Getting a laptop with win 8. I want to know what games don't work with it. I know that the release candidate couldn't run Borderlands 1 so I'm a little wary.

1 decade ago*

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I have windows 8 and till the moment all of the games I have played have worked just fine

1 decade ago

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You don't own a whole lotta games though. I need a bigger test pool.

1 decade ago

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How do you know what games he has? Creepy...

1 decade ago

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Then look at my list, I have quite a few. I haven't had a single problem. Pretty sure almost every game that works on Windows 7 works on Windows 8, and anyone who says a game doesn't work on it has some other Win8-unrelated error, or is referring to a super early version of Windows 8

1 decade ago

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ofcourse ppl only own games on steam yawn

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Near enough all the games I own that are mentioned on that thread work fine for me.

1 decade ago

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Its funny because most games people say don't work, work fine for me.....

1 decade ago

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Exactly. A lot of the people who say this and that doesn't work, have probably never used Windows 8. They just watched a few videos of idiots bitching about it, or they saw a bunch of people bashing it on a forum, and decided to jump on the bandwagon because it's the "cool" thing to do.

I used Windows 7 on my laptop, and when building my desktop, Windows 8 was the cheapest OS at the time. I was skeptical about buying it because of all the hate, but I'm glad I got it. It's almost identical to 7, and has quite a lot of improvements.

1 decade ago

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Only game that wouldnt run for me was Vampire: The Masquerade โ€“ Bloodlines.

1 decade ago

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Works for me.

1 decade ago

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I've had no trouble with my games. The only thing that wouldn't run was The Sims Medieval, after they patched in a new form of DRM incompatible with Win 8. It was fixed by applying the crack.

Edit: Also, don't listen to half the shit you read about Win 8. Most of it is people jumping on the bandwagon, with no evidence to back up their false claims. Win 8 is just as good, if not better, than Win 7. It works just as good, and adds quite a lot of features.

1 decade ago

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I haven't had any issues running Borderlands. The only major game to give me any problem so far is Bioshock 2. It crashed randomly. The Doctor Who games don't run at all, though I doubt many care about those. Other than that everything I've thrown at it run fine.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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far cry with 64 bit OS unless patched, day of the tenticale, double dragon, oregon trail II, yukon trail, amazon trail, travelroma USA, dino park tycoon, king's quest, and other legacy windows games. Most of these games run fine on windows XP so there is no reason for microsoft not to support the games on vista, 7, and 8

1 decade ago

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Many of the said games worked for me in compatability mode. Its not Microsoft job to make all games compatible, many developers are lazy

1 decade ago

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Actually Far Cry works fine under Win8 x64.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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far cry demo from nVIDIA's website has issues, everything in-game is blue and white. requires the 64 bit official patch to run properly

1 decade ago

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Actually, all legacy 16-bit games can't run under a 64-bit OS (even 64-bit XP) because of the CPU itself, not the OS. Once the CPU is in 64-bit mode, it can only run 32 & 64-bit code. If you want to play Days of the Tentacle, King's Quest and a lot of these old adventure games, you should give a look at ScummVM or even DOSBox for the rest of the oldies. If you're hellbent on playing those under Vista/7/8 then get a 32-bit OS.

1 decade ago

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All of them from what I can gather, it seems people saying such and such title isn't working refer to this

Windows 8 is super similar to Windows 7, its based of the same core, pretty much everything that works on 7 will work on 8, honestly when 7 came out there was a bunch of people saying "such and such doesn't work, terrible OS", when XP launched the same happened, etc...etc....

Some people have issues running certain games based on hardware, drivers, etc...thats much more common and I am pretty sure thats whats probably happening to those folks.

Windows 8 is a faster Windows 7 with a new coat of paint and a couple extra functions/features.

1 decade ago

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Also, Borderlands 1 works absolutely fine.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Windows Store will destory Win 8, if it hasn't already... Metro has killed it. It's an User Interface walk-around nightmare. You don't seem to understand, it's might be Win 7 with extra features, but those features are just builtin bloatware, spyware, microsoft payment transactions, cloud network and alway online feature to easily allow for future hacking.

1 decade ago

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You do not have to use Metro or the Windows store.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, you can do a major rip out, voiding your copy (or just ignore those security holes)... then your back to Win 7!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You have no clue what you are even talking about...

Metro is fine, its not Microsoft's fault you can't learn or take 30 minutes to get use to it, most people I talk to that have actually used it for a bit grow to like it better. What bloatware? The couple apps that come preinstalled and can be uninstalled within literally 3 minutes(They can be uninstalled from the start menu itself rather easily).

