Section 8
http://store.steampowered.com/app/57680/ | The First Templar
http://store.steampowered.com/app/16730/ | Legendary
http://store.steampowered.com/app/215790/ | Dream Pinball 3D
http://store.steampowered.com/app/200670/ | Disciples III: Resurrection
http://store.steampowered.com/app/16710/ | Insecticide
http://store.steampowered.com/sub/12169/ | Tropico Trilogy
http://store.steampowered.com/app/23400/ | Imperium Romanum Gold
http://store.steampowered.com/app/92800/ | SpaceChem
http://store.steampowered.com/app/70000/ | Dino D-Day

http://store.steampowered.com/app/57620/ | Patrician IV Retail
http://store.steampowered.com/app/96900/ | Slam Bolt Scrappers
http://store.steampowered.com/app/214590/ | Fairy Bloom Freesia
http://store.steampowered.com/app/250580/ | Paranautical Activity
http://store.steampowered.com/app/301750/ | RADical ROACH Deluxe Edition
http://store.steampowered.com/app/217270/ | Karateka
569AI-9PVG7-EXCQC | DLC for some game, requires base game
http://store.steampowered.com/app/251310/ | Eleusis
http://store.steampowered.com/app/227000/ | Primordia

http://store.steampowered.com/app/49600/ | Beat Hazard
http://store.steampowered.com/app/45000/ | Sol Survivor
http://store.steampowered.com/app/25700/ | Madballs
http://store.steampowered.com/app/18070/ | The Baconing
http://store.steampowered.com/app/49900/ | Plain Sight
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=1116 | Scratches

http://store.steampowered.com/app/25900/ | King's Bounty: The Legend
http://store.steampowered.com/app/248860/ | NEO Scavenger
http://store.steampowered.com/app/7510/ | X-Blades
http://store.steampowered.com/app/212030/ | Kung Fu Strike

http://store.steampowered.com/app/6250/ | Making History:The Calm & the Storm
http://store.steampowered.com/app/34920/ | Razor2: Hidden Skies
http://store.steampowered.com/app/49600/ | Beat Hazard
http://store.steampowered.com/sub/8211/ | The Ironclads Collection

That was fun o_o Time to go do other stuff now that I spent like an hour looking at keys

9 years ago*

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Did you manage to redeem any of them? A good number of them weren't used yet.

9 years ago

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I got King's Bounty and X-Blades. Felt a little bit guilty about it and stopped trying after finishing the set.

9 years ago

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I got Legendary :)

9 years ago

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I got Fairy Bloom Freesia and SpaceChem. I was actually thinking FBF looked kind of fun, although I think I actually had SpaceChem from somewhere already, so I don't know what the deal is with that. Also curse whoever got neo scavenger ;-;
Edit: Thank you for the free stuff <3

9 years ago*

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I'd say the blocks matter. So 7 - 10 - 9 - 6 - 4 - 4.
I tried using the nth letter of the code and/or the title but that didn't yield anything.

9 years ago

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569AI-9PVG7-EXCQC is some DLC for Patrician IV: Rise of a Dynasty

9 years ago

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Then it is the only one available, http://store.steampowered.com/app/57730/

EDIT: Coming back to the puzzle
If jatan had all those keys it has to be something not too specific :/ Are all the games from bundles? I'm checking this right now

9 years ago*

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All the games from group 4 are from Be mine 2 bundle. Checking the rest

1-indiegala 1
2-Bundle Stars 8 - atomic indie
3-groupees - be mine 8
4-groupees - be mine 2
5-groupees - be mine 5
6-indiegala 5

188255 ??
aapje should resolve this easliy

9 years ago*

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Bundle number of keys number of the bundle total games in the bundle
Indie Gala 1 7 1 8
Bundle 8: Atomic Indie 10 8 10
Be Mine 8 9 8 14
Be Mine 2 6 2 7
Be Mine 5 4 5 9
Indie Gala 5 4 5 12

Can't get anything out of this.

9 years ago*

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Maybe the name of this stage is relevant... why I Dream of Keys?

9 years ago

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Don't overthink. Using the same table I used would be fine
(well, not really a table but a list, but that doesn't care)

9 years ago

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Thanks :)

9 years ago

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Still can't figure what to use it on :(

9 years ago

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youre not alone. everytime i get an idea, it doesnt pan out, i even came up with one that referenced an old board game, but that wasnt it either

9 years ago

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After you get the letters, those need to be anagrammed.

9 years ago

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I got it, before your hint, but thanks. Sidenote theres alot of anagrams for them

9 years ago

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Got it too... Why didn't I think about it 3 hour earlier?

9 years ago

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Thanks, that help a lot :D

9 years ago

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ok I give up, need a hint :( is it 188255 "1 number=1 letter"? or I missed something 1=a not leading me anywhere, o is better but not fit as an answer

9 years ago

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That would be too easy. Read perrolijo's comment (the one with the list) again. There is the list you need to solve this and a hint.

9 years ago

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I also tried it, 1=i 2=y but also wrong, no more ideas

9 years ago

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It's not a substitution cipher. You'll need this table to solve it, just the string isn't enough:

bundler bundle number
indiegala 1
Bundle Stars 8
groupees 8
groupees 2
groupees 5
indiegala 5

For the hint check perrolijo's comment with the list.

9 years ago

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I didn't use cipher, I counted, other variant was bxvgml
ah I think I got it

9 years ago*

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1 number = 1 letter would be a substitution cipher.

9 years ago

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I think I got new idea will try

9 years ago

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yes it was it, I over think it a lot, the answer was just before my eyes, I think 4 hr of sleep not enough for brain lol

9 years ago

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thank you, I was blind and you helped a lot XD

9 years ago

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That helped, thanks :)
Now to solve the previous one...

