I made the pre-order on steam, I bought the Gold Edition.

Features pre-order + gold edition:

• 17 hours of gameplay: How Long to Beat
• Pre-order bonus: Zodiac Killer Mission
• Season Pass
• Deluxe Pack

After the game release, you'll lose just the bonus mission (yes, only 1 mission). You can buy the gold edition after release.

So, worth it?

7 years ago*

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i just watched "Lets Plays" of it... but from what i saw i would recommend the game... :)

7 years ago

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If we wait a few months, he'll get a big discount, and the only thing to lose is the bonus mission
I do not know if pre-selling is worth it, I think I'll ask for a refund.

7 years ago

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If you
a) Like modern open world games where you spend 90% of the game time fucking around and doing side-quests and 10% with something called a story
b) have enough money for the pre-order
c) believe that the developers won't purposefully sabotage this game like the previous one to drive console sales
d) still didn't learn to never pre-order until the real reviews come out
then just go for it. So far it seems the game itself is not nearly one tenth of the massive ass the first one was, this one actually has some sort of content and a style on its own besides "brooding hero broods". For a modern open-world game, it seems okay enough.

7 years ago

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still didn't learn to never pre-order until the real reviews come out

With the Steam refund system you could actually pre order if there is a good bonus and just wait to play it until there are enough reviews out. If it turns out shit, you can just refund.

7 years ago

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For added information on that:

  • So long as you preorder within 3 months of the release date, you're fine. If you preorder before that point, your refund period will expire before the game releases.
  • So long as your purchase was made at any point within 3 months of the release date, you have receive the usual 2 weeks/2 hours refund period, starting from the point the game releases.

It's not perfect, but it's probably the most user-friendly element of the Steam refund system by far.
..of course, that's assuming they actually abide by what's in their FAQ in regards to that [which they don't do for their gift refunds section- and yet, years later, they still haven't updated it to refund their actual policies (which according to multiple support members, is that they never refund games if they've been activated on someone's account)]. Of course, given how inconsistent Steam Support is, I guess so long as it remains in FAQ, you at least have a chance of encountering a respectable customer service representative that'll actually abide by their listed policies.

7 years ago

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I'd say that you should wait for a few reviews before playing, to have the refund available (if buying through steam), since a bonus mission isn't worth much if the overall game is bad

7 years ago

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oh my fault, i thought it's just about the game... :P

if you can wait - you should do it... there's always a sale incomming and maybe key stores will sell steamkeys for the game much cheaper than steam does...^^

7 years ago

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It looks better than the first one in every way, but its not AC2 to AC1 difference, so maybe not pre-order....

7 years ago

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Pre-order for a mission?

7 years ago

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I'd say no, but then again I'd say that about most pre-orders

7 years ago

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Nope, not worth it. Not worth it now, not worth it at release and not worth it unless a serious discount comes. Paying 60 euros for a game you beat in 17-35 hours is pretty lame. Witcher 3 DLCs provided more content for 1/3 of the price (without discounts). It is not GTA V, Witcher 3 or Assassins Creed (ignore Unity), Madden, NFL, NBA or even WWE. This game is trying to compete with all those huge titles after a trash first game. And from what i have seen in gameplay trailers, its not even that interesting to me. Skip.

7 years ago

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Have you even played the first game? It was a pretty solid game but overhyped killed it.

7 years ago

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Yes i did. And i wanted to like it, i really did. Poor story, very poor optimization (i have a medium-tier PC and it BARELY could run it at reasonable quality due to the fan overheating, which didnt happen with Crisis 3, Witcher 3 or any similar game on highest settings). Not very good dialogue, Aiden is a one-dimensional person with bland personality. The hacking thing was...weak, i guess. Not much of a complaint about it tho, i just wish it was more varied, which they fixed in the second one from what i have seen. The music was nice and the missions were okay. But those arent the things that would matter too much to me. All in all, i was disappointed. As for the hype, i learned long time ago that anything with TOO much hype is either not worth it or will rock the world. For me, it was not worth it

tl;dr: read the post, reading is under-rated

7 years ago

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i thought the story on the first one was great, really enjoyed it. so sad they didnt use pierce as the main character for the 2nd

7 years ago

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It's $30 for a Pizza that takes half an hour to make and even less time to eat, why is 30 hours entertainment and 2 years of the developers lives not worth $60?

