I got a free key in the GMG Black Friday sale for Titanfall 1, but I'm unsure what to do with it. I don't think it is worth trading though. Maybe I'll gift it to someone who posts.


Edit:After sacrificing some NPC chickens to the gaming gods I chose a winner and sent them a friend request. I'll most likely gift some other games to random posters.

7 years ago*

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Is Titanfall 1 dead on PC?

View Results
Potato trumps titan
Ironic name for a possibly dead game

I'd like to try the game. But it's probably dead. Is there a way to check how many ppl are playing it?

7 years ago

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They Game is not dead your able to join the game anytime

7 years ago

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I meant dead as in barely anybody playing the game.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thx a lot for the link! maybe this works for other games too

7 years ago

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I have Indy already but I'll throw my hat into the ring for Lucidity :)

As for Titanfall, I heard it's not too bad.

7 years ago

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If it had single player like Titanfall 2 I would have used the key, but now someone else will get the chance to play.

7 years ago

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Oh, I thought they added single player to it? Maybe I'm confusing it with the second one. I'm not big on multiplayer.

7 years ago

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No campaign in the game? Damn, was going to toss my hat in, but guess not.

PC needs some mech games from From Software, they did Armored Core and Chromehounds.

I'd also accept Metal Wolf Chaos :)

7 years ago

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It is damn hard to find someone to gift this to :(

7 years ago

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I'll wish you luck in finding someone worthy that wants to play it.

Me though, I prefer single player campaigns over multiplayer.

7 years ago

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Multipayer is better than campaigns because it doesnt have a end, they are real people and it feels better.

7 years ago

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Multiplayer isn't the preference of everyone. I like a campaign and story, not just shooting people that may or may not be hacking the game in order to win.

7 years ago

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Everyone or most people like campaigns and stories, it's a first just play before jumping into multiplayer which you should if you enjoyed the gameplay, the mechanics and wish to have a real challenge. And hacking doesn't happen all that often, it definitely hasn't for me, you can always avoid them in most games and shouldn't be a turn off if you can avoid them if fighting them is futile. Last of Us multiplayer for example was insanely overlooked and underrated , if you look up epic comebacks on YouTube for that, youre in for a real treat.

7 years ago

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Ignoring that I said I hate hate playing with other people, that might just indicate I have experience playing with other people, I prefer campaigns. I want the story, I couldn't give a **** about shooting people for no purpose outside of it.

7 years ago

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nope, multiplayer games have horrible story-telling, therefore singleplayer is clearly better!

7 years ago

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Nobody plays multiplayer for the story because there is no such thing , it's where you go after you finished the story and if you enjoyed the game, both modes are good but multiplayer is better because it doesnt let the game end or die for you which you should play if you enjoyed the gameplay and mechanics in single player,pluss you can feel way better against humans than stupid bad predictable easy AI.

7 years ago

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i was being sarcastic. ;)

it's all a matter of opinion. you want games to last really long, so you get many, many hours out of it. and that's fine. i don't want that. i want games to be short. in fact, a campaign with 20 hours is already too long for me. i want short, story-intense experiences. i recently played Virginia. 2 hours for 10 or 15€, and it was great. i don't need an additional multiplayer mode. and i don't need the game to last longer than its campaign. i finished it, and then i moved on to the next game. that's how i like to play games. as an example, i played GTA5 singleplayer, and never even tried the multiplayer. i was way more interested in moving to the next good game instead of experiencing the same mechanics again in a multiplayer environment.

don't get me wrong, i can enjoy multiplayer games. i love battlefield since battlefield 2. but in general i am a story-focussed gamer, and your arguments simply don't apply to me. as i said, it's personal preference. :)

7 years ago

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Oh, some idea.. If it's too many hassle, use RNG XD

  1. Find someone who post here and give it to person with 60%+ games played :D
  2. Find someone who post here and give it to person with good ration
  3. Find someone in Orphan key thread and gib it to person who really say thanks after snatch key
  4. Find someone who post: "really want it" boring >.<
  5. Find someone who post funniest gif
  6. Give it to Konrad
7 years ago

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Yep, we need Metal Wolf Chaos on Steam now. The time is right.

7 years ago

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Hell, I don't mind any system, just give us an English release. I'd buy on PS3, PS4, 3DS, etc.

7 years ago

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There is a campaign. At least they call something that. That something is actually playing a set series of multiplayer maps where you may or may not hear some people monologuing in the background near the start of missions, which accounts for story and lore-building.

7 years ago

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They explained that in the Honest Game Trailer and in 2, they traded it for the real thing.

7 years ago

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They are working on a new IP, crossed fingers for some mechs.

7 years ago

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I only heard that Titanfall 2 is far better than the first one

7 years ago

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thanks n' bump ^^

7 years ago

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Thanks and bump! (Haven't played Titanfall in ages but everyone says its dead on pc unfortunately.)

