Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West

Seen this video yesterday and it rubbed me the way it should ... thought i'd share
this one in particular, to see what you might think (best after having watched it).

Note1: There is also quite a lot of studies and scientific research behind this.
Best look up some of the sources.

Also very intriguing in this context: IQ | racism and the Consverative
Bottom line: The way this political correct tale with outright lies is being spun, is irresponsible and hypocritical.
Social "problems" only get fixed well, once their acknowledged by the majority of a society.


For the Germans/Europeans nearby among you, that might interest you as well:
Germany Crosses the Demographic RUBICON: 20-35's a MINORITY by 2020
What do you think ? Personally I find it quite unsettling to know, that your populace might become
a minority in the future ... as i am fond of the modern german culture and ethics as a whole.

Note2: Don't assume because of the country in my steam profile i'm a straight up native
from there (not that it would change anything in my view) - the fellow citizens around here,
are for most parts the nice "political correct"-guys as you know them form "everywhere".

Giveaway - might add more later:
sentinels-of-the-multiverse lvl1 | the-marvellous-mistake lvl3 | tulpa lvl1

Thanks to all participating!

The thread is closed now, as that sufficed to get a picture. :-D

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8 years ago*

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Does Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West?

View Results

The No voters might need more diversity in their countries ;)

8 years ago

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Yeah, might have a lot of reasons ... its not as if people were against some diversity,
(in the civilized west/east at least, it ain't this "pretty" elsewhere lol) but why not at least be
honest and upright about it. Can't really say that is the case usually and people are even
scared to speak their honest minds, as their afraid to be labeled racist/dumb/bigots or
face even worse consequences (depending on whats being said and their "environment").

8 years ago*

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Go to a family birthday party and everybody has an opinion about immigrants or 2nd and 3rd generation worker immigrants. That same opinion somehow evaporates when it is discussed in most other situations, because we don't feel as secure about the opinions others have about us, our roles are still uncertain and can change.
On SG people are scared because they need something from the people here other than just conversation, so here even less people have an opinion on...anything. :P

8 years ago

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hahaha XD

...yeah :(

8 years ago

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It's hilarious I'm getting blacklists from this thread. I honestly don't care XD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I live in Argentina bro, I doubt you can find a country with more diversity.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Same. If you think racial diversity is what's ruining 'social cohesion' you're just a racist grasping at straws for rationalization of your own hateful beliefs. But then again these people get their 'news' and 'facts' from bullshit youtube channels instead of reading.

8 years ago

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And I guess you voted for yes. Well, I didn't, I don't agree with op.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm not touching this topic with a 10-foot pole.


8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Commenting, then deleting before I get to read it. C'mon now, be a man.

8 years ago

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Maybe he went shopping p

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8 years ago

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Haha, I could use one of these.

8 years ago

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I +1'ed it, but deleted it because I didn't read your spoiler text first, and didn't want people thinking I agreed with that, when I don't.

8 years ago

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Shun! Shun the deleter!!!

not really

8 years ago

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Oh, how dare you disagree.

8 years ago

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Discussing politics here.



8 years ago

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*On the internet

8 years ago

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Diversity is a very vague reference to use... Governments rarely do things well. Look at what most business are doing. They encourage diversity as it improves decision making and provides different perspectives. This is considered to be largely working for them.


Yeah ok, if you live in a country where over 100,000 war torn people migrate to it there is bound to be a long period of social disruption before those people settle down and become productive citizens. Especially considering culture differences such as how they have been taught to value women etc. I think these issues are due to having a poor migration plan rather than diversity not working.