9 years ago

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Solved this in under an hour and yet I'm still stuck more than a day on the previous step -.-

9 years ago

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use 1-a to convert to letters or maybe some decipher needed?

9 years ago

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You're overcomplicating.

9 years ago

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the easiest is 1=a but not getting anything sensible out of it, stuck

9 years ago*

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we should translate it like a=1 and make one word? Because I'm getting something weird.

9 years ago

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aapje should resolve this easliy

Jup! Thanks for your work :)

9 years ago

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Hint added for Stage 5 so you don't go off on the wrong track.

9 years ago

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Your steam level decreased by 0.01.

9 years ago

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Stage 6 then. It Boggles My Mind.

Word search? Stack them on top of one another?
Does the fact that this 'room' has six walls have anything to do with the fact that each of the circle thingies with letters in them is split into 6 segments?

Wall A - Might and Magic. 6
Wall B - Wizardry. 6
Wall C - Quest for Glory. 3
Wall D - Leisure Suit Larry. 1
Wall E - Broken Sword. 2
Wall F - Sherlock Holmes. 3

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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OMG :S laziness is calling me again T_T

9 years ago

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I think I'm on to something here.


Heart of the maelstrom. The knight of diamonds... It's all got something to do with Wizardry.

9 years ago

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will be all the phrases chained (consecutives)?
Maybe the letters remaining will form a word

9 years ago

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On wall E I'm finding Broken Sword series titles: The Shadow of the Templars, The Sleeping Dragon, The Angel of Death.

9 years ago

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If it's the same as with Wizardry, just strike out all the titles - and the remaining symbols will spell out a letter.

9 years ago

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Huh, I got a 2 I think: (and it's wall E, not D).

View attached image.
9 years ago

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This puzzle was solved fast wow You guys are awesome :)

9 years ago

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Thanks, we'll leave the rest of the walls to you :P

9 years ago

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Wall A are King's Bounty titles. I'm slow working with English wordsearches :/
Nevermind :S

9 years ago*

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My mind's elsewhere, sorries. ;)

9 years ago

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Wall D looks like Leisure Suit Larry. I'll get to it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I think it is a 6. You are missing the U

9 years ago

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True, that.

9 years ago

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F looks like SHerlock Holmes, working on it.

9 years ago

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3 (it's not my hands, it's the trackball, honest Q_Q)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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One look at my stick figures should make you feel much better. ;)

9 years ago

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C looks like Quest for Glory.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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really suck at this, but I see day of the dead in wall a top left

9 years ago

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Day of the dead fox even! But it doesn't get me anywhere. ;(

9 years ago

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i can't really see the 'the' you talk about. Can it also go diagonal?

EDIT: yes it can :}

9 years ago*

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i got need, destroyer, name around top left as well. You can also define JOKER in lower right, this might be useful.

9 years ago*

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Sorry, bruteforced :S
EDIT: Oh, and it is not "The broken sword", it is "Broken sword".

9 years ago*

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Looks like the wall A is Might & Magic.

9 years ago

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based on the answer i just got, no, or something more specific

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You need to spell out game one to Might And Magic

9 years ago

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Well, I got my answer from 'Might and Magic' - so it fits.

9 years ago

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ya i edited the post when i realized

9 years ago

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Jesus christ 8 people solved this already o_o teach me to do things like sleep

9 years ago

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If you got through stage 5, you will get stage 6 easily.

9 years ago

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Well yeah, I got it in like 2 minutes from looking at the thread, but that's not really much fun

9 years ago

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Yeah I feel almost guilty for not contributing anything

9 years ago

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Stage 7: (Take a break, we caught Jatan off guard)

9 years ago*

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Stage 7: Decoding the Circles maybe?


9 years ago*

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If I'm counting correctly, we got 24 circles. 5 of them are the small ones with arrows.

9 years ago

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Why I have 28? :S

9 years ago

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Also had 28 circles btw.

9 years ago

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I have 23 regular circles and 5 arrow circles. Just saying, think you missed some

9 years ago

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You probably missed Stage 0: Here Is An Easy One and the resulting giveaways

9 years ago

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I got them... I need to start from the beginning...
EDIR: You're right: 28.

9 years ago*

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Crap you guys finished the last two too fast. Uh, wait like 9 hours for it? I have to fix something, but I'm about to fly out.

9 years ago

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Haha, we've assembled the mission impossible team of puzzle solvers. I dont mind waiting, Ive been itching to play some more Cities Skyline but i've been hooked on these damn things

9 years ago

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Aw, and I finally had time to actually work on a puzzle too :<

9 years ago

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weeeeeeee!! Finally we can sleep!! :D

EDIT: I am actually not sleepy, just a bit dopey. We could talk about the discs in a new subthread :)

9 years ago*

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He's gonna bring out the cavalry for the next one! Grab your spears gentelemen.

9 years ago

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But I'm always the one spamming hussars :<

9 years ago

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Next stage is up. I was going to change it a bit, but didn't have time :(

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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You're faster than me but yeah. Wingdings translate to those.

9 years ago

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You guys better not solve this while I'm eating dinner :|

9 years ago

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The first group are Left 4 Dead enemies, I think? Boomer, Hunter, Tank, Charger, Jockey, Spitter, Witch - so the one with the blanks should be Smoker? So S K E R.

9 years ago

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I think the second one might have a typo, jatan, in the last line? I think they're Chinese zodiac animals.

3 and 4 are proving a little harder to decode.

9 years ago

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The best I've got under 3 is: cheogh shial cerberus naga behemoth gideon the-ancient-one. (Blood bosses?)

9 years ago*

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The last one of the 3rd is tchernobog or there is another one?

9 years ago

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I think that's right. It fits with the right letters in the right places, at least.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I guess that's the one. Can't find anything else that fits.

9 years ago

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second one is rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, horse, monkey, dog so that means last one starts with ns.
I am guessing you are right about it being a typo and it probably is snake.

