Anyone know?

9 years ago*

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Maybe because my computer suck?

EDIT: It is much easier to write a program that will only work in one type of machine than a computer(most pc are different from each other).

9 years ago

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Actually it tends to be the other way around.

PC's tend to be easier to develop for because the majority of them are running the same OS etc and hardware differences are fairly negligable. Consoles however are three different companies, running drastically different systems. The PS2/3 were notoriously difficult to devolop for due to them being different, where as the Xbox/360 were basically crap PC's.

9 years ago

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Because you have a crappy pc :P

9 years ago

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Because consoles' hardware is much better and can run better games, of course! /no.

9 years ago

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you find it easier to use a controller than a mouse/personal preference.

9 years ago

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Because you believe it to be.

9 years ago

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One part of it is the "exclusivity" battles going on between Sony and Microsoft.. Another part is the unwavering 59.99 new price tag (smaller games on console online stores can be pretty awful..) Another part is their fear of damaging their name as a business with a bad game release.. Last part is some of these game devs for consoles have been in the industry for ages and ages :>

9 years ago

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Because they cost more of course. Have you seen those bad PC games? So bad they are on sale all the time! Some are even FREE?! How bad they must be to be FREE?!?!?!?!

But seriously: this "us vs them" mentality only helps those who sell hardware. Segragation of platforms means they get garantueed sales based on fanboy-ism, instead of having to offer better games and services than the others.

9 years ago

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the number of games made for pc is tiny, where as the number of games made for console are massive, so odds are, there are more likely going to be more great games on console than that are made for pc because of the size of the respective product pools... has nothing to do with the pc's technological superiority, or the consoles simplicity... its just the respective numbers of games that each system gets.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by GrabASnack.