8 years ago*

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They just wear headsets to advertise the product, companies pay those popular ppl, like for example Pewdiepie does, and then his fans go and buy that Razer trash headset, because of him, and Razer get's money.

8 years ago

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Nah, they really don't. It's literally because Razer is one of the best brands for headsets...

8 years ago

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Please tell me you're joking, I couldn't find enough signs to spot a sarcasm in that post.

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8 years ago*

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He must be being sarcastic, there is no way he could think like that....I think.

8 years ago

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For me no headset/headphones is worth more than 20$ :p

8 years ago

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Then what kind of crap you buy? O.o

8 years ago

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Crap? I buy a design great, sound awesome and durable 8€ sony earphones :3

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8 years ago

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If you never tried something better, then even under $20 ones will sound awesome, once you will try some really good ones, the cheap ones will sound like trash.

8 years ago

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for me it has to have a good ratio based on quality/price, those I use are on my opinion the best I ever bought
I tried lots of them, not saying its the BEST ONE, there are better but i dont wanna pay more, and im happy with this ones :3

8 years ago

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earphones are heresy, only a retard with no better reference can endure such crap
buy some mid-tier headphones and enjoy it, if you can't afford it then use in-built speakers, anything beats earphones

8 years ago

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You must be fun at life.

8 years ago

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dude, I'm hilarious

8 years ago

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Shh, I'm using these exact ones right now lol!

8 years ago

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I love you

8 years ago

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As long as it works and sounds okay, I'm fine with mine (cost 4 or 5000 HUF, about 15-18€) - I still have decades in my life to blow unnecessary amounts of money on bundles tech :D

8 years ago

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I use this ones, cost me 8€ and are perfect!

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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let me rephrase that: perfect for what we need them for.

Sure, people who work with music and or stuff like that professionally won't use them but as an average person, these are more than enough.

8 years ago

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Agree, and I wouldn't write that if he said "perfect for me", that would be totally legit statement.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You should totally join the soundphile army

8 years ago

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whats that? o.o

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sennhiser if worth more than $20, and will make your ears orgasam.

8 years ago

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Yep, picked up some 518s a few months ago, love them.

8 years ago

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Not a fan of headphones (:

8 years ago

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same, but those are the BEST headphones anywhere.

8 years ago

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I have a pair of Sennheiser 201's and they sound great to me. I don't need more :P

8 years ago

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well... Razers Kraken has pretty good sound... but construcion is shitty... in my opinopn ofc... I earn one and I'd never buy them again... their construction broke 2 times for me...

8 years ago

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Ahahahahahahaha XD

8 years ago

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Lol, i should just throw my sennheiser away, clearly Razer is king

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Why is it trash? I just bought a headset from them a little while ago, because it was on sale and the amazon reviews were better than others in the same price range, but I haven't really tried it yet - for the short time I wore it, it fit okay (which was most people's one negative thing about it - their ears were too big :P) and the sound was nice.

8 years ago

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Because for their price range you can get headphones with much better audio quality, and much better build quality. My friend had them and they broke within 1 1/2 years. I have been using the same $10 earbuds for the past 2 years, so about $80 for only 1 1/2 years and shitty audio quality? No way man.

8 years ago

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Well, I have $10 earbuds I've been using for well over 3 years now, and I'm happy with them and use them all the time, and will get them again when they break. I use those for listening to music on the go, outside where I can't/don't want to wear expensive, bulky headphones and announce to the world that I can afford expensive stuff sometimes. I was talking about a headset, mainly for gaming purposes - I only paid about $50 (amazon flash deal thing, regular price about $90-120), for that price I think they're fine compared to other headsets in that range. And I like that it's a retractable microphone, so I can just use it as headphones if I want to. Also, shouldn't your friend be able get a refund/replacement if they break within 2 years? Or is that not a thing anymore?

8 years ago

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Money. Dosh. Benjamins.

Looks kinda funny on pro-players during tournaments, where they wear their advertisement stuff on neck, while wearing proper gaming sets on ears :P

8 years ago

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in-ear headphones ftw

8 years ago

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is this troll post? lol

8 years ago

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no I have been using in-ear phones for almost 10 years after I broke my Plantronics headset. I can't even use headset anymore as they are so much heavier (no shit :D) and hurts after longer usage if you use glasses.

And if you ask about how is gaming with it? I'm Global Elite on CS:GO, so it's very fine :)

8 years ago

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To be fair, most of the better quality headsets or headphones are usually the headsets...

