First all, im really sorry bothering you all; sadly I didnt found anything about that problem on Google and so the only chance I have to find what going on is there...

Few months ago my monitor started to show me a black glow on middle right that it also reduce the brightness. At first I thought that was because my monitor it's pretty old, but then I noticed that sometimes this thing disappears completely on random when I close the monitor. Now this thing is more frequent and I dont really know what it could be and if is really my monitor or it's other... also sorry if I explained bad, but my english is not the best... hope you can understand.

This is the black mark that it appear:

Thanks in advance to who is going to helpme.

7 years ago

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I had something similar once, and it was actually the monitor melting/burning.
But if you said it disappears sometimes that shouldn't be it o:

7 years ago

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If it's LED back lit, it sounds like you have an LED going bad. I just had the same thing happen except it's on the bottom left of my screen. Mine started flickering in that area when I turned it on, then went dark like in your screen shot.. Turning it off and on made it light back up, but if you're having the same problem I'm having, your only option is a new monitor.

7 years ago

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The backlight is malfunctioning, there is no guaranteed free fix, if indeed is the backlight messing up as far as I know.
Some say that gently putting something cold, such a frozen pack on it might reduce the effect, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Tough luck :\

7 years ago

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The panel, or more precisely some LED are dying. Get a new monitor.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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pretty much covered already. sorry it happened to ya though. =(

7 years ago

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Sigh, I guess I'll have buy a new monitor then... thanks everyone.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Veigascia.