I like gifting directly, it is my thing. Lately though I have encountered somethings that is starting to change that though. I got blacklisted for making a non standard forum giveaway (those filthy leeches got a chance to get a non-bundled game). I also got at least 2 friend requests turned down from individual who I wanted to randomly gift to. So this has left me wondering, should I just stop gifting directly and start obsessing about CV and level?

Obligatory giveaways as always


7 years ago

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Should I stop gifting directly?

View Results
Shut up and make more SG giveaways
Think of the CV

I likes your gifts :3

7 years ago

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Can I say that I didn't understand the question at all?
What happened, exactly?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bottom line is I like gifting directly, so should I continue doing it or should I stop and only do normal SG giveaways.

7 years ago

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You should do what makes you happier. If now gifting directly is giving you more negative than positive emotions, you should try regular giveaways. However, from the tone you use in this thread, I have the impression it is not so. In this case continue the way it is now. :)

7 years ago

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I might send you something if I get something from your wishlist :)

7 years ago

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Thank you, but don't feel obligated to XD But if you come across some nice short stories, remember me ;)

7 years ago

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Add some more stuff to your wishlist and I'll see what I can do :)

Edit: Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders is dropping in price so i might be able to get you that sometime.

7 years ago

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^^ THIS ^^ Seriously, I usually only do GA's when they're part of a huge train - kind of GA splurge and take the pain all at once. In between, I just gift to peeps wishlists or if someone gifts me out of the blue I try to find something on their wishlist and gift em right back - not that this always works... Ultimately it's all about what makes you happy, right?

7 years ago

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Sent you a friend request.

Edit: I have something from your wishlist if you want it

7 years ago*

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I-I'm sorry, but... I think I'll decline your offer.
Don't get me wrong though, I appreciate your generosity, it's just that... I don't feel like I deserve it.

7 years ago

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Everyone deserves a random something plus it isn't that much in any case, just a bundled game :)

7 years ago

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Gift the way you feel more confortable with, who cares about blacklists and beggers? ignore 'em

7 years ago

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Just gift the way you like :)

7 years ago

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I'd say do whatever makes you happy. If people don't accept the friend request then that is also fine, move on to the next person. It doesn't sound like you are hurting anyone. Have a cat.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Gift the way you like it :)

7 years ago

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I say do what makes you happy. People will always blacklist for one reason or another.

7 years ago

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I don't know what constituted a "non standard forum giveaway", but the blacklisting that you mentioned genuinely shocks me. I can understand the denied friend requests, though, because if they were completely random, people may have automatically declined because they didn't recognize you. I used to get a bunch of random friend requests when scamming was more rampant, and I had gotten into the habit of just denying them (although most of them seemed to be bots).

7 years ago

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wow... those who turned down your friend requests must were so unfortunate haha.
must be terrible to know that they were -this- close to getting a game.
anyways how you want to give your gifts are entirely up to you i guess. you know what they say... haters gonna hate

7 years ago

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I posted the reason I was sending a friend request

7 years ago

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People are weird. And suspicious.

But like so many people have said, keep giving the way you want. :) Blacklists come and go, you can't please everybody and very often BLs seem to be "random" in the way you never really know why you're getting one. Take for example people who BL for thanking vs. people who BL for not thanking and don't mention it... Sooner or later you're gonna get a BL whichever way you behave.

And if there are like 100K users on SG, chances are you're not gonna get a BL from even half of them no matter what you do. :)

7 years ago

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And if there are like 100K users on SG


Users (932,107)

Almost 1 million users, actually.

7 years ago

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Yeah, the 100K was just a random number (lazy people love random numbers! ;D). Though I'm pretty sure the number of active users is a lot less than the reported 900+K. I guess the chances of BLs go even lower the more members there are. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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lol they must either be arrogant, or simply think that its too good to be true.
Either way, their loss lol. u can keep doing it eventually u will find somebody who will appreciate your gifts

7 years ago

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Just don't worry about it as you don't worry about CV :)

7 years ago

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I put you on a list, I don't use the naughty list so you know which one it is :)

7 years ago

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Times are tough, crooks rampant, people afraid of scammers, many will just ignore random friend requests.