8 years ago

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...how? where are the $800 beyerdynamic or sennheiser headsets with high ohms?

which brings another question, why dont they just make a mic attachment or a mic version of the same good headphone!? why do we need these crappy gaming accessory or monster/beats companies??

8 years ago

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If your getting into high end audio you probably don't want a headphone mic they aren't the best =P

8 years ago

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that depends, if you just want to chat with teammates rather than do live streams, all you need is a crap mic that's attached to your head (meanwhile you want great audio quality on your ears)

8 years ago

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but that means you are also hearing bad audio from you teammates if they also think that same way ;) think id rather have a nice mic than headphones as the headphones don't effect others but idk maybe just me

8 years ago

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the compression codec (in games, etc) is already ruining the audio A LOT, so all you need is a good enough mic, not a $100+ one

8 years ago

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I've unsuccessfully tried to google the difference.
Is a headset just headphones with a mic? Or is there something I'm missing?

8 years ago

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I have no idea

8 years ago

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I think he's referring to the fact that people like to wear gaming branded headsets that sometimes have mic's on them. The headphones he's referring to would be more like a pair of Sennheiser's, Sony's, Bose, Etc...

8 years ago

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I use Sennheiser's headset.

8 years ago

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Yes, a headset is pretty much just headphones that have a mic.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So, just to get the image right, headsets would be the ones that have a piece of extended plastic that you can fold out so it's over your mouth?
Some headphones have incorporated mics on the cord, but I don't think this makes them headsets... does it?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What I mean is the first is what I think of as headset, and the second as headphones, even though it has a mic + controller buttons on the cord

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8 years ago

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I use a headset and people quite often tell me that my Mic sounds really clear.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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^ This. I wear my headset for movies, single player games, etc. where I want to listen to things without disturbing others. I'm not going to buy a second set of just headphones for that.

8 years ago

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For example I have a too big head and wearing headsets makes my head hurt after 2-3 hours :( But as I have different cables for mic and sound, I tend to use my headphone, while having the headset in my neck, mic set as it should be.
Big head problems :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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a separate Mic can be way way better quality & if your recording for things like radio, streaming, podcasting, youtube etc it matters makes a huge difference

8 years ago

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what's the difference between those?

i assume the headset also includes a mic.

i prefer headsets, specially if they are small and go behind my head.

8 years ago*

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edit: maybe OP means with or without mic but i understood like this o.o

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8 years ago

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i think that last one are earphones/buds. :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Headsets have mics, headphones don't.

8 years ago

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The small ones are earbuds/earphones, yes. They don't rest on your head, like headphones/headsets do. They're not exactly the best for a computer, especially if gaming, because their cord tends to be shorter than those of proper headphones or headsets. Earbuds are best for smartphones, or mp3/4 players, etc. Also, some earbuds/earphones do have a mic integrated on them (precisely for use with mobile phones), but not really the best quality :P

8 years ago

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Did you mean to reply to me or was this meant for someone else?

8 years ago

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oops! misclicked when posted reply! it was meant for JoaoWho and Mullins! D: my bad!

note to self: don't reply posts while cooking! @__@

8 years ago

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Hehe, no worries. It happens. (:

8 years ago

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95% of the time headphones (those without mics) have better sound quality than headsets (with mics)

8 years ago

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Same goes with microphones. But if you're carrying around a laptop for some light gaming on the go then you're probably not going to stick a pre-amp, pop filter, stand, etc. in there.

8 years ago

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cause they got the money yo

8 years ago

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I use headsets because, as a student, I travel once in a while and it's much more convenient to bring one piece of audio tech with me instead of two. I like my current headset, but I prioritize audio quality over microphone quality to the expense of communications so I've considered getting a dedicated mic.

Another benefit is desk space; a mic usually has to sit near your keyboard/mouse to work, and if you like to have space to work on other things you might want to go for a headset to save space.

8 years ago

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I'm not a Youtuber and I have an expensive mic. I still wear headsets and use my headset mic 95% of the time.

I only switch over to my expensive mic if I need the higher audio quality.

