They WILL do it, no matter the reason! It's huge fun!

So, here's my conversation with support from a while back:

me: I won 2 games in a group while I was still a member. They didn't give me the games, and now I can't even see that I won them.

(Support) (4 months ago)
The giveaways ended 3 and 1 days ago respectively.
You were kicked from the group on the 17th, about 5 days ago.
If you were not a member of the group when the giveaways ended, then you are not eligible for them.
If you had got kicked after winning them, then you would still be a valid winner.
Take care!

me now: just why the fuck did you re-roll (this) ? i won it fair and square,then they kicked me out of the group, but i was a member after i won the game for several more days.

(Support) (7 hours ago)
You can take it up with the giveaway creator. I suggest you adopt a new attitude as well. We can't force a reroll, the giveaway creator must opt for it.

epic, right?

1 decade ago*

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Hahaha, seeing a notorious leecher whining is priceless. I would gladly welcome you to my blacklist if you weren't already part of it :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Or should I say re-lolllllll?

1 decade ago

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<3 always a pleasure to see the number of entries on the blacklist.

1 decade ago

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it's somewhat correct, bit wrong tho :D

1 decade ago

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Umm excuse me but I'm new to the website and I was wondering , what is a Re-roll that everyone is talking about ?

1 decade ago

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It's when the person giving away the game asks for a new winner.

It can be done for various reasons: winner already having the game, not being part of the group anymore, not meeting the rules of the giveaway for private/group one, being blacklisted, etc.

1 decade ago

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It's basically another word for the "Request new winner" option that is given when one of your giveaways (succesfully) ends. A request is then sent to support to have another random winner because the first one was not eligible for participating, and as such, winning. Reasons for that could be a suspension, already having the game in his account, or with private and group giveaways being on the blacklist of that person for various reasons

1 decade ago

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After winners are generated for giveaways, giveaway creators can submit requests to invalidate the winner selections to generate winners again for valid reasons.

1 decade ago

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Thanks to this thread, I'm sure a good number of blacklist got a much-required update today.

1 decade ago

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I bet. I also wouldn't be surprised if OP gets suspended/kicked out of a bunch of groups.

1 decade ago

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Judging by the amount of deleted giveaways that are almost all in pairs, he's been doing this for a while.

1 decade ago

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At the end of the day it's about a gift, you don't receive. Don't be so fucking entitled. Move on with your life and don't get kicked from groups from now on.

1 decade ago

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That's it. I came back JUST to try and handle the oldest tickets and work my way up on my own spare time but as before, I will not stand by and watch you cause trouble. If you need to cool down then take a few days off, it's on the house. If the fact that the creator denied you your gift bothers you so much then buy the game yourself.

In the words of Gene Wilder, "You get nothing! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!"

1 decade ago

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Oh you're back! Welcome back!

1 decade ago

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Yay, welcome back :x

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i actually rolled on the floor and shit myself laughing XD

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I just don't join groups. I thought about it, but it's really not worth the time and effort in my opinion. On the main steamgifts if you have spare games, you give them. If you don't, you can enter open giveaways. No getting kicked, no huge shenanigans, just chances. The odds may not be as good, but the only things you have to worry about are things like the rare fake giveaway and someone just not sending a code in general. If you follow the rules you have nothing to worry about, only chances to win games.

1 decade ago

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My guess would be that you violated one of the group's rules (which was also why you got kicked out.) Unlike public giveaways, in a group giveaway you are required to follow the rules set by your group, and failing to do so is legitimate grounds for a reroll.

1 decade ago

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aww man he's suspended already. I was gonna write a comment about how he raised the hopes before crushing them by creating AAA giveaways rather than any non-bundled one or he doesn't even write comments on giveaways. Well, there's always next year.(it's not a permaban, right? and why is he banned? calling out himself?)

1 decade ago

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look 3 posts above :>

1 decade ago

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Oh, I just skimmed that one. I hope I won't be banned for my insolence (not reading a support member's post thoroughly)

1 decade ago

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*for noted douchefuckery

1 decade ago

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OP blocked for life on my Steam account

1 decade ago

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Not sure why this thread is still open, so I'll go ahead and close it. OP should take it to support and everyone needs to calm down.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cucumber.