Hoi all,

i see always on Steamtrades how new users are getting scammed
they have zero + and - reps because they are new, and when they open a thread, scammers are adding them directly on steam to scam them

so my Suggestion is that there should be a visibilty system for new users
that means that like trade threads from users under 10 +reps can only be visibilty by users with 10 to 99 +reps and zero -reps
and by over 100+ reps they can have maximum 5 - reps

in the practice means that when new users are opening a thread, that people only with good reputation can see there thread when they are logged in
that would reduce the scams maybe to 50% or so

of course new users can also see only threads from other users with minimum 10 +reps

new users are forced by the system to buy from high reps until they trades 10 times succesfully
scammers who are changing always there account have less chance to scam

7 years ago*

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where does the "bad english" part fit in with all of this?

edit: imo better title = "Suggestion for partial scam prevention with Steamtrades" xD
it doesn't really have anything to do with a language barrier.

as far as my opinion on it i'm a little torn down the middle.. it's not a horrible idea, but i just don't think new people would like feeling like they are so limited at first.

7 years ago*

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probably his proposal is written in bad english

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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that looks better imo ^^
and may generate more interest too xD

7 years ago

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I disagree with your suggestions. That would lower the amount of successful trades considerably. Also, steamtrades mostly needs support members, since everyone there can do anything they want without consequences.

7 years ago

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That is just a huge no, as most users with 100+ reps are resellers, with this this just makes the higher rep users (not all do this and no namecalling) be able to lowball even further and take full advantage of "eating" all the "profitable games" due to lesser amount of trades available. As low rep users sometimes have much fairer trades due to them wanting games to play instead of profit (don't quote me on this :P).

7 years ago

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In my opinion, there's 2 particularly heinous traders that have +699 and +320 rep which mostly deal with new people since they can lowball the shit out of them and exploit their ignorance.
The other day, the first one, which has a Sonic avatar, got around $20 worth of games for $1.50 worth of refs and if were to you look at his thread he is always offering half of what the other's items are worth...

7 years ago

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Most of scammers use alt/fake accounts to perform scams. So it's ultra easy toi bypass your system. Log into ST with my main, good reputation account, go through all topics posted by the newbies, find my victim, add him directly using my alt/fake scam account, scam him, finad another victing using my good-rep account, rinse and repeat.

Your system gives absolutelly no protection while at the same time heavilly limiting possible trades newbies can make.

7 years ago

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Plenty of active impersonators just go on steamtrades and scan through traders with low reps and just add them directly, in fact if no account vs unable to view the site, the latter would be much better. I also notice that these impersonators do not even have a steamtrades account.

7 years ago

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still no protection at all. Just make a non-scam account, go through ST and scam ppl with your other scam accounts.

7 years ago

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Yeah but still... its pretty easy to see that its a fake/scam account after a little research. Plus 1 non-scam = 1 upvote, at least 99% legit traders have more then that and not willing to go first with that 1 upvote

7 years ago

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it's still pretty easy to see scam/non-scam account already, yet newbies fall for scams anyway. with opr without changes nothing in that aspect will change as it will be still as easy for scammer to fdind target as it is now, only change would be either making more problems for newbies or making ST less transparent for newcomers who read that in oprger to see anything they have to create account first, so less new people coming. And still no defense from scammers in neither of options, only making life harder for everybody else.

7 years ago

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Not sure if this system will change anything.
first of all 10 postive reps to find these newbie threads is no real hurdle because a scouting profile with 10 fake +reps is easy to create
Imho new traders need a tutorial on how impersonating etc works. Assuming this system would work they will have 10 successful trades and be as uneducated afterwards as when they started on steamtrades and still be easy targets for scammers.

Maybe the system needs to implement some sort of obvious annotations on steamtrades rep pages when inspected by low rep profiles.

7 years ago

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You can easily make 10rep by buying selling games with cards, idling or even i have seen some giving out free games for rep, so this wont work.