8 years ago

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I suppose because, and this usually goes for gamer streamers, they use those headsets for playing and/or communicating with their team buddies/friends too. Gamers do tend to prefer headsets over headphones for a matter of utility (both mic and sound output in one place) whereas audiophiles/moviephiles tend to prefer high quality headphones. Of course, this isn't a set norm; everyone has their own preferences.
Not all youtubers/streamers have a lot of money to buy different products (high quality mic, high quality headphones, good headset) for different things. Those who owned headsets and started as just normal gamers or streamers and eventually got popular may not want to waste money on yet another product if their headset already works just fine.
There's also those who are so popular that companies pay them to wear-and-show their product, most notably gaming headset brands, to attract potential customers.

In my particular case (gamer but not a streamer/youtuber), I already own a nice headset which I use to speak with friends and when gaming, and consider it pointless to buy a separate mic-and-headphones set. That, and the headset mic is less likely to pick up on the noise from my house than a separate standard desktop mic. I don't even use my laptop's integrated mic (ew).

8 years ago

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The same reason people buy "beats", marketing. Also flash over substance, people love flashy things, the good headphone usually look boring and bland (HD598 exception).

8 years ago

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Maybe I'm missing something but headsets are better because they have a mic. 2 for 1?

8 years ago

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He's talking about streamers/youtubers, where the audio quality DOES matter much more. Desktop mics are usually better than headset mics. There are exceptions of course but not a lot.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What if it has a detachable mic?

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i dont have it, It's from my "wanted" list. Good to know about the sound quality drop because it's all for me. Gotta start searching again!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well then I will keep an eye on it. I have been using a Razer Electra for years and I love the bass of those headphones but I'm always in need of a mic ><

8 years ago

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I'm seeing both sound and mic outputs there, why are you saying they go through one channel? I thought it's impossible actually.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah, sorta, no :)
Usb dongle is digital, so the signal should be the same as from your PC audio outs. If plugging directly into PC sounds better than into that dongle, it's not the channel problem, but just shitty quality dongle.

8 years ago

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It's just their preference, people can be lazy to research of a good mic and good headphones so they go with a headset until they brake.

As for you seeing YouTuber constantly having headsets, that's not the case for me. The majority of my subscription either has headohones or just a mic.

8 years ago

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If You don't understand something, it's propably about money xD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yup, that's what I've meant. Don't really want to write much on my phone, it's uncomfortable :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well i can't speak for youtubers because i'm not one but i use a headset because it's simply more convenient. I really don't see the point of having a mic on a stand, it's just one more thing on the desk to get in my way, get knocked over by me or one of my cats. I don't record anything i just need one to talk to friends, the quality i get from a headset is good enough :)

8 years ago

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Product placement. You can see sometimes in tournaments that players will have a headset around their neck, but they're actually using earphones + soundproof headphones to block out commentators, such as the first image below. This player, TLO, is on Team Liquid sponsored by Sennheiser and he's wearing their headphones as it's an easy place to display product placement.

Another example is in the second image below, player DRG on team MVP wearing Blizzard headphones. This was back during a GSL tournament where all the players are in soundproof booths, so soundproof headsets weren't necessary and it looked as though every single player in the tournament was sporting their favourite Blizzard headphones, but you can see he's actually listening via earphones underneath them, and the headphones are muted.

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8 years ago

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Either its sponsorship,because most gaming sound companies focus more sound design on headsets,or its a backup mic there on the spot

8 years ago

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Sponsorship. :)

Any person interested in good audio would be using AKG, Senheiser, Audio Technica, etc, with a good standalone mic.

That is also why professional e-Sports players use shit brands as Razer, Steelseries (about headsets, cause their mice are good), etc

8 years ago

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Simply they wear products companies send to them for different reasons that make the job done, nothing more nothing less.

Different people have different needs and opinions...even at work. Don't think its silly, try wearing headphones while using a big microphone that covers all your face and then try to play games while your mouth is licking the microphone... or you can increase the sensibility and let the viewers hear your farts...your gf/wf's screaming...and other among things ambience of the real life.

8 years ago*

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Give me a nice set of Sennheisers or Audio-Technicas any day. If I'm gaming with some pals, I'll use a headset. If I'm gaming alone it's my headphones.

If a Youtuber is wearing a headset it's a) because he's not a big enough Youtuber to afford better or b) he's getting paid to wear them (aka sponsored). Anyone worth their salt will use a GOOD set of headphones and a high quality standalone mic.

8 years ago

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For the last 3 years I've been using some crappy orange on-ear Sony headphones and they're by far the best I've used. My mates have high-end gaming headsets and my silly little sony headphones sound better then all of them.

The best part is they were free :D

8 years ago

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