
I just found out about this site recently, but I still don't understand its purpose fully.
Is it basically a platform for steam users to give away games they bought for free? What do they get in return? Is it pure altruism?
Or is this organized by Valve itself?
Sorry if that has been asked before, I couldn't find anything on it.

1 decade ago*

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Warm fuzzy feeling. It's not affiliated with valve at all except for being able to give that format of game away here.

1 decade ago

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How can you buy stuff for free? The people here give games they bought, some for altruism, others to increase the contributor value in hope to enter a giveaway with high contributor value (so less people in it) to win another game

1 decade ago

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I think you missed the point: '...they bought [and give] for free...'.

1 decade ago

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I think OP missed some grammar

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I think this is what the OP means. Funny thing, almost all of the comments in this thread are making fun of this mistake, but not many people are answering to the question the OP asked... :I

1 decade ago

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Indeed, but there is only a comma missing though in my opinion, it would read much better that way:
"Is it basically a platform for steam users to give away games they bought, for free?"

1 decade ago

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True that, I didn't get that at the moment :)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Group sex.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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We have all male rooms, all girl rooms, and "surprise" rooms.

1 decade ago

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Also this apparently.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Nothing says group sex better than Gandalf

1 decade ago

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It tickles.


1 decade ago

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So, Hillary you in? We can get Monica. And dwarfs

1 decade ago

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Trust me, you'll know when I am in O_O ;-)!

1 decade ago

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Is there a .gif to go with that?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Haha that was just as good <3

1 decade ago

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If you like a game that you want others to experience, give it away. If you have spare keys you'd like to give to others, give it away.

This site is not affiliated with Valve.

1 decade ago

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bought for free???

1 decade ago

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Always buy games for free!

1 decade ago

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Do read the FAQ, it will answer your questions. To put it short, you make a giveaway for game you have bought or otherwise obtained yourself and the winner is picked randomly. What you get from doing so, are mostly intangible things: the warm feeling of generosity, respect from this community, and contributor value added to your account, which will allow you to enter giveaways only available to contributors.

Welcome to this site, I hope you'll enjoy being here. ^^

1 decade ago

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Most calm, kind, and concise answer I've ever seen on the forums. Anyway, +1 this.

1 decade ago

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I see, wish I knew about that site sooner, always gave away keys I received randomly on gaming forums.
I read the FAQ, but I guess I didn't fully understand it. Wouldn't it just be easier to buy the game I want myself? If I spend $50 on games to give away just so I can enter a $50 giveaway, which I will only maybe win, I somehow fail to see the advantage, besides the warm feeling some already mentioned. ^^

1 decade ago

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because there could be more than one $50 giveaway

1 decade ago

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Yeah, if you want a game really bad, you shouldn't trust on this site to get it. The chances to win are usually pretty small, especially on public giveaways. This site is dedicated mostly to the joy of giving, not getting. At least that is what it should be.

And I'd like to point out many people buy games from sales and give them here. You see, you get the contributor value based on the Steam Store normal price, it doesn't matter if you had bought the game on discount. You could easily obtain $50 contributor value by spending less than that, even just $10 for example, by taking advantage of good sales.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the clear and concise explanation, it makes more sense to me now. :)

1 decade ago

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Hahaa, I'm glad I could be of help. And I hope I convinced you to stay here for longer, it's really nice to be here when you start getting to know these people. Just don't mind about all these guys poking fun at your little mistake in the opening post (bought for free), we just have a weird way of having fun in here. We're really a good bunch, honestly. ^^'

1 decade ago

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Haha, don't worry, I've been on the Internet for too long to mind such things. Plus, English isn't my native language, so I always have an excuse. ;D
I'm sure I will stay, I'm still surprised that after using Steam for so long I haven't stumbled upon this site earlier.

1 decade ago

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The "advantage" is that once you have, as given example, a $50 contributor value you can now enter every contributor-only giveaway with a gateway value of $50 or lower, which will have slightly higher winning odds by simple merit of disallowing those without said value (me, for example).

Beyond that, the answer to "why" can be as simple as "why not". Perhaps you want Multiwinia but don't see it as a $10 value. Maybe you're broke and want a chance to play something new? Maybe entering giveaways gives you a chance to win a game and save that $50 for booze or a hooker? Or you could be a cheapskate looking to score some free games. The point being: Why not? And then down the line, if you've gotten a few wins and feel like giving back, well, there's your reason for that $50. Me, I gave a couple things away on my first day before having won anything and even before knowing contributor value existed. Sure, they were cheap and/or bundle items, but I had no use for them, so why not? :)

1 decade ago

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The point is not to get what you want, you can buy that. The point is that it feels good to win something, and you can enter for things you're not convinced enough you'll enjoy to buy. Some will be disappointments, others will be wonderful surprises, but the varied experience will probably make you a better gamer.

1 decade ago

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haha ,still the most nice and caring answer as usual Marumisu

1 decade ago

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This site is user-operated, and not affiliated with Valve in any way besides relying on the Steam platform and API. Welcome to SGifts.

1 decade ago

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the purpose of thise site is to give away!

1 decade ago

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free blowjobs

1 decade ago

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I still haven't gotten one yet, though :(

1 decade ago

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Wait until you hit 1 year ;)

1 decade ago

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Wow! In what country is that? Over here it's 18 ...

1 decade ago

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Uh... troll?

1 decade ago

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Nah, not a troll. Sick minded maybe, you asked for it Lorkhan! :P

1 decade ago

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In time, my child.

In time.

1 decade ago

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Go back to playblink pls

1 decade ago

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the purpose of this site is to giveaway and we did not buy games for free..we buy it when they are on discount.

1 decade ago

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The purpose of this site is to get the top score.

1 decade ago

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Isnt that playbink with all those minigames? D:

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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Only two? i though there were more D: I only tried 2 times and forgot about that site, this one is more fun D:

1 decade ago

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Who said anything about minigames?

1 decade ago

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the real purpose of this site is to create a channel between steam games on sale and gamers. this can seem to be a silly statement, but this is what it is. then, you can add the forum, the groups, the contribution value, the good feeling of giving and all the rest, but the baseline is that steamgifts.com is a sales channel.

1 decade ago

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If you want to speak with Gaben personally, search: CG

1 decade ago

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Altruism actually sums it up nicely.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I only joined this site to give away spare copies of games I had to people that wanted them. Any games that I win by chance is a bonus!

I like the warm feeling, some others do as well. Unfortunately a lot of people prefer getting free games over that feeling, but each to their own. :)

1 decade ago

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If i have easy access to $ i could give away some games... but no, in Socialist Venezuela the $ owns you D:

1 decade ago

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Is all about Dota 2 giveaways and why we cant giveaway certain games.

1 decade ago

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and "farming" numbers that may or may not mean something... and spam

but yeah, most of the giveaways are made of pure altruism (or is it "made because pure altruism"?... damn my english!)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Chiba.