7 years ago*

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I could see a Mafia playtough with no annoying comments from the whoever is playing it working out ...

IF , it was not 8 -12 min long videos ....

There was a great no comment channel which had most Final Fantasy games ( had ... ) videos ware all ~1h long each .

IF you are going that road , you wont get far if you videos are shorter then a fails of the week video ...

Just take a game , play trough it all ... and upload it on 40 to 1h long bits ... That may work ...

What you are doing now wont get your more then 50 views.

7 years ago

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The reason might be that you need to verify your Google account via phone to upload videos longer than 15 minutes and you know how paranoid a lot of people get when it comes to their phone numbers.

7 years ago

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I mean even then ... its just shit content cut into really small pieces

7 years ago

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I don't think there's a market for No commentary gameplay videos anymore anyway. Most people have moved on to Twitch and those few viewers that remain for gaming channels on YT watch those channels because they like the hosts. No commentary means no connection with the viewer so the only people who are still watching are those who want to see a game (like Telltale Adventures which are basically interactive movies anyway) without buying it.

7 years ago

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no commentary works great on a linear story RPGs and stufff

Sometimes you dont care about w/e the fuck is playing the game has to say , and just want to see the game , but dont really want to play it .

Take firewatch for example ... i wouldnt buy that game ever , but i saw it on no commentary channel which did EVERYTHING there was to do , and it was great .

Video had over 150k views , while rest of his content was barely getting 1k +

After that there was massive surge in that channel .

Its not like there isnt market , its just you need to propely pick what content you are going to offer and how you present it .

And like 1 youtuber i follow says , advertise like shameless whore .... everywhere .

as for twitch , thats totally personality driven .

there are channels with 15k+ views watching a dog licking its balls for 15 min w/o anyone complaining ... while the guy w8s in queue for a game of dota

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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No thanks.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Roman0703.