Lol Spyware....are you even serious? Payment transactions? What are you talking about, do you meant the store? The one thats totally optional? Kinda like Androids store? Yes...

Always online? Guess you didn't check settings, since you can turn that off with one button and never have to log in again.

Stop bashing what you don't know....makes you look like a tool and someone who read a couple bad opinions on 8 and has never actually used it and is just saying all this to seem cool...

1 decade ago

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It doesn't even take 30 minutes lol.

And to add to this, most of the complaints I hear about Metro (or Win8 in general) come from people who are using either a) a pirated copy, or b) used a beta / old enterprise version of Win8. The problems were never apparent on the retail copy of Win8.

Also, if people want to avoid the store - or any online "crap" - just make a local account. No need to tie it to a Microsoft account.

1 decade ago

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I could ask you how much Microsoft is paying you? lol

I'm not bashing the entire OS, just certain areas - I have a MSDN subscription (won, not purchased) so had acessed to all Microsoft products including their OS. Plus, I know a Microsoft Staff member who's worked on them. I still consider Vista and Win 8 to be stepping stones rather than real Operating Systems. I understand they will iron it out with patchs over time and maybe then it will become acceptable, but for the moment it's not...

1 decade ago

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Sounds like you have a lot of big issues.

1 decade ago

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Actually I sorta hate Windows as a whole, I much prefer Linux but sadly games are not its strong suit, neither is a couple programs I need to use for work like Photoshop, why does everyone go to the "LOL YOU MUST BE BEING PAID BY SAID COMPANY LOLOL" comment always, I mean its so clichรฉ at this point...

Guess thomas404, Corinne, and everyone else that isn't bashing 8 is being paid also, man Microsoft was be putting in a nice chunk of money for this sort of advertisement.

1 decade ago

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Agreed +1

1 decade ago

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Sleeping Dogs - choose the High detail preset and it's said most of the in-game models will simply disappeared.

1 decade ago

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Yeah....what? I have everything on High and don't have this issue at all.

Even videos say different

(Maybe it was an error a bit ago, drivers might have fixed it but I had 0 issues on High recently)

1 decade ago

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You using Ultra Resolution Texture Pack with it?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I've never had this problem.

1 decade ago

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Works fine for me on the highest settings. Also using the Texture Pack. Doubt it's a Win8 problem, probably drivers.

1 decade ago

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Might of been patched by now? Was a previous issue as written in a pc gamer mag.

1 decade ago

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Probably was driver related.

1 decade ago

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Bioshock 2 I think had a problem but there is a fix for that only thing I read. All my games work fine...

Windows 8 is better and runs my games better, only thing I can say about games and win 8.

1 decade ago

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Bioshock 2 has issues on Win7 as well, and Vista afaik. The problem is not the game per se, it's how steam handles it and the former GFWL (which is what the fix fixes).

1 decade ago

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at first it was bad for many game(that's why old comments says that it is bad), but they worked on many patch for getting a better compatibility. You should be ok.

1 decade ago

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If you decide that "at first" is a cracked beta version then yes. Since retail Windows 8 has had no issues such as that.

1 decade ago

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Atom Zombie Smasher didn't install right on Windows 8 for me. Something was causing a fetal error, and since it installed fine on my laptop I didn't bother to try and sort it out. That's the only one so far.

1 decade ago

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mine was working fine though.

1 decade ago

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NONE every game that i have played on W8 works except for Bioshock which has also been buggy for W7 but I have got it to work. That is the only game that I have had a problem with

1 decade ago

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Bioshock works for me no problem on W8. Good thing because it lagged like nobody's business on my laptop:)

1 decade ago

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Same here. Did a marathon of Bioshock 1/2 before Infinite launched, no issues.

1 decade ago

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It works, but on Win 8 the girls legs in Katawa Shoujo disappear.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It is kinda of a point if you are playing Emi route.

1 decade ago

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Install Win 7 (or, better yet, Win XP) on your laptop.

1 decade ago

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Getting Windows XP nowadays is a bit odd, 7 or 8 would fit better in a newer laptop honestly, most likely though laptops sold now will have 8, I could be wrong though, haven't looked into it lately but there is no reason for him to buy an OS on top of buying a laptop...seems like a waste of money.

1 decade ago

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Most are Win 8, but Alienware from Dells website still use Win 7, so I'm sure others use it.

1 decade ago

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Who said anything about buying it?

