I have been scammed recently and furious about steam support more than the scammer. Let me tell it breifly.
I made a trade with a guy from steamgift. I had a game code and he had a game as gift in his inventory. I have checked him and he was ok no bans or reports etc. and had a fair amount of reputation. ( you have to check every person you are trading because this is the only solution suggested by steam) Anyways trade went well and he sent me the item (again, it was in his inventory) i did my part and sent my key. I activated the game and played about 20 hours and after exactly 1 month game has been revoked by steam due to a problem processing payment.

I contacted with steam support and asked why and recieved an automatic reply.
Again ,briefly i asked how can a regular user be able to know if the items they have traded have a payment dispute? And recieved an statement why steam cant restore items and how it could make the steam market bad for all..
I asked support to give me the username so i can try to contact (of course he unfriended me) but they deny to give any information because of their privacy policy! I can't get the user information myself because my activity history deleted by Steam! I can see my friends activity going for months but mine just for 2 days..
You can find the details of conversation at here : http://postimg.org/image/4i2zrrkiz/

When you are scammed there is no help from steam support and even they try to protect the scammer. Altering your activity history, denying to give any information etc. Hell i guess im lucky that my account not get banned!

There are easy things that Steam can do to make a scammer life harder but they don't prefer. Like;

  • Any person unfriended you is vapours up with all information (chat,trade,gaming history). You cant know if someone unfriended you.
  • Chat history is limited
  • Should give warning to users when they are trading with suspicious users
  • more to add? your suggestions.

Tell me what you think about the steam support. Do they really support customers?

8 years ago*

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In Favor of Steam Support ?

View Results

re add him? give him negative

8 years ago

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No way to find him, i dont remember his user name. and cant find it in my history because steam deleted everything..

8 years ago

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Where did you find him in the first place? Maybe go back there?!

8 years ago

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Steamgift trade section.He had a thread and i asked him if he is interested and he added me. Again you cant see your comments history here.Looked but couldn't manage to find him here.

8 years ago

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I believe you can tell the exact date you traded with him or asked him on SG , try searching SG website only,using google and limit the search to that date, you might manage to find him .

8 years ago

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You sure you can't find it in your trade history? There's no reason steam will delete those. Check it here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/yourusername/inventoryhistory/

8 years ago

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I have checked it was not there.

8 years ago

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https://steamid.eu/profile/76561198024297906 your profile there
is any of the people at the bottom him?

8 years ago

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This might help. Ill look into it.

8 years ago

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I believe that's a result of the user contacting support, telling them to cancel the gifted game. Apparently, many scammers have been known to do that, and the people who get scammed receive a similar notification :/

8 years ago*

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Can I refund my gift?
A refund may be issued for any gift that was purchased within fourteen days and has been played less than two hours by the gift recipient. More information on how to refund gifts can be found here.

It was not this in my case. I have played about 20 hours and it was exacly 1 month later after i recived it. Probably something happened with bank.

8 years ago

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Probably should add "been" to "I have scammed recently". Otherwise Steam support is a Steaming pile of **** just like always. First you spend 10 messages getting automatic responses that try to match some part of rules to keywords you used. Then you might finally get a real person or not after couple weeks or months.

8 years ago

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Steam support is a bunch of overworked and underpaid people sitting gods-know where. Apparently, 700 million dollars in profit is not enough for Valve to hire more, they need all that money. For what, nobody knows.

Although to reflect on the topic title: Steam is not the best place for scammers. Any social media, chiefly facebook, is a much better ground.

8 years ago

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yeah, but, steam doesn't want to encourage trading outside of steam.
Steam can't/won't restore items because steam would be on the hook for loss caused by scamming
Steam has already required two-factor authentication for trading. They won't put a warning up because they don't want to have to police trading. Users will be very pissed off if that warning pops up for no reason, and having to come up with hard rules as to when/how the warning comes up will be a mess.

The only one I can't argue with is chat history. I'd like that to be longer too.

8 years ago

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I made the trade inside steam. It was in his inverntory and sent to me as gift..

8 years ago

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It was his gift for your code. If it had been your gift for his gift, you could reclaim your game

8 years ago

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Answer from steam support;
I understand that it’s frustrating to lose your items, but we can’t restore them.