7 years ago

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Suggestion to ST never went and never will go trough.... unmoderanted and nobody cares, they deleted also $100 registration limit, every scammer can register as many account as he want.
Nobody cares about ST u can talk here about anything u want. Here isnt any registration thing and not even any security or moderator or clearly something... heaven for scammers. H key on Neir automata W 20 keys i wont go first :D hahaha
Free for all registration is biggest problem. Easy to solve, just add $100 back, but nobody doing anything.
Stupid spam, ignorants, "smth here" in every thread like idiots and ignore if u want games or keys or what, just dumb spam
Fake reps
Adverstiment on some meh level sites or skins
and many and many things
Blacklist would be good also on ST, they cant visit your threads etc, but simply nobody cares, all still crying SG SG and some not important changes and suggestions but on ST scamming money and nobody give "poop". Its totally unbelieveable for me. On SG still add something, its possible but on ST is hard add $100 verification (at least). I dont really understand where is problem...

Give any suggestion you want, nobody cares from admins.

7 years ago*

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nobody cares admin doesn't seem to care

if nobody cared, this thread wouldn't have been made. xD

7 years ago*

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From admins / mods, pipolz who can do anything with this problem sure i mean.
Here was a lot of threads from ST users, no single change happened... so.

7 years ago*

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admin is the only one that can do anything about it is what i mean though. the moderators/support of this site lost their powers for steamtrades as soon as the database split, and they too have voiced their concerns about it just as we have. ^^

so really, almost everybody cares, except the admin.

7 years ago

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"so really, almost everybody cares, except the admin."
yeah, thats what i wanted to say.

I think mods also nope coz if mod tell something to admins its more "power" than some random users. I had moderator post on 3 sites/forum and its like that :) head is admin neck is mod.
Idk why its that hard to do smth on ST, on SG is many improvments and smthings and almost insta suspends for rule breaking and on ST is hard add 1 thing?

7 years ago

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tbh i have no idea why either.. if i had to guess i think it just generates less traffic & far less advertisement clicks ratio when compared to the SG side, so less interest in improving upon it. however it was always the admins intent to have mods over there, he just never actually got around to designating that team. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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Uknow what is funny. It seems we have 1 new AD on ST xD maybe i always missed or its new. Haha add advis ez but make AT LEAST some security is problem. I think add Steam api with $100 isnt harder than add new ad

7 years ago

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afaik it's been there since sgv2. except when adblockers are enabled. ^^

7 years ago

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I saw it only on down of page (on phone) i have adblock on pc sure

7 years ago

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ahh yeah, on pc without adblocker it's located at the top.

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7 years ago

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And one also down. 1 added. Its very important change, it help to avoid scams. :)))
Am not rlly want insult cg or be rude, i only want know where is problem and why its problem. Add api and some small things isnt that much work i think and it can help a lot

7 years ago*

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i think you lost me. the only real problem there is on steamtrades is it's completely unmoderated. i also have no idea what possible use adding an api would help with on trading either. api would certainly help things on steamgifts side, but i don't see anything it would do for steamtrades side.

7 years ago*

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I know, yes its big problem too.
Btw Steam api i mean api with $100 worth in account considering only non bundle to avoid accounts like level 2 and 4 games, 1 free to play and 3 freebies from gleam :D

7 years ago

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oh okay, i gotcha on api now. i was thinking more of an official api for us to utilize for 3rd party sites/tools, not re-connect steams api to it. ^^

7 years ago

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*wouldn't have

7 years ago

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thanks, i'm always bad with that one. ^^

7 years ago

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'"smth here" in every thread' Hah I feel ya

7 years ago

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i agree absolutly with you

7 years ago

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Thanks, but its sadly all what you (we) can do. Nothing will happen.

7 years ago

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At the moment the common conception is that SteamTrades is officially abandoned- it doesn't help that cg indicated a similar perspective himself, sometime back (regardless of the fact that more recently, he indicated otherwise). Given the removal of moderatorship and entry requirements, the official perspective doesn't really matter, since the functional outcome is the same either way. In other words, regardless of the merits of any suggestions that may be made, the site has far more integral problems to overcome before additional considerations can be made.

In the meantime, consider using https://barter.vg/ - it has always been an overall better option than ST, even before the recent additional decline.

7 years ago

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