Have anyone ever been wrongly VAC banned? Since for some odd reason I got banned today, even though I haven't played a game since last week. Worse part is I don't play any source games, if you exclude Dota 2 since it's not VAC bannable. Last source game I played was Garry's Mod for 30-60mins with a friend on a few TTT servers.

If you're wondering if I hack or cheat on VAC games, no I don't. Never have, never was going to. I only play Dota 2 exclusively and since university started this week I was going to quit Dota 2 for a few weeks. So to be randomly VAC banned out of nowhere is quite a shock to me.

If I gotten hacked, then wouldn't they have to play a game for me to get banned? Last game on my profile is still Dota 2 on 1st of March.

Anyhow I sent them a support ticket to see what they are gonna reply with, but from what I heard it's gonna be a hard fight, since they don't remove VAC bans easily. Don't know what I can do to show my innocent. =/

My Steam profile link:

Thanks for reading and here's a giveaway =)

Thank you for all your concern by saying I hacked my games, I will update this post once I found out the reason why I got banned. I bet it wasn't me and I will prove my innocent.

I already contacted Steam, just wondering if anyone ever got unbanned from VAC here in SteamGifts.

9 years ago*

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Okay lets go through this reasonably:

Tell me if you were running the following:

A) Mods (can be as simple as a skin pack)
B) Background processes
C) Steam Beta.

9 years ago

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D) family share

9 years ago

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Good point...

9 years ago

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that's the issue here.

9 years ago

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Please don't spam Steam Support to unban you. You are wasting time. Steam Support is very poor and you are making it worse for other people by spamming. You won't be unbanned because you asked, they won't give you any information, they won't tell you if you were hacked and they don't care if the hacker cheated. Your account is your responsibility. If you really think you didn't cheat you can send them ONE ticket asking to check it again. They will check it and if they will respond something like "We can't give you any information." it means they are 100% sure you cheated. You can do nothing about it other than deal with it or hope it was an error and they will unban you automatically (your spam will have no influence on this).

Thank you. /EOT

9 years ago

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In The U.S. we have systems that work. We have machines that can tell who is not telling the truth. We also have drug screens that tell if someone has used illegal drugs. This helps us lock up the bad people. Now we are so advanced we can have steam bans issued with little or no human interaction. What could go wrong?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

9 years ago

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[link name] (link)

no spaces

9 years ago

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There's always a solution....Hack steam and "unban" yourself. Works everytime.

9 years ago

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As far as I know off bans on Steam,PSN & XBL are ALWAYS deserved so there has to be hacked or cheated on your profile b4 whether it was you or not. Bans from steam always take a while bc they happen in batches. What could have happened if you don't hack is that you played a game with graphical mods as playing CS etc. with ENB or other graphical mods because this is a known cause for getting VAC banned. Family sharing and certain background progresses could also be the cause for this. In other words you can't get "wrongly" VAC banned, you could have installed the wrong graphical mod, have the wrong process running in the background or a friend/family member you share your games with has cheated tho.
Steam support won't help you just a heads up, they get mails like that all the time and most people just lie. VAC ban shouldn't be tgo bad for you tho as you said you didn't play any VAC games. Only thing you could do is maybe ask support what game you got banned for if you're curious.

9 years ago*

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Well, here we go with a lot of reasons: "Unlocked: 4 Jul, 2011 @ 9:48am"...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Actually it can take that long XD

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Nobody knows, that is the beef people have with it! XD

9 years ago

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He unlocked a few achievement items with that and the ban covers Source games, so pretty much that's the reason... And yes, it can take too longer, as there was a VAC wave recently that banned thousands of players, even pro CS:GO players, for something that they used for more than a year from the ban has been triggered.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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while this might not be direct reason for his VAC ban, it kind of negates his "i never used any cheat, mod..."

9 years ago

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Yes it does reasonably negate that statement.

Although, quantum mechanics does allow for most anything to happen, it is just extremely unlikely. Who knows, maybe for that minute he and his computer were in a quantum anomaly in which time flowed much slower thus allowing him to get so many achievements in such a short 'real-time' frame.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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nothing is flawless.....pure logic

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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TF2 achievements :)

9 years ago

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Here is a cent from me:
Every time I see such kind of a problem I am posting this. So...

I couldn't find screenshots yet again (and I'm sad because of that D: ) but there was a person who posted his whole conversation with Steam support. He got VAC banned without any reason and argued with support about it. After many replies from bot and then tens of replies from various people he finally got unbanned. Support said something like: "There was an error in our system. We apologize and your account has been unbanned.", eventhough they were like: "Account cannot be unbanned." whole time.
TLDR version: Yeah - it IS POSSIBLE to get rid of VAC ban on Your account.

Edit. I've just read few last comments and yeah - if You have ever unlocked some achievvements using some kind of programs then don't even try contacting Steam Support - they won't unban You.

9 years ago

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The systems is far from being perfect, but works most of the time.

But if he is really innocent, lying on that 'never used hacks' and having used an tool to unlock achievements (some of them give items too) is not a good start to convince us, regular users, so I doubt it will work on Valve employees...