Steam Support does not remove items from accounts, so we’d have to duplicate an item to restore it. Duplication lowers the value of all items by reducing their scarcity and inflating the economy, which affects everyone involved in trading and the Market. To maintain the value of everyone’s inventory, we are no longer duplicating lost items.

We hope that you understand the reasoning behind our policy.

As i understand from above they never restore items.

8 years ago

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That's a standard response for the loss of in-game items like CS:GO skins. They can restore games. It's just a database edit. You got a canned response without the person ever reading your ticket.

8 years ago

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Even more frustrating, if you don't even read the questions why give support?
I just hope amazon makes a service like steam one day ..

Edit: I just read this ;
If you performed a trade to receive this game, Steam Support will not restore any items that were exchanged for the removed gift.
Item may be a game as well?

8 years ago*

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Technically, yes, but that "economy" part in the sentence is what is giving it away as a canned response. Games themselves are not working exactly like the market items, even when they are stored as inventory gifts. Game licenses from accounts can be restored easily by them. If you remove a game from your account through the self-service support page, you can see it for yourself, as there is a button to re-add the permanently deactivated game back to your library. They can do that as well, they just won't. (In your case it would mean adding a new key to your account, which may result in them paying for it. And they will never do that.)

8 years ago

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"I had a game code and he had a game as gift in his inventory." - this part is the problem.
You gave him something outside of the trading window. So if your gift got removed, they can not do anything. They can not verify why it happened, or why the other user did it, so it's basically your word against his.

And btw.: they DO put up a warning, but for that the user had to be (properly) reported first.

Edit: did you send it to him via trade, or directly gifted it? If it's gifted, then you can check your gift history.

8 years ago*

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About your edit: No i sent the game code via chat screen. but recieved the gift from trade screen. You cant store your chat history if someone unfriends you it is gone, so i cant verify.

8 years ago

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Steam does warn you about not doing trades outside of the window, right?
Shit happens, move on.

8 years ago

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I already moved on.My frustration is for steam support. They can solve some problems but they dont even care.

8 years ago

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There's nothing they solve for them :/ Your word against his. Imagine someone just said you scammed them?

8 years ago

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Steam Support is infamous for being almost the worst support on the planet. It can be, that in the past, they had some reputation, but nowadays, they are worthless. Once a scam bot added me, but didn't send me any message. Then, a few days later, it posted me account names and passwords (I posted the message here, and good people of SG identified them as usernames and passwords),. I closed the thread, and sent a message to Steam Support. I got an automated reply, what should I do in case my account got hijacked. I replied that it wasn't my account, which was hijacked, but take a look at my freaking message. A few weeks later, I forgot about the whole thing already, I got a reply: " We are happy that the issue was resolved, so now we are closing your ticket". That's it. I guess they didn't even read my message, but of course if I would have used the accounts, they probably would have banned my only account (this one).

They don't care about anything. Remember, when a developer tried to get in contact with Steam to notify them about an abusable bug with the announcements? The one, which led to a Harlem Shake youtube video? Well that guy got banned for 3-4 weeks, but I guess if it wouldn't have gotten media coverage, Valve would have perma-banned him. So you can't notify Valve about a bug, but if you try to show it to them, they will ban you.

As for scammers, they are everywhere, and there is no way to stop them, other than common sense. Profile rep worth nothing, because it's easily fake-able. You should check for SteamGifts rep, because it's harder to fake. You should install Enhanced Steam (a browser addon), because it's a handy extension to determine if a user is legit or not. Its most useful feature is that if you open someone's Steam profile in your browser, a lot of other links will pop up, for example SteamGifts profile link (if he doesn't have one, you will land on the main page of SG) and steamrep link. It's almost a necessity to have that extension nowadays.

Impersonator is trying to trade with you via Steam chat. He gives you a SteamGifts feedback link of a really high repped guy, which he is impersonating. You click "Visit Steam Profile" on the given link. You get redirected to the real guy's Steam profile, and you suddenly realize, that you are not friends with them. You go back to the chat with the Impersonator, and open his Steam Community profile in your browser. You click on his SteamGifts profile link, and see that he either doesn't even have a SG profile, or he has al ot of negative feedback. Now you go back to his Steam Community profile again, and click on SteamRep, and see that he has 4 unconfirmed reports, or already banned by SR.

