Really, where do you have the money for all this and STILL time to play every game? I barely got myself to buy a 500€ laptop to AT LEAST BE ABLE to run new games, but I pirated them anyways. Now that I stopped pirating, I don't understand how can one pay so much for games. How much do you pay for your games a month? I'm at about 25-50€ a year, which I think it's pretty weird on this community.

Also, you complain about some i7 builds with dual GTX GPUs, while I have a Pentium B960 with a GT 540M GPU and a hard drive slower than my grandma. Without any exaggeration, my Moto G is faster than my laptop, at half price (except the GPU).

Now, if you'll excuse my Witcher 3 hype, I'll go and find time to play The Witcher 1 I activated on GOG from a 2€ key my cousin has on Steam and I stole it from him WITH his consent. And I think I'll disable textures.

9 years ago*

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How do you have the money

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I'm a mob
My dad's a mob
There are salaries outside OP's country which are higher than $300 a month
I pay for nothing else
I eat potatoes

u can get quite some games from cheap bundles alone

9 years ago

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But if DO like a game from bundles (the Paradox bundle was really tempting) I still don't have the time at the moment.

9 years ago

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Most of us carry a big backlog of games still to play.

9 years ago

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90 games and going strong, I have no idea why I'm doing this, I like collecting and hoping for something good.

Edit: won a game while commenting, 91, going strong.

9 years ago

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What a coincidence! I won a game while commenting too. =)

I guess this is a common problem with gaming; as a child you have all the time in the world but no money. As an adult, and once you get a good job, you see your dream of having a big game collection come true, but you lack the time to play them. Life is such a bitch...

9 years ago

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So true man

9 years ago

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As a child, no worries, piracy always (though kids here today aren't educated like that anymore, which is great).
I still have a Treasure Planet CD with a crack on the disk, because we didn't have the RAM to handle ISO's back in the day.

9 years ago

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The horrible truth of being a gamer D:.

9 years ago

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Become a father, and allow your child to play your games! ;)

9 years ago

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Well, maybe you have a life... That may be a good thing, actually. ;o)
I get it, though. I wish I had more time to spend on some of the cool games. I recently took a day off work just to be able to sink a few uninterrupted hours into a game.
To tell you the truth, I don't play the newest titles. I wait for prices to drop, maybe pick some things up in a bundle. Frankly, with the quality of some of the bundles, there is barely a reason to go full price anymore.

9 years ago

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No, I got exams soon, wasted 3 and a half years of high school gaming, now I wonder where they went and I feel bad for every day I waste gaming (though I am guilt free when I reserve a full weekend for a non stop Civ marathon)

9 years ago

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Sounds good. Pick your spots of gaming, and find a balance to your regular life. Time might be easier to find after the exams.

9 years ago

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Hoping for that :D

9 years ago

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I don't.

Also you have better specs than me. But let's not make a contest of who has the best(worst) potato of us all.
Also don't complain, be grateful for what you have and you'll be a happier man.

9 years ago

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No, I'm ok with it, tech is going way to fast anyway, today's high end is middle specced an year from now and low end in 5, this laptop is a huge upgrade from my old PC with no GPU, even the HD Graphics 2000 it has in it are better than the GMA4500 in the PC.

Just wondering around, curious about you, watched some Better Call Saul, he complains on a $700 per client, that's a 2 month's minimum salary here... Not that I want to go for that, but I hate it

9 years ago

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Mine rigs 1 year old still high end now

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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I barter my time with money, not a very good strategy.

9 years ago

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isn't every job..just that?

9 years ago

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Yup a job, still it covered everything.

9 years ago

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but still it's easiest to get into ..compared to other alternatives like business or building a product that people want to pay you for..

9 years ago

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Yeah for most of people, but if you have a lot of money business/ enterpreneur is a way too go.

9 years ago*

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agreed.. loans & stock market are other options...but risk is paramount..

9 years ago

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Sometimes the poorer are the better.

9 years ago

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Not that rich, most games I got were from bundles/promos/cheap stores (never paid full price for a game). Rig ain't that great either, last I updated it was for AC Black Flag (2.66 Ghz i5, 8gb ram, GTX 760, desktop itself is a refurbished dell, which is almost 5 years old).

EDIT: I should probably spend less on games, but just owning a game you think is cool on steam kinda sucks you in (being a collector gets expensive :/)
EDIT 2: Oh, and then there are games, you think would be great to play, but you're not into them - for me Dont Starve, and the Long Dark - apparently I'm not into these survival games, so maybe I should start researching more before I buy something lol.
EDIT 3: Live in US, earn about 2k, spend about 1.7k on life (rent, food, etc. - very expensive in NYC), save a few hundred bucks, and probably spend $50-100 on games and other stuff.

9 years ago*

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10-12 hours weekly for a hobby is quite common, and even with a job, you can get even more. Also, 300 USD, really? I live in Eastern Europe and earn more than 600 USD monthly.
As for games, there are always deals. Steam sales, official reseller sales (which are usually a lot better than Steam…)

9 years ago

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Well, that's the "minimum" here
+your country is pretty much in the center, even Romania is sometimes politically "Central".

9 years ago

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Geographically we are Central Europe, but politically Eastern. Unless one is living in this region, it is easier to tell people I live in E Europe, most Westerners and Asians don't have a concept for "Central Europe", just East and West.

9 years ago

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I have never worked in my life, but still have a good computer and plenty of games. I have time to play 24/7 but I barely play.

9 years ago

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Welfare autism neet bux

9 years ago

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Market bug, selling games and stuff only spent 30$ on steam which is i got from selling fifa 14 coins so basically, nothing at all.

9 years ago

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for gaming rig i beg, had to go to college so i could get one.. worth it

9 years ago

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