Edit... Ninja'd by your edit. :P

9 years ago

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Go to support steam and ask why you get ban on VAC
Steam never unban VAC player

9 years ago

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sorry for my english

9 years ago

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Nobody is banned for no reason. VAC bans do not occur when you are caught cheating, but weeks or months afterwards.

There HAVE been instances of false VAC bans - however, these usually occur in huge waves and are typically removed right after.

There's the infamous MW2 hacked lobbies thing that still hasn't been reversed and is unlikely to ever be.

In any case, figure out which game you were banned in, why, do a virus scan, and go contact support, although they'll just say "VAC bans are never lifted and we won't tell you why you were banned."

Also, if you're family sharing your library, go yell very loudly at anyone who your library is shared with. If you family share and someone cheats with your game, you get banned.

9 years ago

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My friend got ban for no reason probably someone report him and he got ban: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119233190/

9 years ago

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You don't get a ban just because someone reported you even though you weren't cheating. That would be highly unlikely. Much more likely is that your friend is a cheater.

9 years ago

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VAC bans are not issued for reports. Overwatch bans, trade probations/trade warnings, yes.

VAC is (almost) completely automated. No people issue bans or remove them unless there's a serious issue.

Your friend cheated, or he has a virus.

Same with you.

Either that, or someone you're family sharing with has a virus/cheated while playing your games.

That's it. VAC bans are never without reason, there's only been a few instances of false positives, and they always affect a few thousand players at once, and are summarily reversed.

9 years ago

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I never used cheats because I am a good player and i wants troll noobs, and this is so funny

9 years ago

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Actually, there is one offense for Dota 2 that warrants a VAC ban. Using external tools attached to Dota 2: 30 day game suspension.
Try to start Dota 2 to find it out.

9 years ago

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I got my old account VAC banned since 2006 only for have instaled "Cheat Engine", i didn't use it on Steam never, i used that for flash games. But Steam detected i got this things installed, only installed, and VAC banned me from CS:Source and Half-Life Deathmatch.

9 years ago

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Having something installed shouldn't trigger VAC though. It could however have been that Cheat Engine didn't close properly and was still running in the background despite looking like it was closed.

9 years ago

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Once OP realises how VAC actually works, he would stop making these topics filled with lies. Sad people still don't realise that the VAC detected cheats on his system.

9 years ago

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I donot know if some one took the time to post these in between all the "Hurr Durr U HaXor. Praise Lord Gaben's glorious no mistake VAC" bull.... , there is proof of false bans AND reversed bans . VAC has made mistakes and not just the bulk cases reported in the wiki, But rather more recent Individual cases , Like this one where the user finally got unbanned after a long painful back and forth with the steam support. There is a lot of info there, which u might want to give a read.

There is also THIS GROUP which collects people who have been unbanned from VAC. A lot of usefull info there as well.

While achievement servers donot get u vac banned, Family Sharing definitely can, as mentioned clearly here , which might be the situation in ur case if what u say is true.

 Will I be punished for any cheating or fraud conducted by other users while playing my games?
 Your Family Library Sharing privileges may be revoked and your account may also be VAC banned if your library is used by others to conduct cheating or fraud. Additionally, VAC-banned games cannot be shared. We recommend you only authorize familiar computers you know to be secure. And as always, never give your password to anyone.
9 years ago*

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Never seen a VAC Ban reversed, its bad for steam business, worst thing is you will keep that mark on your profile forever , i wish good luck buddy.

9 years ago

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As far as I'm aware Valve doesn't say why you were banned or when the hacking event happened. The only time they lifted bans was when they thought people were hacking but were only changing some textures and that happened to a lot of people.
If you enabled family sharing then that might also be a reason because others can get you banned too, I think...

9 years ago

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Having a degree in computer science, it's really interesting to see how many people believe that modern automated systems are entirely fail-proof. It's almost like belief in magic.
Wish you luck with getting this straight.
P.S. And still, of all obvious cheaters I've reported, I've seen only one being vac-banned, even though in many cases it's enough to see a few minutes of match replay (things like constant aiming at someone who's behind a wall or spamming hs through smoke).

9 years ago

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You never can get unban sorry bro this Discussion can be now closed.

9 years ago

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Cheater what are you talking about, VAC Never simply bans, and to whom you opravdyvaeshsya?

9 years ago

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Russian, what are you blabbing about? 'Fix' your English, so disgraceful. Can't even form a coherent sentence. Is this how they educate people in Russia? Blah.

9 years ago

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There is always a reason. It might be bad, but it exists.

9 years ago

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Does Valve gave random VAC bans to people that weren't cheaters? YES, THEY DID. Happens in like 1 in a million, but it does happen.
Will Steam Support help you? NO THEY WON'T. You can try, but you'll get few automated responses, then "sorry, support can't talk about vac bans". You won't even learn why you were banned.

Your only way to get unbanned, if you really weren't cheating in any way (and that includes like using public PC where someone randomly could install cheats) - asking if there was some weird VAC banning lately on reddit/dota2 and have enough luck to get some Valve Employee check it. And that still only works if you are known user of reddit.

9 years ago

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Yes u or someone else use program to unlock TF2 Achievements and for this u get BAN

9 years ago

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