Hey Kaps here, just saw a post and had a chat with this guy, and i really wanna help him out.
So, i've seen this guy post a few times about his game, and i have been following his facebook group for space corp tycoon from the start, seen what he has overcome, i just hope he does well so can we give him some shares.
Here's the link. Please read the information about him -> Gofundme
You can donate or share like it's on the link of this topic.

1 decade ago*

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Nah, I'm good.

This game has been presented on this forums a few times already, and apparently it's already been greenlit. Why tossing more money at it now?

1 decade ago

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Being Greenlit doesn't mean it's been funded.

1 decade ago

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being a programmer is not hard to find a job lol i always find a job even if i am fired from one i get 2nd day to the next one with higher pay that the last one because of the exp :) from what i read he only needs money for a new pc so he dont pay with his own money so sorry.

1500 euros is alot with that kind of money u buy a very powerful pc.

1 decade ago

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I'm not justifying his reasons for asking for money. I'm simply stating that being Greenlit is not synonymous with being funded. I could slap together a concept, throw it on Greenlight and be Greenlit but that doesn't mean I have the funds to finish it. And whether it's easy or not to get a job as a programmer, he still has to divide his time between a real job and developing this game. While a number of indie developers make games in their free time while holding one or more full time jobs, it's no walk in the park.

1 decade ago

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For one he could release on steam, and take money, but he said he wanted to wait till the game was ready because he see's too much unfinished crap on steam.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for helping spread some awareness kaps, i appreciate it, many many thanks.

1 decade ago

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Now is a really bad time for me, he seems like a really nice guy, if I could I would totally help him out.

1 decade ago

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"Seen what he has overcome"

Loosing a job and having a shitty computer is not even an obstacle in my life, to me it's more like a pothole on the road . Can't help but good luck for the raising money/getting an other job and finishing his game.

1 decade ago

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The gofundme page doesnt really have any info about the kind of specs needed in the PC build, or any justification as to why specifically £1500 is needed (how much for living costs and are you confident new job can be found soon? etc). Also, the pledge is set at £10 for a copy of the current game build, but direct from the website it is only $10 (actually quite a big difference!)
I would probably stick in a few quid if this was next month as I've just got a new job but wont be paid until then, but with the vagueness of the gofundme I can understand why people would be reluctant to donate.

1 decade ago

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Just updated the gofundme,

I think i may just take out a loan tbh, I spent all of last night, till not to long ago with the pc apart and another tech tryna help. (current pc is probably worth £800) Spent more than that on replacement parts :(

I dont wanna but i dont see any other option.

1 decade ago

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Yeah getting a loan is a dangerous option, especially as if you dont have a job they will probably ask for your soul to secure it.

My suggestion to you is to just halt development until you get some money coming in again. Dedicate your time to finding a job that is right for you, the game can wait a month or so. Just get your data backed up, and then let it wait for your life to get back on track.

1 decade ago

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Yeah that is what I thought about doing, I had hoped I could avoid that though, Don't want to disappoint those following the game.

I could even just release as early access, But well i dont wanna put up another unfinished game to the already huge pile on steam, so thats a definate no.

UPDATED: Yeh im not gunna get a loan, im taking down the gofundme also as i just dont feel comfortable with it, Im not out yet though and Thanks for the comments here people.

1 decade ago

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If the game really does have some "legs," don't give up on it. You might have to put it on the back burner for a while, but quality still sells in today's market.

1 decade ago

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The game's budget doesn't look like it needs 1.5k£. Maybe it's for the developer himself though.

Good luck though.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Kaps22d.