The developers of this game are selling this for U$1.00 only.

So what is the catch?
The catch is: If they get 10 millions pre-orders, you receive the game key plus the soundtrack. If they dont get it, all the money will go to Charity.

If the number of pre-ordered games reaches ten million then 10% of the income will be donated to the charity. Also, anything above ten million will be shared 50/50 between NEG and the charity organisation.

Afterfall: InSanity will be available to players from November 25th!

1 decade ago*

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Bought it after I read up a bit on the game and saw some screenshots.
It looks like a geniunly fun game and I will probably end up buying it anyway, even if they don't reach the 10 million.
Also it's a fun stunt which I don't mind seeing other developers/indie developers try.

If they do manage to reach 10 million by some miracle all the better, heh.

1 decade ago

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Wouldn't it make more sense if all the money went to charity if they reach 10 million?

1 decade ago

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Also Charity is a guy at the company :P

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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you guys are kidding right? i can hardly think it gets to even 100k, maybe even 50k

1 decade ago

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I bought the game and took a screencap. that was my last dollar. lets wait until i get money again and buy Dungeon Defenders. Took a screencap tho

1 decade ago

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I don't know how accurate it is, but according to a wiki page of the best selling PC games, only 4 PC games have ever hit the 10million mark in total sales. No game has ever hit the 10million mark in pre-orders.

1 decade ago

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Well, the way I'm seeing this is they are not at all expecting to hit the 10 mil mark. It's quite simply a cheap and deceitful ploy to give money to one of their 'charities'.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by yuedps.