Hey guys!

I was wondering if the prices of "watch dogs" can lower more after the game release? (speaking of g2a for example- currently its on 27-28 €)

1 decade ago*

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Generally, yes, game prices will drop with time after it is released. A few years after release, you might be able to get it for closer to US$5.

However, we can't predict when this will happen.

1 decade ago

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i was wondering like a few days after the release, the drop could only be of a few euros, not that much.

1 decade ago

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Oh, I'm well aware of what you mean. But let me point out what I said in my post. "However, we can't predict when this will happen". You want us to predict the future, and we can't do that. You either decide if you want to buy it now or later. We won't know the prices until they happen.

1 decade ago

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ok thanks :) It's just because you were talking in years and i was more interested in days/weeks :)

1 decade ago

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Just look at history of same publishers similar games. There tends to be some kind of pattern.

Some publishers have quicker (Square-Einix drops to -75% in only 3-4 months) and for some you have to wait a lot longer.

1 decade ago

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Sometimes games do not sale as good as expected and to reach goals, they drop prices sooner. They want to make as much money as they can. So they let pay early-access testing-monkeys about 3 times the release price, and more or less soon after release the drop the price to get even more. for e.g. turbines first 50% sales for expansions was in the past 3 to 5 month after release....last time it was 4 weeks.

1 decade ago

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...? Early-Access Testing-Monkeys (or EA-TM (yes...)) usually pay way less than the release price. And in online games, when you preorder, you get some days of early access just as a gift, knowing that you are paying for that "exclusivity", and knowing that the price will go down in the next days, and knowing there are some hideous bugs, and knowing... well, if you dont know all of these things and way more, you are new in games, obviously. Long live Lord British and his early access to death.

1 decade ago

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Most of us monkeys know it....but i have more than enough Experience to know it´s not worth for me. If i look at PA, 90$ for a not well working game and some additional polygons. Now a still not well working game for 40$...and it´s even not released. Look at Teso, beta continuous after release up to two server-maintenance a day and now 4 weeks after release the price has already dropped. And so on. My conclusion is simply i will and i´m still in some betas. And within real betas I have to make my part of work and test, report, fill out forms and so on...and i don´t have to pay a cent. Cause i´m a testing-monkey that don´t takes every green banana anymore :-)

1 decade ago

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If price drop from around 50$ to 5 a few days after the game release, we'll should beware ! Game may not be as good as it has be announced XD

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Algaivia.