Guys, I was wondering about a creation of a limited number group of people to make giveaways, do you guys think it would go on, or it just a dream... this is the group can you guys see the rules and give suggestions about the rules?

1 decade ago*

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It's not a bad idea, but I do have a suggestion: rather than having a $5 monthly giveaway minimum, make it something like a $30 semiannually minimum, or a $60 yearly giveaway minimum. What you have now could result in people who don't want to do any more than the $5 minimum, since they are going to have to spend at least $60 a year and if they make a $50 giveaway then they now have to spend at least $105 on giveaways that year.

1 decade ago

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Oh, good idea, i will change it was on 5$ cause i tought a bigger price could scare new people...

1 decade ago

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How would you keep track of such a thing?

1 decade ago

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Check to see what they've gifted on the profile after a year?
There may be people abusing this though, e.g. people who claim they'll give away $60 on the last day of the year

1 decade ago

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I tought in something like, "if you're going to do a yearly giveaway, you need to do it in your first 2 weeks"

1 decade ago

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Nice idea, I think $50 giveaway in a year is fair enough. And why is it Public, isnt a private giveaway group?

1 decade ago

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I agree, the only problem is that, since it would be yearly, there would be people who would enjoy the private giveaways for months and just leave without making any contribution. And there would be nothing we could do about it. So, I think stricter rules are needed.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I'll make the group private when we reach 150 members, and them in the first week who didn't make any giveaway will be kicked and only the ones who made will continue, the first giveaway can be in any value, what you guys think about it?

1 decade ago

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It already sort of covered this in rule #3. Of course, there's nothing stopping them from making a $1 giveaway upon joining. The problem is, a group like this is a great idea but it's very hard to monitor. Your comment about staying for months without contribution could apply to the original limit of $5 per month, since they could stay for 3.5 weeks and then leave.

1 decade ago

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Hmm, that's really a problem >.< but i don't see any solution besides ban the person after we start, and just like the group will be private they wont come back, and in the first semester who didn't reach the $30 will be expelled too, and only a few, but a few that follow the rules will be in the group =D

Do you think it's better only me and moderators inviting or anyone can invite?

1 decade ago

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I'd say it's okay for anyone to be able to invite, but you might want to have a rule to prevent people from bringing in bad members. You may want something along the lines of "If you invite a person and they are banned for not submitting games then you will get a warning. If you have already received two previous warnings, then you will be banned." Of course, you can't just ban the person after their first bad invite because that wouldn't be particularly fair, but if they are consistently inviting people who get banned then they are taking away a spot in the group that could be filled by someone who would actually contribute.

1 decade ago

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If you permit, I used your own words to create rule 3.1

1 decade ago

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Go ahead, I've got no problem with it.

1 decade ago

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Do you guys think 150 is a good number or maybe less/more would be better?

1 decade ago

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Well, if you have 150 members and every person enters a giveaway (149 entrants), then each one will have a 0.67% chance of winning per giveaway (much better than normal chances). However, something to keep in mind is the fact that you require people to make giveaways. This means that no matter how many people there are in the group, there will always be at least as many giveaways as members.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, but in a start will be only me monitoring them, soo if i let more than 150 it will be harder to start with =/

1 decade ago

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In my opinion, more wouldn't be a good idea.

If you want to monitor those who aren't making any giveaway, it will be a nightmare if the group is too populated for instance.

1 decade ago

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Very much this

1 decade ago

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So you guys have any idea on how to promote the group?

1 decade ago

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No idea at all, I trying in twitter xP and here too

1 decade ago

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I was looking for some feedback of the community in group chat and they didn't really liked too much the idea, do you guys think I wrong asking people to do giveaways with periodicity?

1 decade ago

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Well to be forced into doing giveaways is one thing but to have gifters make giveaways at their own leisure is another.

1 decade ago

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I am interested in this, tho I am not sure if I will be able to cover for this forced giveaways, I mean, is a really nice idea, tho it might become a little bit too strict for some of us. But as it is, it might be a great idea for those that can gift continuously without much problem.

Perhabs say to make a minimun of 2-3 giveaways per couple of months, no value as gifting the the important deed here. (you could prob tweak this a little bit, but you get the idea)

150 members -> 2-3 Giveaways each one per 2 months -> thats about 3600 gifts per 1 year (making it that EVERYONE only gives out 2 each couple of months). I think that is a little bit more than enough dont u think? :)

1 decade ago

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and I dont think I need to say it but I think each of the members will end up getting at least 2 - 5 wins by the end of the year. (prob a little bit more) So thats a nice community where everyone gives and everyone receives.