9 years ago

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May i ask how you decode qoochf to boomer etc?

9 years ago

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qoochf were just placeholder letters. Look at "f" it is a common ending to 4 words, what letters is that common for. The double o, what letters are more common (double m here) to have double letters (double t here)? Each image has its own cipher.

9 years ago

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It's just a simple substitution cipher. The first two were easy because they consist of a lot of actual words, so there are tools that could autocheck them. The other two presumably (definitely in the case of the 3rd) have a bunch of proper names, so automatic decoding isn't an option.

9 years ago

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You people are so fast

9 years ago

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The 4th one:

So... Archbishop Lazarus?

9 years ago

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Did anyone notice the last lines ? "_co" , "lo", "ri____", "_n_g____" . Coloring

Edit: Damn formatting symbols

9 years ago

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Thanks :P

9 years ago

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U solved it already ? :P

9 years ago

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I saw that, but the colors don't mean anything to me
Also lol, I just noticed all the pictures have red squiggle underlines. Apparently these scrolls have spell check

9 years ago

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Actually the colors don't mean anything, nor does the word those letters spell out.

9 years ago

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Ahhh, this was actually the key for me too.

9 years ago

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I wish I wasn't so bad at these :<

9 years ago

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Use the four names we uncovered + this ;)

9 years ago

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Oh, ok, I got it. How did you get the substitutions so fast though?

9 years ago

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Well, when I said "we uncovered", I actually meant "they uncovered and I have no idea how" :P

9 years ago

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Fair enough o_o

9 years ago

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There's a site that could sovle the first 3 :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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edit: Nevermind. Solved.
Coloring is just nothing apparently.

9 years ago*

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The coloring part confused me more, i didn't need it to solve it (?)

9 years ago

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Once you solve the 4 groups of gibberish, Botev1912's post is a big hint...
(ignore the coloring part, there's no need to color anything)

9 years ago

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Feels like i am the only one who hasn't solved this yet.

9 years ago

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Kinda guessed it after having the first two solved.

9 years ago

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Stage 8: - It is so Meta
Let's roll :D

  • There's 32 total letter wheels now and 8 game names in this stage...

DayZ : ?
Tropico : ?
Skyrim : ?
Faerie Solitaire : ?
Fortix : ?
Metro 2033 : ?
Secrets of the Magic Crystals : ?
Bad Rats : N

9 years ago*

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It says it's the door to the final chamber, I'm guessing the wheels will actually be used in the final chamber
Edit: especially since there are 6 positions per wheel and 6 sizes, so we're probably missing 4

9 years ago

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Really guys? I goto sleep and now your 2 puzzles ahead, and I have to goto work. So much for any dream of being the first to finish :)
Good luck all, see you in the morning.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks, updated. I just used the search on jatan11t's steam games list... the amount of games... jaw-dropping.

9 years ago

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Bad Rats - Newton's Laws.

That's all.

9 years ago

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Got it :p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Exactly my thoughts :|

9 years ago

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Bad Rats is basically a clone of The Incredible Machine. So it deserves at least this.

9 years ago

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Either I'm dumb or the lack of sleep is showing, cause I still have no idea what that means O.o

9 years ago

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Remember the fun times we had translating the dragon language from map locations?
Well, Skyrim is A.

9 years ago

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A! Thanks!

9 years ago

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Skyrim is a... bitch? I am missing the point i think.

EDIT: Skyrim was the only one not bein a bitch!

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Let me breathh!!!!

All of you are going too fast for me to follow xD
Thanks all of you

9 years ago

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...... time to go have a nightmare with mspaint

9 years ago

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I've been dreading this moment for a while now

9 years ago

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You and me both :|

9 years ago

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Do yourself a favor and at least download GIMP

9 years ago

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Thanks, haven't heard of that one.

9 years ago

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Or better known as: "The Blind Leading the Blind"
Combining all of the 37 letter circles into one doesn't give anything readable, things overlap everywhere.

9 years ago

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you mean 36 and im guessing they make 6 different wheels

9 years ago

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36 + the mask, and they don't make anything since they don't line up

9 years ago

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Just keep in mind that I'm not exactly an expert at graphic design

9 years ago

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Are they sort of aligned? Like how many degrees off are we talking?

9 years ago

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They should all fall neatly in the mask.

9 years ago

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also have 36 +mask and it will be pain in xxx if not get special programm to combine them

9 years ago

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I'm still collecting data xd
I want to keep all these puzzles and tricks and solutions... it's beautiful

9 years ago

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I've had GIMP installed for years... never learned to really use it, sure wish I knew how to rotate and stuff.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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I wonder if we can assume that the answer, or the still-ciphered/anagram-ed answer starts with one of these letters: JWDLLT (the smallest letter wheels point to them)

9 years ago

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6 small wheels(36/6=6), so maybe 6 words by rotating wheels, and further decode this 6 words it to one
or maybe no need to rotate, just combine 6 right wheels in one picture and follow the pointed letter

9 years ago

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There's a problem with that... I mean, there are 6 wheel sizes (in pixels);
60x60, 105x105, 159x159, 215x215, 262x262, 316x316
(each category has slight size variations of a few pixels in some of it's members);

60s have 1 letter on 1 one lane,
105/215/262s have 2 letters on 2 lanes,
316s have 2 letters on 2 lanes and a circle in between them (filled or not);

the 60s (with the arrows) share letter space with the top row of the 105s,
the 105s share letter space with both the 60s (top) and the 159s (bottom),
the 159s share letter space with both the 105s (top) and the 215s (bottom),
the 215s share letter space with both the 159s (top) and the 262s (bottom),
the 262s share letter space with both the 215s (top) and the 316s (bottom),
the 316s (with the circles) share letter space with the 262s (top);

This might mean that some of the wheels are not just decoys, but padding as well.