8 years ago

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Why migrate when you have a good portion of migrated populace to socialize with? That is already known and what is going to be the case in Germany. Besides, its not even a matter of migration at that point. Where the populace of a country is going to change that drastically ... replace potatoes with tomatoes, make a soup out of it and its not going to be the potato soup from before... but will it still be called Germany. Which doesn't have to be "bad" - but i highly doubt that ... as its already known in the prime example - Sweden.

btw. that link requires to log-in or some premium sub to be read

8 years ago*

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Sorry, it worked me, maybe it was cached in google or something. Try this link: http://www.business.gov.au/business-topics/employing-people/diversity-in-the-workplace/Pages/default.aspx

The other link was better though

8 years ago*

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Np. Yeah i've read about diversity in the workforce and know of it to be good as a whole bunch of chummy personnel from
that same city might fail at one particular task collectively due to sharing mainly the same resources and knowledge.

8 years ago

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Kind of complex question.I'd bet all my wealth I'm poor that anything good is going to emerge from this thread.

8 years ago

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So far its incredibly civil - where is all the outrage ... :-D

8 years ago

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because it's kind of a tabboo, most people won't want to talk about it and the ones who do will do so carefuly

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Kinda weird being almost on the other side of the planet and having read about it. :D
How's that slogan again ... ah right - come for the food, stay because you got murdered.

8 years ago

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You live near Chicago? :O
I'm about 90 mins from you, haha.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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seems that diversity to shoot at will comes with get shot bonus...

8 years ago

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We are still not evolved yet to live peacefully... That's what I think.

8 years ago

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We will never evolve enough to know true peace. It's just not in our nature.

8 years ago

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We are still not evolved yet to live peacefully... That's what I think.


8 years ago

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Lol, propaganda against propaganda. Same methods, opposite agenda.

Whole video has one single valid point. Large group implanted into completly different society will close itself in a self-sufficient ghetto. That's nothing new. Strategy of exploiting others is also nothing new (and still going strong, everywhere)

Western society destroys itself for a long time now. It's called social policy, or welfare state. Government taking care of everything for everyone, from cradle till grave. This is what destroys the neighbourhood support network. Someone is beaten up on the street? It's not my problem, this is what police is for. Elderly neigbour has walking problem and struggles to make everydayshopping? Not my problem, it's what social workers are for. Battery died in a car and it needs to be pushed to start? Not my problem, call road help. Heck, it gets to the point that people living in one building don't say good morning to each other in the elevator - something unthinkable 30 years ago.
Last example: easter block countries survived times of soviet occupation and collapse of communism not because there were next to no immigrants. It was mostly the social network that allowed that. Todays society would not fare that good as we did in the '90, and ethnic composition is more or less the same.

8 years ago

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Your post deserves a Yes.

8 years ago

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That is kind of funny you mention eastern block countries. I didn't live much in soviet time, but as far as I know Estonians don't have this social network thing. Most of us don't know the names of the neighbours and might no say even hello to each other. Once someone speaks to another person they usually are very friendly, but usually no random greeting. But I guess it's a cultural thing, the russian speaking estonians on the other hand are more neighbourly.

But I agree about welfare states, they notion of not doing anything and living off it creates a situation where you have too many freeloaders in your country.

8 years ago

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Unlike the guy from the video I know firsthand what is was like living in soviet satellite country. True, these were ending days ('80s)
I'm sure that it existed in Estonia too, albeit to lower extent. Afterall you were part of USSR and ruled by them a lot longer than warsaw pact countries. And one of the priorities of every police state/dictatorship is breaking trust between people, so that opposition groups cannot form.

It's not even about freeloaders, they are in every community/system. More about entitlement mentality. People stop taking responsibility for their surroundings and later for their own life. Every problem is solved by "government/somebody should do something about it" and left at it

8 years ago

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Yeah, I agree freeloaders are everywhere, but welfare states contribute to their existence (it was actually the same for the life in USSR, at least what my grandparents told me about people who were working on paper, but actually were drunks etc. and others had to pull their weight).

Sadly, this "government/somebody should do something about it" mentality is a leftover from the USSR times as well. People who are used to that time are not very independent and can't/won't think for themselves. It is usual in Estonia that it is governments property therefor I don't care. It was totally acceptable to screw over the government in the USSR time.