7 years ago

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I got a Titanfall key also, it's keeping Dragon Age: Inquisition company in my Origin forgotten game graveyard... :)

Hopefully you remember to play yours, assuming the game isn't dead... :)

7 years ago

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With no single player I'm not going to play it why I'm trying to find a giftee. I have DA:I and finished it, not a bad game overall. Could have been better though.

7 years ago

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Aha, you're more generous than I am, I couldn't resist getting +1 game, even a dead multiplayer-only Origin one... :)

I wonder if they are giving out any shiny new stuff, every other free key I got today was cheap bundle stuff I already owned... :) Oh well...

7 years ago

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Thank you for the chance at Lucidity and Indy. Both look like a lot of fun.:)


7 years ago

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I have a 2nd Indy key if you don't win. Might pick up some more Lucidity keys for gifting.

7 years ago

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That is really nice of you. Thank you.:)

Did you enter my WL giveaway yet?:)

7 years ago

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Already own the game

7 years ago

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I tried for Overwatch or something else nicer among the bundled stuff but nope :c

Edit: I did get a SimCity origin key though so I guess it's something

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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That might be the best option, then I'll have some certainty that it will be used.

7 years ago

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I would like Titanfall and Bump for the giveaways

7 years ago

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Maybe you shall have it

7 years ago

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thank you if i can have it, tried the 24hrs trial and was hook

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Bump, i'm collector games :3

7 years ago

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I'm a collector and a player of games :)

7 years ago

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I'd definitely like to try it too. I've heard good things about it.

7 years ago

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I would have loved to play Titanfall!!! But there's really no point if it's dead...

Already have the other two games, but have a bump to keep your topic alive. :)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I would feel the same way as the dark haired fellow :X

7 years ago

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I'm sure it is like MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (XBox), where you could leave your damaged mech and then hijack an enemy mech. >:D

Then stomp the enemy pilot into the dirt

7 years ago

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We definitely need a good single-player mech game again.

I don't think I've played MechAssault, but I loved the MechWarrior games, Armored Core and Krazy Ivan. ;_;
I tried Hawken, but I'm not much into the MP scene anymore ...

7 years ago

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I love mech games, because i want bring back old memories from Rising Force (MMO).
Single player,, have you play Front Mission Evolved ?

7 years ago

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There's no reason not to be into the multiplayer scene, it's still a mech game.

7 years ago

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There's no reason not to be into the multiplayer scene

Yes, there is. I am not into MP games.

7 years ago

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But you need MP when you're done with SP and enjoyed the game and it's mechanics and want a real challenge, the thrill you get when going up against real opponents is good, how are you not into MP games I don't know, it's not a feature that hurts or cost you more Money,its more fun interacting with living beings and getting non programmed reactions, I seriously don't understand you and in a way feel pity for you because MP like in Last of Us makes you feel alive and tense, great feelings. Give it a chance someday, I recommend this as a gamer, to a gamer, just saying. You won't know how fun a specific game's mp might be if you don't try it and it does keep the game going for you once you reach SP's end which we all hate when it happens. I won't lie though, when it comes to RTS multiplayers, I'm in the same boat as you but I'm not afraid to try it and so I have, even if I do lose all the time, it's kinda thrilling to compete with actual people, it gets lonely playing with computers...

7 years ago

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But you need MP when you're done with SP

To be honest, I stopped reading right there ... because no, I really don't.
Give it up already. :)

7 years ago

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I'm just trying to help you expierience games in more ways, as a gamer, I care for my fellow gamers own expierience. Why are you like that? Don't you like people? Continuing to play your favourite games online? Story is one important part but gameplay is next one , you do enjoy both, don't you? MP extends the later and makes your bought products more worth it. I just don't understand. I wanted to help you but okay, il give up, no one ever listens to me anyway, no matter my selfless intent.

7 years ago

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You're assuming I've never played MP games.
I had over 2k hours in BF3 alone, and I've been playing MMOs and FPS since 1998 or 99 (up until a couple years ago).

I just don't enjoy them as much as SP games anymore. It's really that simple.
I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't need help enjoying games. I already enjoy games. ;)

