Advise electric guitar! Given that I've never had a guitar in his hands!On what it will be easier to learn?
Price of approximately $ 170.

Посоветуйте электрогитару! С учетом того,что я даже никогда не держал гитару в руках!На какой легче будет научиться?

Тысяч до 5!

I want to learn to play alternative rock


1 decade ago*

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You should definitely learn on a normal guitar first to get the chords and everything..And make sure you can actually play it.

1 decade ago

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That doesn't really matter. Sure, it's probably more expensive to buy a electric guitar but in the end you're still learning/playing the same stuff.

1 decade ago

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very different feel, tone, and technique between electric and acoustic, but the theory's all the same

1 decade ago

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Fair enough then, I was just relaying what was told to me by a friend before. But what do I know, I'm just the drummer. I hit things, they make sound.

1 decade ago

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Drummer Yeah! Me too =)

1 decade ago

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I do not want to be normal. I am a fast learner)

1 decade ago

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What's a normal guitar?
Psssh, drummers.

1 decade ago

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Acoustic. Is not it called?)

1 decade ago

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170$ is really cheap for a guitar.
You can buy a value package that brings all the necessary stuff but it won't be as good as buying a separate guitar and amp.

1 decade ago

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I suggest getting a steel acoustic to toughen up your fingers first, so that electric will be a breeze.

Otherwise, starting with electric, you might find it hard to play on an acoustic. Just my two cents.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Buy an acoustic guitar first and see if this is your thing. If you're serious about learning, then I'd advise beginners to learn classical musics at first before moving on to the more modern songs. Classical music chords are really helpful for beginners to learn about finger placements and music rhythms.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the advice

1 decade ago

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buy epiphone lp special

1 decade ago

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Just buy any old guitar. If you don't give up after a year or so, then start considering a "real" guitar.

Also, I'd advice you to buy an acoustic. if not instead of an electric guitar, then together with one. It's annoying having to lug around an amp up and/or put headphones on whenever you want to play something.
It will make the logistics of a practice session much less of a headache, and you can bring you guitar with you wherever you go, wether it's the in the kitchen or to the moon, a change in enviroment for your playing and practice makes a hell of a diffirence, trust me.

That is the best advice I can think of. Good luck! :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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In case you missed this thread earlier, I did a giant info-dump post there.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Some advice from someone who's been playing for 20+ years: Get an electric. The reason I say this? An acoustic is harder to play and learn on. Yes, you may build up finger strength etc. faster by playing it but it also may discourage you from continuing to play. It just isn't as much fun. I learned on an acoustic and saved up for my own electric and haven't looked back since. I currently own 4 electrics and 3 acoustics but I play the electrics more than anything. You can also get these: GripMaster to help build up finger strength. I still use mine!
Do you have a PS3 or an XBox 360? Buy yourself the Rocksmith Guitar Bundle. You pay Very little extra for a great guitar (Epiphone Les Paul Junior), it comes with everything you need and it is a GREAT teaching tool, especially for beginners.
As for amps, with Rocksmith you can use your console through the game as an amp. You can also get mini amps Marshall Micro that will suit your needs for the time being so you don't spend too much before deciding whether you want to continue with this.

1 decade ago

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Thank you very much

1 decade ago

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I'd buy a cheap classic acoustic to begin with.

1 decade ago

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I think it's boring)

1 decade ago

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What currency are you working in?

1 decade ago

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in rubles

$170=5610 rubles

1 decade ago

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I see a lot of "start on acoustic" etc suggestions.
When it comes to the start (beginners), it really doesn't matter. You can play nice clean sound on an electric guitar (so you can clearly hear what you are playing and spot mistakes that are usually lost in distortion). Theory is the same. You play the same chords, same notes. So it is completely up to you whether you start on electric or acoustic.
If you have never ever played a guitar then I would strongly suggest acoustic for one reason. It is cheaper. I've seen too many people to grab starting electric guitar set, played that couple times and then give up after a few weeks/months. Or if your friends play guitars you can borrow it and check it out.
Here are two scenarios that often happen (from my experience):
First, you buy cheap acoustic guitar (let's say $30). You will play it for 4 months (when it comes to the aspect of time it is more related to how many hours a day you will play). Then two things can happen: you won't like it. Not a problem, you will probably be able to sell that guitar for a half the price. OR you will fall in love and save/buy electric guitar.
Second, you buy cheap ($170) electric guitar. You have to keep in mind you need an amplifier and cable. To buy all these things your budged is very low. Basically you will buy shitty set. Now again two things can happen: you won't like it. Not a problem, you will probably be able to sell that guitar for a half the price (but now you will lose quite a lot of money). OR you will fall in love BUT you won't like the quality of that cheap electric guitar set (this I can guarantee, unless you are completely deaf).