8 years ago

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Afaik, they had to be employed somewhere. Alternative was a camp in Siberia. I think also the director of the factory could get into trouble if he fired someone without "good" reasons (like detesting leading role of the Party, making jokes of Great Leader)

That is another legacy of those times. There was even a saying "They pretend they pay us, we pretend we are working". Luckily, this one is disappearing slowly.

8 years ago

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another nice topic to treat on sg

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8 years ago

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"Gotta git brave and fast and gotta git on blacklists 4 honosty."
'- yours trully SANIC teh hedge-fond

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8 years ago

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Indeed. I'd be interested in viewing the stats page of people participating in this "discussion".

8 years ago

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+4WL, +1BL so far. But it's not the only thread I've posted in.

8 years ago

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Germany doing bad choices in 21 century as in 20. Someone should ban Germany , they almost destroyed Europe once , now they are on the path of doing it again.

8 years ago

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Honestly, i wouldn't even be sure if those are decisions or orders laid upon a vassal state this time.

8 years ago*

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meh, if you switch "Germany" with "France" in your statements, it will be just as true

8 years ago

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No way to discuss this topic without drama.
Same discussion for half a year.
I tried to watch both videos but before I waste my time to this bullshit I would prefer to watch The Revenant again.

Ps: I am a german ex vegetarian, vaping engineer and I feel offended ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

8 years ago

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I found The Revenant to be one awful dragging movie (plot), it had a hint of Micheal Bay,
except that the explosions were substituted with not lesser "certain death" actions.
Oh i can tell, i already don't like you hahahah ... vape naysh is still cool though.

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8 years ago*

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How dare are you? Thats not very neutral for a swiss :-)

The vid in your sub topic starts with pictures of a minaret and oriental music, a methapher (rubicon) which is associated with caesars legion walking towards an inevitable fight, and theres not even the name of this "black pigeon". This is far away from good information. That´s propaganda. People like "black pigeon" who share their free opinion are the first who were faced with the wall, maybe he could ask some north korean to swap their locations....I am not a fan of how this is handled,but , I am no nazi nor the holy pope ;-)
My grass is green on both sides of the fence I should be the swiss guy I think :-)

And to be honest I don´t think an international forum where people are gifting games is the best place to discuss a topic which ends in discrimination of other peoples religion, origin, or sth else.

The most important thing I noticed ... Crypt of the NecroDancer is on sale ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

Bump for solved

8 years ago

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And to be honest I don´t think an international forum where people are gifting games is the best place to discuss a topic which ends in discrimination of other peoples religion, origin, or sth else.

That might be true, i see already a few sticks&stones lurking. :D
But knowing the stats - i know, i'm on the safe side hahaha.

8 years ago*

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Nope.The same bs has been repeated over and over again throughout history by people trying to use fear for political gain. Nothing new about that.

8 years ago

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there is enough data to indicate that it does, but is it social cohesion worth keeping?

As human move far away from "natural" social behaviors, we are not even the same humanity we were 30 years ago, is up the species as a hole to find a better way to rule our societies and diversity is one of the roads that will lead us there.

8 years ago*

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You wouldn't be asking if you knew, but i don't blame you ... its probably not even in your native language.
Unfortunately there is no such thing as "constant or equal" progress/development across all cultures or nations -
social cohesion is what makes societies work and thrive in the first place - without that you get what
is known an unstable and soon to be failed state ... what has changed drastically is how everything is
"connected" through globalization - for better or worse.

8 years ago*

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and so, trying to go back to a more Ethnocentric society is impossible, we should try to shed these evolutionary hindrances, and diversity is one of the ways we can do that.

8 years ago

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Yeah only that implies the contrary of future prosperity ... as to maintain things in order, more restrictive adaptations will be required ... obviously adapted to the very populace > more jobs for less money, more welfare, more control over the people (more "safety") less freedoms. But i'm no fortune-teller or "expert" either, only what is known form Sweden and a few other other
countries that heavily invested/imported migration don't look too "rosy" ... the way it is now.