9 years ago

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I copied and paste the wheels, so I'm not sure why they have size differences

Edit: I mean the small pixel differences among the ones that should be the same size

9 years ago*

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And what about this image missing a circle on the bottom/right ?
(it's from the MP3 GA)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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That's strange.. it has an open circle on my end. Something must have happened when I uploaded it.

9 years ago

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there is 6 wheels by 6 different sizes need to combine them in 6 different circles to get 6 words/letters
and looks like one wheel is broken 315 size

9 years ago*

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Or just one word from only a handful of scraps...

9 years ago

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lol I constructed 1 word , looks pretty fit the line, and if anagram it - in spanish it meant X censured X sex word
need to go sleep...

9 years ago

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That is the same circle that has the missing open circle mistake. It must have been an upload fail

Random edit: 420 comments in just 1 page lol

9 years ago*

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If it's the one MjrPITA brought up above, it should have an open circle above the O. I'm a little too busy right now to reupload it.

9 years ago

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I am 100% positive I know how to solve this, but I suck with image editing, and i dont have a printer lol. SOooo Im going to share with the class, and hope that someone puts the images together in a way that I can use them to also get the solution.

I believe if we combine all the different size wheels, that each arrow wheel will have its letters line up properly with one of the other 5 sets, indicating, at which position that wheel should be aligned. So what needs to be done, is each wheel set excluding the arrows needs to be made transparent, combined, and then add a background back in. Then do this with them(image defaults to bottom, do that)...

Once you have the codewheel assembled, align each wheel by the corresponding arrow wheel (again assuming once assembled they match 1:1 per set, and what shows in the box should spell the answer. Ive done all the brain work, someone do the editing printing now.

Author's Note: If im wrong, pretend i wasnt so full of myself just now. lol

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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Also I dont think they are related, although I did try Zubat as an answer, every code wheel minus the arrows, shares M E N K O P, in a circle, assuming the circle is another o, you get pokemon when you rearrange them. I doubt it, but wouldnt be the biggest curveball Ive seen in a puzzle.

9 years ago

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I noticed that too.

And tried every 6-letter Pokemon name that fit the wheels. (And also Zubat, because of the "blind" thing).

In case anyone was wondering why the number of guesses was so high :|

9 years ago

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well assuming I'm right about the arrow wheel set, the answer would not be 6 letters, it would be 5. But I dont know that Im right so...

9 years ago

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The only pointed-out letter from the arrow set that can be found in the second-smallest set is L (that's including both the inner and the outer circles on the second-smallest wheels). Unless I'm misunderstanding your theory, they cannot be aligned this way.

9 years ago

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Im not sure you follow me, by what you said. Say ARROW WHEEL #1 contains letters A B C D E F with D arrowed, one of the wheel sets, should contain all those letters in the same pattern, just bigger. and you would align the wheel so that D is in the position pointed at by the arrow.

9 years ago

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Well, I might check the rest of the wheels to be sure - but I thought it would make sense if the wheel with the same pattern could be found in the next-sized set (the second smallest). And that's not the case.

9 years ago

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None of them fit that pattern. I don't think any of them even have the exact same inner pokemn pattern, either.

9 years ago

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Edit: rethinking this

9 years ago*

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And regardless of if my theory is right about the arrow wheels, there is no doubt in my mind that this is a decoder wheel. I used to get the things in cereal boxes as a kid. Its no coincidence the codex wheel is the same size as the largest set, and that the 'cut me out' window just encompasses all 5 of the wheels.

9 years ago

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Well, yes. And the inner circles are only there to help with the alignment of the wheels (if anything at all). But the question remains - how do we align them?

The only matching patterns within the inner circles I've found so far are between the second-largest wheels and the largest ones (mpekno and mopenk, using the anti-clockwise naming method suggested by Fenixdown). So far, this hasn't got me anywhere.

9 years ago

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There are 9 rings with matching permutations, not all of the same kind.

mkpone ttrpui
mkpone yeullu

mopenk NAsEPe
mopenk aeohyg

mpekno AXAMTV
mpekno keypip
mpekno meiukr

mpknoe OrXrtp
mpknoe reusha

2 of the MPEKNO rings are the outermost set

9 years ago

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Yup, not quite what we'd call a neat sequence. ;(

Any idea what the dots are for?

9 years ago

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perhaps word separators? maybe theres more than one word to be decoded. no basis to this thought, just throwing it out

9 years ago

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and since by the count Im guessing you are now doing the 5 letter ones, perhaps its 'Name Pokemon' eg, Zabut Pokemon

9 years ago

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That would be me.
Trying all of these: http://www.sporcle.com/games/GeneralSecura/5-letter-pokmon

9 years ago

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I just tried them all, no luck.

9 years ago

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Also it's possible there's another step in there, like you get six Pokemon from six wheel sets and have to use those to get another word or something.

Or the Pokemon thing could be totally off-base.

9 years ago

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Ya, Im not a fan of the pokemon theory but I noticed it a couple puzzles back and figured I should throw it out there just in case anyways.

9 years ago

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I will go to sleep tomorrow i will go crazy with GIMP.

9 years ago

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For convenience and for anyone who hasn't succeeded in any of the previous stages, here's the link to all of the letter wheels in order of appearance: clicky

9 years ago

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...or - first grouped by size and then sorted by order of appearance: clicky if that makes any difference...

