I am an avid user of Steamgifts, and will often enter some giveaways in the morning before leaving to go to work. Often my time to enter giveaways is quite limited, and I have to enter as many giveaways as quickly as I can. Often a problem I encounter is that giveaways I cannot even enter appear on the home screen, and this takes up valuable space and time. What I would suggest is that there should be options to:
-Remove giveaways that are above your contributor value from appearing on your home screen
-Highlight or only include games that are on your wishlist from being on the home screen
-Remove giveaways for DLC of games that you do not own

I want my suggestions to be taken seriously, as I do enjoy using this website and want it to be available to be used as best as possible, without having to be limited by the number of giveaways on the screen. If you can't even enter the giveaways, why should they be there? I think a step was taken in the right direction by allowing you to remove games that you already own, but I think my additional suggestions would help to make Steamgifts even better.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to your feedback.

1 decade ago*

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Steamgifts Plus.Download this add-on and it will me much easier to navigate on the site.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thank you for giving me a link to this add-on. I would prefer if these features could be implemented into the site itself. Until then , I will just use Steamgifts Plus.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Zaxter.