8 years ago

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doing the best thing is rarely the easy thing, time will tell.

8 years ago

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I'm going to evolve into a digital construct someday and go off into space as a self sufficient insect like biomachine creature to explore till the universe transforms again. So yeah, can we just get over all the natural differences and systems thing and become whatever it is we want without messing with other people. I mean it'll screw with some tender sensibilities and prejudices of what a human is but that's not my problem, lol, I'm gonna be a space bug.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ok, that video had good a point. But do we wanna live in a world like that?
I shouldn't throw more wood to the fire but I gonna say what I think is the real problem. You need to mix, not segregate. If you have a multicultural country you need to make an effort to make sure that 2 or 3 generations down the line the differences will become mere subtleties. Encourage the mixed race marriages, if you lack a country-wide culture you must create it, just toss all that people into the melting pot and MAKE them a new ethnicity. States are not born, they are made.

8 years ago

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if you lack a country-wide culture you must create it,
States are not born, they are made.

To my knowledge, that is usually what arises
from the remnants of one or many wars.

8 years ago

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In the case of american countries, each and every one originated by gaining independence from an european power, that normally is achieved by war.
And after that many countries found themselves with not very cohesive populations, some managed to create a national identity strong enough to keep the state united but others are still strugling to do so. In the case of the US, from an outsiders perspective, they look more like an empire built over sheer miltary stenght than a republic.

8 years ago

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Well, we get along pretty well in Toronto and it has "second-highest percentage of constant foreign-born population among world cities".

Just because most places have trouble getting along, doesn't mean it is not possible :P.

8 years ago

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Surprise, surprise - restrictive and selective immigration works ...
that is not the case with the current "outta-control" and already
fretting European "migration".

8 years ago

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TL/DR: The whole immigration thing is extremely complex, there is no comparison to other countries or easy solution to that, because the circumstances in which this mass emigration occurred are unique. On the long part I'll talk about just a little few problems (not taking into account desertification or advanced geopolitics for example).

You can't control current Europe immigration, mostly because there is "no government" (in Syria there's one but it's total war and missiles flying around) on the other side. People just flee their countries, and you can do nothing to stop them. Well, you can shoot them or build a Game-of-Thrones-like huge wall around all Europe (sea included)...
In Canada/Australia/Japan/etc people come from poor countries as well (not "nothing to eat" or "no shelter to call home" countries though) but they have a lot of sea to travel to get there, getting to Lampedusa (IT) from Tunisia instead they just need to use rafts (that usually stop midway and sink).

Are you suggesting to let them die in the sea? If you ever went out on a boat you'll know that dying alone in the sea is one of the worst things you can ever imagine and no sailor will ever leave someone sinking alone out in the sea.
If not, are you suggesting to bring them back to their homes (which they will flee once again as soon as possible)?

The real issue here is that people talks about "Germans", "Europeans", etc, but a Turkish immigrant that was born in Germany, went to school in Germany, works in Germany, etc is actually a German. If Germany (or Europe) will have more Muslims than Christians then be it, there's no difference between Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, etc as people of the same secular country (I hope secular is the right word here, I'm not a native speaker).
Not to mention that the current Germany population is a mixture of Goths, Huns, Celts, Romans, Lombards, etc, lately we just increased the range of the blender.

Of course there are huge problems right now because you can't just inject people month after month and expect to maintain the same welfare, but in EU headquarters they are definitely trying to mediate between the needs of these people and the needs of us, people of the "invaded" countries.

8 years ago

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Its not as if i'd have a solution ... but the way it is right now its just chaotic in every sense
and the way their trying to resolve it (the deal with Turkey) seems like a desperate and
high likely soon to be ineffective measure.

For starters it would've been smart not to invite the entire world for refuge to Germany,
that increased the infulx of uncontrollable migration ...

