one of my BF3 code was scammed.
he add me as a friend to ask me about the BF3 I want to trade at
then he offers me for GW2 or Diablo 3 code, I said I want GW2 code and we made an agreement there.
Then, he ask me for the key first and I gave it, after he gave his code he immediately offline. The code was invalid >:(
I checked his profile and he remove me from firends already (and changed his name too).
Here his profile :
Here is the proof:

Im new to this Steam community, I thought Steam are free from scammers and cheaters. This would be a lesson for me in future.

1 decade ago*

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Well sorry to hear that. But unfortunately there will be scammers and cheaters no matter where you go. You should keep trading related threads to steamtrades though. Enough people here don't care much for trading or it's associated problems.

1 decade ago

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You couldn't tell that he was a scammer just from his Steam account? o_O

He's only got one game, it's not installed, his rating is 0 and the account is only 6 months old...

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm sorry to hear that , my malaysian friend .

1 decade ago

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I recommend you in the future, to only trade with people from steamtrades that has a good reputation.

1 decade ago

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hate to be the assh*le here but read the rules:

1:no calling people out

2:don't complain about things which occur on steamtrades on steamgifts

so i suggest you either close this or 1: change steam profile link to an image with major identifiable things removed and 2: put this on steamtrades (in which case you would prob still need to close it on this anyway) :(

1 decade ago

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No calling users out.

Gotta read the FAQ carefully. But I do agree that this thread shouldn't be on steamgifts. We don't need steamtrades issues here, I've heard enough of them.

1 decade ago

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Nice filename for the .jpg.

1 decade ago

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dont callout people here

1 decade ago

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Nuke that guy's house!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by redzrex.