Hey guys, sorry again for bothering you all, but I have another question, also with this i'll have pretty hard difficult to explain (language barrier sigh), so please tell me if you dont understand something I will try to explain it a little better maybe...
Now I have my new pc, I have an HDD with 1tb and an SDD with about 200gb... Everytime I have to boot it from the BIOS for use the SDD, but I want boot it without ever go to BIOS... I dont know how to do that and it keeps me booting with the HDD...

I hope it's all clear for you guys, im really sorry for my grammar and thanks in advanced for who is going to help me...

7 years ago

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You need to find the boot options in your BIOS that allow you to change the boot order of your devices.

7 years ago

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I found it, but it show me only the HDD and the DVD...

7 years ago

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Did you migrate the previous Windows installation to your SSD or did you do a clean install?

7 years ago

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Both had Windows 7 and updated both to Win10.

7 years ago

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Something like this, but of course it will depend entirely on the BIOS.

7 years ago

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This is my BIOS http://www.legitreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/asus-z97-pro-wifi-bios-1-645x483.jpg (random image from Google, not a screenshot i made.)
Anyways, it doesnt let me switch the SDD, because it show me only the HDD and the DVD, while if I press Boot Menu it appears the SDD too but I cant switch it to first.

7 years ago*

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The Corsair Neutron is your SSD ....
Click and drag it to the top of the boot order.

7 years ago

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Sorry if this is confusing, is a random image from Google because I didnt had a chance to screenshot it, it was just show how it was the BIOS.

7 years ago

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Oh ... if your SSD isn't showing, check the power/data cables to it and make sure they're secure.

One way to test for sure is to unplug all your other drives, leaving only your SSD and check your BIOS. If it doesn't show up then, chances are your SSD is toast.

7 years ago

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Che marca hai di scheda madre? Se è Asus forse ti posso dire come fare.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Speccy non lo conosco, ma diciamo che è un'informazione di base, come la marca della tua auto. Lo puoi vedere guardando la scheda madre, di solito c'è scritto sopra marca e modello oppure dal bios, appena entri in alto dovrebbe esserci un logo e altri dettagli. Nello screen che hai postato ad esempio dice Asus Z97 pro, vedi se anche nel tuo c'è qualcosa di simile, oppure fai una foto e la posti qui.

7 years ago

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E' uno screen che ho preso a cazzo da Google quello, solo per mostrare com'era fatto il mio Bios.
Comunque queste sono le specifiche del mio pc, riposto ancora il link nel caso non l'avessi visto.

7 years ago

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Nel bios vai in modalità avanzata -> http://oi65.tinypic.com/2db10ut.jpg/img , cerca in alto la tab boot -> http://oi63.tinypic.com/2ppecmq.jpg e da questo screen -> http://oi63.tinypic.com/neb18i.jpg che dovrebbe essere simile al tuo controlla nella lista "boot option priorities" se è presente l'ssd e portalo sopra agli altri.

7 years ago

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Controllato appena adesso, e l'SSD non appare, solo l'HDD e il DVD. Che due coglioni sta cosa però... ogni volta avviare da Bios per poter usare l'SSD è veramente una rottura di palle.

7 years ago

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Mi sta venendo un dubbio, ma hai un sistema dual boot? In quel caso la procedura sarebbe diversa. Non mi pare di vedere il logo UEFI dal tuo screen e se hai un solo sistema operativo potrebbe anche essere che durante l'installazione è stato messo l'MBR sull'hdd invece che sull'ssd.

7 years ago

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Tbh non ne ho la minima idea... purtroppo non sono esperta di queste cose, se no non avrei aperto questa discussione. Questo pc me lo sono fatto montare in un negozio per il mio compleanno, meno di un mese fa.

Avevo Windows 7 su entrambi i dischi, poi ho caricato Windows 10 prima sull'HDD e adesso sull'SSD perchè papà mi stava rompendo le palle che dovevo usarlo.

7 years ago

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Ho sistemato comunque, grazie lo stesso. :3

7 years ago

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E' della ASUS, ti posto lo screen perchè sono pigra da far schifo.

7 years ago

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Change the priority of the booting devices. Put the SSD as the first to boot and you won't have to do that.

7 years ago

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Somewhere in your bios there should be a boot order setting. Set it so that that the SSD is higher up on that list and it should boot from that instead.

7 years ago

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Some motherboards (like the Asus of mine) don't seem to support putting boot sector on a SSD since they deem it too unreliable or something... You can still install Windows on it though.

7 years ago

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Yeah it's a Asus... so im screwed?

7 years ago

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Have you tried hitting F7 to take you into advanced options and then looking for a HDD boot order?

7 years ago

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Now I made the real screenshot... here: https://imgur.com/a/zXf5C
The Kingstone one is the SDD, and as you can see it doesnt appears on the Boot priority, but on Boot menu it appears.

7 years ago

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What im saying is have you checked Advanced mode? Hit F7 and check for a HDD boot priority. I dont know if your motherboard has raid but if it does and you are connecting to one of the sata ports that is on the raid controller that should be under a different section.

7 years ago

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Just checked, there's only the HDD and the DVD... sigh.

7 years ago

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From here http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2163637/ssd-show-boot-priority-asus-z97-pro.html
someone said this I quote.
"In advance bios, boot menu disable all boot options then click hard drive bbs priorities, then boot option 1 YOUR SSD SHOULD BE THERE. Click back then click boot option 1 and Your ssd sud be there"

7 years ago

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Damn, it worked. Finally.
Thanks a lot!

Going to close thread now.

7 years ago

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Not really, you just need to have a ordinary HDD present in the system, it won't slow down the computer if it's just bios that's on it... when reinstalling Windows, make sure both drives are connected (also, try changing the bios settings as everyone here is saying first).
And, in windows installation menu select clean install onto the ssd. Also, if you have to go for reinstall, I advise you to format all drives, as boot sector will make the ordinary hdd unformattable in the future.

But your motherboard seems to be much newer than mine (I bought it in 2011), so it could be something else...

7 years ago

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search your bios by eye for anything that includes "boot" even in submenus. If you find it there will be a boot priority option too. you'll see and notice the names of your storage drives in it and obviously your ssd will include "ssd" in its label^^

7 years ago

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Now I made the real screenshot... here: https://imgur.com/a/zXf5C
The Kingstone one is the SDD, and as you can see it doesnt appears on the Boot priority, but on Boot menu it appears...

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Veigascia.