Hello. I'm sorry if this is discussed before, but I wonder why KF 6-pack is $99?
A single copy is $15 so a 6-pack (if no discount applied) must be 90 dollars?

Another question I have is, is the game good enough without buying all those DLC's?

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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what about second question, mate?

1 decade ago

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DLCs only add character skins as far as I know.
EDIT: I see that there's new DLCs so I wouldn't know. :)

1 decade ago

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Because like a six pack, it takes a lot of work to earn that much cash.

Honestly though, you don't need DLCS or extra copies. There's A LOT of DLC character packs that are probably being charged at retail value, so that bOOsts the extra 10 bucks or so. You don't need them to enjoy the game, so I wouldn't consider the 6 pack.

1 decade ago

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haha, that must be the reason.

1 decade ago

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The game is normally $20, so you'd be saving $20 if you bought the 6 pack ($100 vs 6*$20==$120).

You don't NEED the DLC's (especially the skin packs, and I own all except Ash Harding, recent Chickenator and recent DAR (robot)), however there has been some discussion and arguments that the recent weapon packs (Community Weapon Pack) is overpowered, and the Golden Weapon Pack allows you to carry 2 of each weapon with separate ammo pools (e.g. regular AK-47, golden AK-47, and they don't share ammo).

Another note, even tho I have most of the DLC skins, I still use the unlockable achievements (Baddest Santa, Grim Reaper, Commando Chicken) because they are "rare" and are only unlockable for a short period of time.

KF normally goes on sale for $5, so wait for that.

1 decade ago

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Thanks. You helped me a lot :)

1 decade ago

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