Steam Support won't care, and won't give any information, because they fear, that if they give you info about what happened, you will try to do bad things with that information.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for the info. Ill use that from now on..

8 years ago

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I can't get the user information myself

Didn't you use the Steamgift's Trade Feedback system? That would give you a point of reference.. That aside, really consider using Barter.vg, even for SG trades: Its records system is invaluable for keeping track of old trades, for both negative and positive reasons.

As far as the rest... well, saying "Valve don't care" is like saying "Sun is hot". It's just a well enough known thing. I never really get why people support Steam over Origin or GOG.

8 years ago

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How can you find the feedbacks you gave? You can see recieved but what about given feedbacks? He probably didn't gave me or later deleted his feedback. It was 1 month ago and trade went well so i probably didn't care if he didn't give feedback..

8 years ago

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btw. if you used your browser and viewed his profile the real link (with his ID)
should be in your browser history among all other pages you viewed

8 years ago

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Trades are not supported by steam in any way. You should have known that before risking your money

8 years ago

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Never seen as many scammers in one place as I have on Steam. Can't think of anywhere that comes remotely close even. That could certainly indicate that it's a good place for them.

As for your situation, well I think they're wrong to delete your trade history or not to to tell you who you traded with so you can follow up with the person.

I don't believe they should let you keep your game as there's no proof you actually gave this person anything. They could implement a sort of key-checker that showed you did give them something, but then that could later get revoked too and as the key was likely bought at a 3rd party site that could cause allsorts of complications. Such a system would also encourage more people to buy from stores other than the Steam store which of course is something Valve don't want. If it was gift for gift I think they'd have given you the game you traded away back, but key for gift they can't do anything. Outside of scrapping the very existence of keys I'm not sure what they could do.

8 years ago*

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Sorry for OT, but i had to reply on this:
Imagine someone sells a brand new iphone for half the market price on ebay, but you would have to go first, and pay via Bitcoin outside of the plattform.
Hard to imagine a lot of people would do it, right? Well, you would be surprised how many actually do it.

On Steam people are generally even less reserved - usually lower values, "just" virtual items, and transactions occur more often and faster.

8 years ago

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I follow simple rules when i trade :

  • Always check directly rep on sites like SG,TF2OUTPOST never on steam profile (scammers love to buy fake rep)
  • Trade only with decent traders not people with 5-10 games on account and lvl 3
  • Try to avoid payapl , webmoney trade only with HIGH REP cash traders if you must do cashout or sell/buy something through webmoney.
  • If you buying copy or bulk copies better to pay more for games or bulk amount of copies for example 28 keys for 10 copies CSGO or 29 for 10 better pick more expensive for 29 if guy who is selling is more trusted in community or somebody recommended you this trader by saying he done some past trades with this guy and everything goes great.
  • If price is to good to be true its 99% scam or CC fraud.

Try to follow this rules and everything will be ok in future.Good Luck in trades!

8 years ago

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It really sucks you had to go through this. The only non-dead end step to take now is to move on.

8 years ago

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I'm sorry but if you were scammed its mostly solely your fault. Caveat vendor and all that stuff, not to mention that you were knowingly breaking several arcticles for the terms of service.

Just learn from it, move on, and own up to your mistakes.

8 years ago

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Im not complaining about being scammed. This isnt the first time, i had a few more before laughed myself and forgot. What i am frustrated is there is no help given by support when needed. They even deleted all my activity history preventing me find the scammer. When i asked about the username they stated the privacy policy..

8 years ago

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98 % of the time you won't need them but take screenshots of everything when you are trading.
I also recommend saving the negotiations as a word file as well and adding important information like Steam Profile Permalink.

8 years ago

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It took 8 month to return 500usd in items to my friend... so take your time :)

8 years ago

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Unfortunately, you gave a key. If it was a steam gift, steam would have reversed the trade and given your item back. As it is, there's nothing they can do.

It is a risk you have to accept when trading keys, paypal or whatever.

8 years ago

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Free advice here, video record all your trades from now on.

8 years ago

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