1 decade ago

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Windows 8 is better than Windows 7, get off the bandwagon. Windows XP has security flaws, as it's not being updated anymore.

1 decade ago

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"Windows XP has security flaws, as it's not being updated anymore."

This is false. Updates for XP stop next year.

Also, if Win 8 was really better than Win 7, you wouldn't have to ask about stuff that won't work on it.

1 decade ago

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Oh you're right. Thought it was this year, haven't really looked into it for a while, my bad. But still, is it really worth it for a mere 7-12 months of usage?

But additionally, people asked the same thing about Windows 7. Bottom line is that anything that works on Windows 7 works on Windows 8. I have tried countless games, on two different PCs both running Windows 8, and none of them have had any issue running anything. The games were also of various age, dating back to the late 1990s, such as Dungeon Keeper 2 and Red Alert - these had to be run with compatibility settings, as with any other recent OS.

At worst, updating from Win7 to Win8 will require you to update your drivers to a Win8 standard. If there is no update for it, then it's not Microsoft's fault, but rather the driver's manufacturer.

This includes Borderlands 1, which the OP ran on a non-retail OS. And just for the record, it ran just fine.

1 decade ago

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You're implying that the OS becomes immediately unusable after M$ drops support. But anti-virus programs will still support it for many years. It's the second most used OS, with a massive market share, so unlikely to be dropped by any sensible software developer any time soon.

1 decade ago

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Not immediately, but the longer you wait to upgrade the more at risk you are, no matter how much the risk increases, it does increase. That's whether anti-virus programs continue to support it or not.

1 decade ago

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There's already games that don't work on XP and that number is going to keep rising as more and more companies get tired of supporting old versions of DirectX just so people can keep using Windows XP for the rest of their lives.

1 decade ago

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I was talking about non-game software, should have made that clear.

I know game companies like to let go of XP for no logical reason, but that doesn't really affect the truly massive number of good games with XP support that already exist. And everyone has a backlog. So sticking with XP is a good way to make time for all the games you've wanted to play for years instead of constantly being drawn to the new and shiny and probably-not-much-better-than-stuff-already-in-your-backlog.

1 decade ago

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Borderlands 1 runs fine on my Win 8 machine. In fact it fix a little problem in Win 7 where it can't display Steam in game overlay, now in W8 it works fine. Also almost all games on my Steam library has no problem.

As many others has telling you, W8 not much differs from W7 on its core, really. If you are experiencing some problems make sure you have installed all the runtimes and DirectX 9 Redist.

1 decade ago

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almost 250 games and no problems :) WIN 8 beats WIn 7 4 sure

1 decade ago

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I just played Borderlands a few weeks ago on a Win8 machine and it ran with no issues. The only game I haven't been able to run so far has been Just Cause 2.

1 decade ago

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Just Cause 2 works just fine for me on Win 8, had to verify the files through Steam before it would launch as I had an old installation from Win 7. This goes for all the Steam games I had installed, most worked but some required verifying the files otherwise I only got a black screen.

So far the only "prolem" I've had with Win 8 and games have been getting GFWL to work for those games that use that (had to download an older version of GFWL and install and have that update itself), feels kinda ironic that Microsofts own old game software have issues with their new operating system.

1 decade ago

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What does your Just Cause 2 do when you try to run it? Mine works fine, but crashes after a while/

1 decade ago

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linux games, aswell as most console titles, some might work but require an emulator to do so.

Other than that you can always play some cardgames, or even boardgames on your laptop, but depending on its size it might be too small for anything with dice.

But you wonยดt know unless you try. ;-)

1 decade ago

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Actually, Linux games usually have a Windows version, so they will most likely work fine with Windows 8.

1 decade ago

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Serious Sam: Random Encounter. some of the sound files in the game is not compatible with Windows 8, causing crash.

other than that, all works fine. some even better than Windows 7.

1 decade ago

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I played this without any issues back when they were selling the complete pack.

1 decade ago

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i've encountered a single game that doesn't run in win8 that runs in win7: mashed. it's pre-2000 though.

1 decade ago

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Hell Yeah!

1 decade ago

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Sacred Gold.
After dancing with tambourines he finally managed to make it work, but it was absolutely unplayable. Is very slow, even mouse lags.
Windows 8 x64.

1 decade ago

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So far the only game I can't play in W8 is Conquest: Frontier Wars GoG version.

1 decade ago

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Haven't had trouble with any games, and quite honestly I play a lot of doujin games.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by BoxcutterVillain.