1 decade ago

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I'll create a survey on group to see if they aprove that ( at least couple giveaways per months)

1 decade ago

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If you have a group with x members each spending $y/month, then statistically speaking every member will win $y worth of games. Why not spend your money on games you want instead of hoping you win the ones you want?

I don't think a forced giveaway model is going to encourage extra generosity out of very many people. If you want it to work, you're going to have to really work on building the community. Rules for being active in chat or even your own forum might help.

1 decade ago

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Now there's an idea xD

1 decade ago

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The idea is to have more chance of winning 2 or 3 games, using the same amount that you might use for one game.
if everyone follow the rules the chances are great of good games appearing in giveaways, and that encourage people of making part of the group...

1 decade ago

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If one person wins 2 or 3, then one or two other people win nothing. The only way anyone can win more than they give is if some people win less than they give.

Any system relying on giveaways has to have people willing to give more than they win. I could be entirely wrong, but I don't see people doing that for a small, private group unless there is a strong sense of community there.

1 decade ago

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I think you should use a different model for "Beign in group" for example... think about it like $5 USD worth giveaway per month so if someone creates giveaway of game worth $20 USD then his account in group is valid for 4 months, if someone creates giveaway worth $60 USD then his account is valid for full year, the biggest plus of this way of working would be that we wil have mostly decent giveaways instead of having tons of humble bundles and dlc giveaways worth 1-2 usd.

I also think... that even 150 is a bit too much, if there would be less people, in the group people would care more about staying in there.

Now when it comes to amount of giveaays.. if we will assume that every member(of 150 members) is making one $20 USD games giveaway per 4 months, then it will give us 450 giveaways of worthy games per year, which seems like a nice idea but everymember will have 0.667 chances of winning and most of giveaways would be full of people..

1 decade ago

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how about having a random member selected every month to put up a giveaway, the selected member would have a months time to post a giveaway. Once the random member has given something away he is free for the year unless he wants to give something else away off free will.
Only people who have never given anything away will be selected by the randomizer. I know the system doesnt sound perfect,but with a few tweaks its could work.
Also how do i get invited to join the group?

1 decade ago

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There's a couple pretty big flaws with that plan.
1) It would only be fair if there are only 12 members in the group since, in theory, the same 12 people could be randomly selected every year while the other 138 (since the original number of members put forward was 150) get to stay in the group without having to contribute.

2) Even if you make it so multiple people do giveaways each month so that everyone would have to do a giveaway, someone could join the group and manage to go 11 months without being picked and then leave before they actually have to contribute.

3) Going along with number 2, this plan also assumes that the group would have the same members from the beginning of each year to the end.

4) Even assuming all of the previous points are somehow dealt with, someone could be randomly chosen in the beginning of year 1 and then not chosen again until the end of year 2 while someone else could be chosen at the end of year 1 and then be chosen at the beginning of year 2. (Note: This is going on the basis that you said "Free for the year rather than free for a year" )

1 decade ago

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I would have no issue with having lots of smaller, shorter listed games put up. Big ones are ok, but I don't want to see anything ever last more than a week and then that is still a long wait for a small group of people.

1 decade ago

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I expect something like 20% big ones and 80% small ones

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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after the first 2 weeks the invites will reopen =)

1 decade ago

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god dang it I commented about the group and all and some how forgot to join :( asdfasdfasdf well I hope some day I can get a chance, I like the new rules, more accessible for some of us! Great job

1 decade ago

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Once we open to invites I'll tell you =)

1 decade ago

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I might join to.. Gotta buy some gifts though :P
Only have CoJ : Bound in Blood in my inventory :P

1 decade ago

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ty! keep on with the group! looking really promising

1 decade ago

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i would like to be invited O.o :) please

1 decade ago

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please invite me

1 decade ago

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If i buy a 10p game, does that mean i'm an offical member for 2 months ?
And a 20p game for 4 months?

1 decade ago

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yes, this is more to maintain some giveaways each month =)

1 decade ago

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Invite me, Please

1 decade ago

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What are the possiblites to incresse the chances to be invited?

1 decade ago

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Guys, I'm created one e-mail for our group the one's who want to be invited can send ask on it but if you don't read the rules or don't agree with them don't send it =)

1 decade ago

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Sounds fun. I'll join.

1 decade ago

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I want to join your group, if you want you can send me invite.

1 decade ago

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I plan on giving away small games and dlc on a regular basis so that sounds like a decent idea to me

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Kedwardkun.