As you can see the question is not whether to start on electric or acoustic guitar (you can play amazing things on both) but rather Will you stick with it? Will you be happy with really shitty electric set for $170?

*I haven't included pros and cons of mobility and loudness. I think those are pretty clear differences.

1 decade ago

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valuable advice

1 decade ago

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if you are looking for a decent acoustic for practice I managed to find a used Jasmine S35 for around 60 used even new they are pretty cheap and I like the sound. (Had to pry the thing from my brother when he visited and he put down some decent cash for a yamaha)

But when it comes to electrics you can always find a decent deal if you are willing to look around. Managed to find a schecter riot 6 for 100 dollars marked down from 500 love the tones I can get from it. Key is you need to look AND MORE IMPORTANTLY PLAY fuck with the guitar. and if you are looking for a cheap squier or epiphone buy it used the boxed sets you can't play. If you can learn some easy chords before you go shopping.

But the major bit of advice I can give is play with the damn thing. Listen to the guitar. The jasmine I purchased I could have turned down just on the price being low but I loved the bright sounds it made compared to some more pricier guitars I was playing with. I like it and I don't feel ashamed to show it off, and normally I end up having to pry it out of people's hands. (the bodies are in the basement)

1 decade ago

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and trust me there are a shit load of resold or dumped off entry level squiers and epiphones lying around just screaming for a dedicated player. Also negotiate the price on those you should be able to knock about 20 bucks off it if you are just starting to learn haggling.

1 decade ago

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Hard to look for a new not to even mention used guitar for complete beginner. He will be glad if he can tune it properly.

1 decade ago

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Yeah tuning is easy don't worry about that, just play with some guitars if you have any friends that play ask them if you can mess with their gear. As a beginner you will really have no idea so cheap is good but again cheap could mean crap, which is why I recommend playing with it before buying. Guessing you are russian, no idea what the second hand market looks like there. Also the other option which is impressive is home building that bitch yourself which I only recommend if and only if you are handy with tools and electronics.

1 decade ago

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The thing is: "I recommend playing with it before buying" if you have no idea what and how to play it is kinda hard to determine whether the guitar is good or not.

1 decade ago

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Well that is subjective and again can't tell you. How does it feel playing certain chords how does it sound. Not going to lie most likely you will most likely hate it as soon as you gain more experience. But the whole point is to listen and also learn to be a cheap bastard. Do not blow a shit load of cash on your first guitar. Find a nice starter and play with it. Ephiphone, squier are not bad, started with a squier myself liked it at the start, started to hate it as I became more serious. This is the thing that is impossible to teach. You know the sound you like so play a lot of guitars and purchase the one that actually sounds good to you. But I will stress yeah man start with a acoustic.

1 decade ago

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The point is "so play a lot of guitars" how can you play them if you have no idea how. Just strum strings, check another guitar? That won't tell you a thing.

1 decade ago

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also insane enough, you really don't want to throw down the cash for a good chunk of wood and mess it up during the process.

1 decade ago

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I learned on an acoustic and usually don't play electric but I recently grabbed this one to jam with friends away from the house:

Great action and sound. Cheap enough to bring out and around. Would be an awesome starter electric for your needs!

1 decade ago

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That guitar itself would eat his whole budget. How about the rest of the equipment?

1 decade ago

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What else should you buy? And for what?)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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He said, "Advise electric guitar!" That fits the bill. You can grab a PC interface for pretty cheap nowadays which wouldn't push it much over $170.

1 decade ago

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It would not be pathetic to hear? Is it possible to connect to your home theater guitar?

1 decade ago

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Depends on your speaker setup, really. It sounds amazing out of my studio monitors. Pretty damn good on my Macbook with headphones and just plain loud when I hook it to the receiver for my TV. Most have headphone outputs too if you prefer that. I'm no expert. Just kicking down some info as to what has worked for me since I got my electric.

Whatever you choose, enjoy the learning experience! It may be rough going at first but it pays off in the long run. :)

P.S. Ableton Live with an audio interface is simply amazing! (Effects, recording and freakin' rocks)

1 decade ago

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Beginners usually don't realize you need stuff like amp and cables to play that damn electric guitar. When it comes to the PC+el.g. people usually have crappy pc speakers so I don't recommend it. Plus he doesn't mention what style he would like to play. Before knowing that you can't recommend any el. guitar.
I say go (borrow, the best option) for acoustic if it is your very first time playing guitar.

1 decade ago

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I want to learn to play alternative rock


1 decade ago

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I started with a Squier Affinity Stratocaster. It's not the best guitar in the world but it's definitely good value for money. It plays nicely and it's cheap, unlike a lot of the guitars you get in those starter pack things. Around £140 I think.

1 decade ago

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Спасибо за совет.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Keho.