7 years ago

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I'm partially assuming that, ofcourse you have,just not that much as I was thinking. 2 K hours in BF3??! Well no wonder you don't like MP games, BF3 is a terrible game, well, terrible MP game as I've seen people say and tell that BF2 and BF 2142 were the true, last, bestest Battlefield games but even then...that expierience is kinda dull, not exactly the most exciting or unique MP games but whatever, you should have played those instead, and Battlefield Heroes, now those were fun games and speaking of which, those two Battlefields were shut down but got revived and can be played again for free, incase you wanna revisit BF, those would be the games, not BF3, 4 or Hard-line. MMO's with the constant grind and fetch quests, and FPSes that are all nearly identical, if you played mostly or just those non stop...then obviously you burned yourself out and it was a mistake since you don't want to play any MPs anymore but I don't blame you, it happens ,my suggestion to your past self would have been to play different kind of multiplayers, board games, racing games, RTS, zombie mods and other modes in those FPSes or battleground focused servers for those MMOs, I'm sure it wouldn't be this bad if you changed it up a bit frequently, you would perhaps play them still just a little bit but I guess that's too late now, I understand and won't pester you anymore about it, sorry. SP definitely is more varying but linear, but then again, maybe that's why you like them more, because they have an end among other reasons, they are not a repeating cycle like they are in MP modes and you simply played too much and burned out,i think that's it...well I wish that could be helped but as long as you enjoy something out of a game, I guess that's..fine or such.

I hear you, you enjoy games but not all parts of it, I just wanted to help you enjoy that other part of those games but now I know you realy won't for the time being atleast, sorry. Adios umbriagos

7 years ago

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BF3 is a terrible game,

Again, I'm going to stop you there. I obviously didn't think so if I spent 2k+ hours playing it. I get it, you don't like the game, and that's fine by me. See how that works? People have differing opinions. Get used to it, get over it, and get on with it (as dear old dad used to say).

I don't like MP games as much anymore, and you do. Cool beans, enjoy your games and I'll enjoy mine. What I don't enjoy is someone telling me I'm not enjoying something when I know I am. ;)

TLDR version: You eat your apples, I'll eat my oranges, and we'll get along just peachy. :3

7 years ago

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you should play dota and csgo

also make threads with nominations, they are awesome to come back never leave sg.

7 years ago

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Dealing with other people sucks. Some cheat, others are jerks, etc. The game community can also dry up leaving with nothing to do. Single player, that is never an issue.

7 years ago

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Then don't deal with them, there's almost never a reason to do anything with them other than playing along them, swearing in a small chat? Easy to ignore, especially in Rust where you can turn it off. Swearing in voice chat? There's a volume option to turn it silent, I did that in TF2 and never looked back since. Or just stomach it, we are all capable of some level of tolerance or power of looking past it,thats why people keep playing toxic games while being non toxic themselves , they are strong, dedicated, strong willed and enjoy the game enough to keep enjoying, why give up on such a popular side of a game because of few rotte apples that rob you of a good expierience? And those who cheat, fight them if you have a chance or avoid them, many games have many lobbies, servers, realms where cheaters don't prosper, just work to find that special place. You can't do anything if the online communities die though, I agree, we can either keep playing to attract others, participate in revivals or go to the next game, nothing else to do about it, it's just natural.Single Player ends at some point too and then it's just not as good to repeat it because it's still the same game with nothing new, and it can make a guy like me lonely of human interaction . I'm just saying, it's worth giving multiplayer a better chance and if it doesnt work out,dont abandon it all toghether, just stomach it or move on to the next game, I litearlly found a anti social lonely youtuber who doesnt play multiplayer shooters but Overwatch converted her into doing it. I'm just saying is all, as a gamer to a gamer.

7 years ago

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I would love to try it,if you decide to give it away,i love giant mechs.

7 years ago

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Sent you a friend request

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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MLXH6-SHF2X (might an an M or X picture kinda blurred there)

Free double XP code for Titanfall 2 enjoy

7 years ago

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Bump (thanks for GAs)

7 years ago

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No idea if Titanfall is dead or not, but if you decide to organize some sort of giveaway for it, I'd love to take a shot at it.

7 years ago

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I'll most likely just pick someone that indicated interest in the game here. Might also just give some other games randomly to posters.

7 years ago

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Sounds good to me.


7 years ago

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Bump :D

7 years ago

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Ha, what are the odds? My friends were just talking about getting back into it. Apparently there is a coop mode? Never played it myself (I hear it's like COD with mechs), but I'd like a chance to try it :)

7 years ago

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Fast paced Online Multiplayer FPS AND you get to fight in a Mech? = serious awesomeness! I'd like to enter for a chance at Titanfall please :)

7 years ago

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Did u tried the 24hr trial?

7 years ago

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I've played the game before, it's a great game. I'm really surprised it got all the hate it did.

7 years ago

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Not interested in the key, just wanted to thank you for the gibs - GL to the rest regarding Titanfall. :)

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7 years ago

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Im really interested in, my brother plays Titanfall 2 and i loves watching him. It looks a fantastic shooter, shame EA’s own Battlefield 1 was released one week before it, and Call of Duty then one week after. Anyway trying first installment would be awesome, if its not dead yet though.

7 years ago

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I'd say redeem the game for yourself if you don't own it already or give to a friend, it's pretty much dead so it's not like anyone else would be getting the chance to play it more than you possibly could. I have Titanfall 2 though and it's a blast, definitely recommend getting the sequel!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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