9 years ago

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For now i came up with this:

Wheel 1 Wheel 2 Wheel 3 Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6
? mA nP mT eO eoP
? oR kG kI mM mxN
? eA kG oE oP oxY
? oO nO kR mA ooP
? nO nR oY mS eoT
? mY mL mR kO mxT
Wheel 1 Wheel 2 Wheel 3 Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6
? kG oU eI nL ooT
? nK eP nE oP koE
? oH nT eR nR nxT
? kE kS mA nE noI
? eI oD nD eT koT
? eU oA kD oI koN
Wheel 1 Wheel 2 Wheel 3 Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6
? nY mM nU oB noR
? kU oO oG nK nxP
? nS oP kK eO kxM
? nI eB nL kC koP
? oO eA mA nN noO
? nL eD eL mI nxA
Wheel 1 Wheel 2 Wheel 3 Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6
? eH kN oP kU kxX
? eI nR eL kI oxE
? kU mC mH mE exA
? eI mT eL oA eoY
? mO mN kA kO oxA
? oL kL nF eA OoI
Wheel 1 Wheel 2 Wheel 3 Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6
? pO pP pR pA poR
? pE pD pS pI poS
? pE pE pR pO pxX
? pI pL pP pL poE
? pA pA pD pI poW
? pU pN pR pI poO
Wheel 1 Wheel 2 Wheel 3 Wheel 4 Wheel 5 Wheel 6
? oE eA kT mG mxO
? mM mO mT eG oxA
? mR eX nU kU mxA
? mA oG oB eU moK
? kY kD eO oM moK
? kE nE oN nR eoF

Explanation: Notice that every smaller wheel fits into a larger one, but only in one position the letters seem to fit and align. Considering this, I took a letter from every wheel grouping them by position.
First wheel is too small to check how it fits, so there's a question mark for now.
First letters (lowercase) are the ones that are covered by smaller wheel.

EDIT: Notice table number 5... Any ideas? This would mean, that all wheels are aligned when all P's are in a line.

9 years ago*

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I don't know how you got this. Does your table 5 mean that every letter on every inner ring is a p? Because that's definitely not right

9 years ago*

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No no. It means that i noticed, that depending odn the position of wheels (smaller to larger) you can get letters to make a perfect line or a not-so-perfect line.
And if you want to align all wheels so the letters fit perfectly in a line, you will also get all P's aligned. This can't be a coincidence.

EDIT: For example compare these to images.

View attached image.
View attached image.
9 years ago*

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I guess I should have spent more time trying to align everything up >.<
Please ignore small alignment mismatches.

9 years ago

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Emmm... Are you saying the second picture is supposed to be aligned?

9 years ago

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You can assume that the "mkpone" letters should be overlapping with the other letters when stacked even if they do not look like it. Any of the 6 bottom layer circles should fit perfectly aligned on the bottom of any of the 2nd from the bottom layer circles, if I had made these perfectly. Once again, alignment issues are due to my inexperience at graphical design.

9 years ago

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I am also not experienced in graphic design and trying to fit them in MS Paint :( it is hard to do and I can't get, if it is size matter you made they not fit perfectly, or I just combine them wrong ;( arrr maybe try to print them, but don't have access to printer right now

9 years ago

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Really nice, you take away the only thing we have that could limit the possibilities :3

9 years ago

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Posting this again for visibility, rings in text form. (Inner 6 letters followed by outer 6 letters in matching positions, going counterclockwise, aligned by the m in each ring. Caps = arrow or black dot)

moenkp ooioya
mopenk aeohyg
mpenko aiiieo
mpekno meiukr
mpknoe reusha
mkpone yeullu
       meonkp nadrda
       mpnoek odropg
       monkep cptgxe
       mnpkeo lenlda
       monepk mupapn
       meknop tbsogl
              mopnek rnrfld
              mkpone ttrpui
              mkopen arbpll
              mkeonp hkreur
              mpeonk tslgei
              mnoepk adyoda
                     mepokn aulace
                     mpkone gaublo
                     mepkno mgiikp
                     mopkne smiont
                     menokp eorpuo
                     moknpe iioria
                            meponk TfoiAn
                            mpknoe OrXrtp
                            mponke kwAott
                            mpekno keypip
                            mopenk NAsEPe
                            mpekno AXAMTY
9 years ago*

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I have a question. The last line, the last letter (circle mpekno AXAMTV). I am not sure if that letter is a V or a Y. It is hard to see due to the image compression

9 years ago

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Yeah, looks like a Y to me too.

9 years ago

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It's a Y

9 years ago

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Cheers. Ta for clarifying.

9 years ago

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Outer ring letters grouped by their associated (EKMNOP) keys

   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6

So reading column 3 in every group will give you the possibilities if you line everything up on the M, except for group 1 obviously

9 years ago

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So... I'm having a bit of a hard time aligning them all (some don't seem to match anything at all). Can you tell? ;รพ


9 years ago

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how did you decide which wheels to group? Order of appearance?

9 years ago

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No, my theory was that there'd be 6 sets of wheels that would align better with each other than with any other wheel.
Didn't quite work out that way.

9 years ago

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Yeah, that was the comment I was going by. I hoped that the 6 sets would align somewhat nicely before I'd have to rotate them - but it seems that they must be rotated first.

9 years ago

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The way i understood that comment was that you should ignore any small misalignments. They are not part of the puzzle just an error when making the images.
So for all intents and purposes we should assume that the letters are perfectly aligned in your image above. They'd also be perfectly aligned in any other combination too.

EDIT: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/2HOuH/group-puzzle-return-to-the-temple-of-steamgifts-revisited-discussion-thread#8kOTrUZ

9 years ago

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There are still two ways to take that comment:

a. That the original orientation of the wheels is correct, and we should align the wheels based on how closely their inner circles of letters match the outer circles of the next layer, ignoring small discrepancies. That's what I did. The problem is, some of the wheels in my resulting image are used several times (because they were the best fit), and some aren't used at all. And even the 'best fit' often doesn't look all that good.
If that's still the right way, we should look into trying to match the unused wheels, replacing the poorer matches of the repeated ones.

b. That the original orientation of the wheels doesn't matter, and we should rotate the wheels first - and then align them based on the relative spacing of the letters in the inner circles. Meaning, the right match is not the wheel with the same orientation, but rather the wheel whose inner circle of letters is most closely overlapped by the next layer.