7 years ago

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I would never buy a 30 dollar pizza, even if it was the worlds greatest pizza. 1. I dont like pizzas. 2. Even if i would choose a different type of food, i would never throw 30 dollars on a single meal. And...why should i care how long the development took? They are not an indie dev, they are an AAA dev.

If you want to, feel free to do whatever you want with your money. He asked a question i provided an answer that i follow. He doesnt have to, you dont have to.

7 years ago

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Because labour is part of the price. You do understand that tens, maybe hundreds of people work full time jobs as part of a game's development and those costs are reflected in the price.

7 years ago

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Yes, i do agree that labour price goes into the price. But, what is actually paid to the devs? Publisher takes a large chunk of the money because fk devs and their problems. Then the big boss takes another pile of cash for his 99th golden yacht. Project manager takes whatever bill is intact and the poor developer gets the rest. So out of every 60 dollars you fork over, the developer gets...close to nothing because of that and the "hidden" things like income taxes, Valve taking a lot of money for "hosting" the game and so on, new engines, new machines (PCs, consoles, whatever else is marked there), marketing and in case of physical copies, distribution. Yes, the developers are absolutely not poor people, but they are not the ones profitting the most out of it.

To put it into your pizza analogy: Price of pizza is 1 euro, including the pizza itself and the delivery from the warehouse. Just for easier math, we will assume the pizza is a generic pizza without any stupid things. Somebody has to deliver the pizza to the restaurant. Per pizza, its like 30 cents. So not too bad. You have to store the pizza somewhere. That is another few cents per pizza. You also need to prepare the pizza and somebody to prepare it. More costs. And in the end, you need somebody to serve the pizza. Lets say you end at 2,50 euros per pizza. But, the fun doesnt end there. You need to pay tax from the pizza. And you want to stay profitable. So you add more "hidden" things and voila, the pizza that cost 1 euro at the start costs 4,50 euros in the end. Also, if you are at a fancy pizza place, you pay the "fancy tax". Its the price of environment, nicer waiters, fancier plates, silverware and so on. So, about 7 euros.

I might have forgotten some things, but i would not say labour of making the pizza/game is what drives the price so high.

7 years ago

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wow, where do you live man..even in Germany normal pizza from delivery store is not that expensive.

7 years ago

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Pre-Order worth it?


7 years ago

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Wait for release.
Read about the shitstorm like the last one,
Wait 6 months for the price to drop.
Save money on this piee of crap GTA knockoff.
Be a happier person.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The problem is usually it's really hard to get the pre-order bonus mission poop for Ubi games on Steam after release, and impossible to judge whether the mission thingy is worth it without massive spoilers (=ΦエΦ=) Hopefully it will just be purchasable later if you decide to wait (・∀・)

7 years ago

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Never pre order

7 years ago

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If you really want the game at release, just buy one of the promo codes that people are getting with nvidia/samsung products off ebay for like $30-$35

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Why would you preorder anything?

7 years ago

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No preorder is worth it.

7 years ago

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I pre ordered the standard. The game looks worth it from the game-play videos, and better than the previous. I can't wait to play it!! Yolo!!

7 years ago

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People who pre-order is THE problem of gaming these days.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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i play it on ps4 and love it. nice and fun game. Buy it :)

7 years ago

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No, try to get it with someone who bought a GTX 1070, but it's Uplay :/

7 years ago

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Never pre-order

7 years ago

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afaik even if you got it on Steam you'd still need to have Uplay for it to work.

7 years ago

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No, and it's Ubisoft, so double no. Also that pre order bonuses are trash, Ubisoft always gives bad pre order bonuses, some 5-15min extra mission, useless skins, and a season pass with normally practically no content.

7 years ago

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For only 17 hours, I wouldn't consider it worth it for that price. Even if it is a lot of fun, it's still way too expensive for too little play time. I usually go by the rule that € 1 should be about 1 hour of gameplay (without the collectibles and other minor extras). 30 minutes would be acceptable if the game is fun and if it is a really amazing game, maybe even 20 minutes, but less then that is not worth it for me.

7 years ago

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Never - wait for release and check out the reviews - pre-order will only lead to annoyance in my opinion - as developers have not learned, yet, from the mistakes of the past :)

7 years ago

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never pre-order, never

7 years ago

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^ +1

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

7 years ago

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Never pre order, ever. Never buy a Ubisoft game on release day either. I love most of Ubisoft's games but I'll never buy one on release because they're always broken on PC. WD2 is no doubt a great game, I haven't heard a negative thing about it yet. But it'll still be a great game 6 months from now when everything is patched and the game is cheaper.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Laudrup.