Grim Fandango Remastered
Full Throttle Remastered

This is an sgtools-aided giveaway. You need to meet the following requirements:
1) C/R ratio (Contributor Value : Received Value) >= 1:1.
2) Not won the same game multiple times.
3) Never VAC Banned.
4) Contributor Level >= 3.

Please don't spam thank you unless you win.
You can pose one of your favorite quote here if you want~
Have a nice day.

4 years ago*

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You could put both of these giveaways into one thread. It's better for all of us.

This was a Public Service Announcement

4 years ago

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I will do that in the future! Thank you for your suggestion. By the way I have a question: since there is no minimum contributor level filter in sgtools, not that I can find one, I have the level set to 3 in my original sg GA, would users still be able to enter the GA who met all first three requirements but not the last?

4 years ago

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People can only go through the SGTools if they meet all requirements

4 years ago

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Yes, but I'm asking if the SG original GA will provide extra filter (i.e., contributor level) on top of the SGTools requirements (i.e., all first 3 I listed in the description).
Or do you mean SG original GA level is basically useless since they only need to go through SGTools one?

4 years ago

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No, Level 3 on the actual giveaway is a good idea 👍🏞
It will restrict it further than just the SGTools restrictions.

You can still edit this discussion and add the other giveaway, and then clos that other dicsuccion.

4 years ago

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You are right. I was thinking about editing the discussion. Thank you again!

4 years ago

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My account failed to pass requirements. It said my real CV sent/won ratio is too low: 0.9.
But isn't it should be 1.1?? Or it's a bug??

4 years ago

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I don't think it's a bug sadly. Sent=Contributor, Won=Received. S/W=C/R>=1. In your sg profile you should do the ratio upside down, meaning A:B where A is the one below (gifts sent, and you hover your mouse over the value to see the CV) and B is the one above (gifts won, and you hover your mouse over the value to see the RV). I hope this cleared your confusion.
In your case C/R is about 0.9 indeed.

4 years ago

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Hi PixelSilhouette. I always think the CV sent/won ratio is the value I saw, in my case it's 1463/1179. I didn't notice that there is another value when I place a moue hover on it. Anyway, thank you for the great info. ^_^

4 years ago

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Oh. Right. The value you always saw was called raw value on SGTools. The value I cared is called real value (or reduced value if you like) on SGTools, or the CV and RV you saw when you hover your mouse over it. You're welcome.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by PixelSilhouette.