Have anyone ever been wrongly VAC banned? Since for some odd reason I got banned today, even though I haven't played a game since last week. Worse part is I don't play any source games, if you exclude Dota 2 since it's not VAC bannable. Last source game I played was Garry's Mod for 30-60mins with a friend on a few TTT servers.

If you're wondering if I hack or cheat on VAC games, no I don't. Never have, never was going to. I only play Dota 2 exclusively and since university started this week I was going to quit Dota 2 for a few weeks. So to be randomly VAC banned out of nowhere is quite a shock to me.

If I gotten hacked, then wouldn't they have to play a game for me to get banned? Last game on my profile is still Dota 2 on 1st of March.

Anyhow I sent them a support ticket to see what they are gonna reply with, but from what I heard it's gonna be a hard fight, since they don't remove VAC bans easily. Don't know what I can do to show my innocent. =/

My Steam profile link:

Thanks for reading and here's a giveaway =)

Thank you for all your concern by saying I hacked my games, I will update this post once I found out the reason why I got banned. I bet it wasn't me and I will prove my innocent.

I already contacted Steam, just wondering if anyone ever got unbanned from VAC here in SteamGifts.

9 years ago*

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This "Valve makes no mistakes" mind-set is really silly. It sets a really terrible precedent.

I wish you luck if you really didn't edit any files. Modding certain games in certain ways even just for single player can result in a VAC so be careful.

9 years ago

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No human-made thing is 100% perfect. VAC is also one of those imperfect things.

However, do also keep in mind that usually people with 'I'm VAC banned for no reason' are often lying. They use so many tricks to try to make a good appearance and put VAC as evil, while in fact they're at the wrong end of the stick.

So that's why.

9 years ago

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I agree. Doing an asspull but like 99% of the time VAC is right.

There are plenty of informative videos about false bans and such but I recommend Super BunnyHops. I personally think Valve has this mindset so that they don't have to be seen as being obligated to deal with the inevitable metric ton of ban complaints, legitimate or illegitimate.

9 years ago

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People enter into discussions to exchange ideas and information, not to be verbally abused. One person has already been suspended. Please remember to "play nice."

9 years ago

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Thank goodness there's still a support guy in this site. That obnoxious guy was getting too wild.

9 years ago

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There is more than one support person on the site, and someone else was quicker on the draw than I.

9 years ago

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All i can see here is people posting wall of text ._.

9 years ago

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Guy cheats , gets VAC Banned , true story , THE END . ( that should have said it all ... in the first post and then just +1 or something like that )

Yeah people with half a brain can prove they use it as intended or even use it adequately more then in one freaking specific thing and first Zombie ( Name user anywhere ) that is not actually it , furthermore i agree good people shouldn't be good to bad people , that why the bad people rule , but people get so bad they blend in because good does shit in most of the time , at least when facing the truth ... people want and like to be bad .

And all of the above pales in comparison that the fact that he or anyone that i see get VAC Ban makes me very freaking happy . ( as should all feel and state )

9 years ago

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Did you guys realised that a certain zombie was hammered?

9 years ago

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