9 years ago

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See his hint to this:

There are six sets of six

So I guess we have to use them all. I don't believe small offsets mean anything

9 years ago

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It doesn't invalidate either of the approaches. ;รพ

9 years ago

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I think we need to rotate the wheels based on the PKEMON letters. But I don't know how :| So doesn't matter xD

9 years ago

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sorry, I was obviously to fast to reply and didn't read your complete approach

9 years ago

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going with the pokemon theory I had following idea:

  • start with the smallest ring and the letter with the arrow (example letter J)
  • choose the other rings accordingly to get a 6 letter pokemon (i.e. JOLTIK)
  • If you choose the right wheels the other lines will result in proper words
  • the lines marked with solid points lead to the puzzle solution

Problem with this is J should be the easiest (only one 6 letter pokemon with J) but there are still 36 72 possibilities to put the wheels together and even more possibilities to align them.
All in all I couldn't find any proper word with this method.

Edit: missed one wheel, So it's actually 72 possibilities to choose the wheels to form the word JOLTIK in one line.

9 years ago*

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Maybe they dont make proper words, maybe we are supposed to make pokemon from the wheels, align them by arrow, take those letters and get an answer from the combined letter pool from each wheel?

9 years ago

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Hmm I have no idea on how to aproach this puzzle but taking the title "The blind leading the blind" and de blank and greyed dots in the outer ring I wonder if there is some braille implied in this one.

9 years ago*

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Anyone up for making one ? :)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Trying to manipulate the wheels electronically was getting too cumbersome. I finally gave in and printed out all 36 circles; now for some cutting and hopefully a breakthrough!

9 years ago

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Hint 1 added

9 years ago

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I dont know if people actually make it to page two, so re hints for blind leading blind. Only 2 6 letter words that end with J exist. swaraj and svaraj. So I think its safe to assume the arrows are position indicators and not indicators of which is the final letter for each word. (And for those of you working the pokemon theory I couldnt find any pokemon who's names end with J.

But all that being said, I'm not sure how to decided what position to put the arrow in. Anyone got any thoughts?

9 years ago

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Read things from inner circle to outer circle, not the other way around. There shouldn't be any Js on the outer circles.

9 years ago

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Why does the mask point outward in if the words read inward out?

9 years ago

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Uh, I'm not sure what you mean

9 years ago

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Think he means if the cutout was on the right we wouldve assumed the wheels read from small to large. Where it is, I at least assumed it was large to small.

9 years ago

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The letters face the outside of the circle though, so it's like reading downwards. Just... to the left.

9 years ago

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I dont know if im right, and I have way too much to do this morning. But, if we are starting from smallest rings, with arrow signifying the first letter. only 1 6 letter pokemon with J, Joltik, And only 3 that start with W, weedle wooper and wynaut(I suspect its Wynaut for reasons I'm not ready to share yet). All of which can be spelt with the wheels. It should eliminate enough wheels to easily see if there are a D T and 2 L pokemon that fit the remaining wheels.

I'll look further into this in a few hours when I'm back at my pc, but if you make any headway with it, let me know.

9 years ago

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there is also woobat.

EDIT: there are also only 3 that start with T, Tauros, Togepi and Tynamo

9 years ago*

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Here are the possibilities to choose the wheels according to the pokemon names:

  • Joltik: 72
  • Tauros: 64
  • Togepi: 36
  • Tynamo: 108
  • Weedle: 80
  • Woobat: 72
  • Wooper: 24
  • Wynaut: 144

So unless there are more criteria to choose the wheels, there's no way to try all possibilities and therefore determine the correct sequence of the wheels.
Of course with a little effort one could write a suitable program to solve this (IF this is the right approach at all...)

9 years ago

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I just message this to you, but in the spirit of sharing with everyone. I dont think it needs to be that complicated. First we need a list of all the Pokemon that are 6 letters long, and start with J,L,L,T,D,W.

Then letter instance count per wheel size set. Say outermost wheels for instance, only 2 have K in them. So we can narrow Joltik down to those 2 outer wheels, repeat process finding the lowest occurance of matching letters per wheel set. If we got lucky some would only occur once per pokemon name in the proper position. (edit)Just a quick look shows only 2 y's in the second position for Wynaut. I think this could work.(edit2)only 2 n's in the third position.

9 years ago*

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Of course assuming that the pokemon line of thought is correct, which seems more and more plausible as we've found no other use for the pokmen letters as they are covered by the next smaller wheel.

9 years ago

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Someone may want to check my work, since I missed a W one earlier, But this is what I got. (I'll work on letter occurrence per wheel next and add to list via edit)






Ok, using this post and the # representing the wheel counted from top 1-6



Wynaut: (no guarantee thats correct its just a thought process im following)

Y-6 (would eliminate set 2, wheel 6)

(added eliminated to the list of pokemon for ones who do not have a corresponding letter on the appropriate wheel ex deoxys there is no x on wheel 4)

List of options where only 1 letter fits for a specific wheelset, Lombre, Luxray, Tauros, Dustox, Wynaut, Woobat.. dunno if it will help, probably not as the two L's clash with Dustox or Tauros. But just something else I noticed.

9 years ago*

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You definitely found more than I did.

Edit: I have also Durant on my list.
I haven't had Tyrunt and Litleo yet.
Also your Laprus is spelled Lapras in my list.

But I got my input from here so I wouldn't bet anything on it.

9 years ago*

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Added Durant, I missed him, the list Im using spells it Lapras, added the 2 for O

9 years ago

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Reply to your edit: for O there is 1|2|3

9 years ago

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That's exactly what I did, there are

  • 3 wheels with o for second position,
  • 2 wheels with l for third position,
  • 2 wheels with t for 4th position,
  • 3 wheels with i for 5th position, and
  • 2 wheels with k for the last position.