Secondly putting all efforts to help the people in their own country - there are huge camps in Syria,
how could they not make that a priority ... "for where to help it first".

But i do know its not that easy with international politics > their still raging on in Syria for a "purpose".

8 years ago

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Indeed Merkel statement encouraged more people to flee their countries, but what Merkel did there was using her "predominant" EU influence to force the so long postponed discussion on the issue.

Consider that France and Great Britain are probably the biggest culprits to the current state Libya is (not saying they were wrong, but they acted thinking about oil and uranium, without asking the UE), mostly securing uranium caves and oil drills, but creating a huge mess. The USA on the other hand are one of the big causes behind ISIS.
I think Merkel did what she did to make these countries think about their responsibilities, because we don't live in the 8th century anymore and colonialism thinking (even if still present) is long past due.
Ofc this is my opinion on Merkel thinking, and I don't know shit, so actually anyone can say anything on that matter.

On the "help on their countries", probably that's the long term solution the UE is going to adopt but right now, for Syria and Libya it's impossible: in Syria it's the second time an hospital is bombed down and civil victims in general are the majority of the total victims of the conflict, if I lived in Syria I wouldn't ever feel safe on a refugee camp... and in Libya the situation is even worse since there was no government or authorities to work with (and because of that EU tried to help them forming a democratic government first).

Meh, the whole thing is such a huge mess...

8 years ago

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I think Merkel did what she did to make these countries think about their responsibilities, because we don't live in the 8th century anymore and colonialism thinking (even if still present) is long past due.

Yeah, i can understand the humanitarian aspect of that ... what surprises is how she used her authority to do so, against European law and her obligation to the German people - which might sound "egoistic" but the primary role of the german chancellor is to look out for the interest of "her" people. While altogether the European politics were just sitting idly by for a long time. And now that it has come that far their surprised about the countries in Europe that won't "cooperate". A huge mess indeed, while that continues the USA is still pursues their goal to f***k over European economics for good with TTP/TTIP/TISA.

8 years ago

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TL/DR: Some diversity is a good thing. Too much diversity is not.
TL/DR: Diversity and Intolerance are incompatible.

Diversity is a catchall phrase. If people come from different backgrounds, but have somewhat similar mentality, the diverse experiences and backgrounds can help. If people have different mentalities, even from the same background, this can cause friction.
The real issue is the compatibility between diversity and tolerance. For a diverse society to succeed, the society must be tolerant. So long as members of society are tolerant of each others' differences, diversity is a good thing, where the different members of society bring different skills and strengths. Where some members of society are intolerant of other members of society, this causes friction. If the proportion of intolerant people and/or the level of intolerance is too high, said friction becomes a problem.
Therefore, if we're talking about diversity of culture and background, then diversity is a good thing. If we're talking about diversity of tolerance, then that will destroy social cohesion.
why do I get the feeling we just helped some high school kid write a paper?

8 years ago

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why do I get the feeling we just helped some high school kid write a paper?

Not sure what makes you think that ... you probably don't know well enough, whats going on here in the EU.

But other than that, great argument - wouldn't disagree one bit, if everyone especially the migrating populace would
go by the rules and be tolerant, along with the natives ... it wouldn't be an issue under controlled and normal circumstances.

8 years ago

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I'm very aware of what's going on in the EU.

The more interesting thing isn't that it's the original immigrants that are intolerant, it's the 3rd and 4th generation children of the immigrants that are problematic. The EU in general made two mistakes:

1) assumed that guest workers were eventually going to leave, so therefore no effort was made to integrate them
2) a live-and-let-live attitude, whereby it seemed wrong to try to force western culture onto the newly arrived immigrants.
Keep in mind that this was all against a backdrop of having just emerged from the second world war (and the first world war before that), which, combined with mass communication and travel, changed the individual identities of each country (and parts of those countries) into a much larger, broader, "european" identity.

