Now that I have your attention: (bad joke, I know)

I make my very first train here, hope that I didnt make anything wrong

so, I joined Steam on Dic/20/2013

something like an anecdote:
I remember that Steam was giving for free Left 4 Dead 2 on Dic/2013 and a friend of mine say to me to create an account and get the game to play, sadly we never play together, Im still around here, and that particular friend never connect to steam again, we still see each other, time to time in the real life.
so, along the years I meet new friends on steam and lost a few too, I see a lot of pages of giveaways/ or related info about steam to open, and to close too, I remember when at the very beggining I have just a few games and a lot of free time, and now, I dont have time to play them, but my backlog is getting bigger

So; whats its the particular way you meet steam, or SG, or any anecdote you want to share

Sorry for my basic english.

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Tbh I don't remember how I discovered Steam, but I was amazed on how cheap the games for PC were (back then) so I stayed in the platform. I used to pirate games when I was a kid because I couldn't afford any games, but once I could afford things I bought in Steam the games that I pirated (paying for my crimes)

3 years ago

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+1, every single word resonates with me

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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they gave out l4d2 for free on christmas one time in 2013 so i made a steam account

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

we make an account for the same reason. l4d2 is really fun to play

3 years ago

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Someone bought me Terraria


3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

I dont have Terraria, but I give it to friends two times, not my kind of game, but I have a friend that Is a big fan of this game

3 years ago

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I knew there was a place that had a steampunk symbol and hosted only Valve games (that's what I thought back then haha). Since I don't like so much first person shooters and competitive online multiplayer games I didn't bother too much with Counterstrike. Then one day I discovered a site named "Indie Royale" (R.I.P.) that had a bundle which opened a new magic world for me (lmao).

At first the keys were mostly on Desura (R.I.P. again), but then there was that magical thing of those devs giving a Steam key for their games too, so that kinda forced me to download the client and start redeeming games. Since that day I've met some wonderful people from all over the world as well as shady people like those scammers we all hate (argh). It's an online society so I'm expecting the best and the worst (no surprises here).

That's my little story, if you like it please click the subscribe button and the bell, if you don't like it I still love you :)


3 years ago*

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

yes, its true that I meet people of different places in the world, I speack spanish and a little of english, but I dont chat to much, basically my english Is basic and I need to Google words in transistor to make myself understable
for multiplayers, I dont play them very often, just a few machs time to time on csgo, i really sucks on multiplayer games

3 years ago

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Thank you! I got steam I think because my friend had it in high school. I was never big on computer games. Always been a console guy. But eventually I got some steam keys for free from friends and just kinda build up the library. Still rarely play steam though or computer in general. But I do like to collect games ion all formats.

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

one of my very first PC games was maniac mansion, when I was a kid, some time after, I play the first resident evil on PC, and after that I go looking for RE2, only god knows how many hours I put on them, without quides or internet (im from a small town)
my first console was the nes, the PS2 was the only one I buy with my own moneyโ€ฆ I play a lot of games on emulators from GameCube, Wii, and gba.... so many good memorias!

3 years ago

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My first console was an NES too. My parents bought it for me when I was a kid. Maybe 5 or 6? I remember playing so much out of Super Mario brothers 3.

3 years ago

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nothing to see here folks. move along.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Bump, as for the first contact with steam it was game CS:Source which required it.

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

3 years ago

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discoverd steam thanks buy one finger dead punch

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

I get that one for free somewhere, the two of them, but I never play it. I'll give it a try at some point for sure,

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I actually found out about Humble Bundle before ever hearing about Steam through my computer science teacher in high school. He was showing us how you could get a bunch of games for cheap while donating to charity.
Soon after creating my Steam account, I found SteamGifts through a google search for free Steam games.

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

you have a good sensei for sure! I didnt have any teacher that play videogames, but in hightscohol I have one that was a fan of comics, he give me a lot of comics to read, even a few in english that he bought in EEUU, but most of them in spanish. I read a lot of '90 comics from Marvel, detective comics, dc, dark horse. i really enjoy Spiderman from Marvel, and the thing from dc, the old Batman comics in detective comics are great to read! and spawn comics are my favorites

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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It was because I saw a Skyrim lets play with mods that I became interested in PC Gaming, then I saw that Steam had the best prices for my region and that was why I created my account

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

yeahhh regional prices make me can affor a lot of games nowadays.
at the begining I have EEUU store, was too much expensive to us, im from argentina, then steam change to regional prices for my country, that was a good change for us for sure