This yields 72 possibilities to put the word JOLTIK together. According to which possibility you choose, you will reduce the possibilities on the consecutive whhel sets. But you won't find out if you were right until you arrange the last set of wheels.

9 years ago

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Here's the list of Pokemon names I tried:

W: Weedle Wooper Wynaut Woobat

T: Tauros Togepi Tynamo Tyrunt

D: Deoxys Dewott Dialga Dodrio
Durant Dustox

L: Lairon Lapras Latias Latios
Ledian Ledyba Lileep Litleo
Lombre Luxray

My theory was this: the letters on the inner wheels (POKEMN) of a completed pokemon name must be all the same. By eliminating wheels unique to each starting letter, we might be able to spell out just one exact name for each starting letter (two for L).

Thus, Joltik can be spelt out using the respective letters along the letter M of the inner circle (e.g. like this). This way, we eliminate 3 unique wheels.

The only two possible names starting with W using this approach are Weedle and Woobat. They share one unique wheel (a second-largest one, MEPOKN). We eliminate this wheel.

Moving on, I got three possible names starting with T and three possible names starting with D.

Unfortunately (and somewhat ironically), when it comes to pokemon names starting with L, I couldn't spell out a single one. So, apparently, my approach is wrong.

Which potentially means the following: the names must be spelt by aligning the inner wheels in such a way that all of the innermost letters in a fully spelt pokemon name are different.

9 years ago

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Perhaps we can narrow it down further by which pokedex they are in, or what egg types, etc. I eliminated a few just because they dont fit the code wheels for a particular letter position.

edit Well theres no appropriate bug type pokemon for D so there goes that. theory... As odd as this may sound, I've NEVER played pokemon in my life, so maybe theres other common denominators between them that someone else sees?

9 years ago*

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I'm not even sure that the actual answer is a pokemon name.
A pokemon name(s) may be a way to the solution but whatever the combined 6 words say mught be completely unrelated.

p.s. why are you stuck on 6 lettered names ? The repeating pattern "EKMNOP" (1 letter short of pokemon) and the small circle on the biggest wheels can suggest a 7 letter word. (this doesn't interfere with jatan11t's 2nd hint, as you construct 6 6-lettered "things" - not words)

9 years ago*

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I took the 'things' to be pokemon since they are not proper words in themselves.

9 years ago

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As far as I read hints, the first thing to do is to arrange sets. And only then to make out "things". Which prompts for the way to arrange sets (arrows? dots? "ekmnop"?).

9 years ago

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If the direction you read it is important guess the results aren't anagrammed then which is good to know ^_^
Wonder why we need to point the word towards 9PM though.

9 years ago

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I bet it's got to do with the points on the outer wheels.

9 years ago

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Posting this here for those that don't look at the second page.


So that means we are looking at 36 "six-lettered things". 6 sets of 6 "6-lettered things"

9 years ago*

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in light of the last hint, I think Joltik has to be Ms? which means all Pokemon are Ms, if that's one set? Like I'm guessing there's a set of Pokemon, and then five other sets of six letter words along a common theme?

9 years ago

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Nope, doesn't work right. Back to the drawing board.

9 years ago

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Okay, I have a couple more ideas I want to try, will report back.

9 years ago

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what is ms btw?

9 years ago

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Nevermind, I think they're all gonna be Pokemon in the end

9 years ago

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I wrote a script to try the list of Pokemon names against all possible combinations with the inner letters of each wheel aligned. Here's what I came up with.

First letter in UPPERCASE = Arrowed
Last letter in UPPERCASE = Black dot

EDIT #1: Combinations that are only possible when ignoring the arrow on the smallest wheel are listed in italics.
EDIT #2: Agreed-upon list of 6 Pokemons per group, per discussion below; added index numbers.


Weedle 13
fearow 22
vulpiX 37
Dodrio 85
pinsir 127
Lapras 131


LedybA 165
crobat 169
Togepi 175
hoppip 187
slugmA 218
phanpY 231


mudkip 258
DustoX 269
aggron 306
Wynaut 360
belduM 374
regice 378


piplup 393
bidoof 399
Luxray 405
chatot 441 *Best guess based on possible error in puzzle; unconfirmed
gabitE 444
DialgA 483


patraT 504
yamask 562
archeN 566
emolgA 587 *Best guess based on possible error in puzzle; unconfirmed
Joltik 595
TynamO 602


Litleo 667
espurr 677
skrelP 690
TyrunT 696
goodrA 706
klefki 707

9 years ago*

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I think maybe we should try ignoring the arrows and seeing if any of the other starting letters yield anything.

9 years ago

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OKAY, I think I have the P-group, need to test with the wheels instead of letter lists to make sure, but:


9 years ago

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O group should be:


9 years ago

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Manually confirmed, K-group is:


9 years ago

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N group checks out


9 years ago

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E group only has 5, as noted:


There are two possibilities I see. The unused letters are HALOT.

  1. A mistake was made and Chatot goes in this group.

  2. There are supposed to be 5 here and the extraneous letters are a clue of some sort.

9 years ago

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My guess would be mistake, if chatot is a pokemon. I checked the wheels and the text list is right though

9 years ago

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Chatot is a Pokemon.

The other group missing one is the M group, though, and the leftover letters there are MOTGA - and that doesn't seem to map easily to a typoed Pokemon :/

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Might have accidentally switched the L and T from group E and M.

9 years ago

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Can I ask, then, does this mean we should line up EMOLGA and CHATOT, or EMOTGA and CHALOT? I'm assuming we should just line up the correct names, but it'd be good to be sure.

9 years ago

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It has no effect on the solution, you can choose either way.

9 years ago

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Further evidence that only the first (arrowed) and/or last (dotted) characters matter.