7 years ago

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I agree with ragecry:

Gift the way you feel more confortable with, who cares about blacklists and beggers? ignore 'em

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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So, you're basically Santa Claus, but people misunderstand you, that about right? If they don't want to accept your generosity, then it's their loss. I say give away however you prefer.

7 years ago

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Maybe a weird incarnation of Santa. Would gift more if my budget allowed it.

7 years ago

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feel free to give away things however you prefer, they are yours to give after all

7 years ago

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Gifting is great but can be misunderstood. If your profile is public then people should be able to see your not a scammer and accept. If I gift someone I try to contact them here first via a forum reply.

7 years ago

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No. Do what you want to do, not what other want you to do or expect from you. There will be assholes and jackasses everywhere, pay them no mind and just remember that they are in the minority vs those who appreciate your gesture.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'd say you should get obsessed with CV and make Whitelist-only forum giveaways. That way you can keep all that juicy CV and keep away dirty not-deserving low level peasants. :)))))

7 years ago

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But I'm a lowly peasant, my brethren need me :(

7 years ago

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Not sure I can get to grips with people who don't like random gifts :) - I tried giving someone a key for free on steam and whilst they did accept it - and made it a piece on their giveaway page - they were very confused that I did not want anything for it :)

7 years ago

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I do get a lot of confused people when I gift them something :)

7 years ago

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yeah me too - so I must confess that I too stopped doing it - I guess people just don't like being approached that way :)

7 years ago

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I wouldn't feel right taking a gift directly from someone because I don't feel like I did anything to deserve it. Maybe it would be better to clear your whitelist and only invite a few people that you want to give a certain game to. Only have 1 whitelist giveaway at a time so you know that those people will be able to enter for just that game. Or if you really wanted to, you could only put the 1 person on your whitelist and see if they enter the giveaway being the only person able to enter.

7 years ago

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Everyone deserves a random gift :)

7 years ago

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Do whatever you want to do. You probably got BL by people who don´t make giveaways as most people do, so just don´t worry and be happy.
Some people only accept invites if they know why they were added.
Hopefully for every douchy blacklist you get a nice whitelist.
I like the idea of doing invite only givs for 10 or so people who did something nice. It´s enough to get CV, but low enough so people know they have a shot.

7 years ago

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I am beyond the point of caring about CV :)

7 years ago

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(shadow whitelist add)
Once I am far away enough from lvl3.00 I won´t care either. :D

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago*

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I'm going to buy more Indie Legends 4 bundles so I might send a game or 2 your way :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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I'm not sure if I understood correctly despite your answers, so let me try:

You are currently preferring to buy games/keys and just drop those on other people as normal gifts. Sometimes on random people. Not through this site, but just approaching them and gifting them a game out of the blue.
And now you are wondering if you should use this site, gaining CV in the process, with the added bonus of the winner actually expecting something from you, with less chance to not accept your friend request.

Is that right?

7 years ago

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Basically yes. Although the CV aspect doesn't bother otherwise I would be close or over lvl 8 by now.

7 years ago

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CV is rather meaningless, to be frank, as levelled giveaways are too rare to make levelling here worthwhile. (Of course that still doesn't stop me from not buying anything under 3.5 CV/dollar value. =D I guess I consider it now collecting, like with my Steam badges.)

Well, you have an interesting dilemma right there.
If you publicly announce that you just like to gift to random people, you'll be flooded with hundreds, maybe thousands of beggars on a weekly basis.
If you keep trying to gift to strangers, they will think you are weird and just ignore friend requests at best, block or even report you at worst.
Trying to make a private group to gift random people will make it look like an elitist circlejerk and the members there a bunch of lowlife leeches.

Honestly? It may sound strange (and to be frank, I find it a bit strange as well), but probably the current method is still the best. Trying to be a jovial Steam Santa in a modern cynical and somewhat paranoid society is… well, there is little you can do with that.

7 years ago

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