3 years ago

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Bump :)

3 years ago

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I think I found Steam twice.
My first account is still out there somewhere, I think I found it, but I can't get into the email account it uses, or I found someone else's account...and they keep getting unauthorized login attempt emails.... :P

This account was made after I bought a bundle that doesn't show on isthereanydeals....
I probably got to Steam from Blink or Tremorgames...I dunno...I didn't know there would be a test.

edit: Checked purchase history instead of activations...
It wasn't a bundle, well, it was, but wasn't.
It was the Potato Sack ARG bundle in 2011.
Which means I got to Steam via an ARG, probably after ILB2/Bodie...looking for more.

3 years ago*

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

i dont buy to many bundles now, but my very first bundles were from grenmangaming, and the 1dollar tier from hb.
nowadays i only buy from fanatical, they do good bundles if one can't pay to much in dollars, I buy just one montlly from HB and it was November 2019, for me was the best HB monthly

3 years ago

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I heard good things about FTL and couldn't find anywhere else to purchase it. At first I was reluctant to install this "Steam" thing, but eventually decided it was worth trying.

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

i have to say, that after I make my account and start getting games in steam, i just buy all of them through steam, I get the freebes from epic, Ubisoft etc, but I didnt have time to play them, have a big backlog and im working on it, i just need to timetravel to be young again with more free time in real life

3 years ago

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I met Steam that 2013 december too, but with my slow internet connection at the time I couldn't even register so unfortunately I lost the oportunity to get Left 4 Dead 2 for free, and then finally join on January 4th but with no games in my library I just left for dead Steam completely (pun intended). Flash forward a month trying to figure out how to buy games cheap I came across Humble Bundle and bought my first bundle (WB games), and L4D2.

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

I suffer a lot with my internet connection, even now, that I have two days the pc turned on to download a 60gb game... i live in a small town, and here that Is "the best" one can get for internet service

3 years ago

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Yeah I feel you, we are in the exact same situation, stay strong :)

EDIT: No wonder we have a lot in common, we both live in Argentina.

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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Bumping the story ;)

3 years ago

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Congrats on your first train!

I joined Steam when Half Life 2 came out. It was basically necessary to play the game. I only had 10-20 games in my library for several years...and then the selection got amazing, and they started having crazy sales, and bundle sites took off, and then I discovered Steamgifts...and holy crap, I have over 5,000 games now. It's been lots of fun. :)

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

i went through something similar, at the begining we have the EEUU market, then mexican people make "trades" becouse the have regional pricing and was for sure more cheap for us, and now we have regional prices that any argentinian can affor, or most of them, sadly we pay a lot of taxes, so the prices rise 64% from what steam store shows, but are cheaper than before.
at some point I say to my self that I want to be in the very top of steamladder, and started to accumulate games to reach 3k, that was like a goal to reach, now I have More than 6k and i lost interest in acumulate games, the last few years comes out thousands of trash games, without any sence to keep traing to get all of them, its just imposible for most people

3 years ago

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The first time I used Steam was back when Half Life 2 came out. I had no interest in using Steam but there was a way to download Half Life 2 for free using some exploit with Steam. I forget the details. After that I forgot about Steam until around 2012. I made an account to play TF2. Then I bought my very first game on Steam which happened to be L4D2. It was on sale for $5. It was nice because it also became one of my favorite games ever. Damn, Valve did make some great games didn't they?

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

i play hl 1 when I was young, but play hl2 and episodes 1 and 2 just a few years ago, i think it was on 2015, great games btw!! and the ending of hl2e2 make me understand why everysingle gamer on earth wants a hl3.

3 years ago

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When the Football Manager and Total War series moved to Steam, I had no choice but to follow, back in 2008. :)

3 years ago

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thanks for sharing your anecdote!

wooow! i play a lot of pirates games on those years, without knowing about steam, im from a small town and when i was young legal games were for rich people, after i make my account i buy almost all games that i play pirate copys, i have a ps2 in those years, and didnt play to many games on PC, buy i buy and all Batman Arkham series, the silent Hill Homecoming, resident evil games and a lot more games!

with steam I discover a lot of very good indies, that i enjoyed a lot, and never get a pirate game again, since 2013 to now i buy what i want to play, i even forget about emus, and lost the last Zelda and Metroid games that were my favorites on nintendo, but i never get that consoles, they are way to expensive in argentina.

3 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Ivannes.