9 years ago

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I sent you a friend request on steam, unrelated to puzzle. Might be of importance might be nothing. Add me so I can explain

9 years ago

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You are smart.

9 years ago

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I looked at the pokedex someone linked o_o

9 years ago

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When I posted the pokedex link I had the list narrowed down to 88 possibilities (too much to show here), TheRealKotA seems to have found a better filtering method.

9 years ago*

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Shouldn't there be 6 unused letters? Please feel free to add me to chat if that's easier.

9 years ago

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probably he doesnt include the letter from the smallest wheel cause those don't have pkemon letters.

Or at least that is what i assumed.

9 years ago

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Edited as requested.

NOTE: The list now contains exactly 36 unique Pokemon names!

9 years ago

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Yesss we got this!

9 years ago

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The arrows must mean something so I'm thinking we might only need to focus on the arrowed wheel in each set.

9 years ago

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Wow, you guys got really far. Also I had to read that list twice to figure out that some of them were names. New pokemon have the weirdest freaking names.

9 years ago

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so true

9 years ago

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Oh thank god, I am so relieved the pokemon angle turned out right, I spent so much damn time on it. Lol.

9 years ago

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When listing your groups, please keep my case from above (using UPPERCASE variants whenever possible). I think it will be important for the next step.

9 years ago

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Edited parent post again based on further findings/discussion.

There are 6 names in each group. I am thinking there might be a tie to Braille patterns, which are each made up of 6 dots.

9 years ago

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Ive gotta take a break, maybe something will come to me, right now I'm at a standstill. I like the braille idea, because of the hint if for nothing else, but also because of Jatans fondness for patterns. But I just cant figure out how to apply it.

9 years ago

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Here we go:
Set for letter M

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I tried something similar yesterday but it was all gibberish, thanks for the help :)

9 years ago

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Feeling really stupid but I still don't see how to solve this :|

9 years ago

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Im at the opposite, I know how to solve it, but I dont have the skill to make the image set to decipher the other 5

9 years ago

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If you are really sure about you have to do, you can do it using pencil and paper.

9 years ago

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Im horrible at visualization of things, like I look at the above list and cant make the pattern klinge made for m set. Which is N. lol, see I'm sure, I just cant make the other sets. LOL :(

9 years ago

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Arrows are for the blind!

9 years ago

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I am using MjrPITA's image file below. Still suck. I know what to do, just failing at it. Too much erroneous info, makes my add kick i... SQUIRREL

9 years ago

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The image doesn't make it easier. Poor squirrel!

9 years ago

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Lol, no not really, I keep ending up with duplicates in the same position

9 years ago

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How can you be so sure it's N? I think I know why you say that, but if you arrange the completed wheels in a different order, it could also be any of the following: GPRTVXZ.

9 years ago

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look at the reply above yours (not Push)

9 years ago

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I get the arrow locations, I just cant mentally rearrange them. I understand the entire puzzle at this point, i just suck at visual things. You could be a gentleman and post images of each set for me. LOL

9 years ago

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Thanks klinge, and congrats ^^ I am trying it since yesterday but I'm lazy, slow and I distract myself easily... not a good combination xd (only 3 letters since yesterday xd)
Edit: Rechecked... I only had 2 lol xd

9 years ago*

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I have this aligned in GIMP for hours already (with some layers having duplicates though), I'm just not sure what' it is I'm supposed to be seeing here.
Apart from making the pokemon names, do the inner letters even matter ? Can we just ignore them all and look at the smallest+largest for the solution ?

9 years ago

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add me on steam, share the images with me, and i'll share the method. fair enough? I'll even let you enter the answer first. lol

9 years ago*

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I moved all the POKMN letters clockwise (to the left) of the rest of the letters, so they don't overlap other layers.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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More hints added.

9 years ago

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I read your second hint and got confused by the first sentence. It reads for me

For each set [...] you can construct six six-letter things concurrently [...].

This would mean there were 36 "six-letter things". This contradicts with the other part of that hint.

[..] you can construct six six-letter things concurrently (one per set of six circles). The other 5 positions on the circles will still be gibberish.

I think the first sentence should be:

For each set, out of the 36 lettered circles, you can construct one six-letter thing (six for all sets concurrently)

9 years ago

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Hmm, I think my grammar is correct. Let me reword it then. There are six sets. Each set is made up of six things with six letters each that can be constructed concurrently. You can only construct one set at a time.

9 years ago

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Thanks for clarifying. I think I understand now. Still not 100 % certain %)
For me a set were six lettered circles - but now I think all 36 lettered circles in the right arrangement is one set.

In this case you use the word set twice in one sentence but with different meanings - that got me confused.

9 years ago

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Yes, that's correct. Use all 36 circles in specific arrangement to create one set.

9 years ago

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Another hint added

9 years ago

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If I understand the 3rd hint correctly then this is what comes out:
(each line is one wheel)

smallest wheels are unaffected (arrow point to uppercase letters):

J p p r s v
W g y d b s
D b l l h p
L w d a c e
L e c k f a
T p m t t g

later wheels are sorted to match this pattern:

p o k e m n

i o e i a i
e r u i m k
a o y i o o
e h u a r s
o e g h a y
u l e u y l

d o g p o r
p u n a m p
e p g x c t
l g s b t o
n a l d l e
a d d a n r

p b r l a l
r p t i t u
s g i l t e
r n d l r f
r e k r h u
d y a o a d

l a c u a e
i p i g m k
a b u o g l
i m o t s n
o p u o e r
i i o a i r

316s (filled small circles = uppercase letter)
r t X p O r
w A t t k o
e p p y k i
s A e E N P
o i n f T A

Hope I didn't make any mistakes... ;) --- Pokedex

9 years ago*

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Svipur already tried this here and it didn't work, we're still probably missing something.

9 years ago

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