This meant that the immigrant population was mostly left to fend for themselves, only integrating to the extent necessary to survive. Their grandchildren, thereafter, were no longer connected to the land of origin, but also not fully part of the homeland. Their children suffered an identity crisis, being neither here nor there, one nor the other. They passed this on to their childen, 3rd and 4th generation, whose identity is one of not belonging.
note that I'm generalizing, and plenty of individuals were able to integrate properly into society, but many were not

The immigrants who, several generations later, were not properly integrated, felt rejected by the adopted country, and therefore look for a way out, a way back to the old country, the old way of life. However, people who are not satisfied with the present, will either dream of an idealized future, or an idealized past.

not a TL/DR: I don't feel like writing more.

8 years ago

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The more interesting thing isn't that it's the original immigrants that are intolerant, it's the 3rd and 4th generation children of the immigrants that are problematic.

I would say that right now, it's the people coming in that are the problem. Not because of who they are, but because there are so many. Many people fear that their culture will eventually just "drown." And it's already happening. Where I life it's common to hear some eastern language on street. In some places, it's even more common to hear that over actual dutch. Plus they already managed to change a centuries old tradition, because they claimed it was racist (which it really wasn't).

I personally have no problem with foreign people coming in, as long as there are not too many of them, which is exactly what is happening right now.

8 years ago

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Beware the barbarians from the east

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8 years ago

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different times different barbarians different east. These however were few, not many. Intentions are powerful.

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8 years ago

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they are few in reality, but many in the eyes of some such as the person I replied to

8 years ago

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my point is that it doesn't always matter if they are many (like now, and like he points out) or few, numbers alone aren't necessarily the most important. However, the nature of those coming as well as their intentions are far more important.

8 years ago

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If the culture is so weak that it cannot handle a relatively small influx of foreign ideas, then perhaps it deserves to drown. Historically, languages and cultures have evolved or died off all the time. Why should yours or mine be any different?

8 years ago*

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relatively small influx

I wouldn't say it's relatively small, at least not where I live. The amount of immigrants that currently live around here, is pretty big.

8 years ago

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Excuse my rudeness if you will, but it seems to me you have no insight in the situation of Europe now nor in the past, at all, along with that of those who you call "small influx"

8 years ago

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interesting insight
though a significant part of part of those coming/invited in will never integrate wherever they go, maybe after a dozen generations but by then it's too late in relation to the critical times we live in the present. Unless of course the natives are the ones adapting... whatever the consequences that may have

8 years ago

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how does a dance band http://www.diversityofficial.com/ destroy social coheshion?

8 years ago

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This assertion about "diversity", whatever that means, reeks of far-right ideology. Before any discussion on this topic could even be had, terms like "diversity" and "social cohesion" need to be defined. What exactly do you mean by those terms? Secondly, in what way is "diversity" (as you define it) destroying "social cohesion" (as you define it)?

8 years ago

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My reply got deleted on F5ing ... i'll make it short.

Those words are clearly social study terms and every country will grasp them in numbers differently
(look for studies/statistics ... takes time) besides, "Diversity" its commonly used as a buzzword in leftist media.

How i would define that? Natives and their future generation of a country ... that continues to comprise at least 50% natives.
Else its still labeled as that certain country, but with an overwhelmingly different populace and their respective culture/ethics
will change the country drastically in the future. > Germany today > Germanistan tomorrow ... to put it very plainly

If you know better, or have a clear example of one particular country feel free to contribute.

8 years ago*

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What "leftist media"? As far as I'm aware, leftist media (i.e., not mainstream and anticapitalist) don't generally talk about diversity, since it's a largely irrelevant distraction to the more fundamental problems of society. The only media which typically talks about diversity are center-left social fascists social democrats and those to the right of them who like to pay lip service to social liberal identity politics.

You failed to give concrete definitions for those two crucial terms.[1] Unless you object, I'll just assume "diversity" means demographic heterogeneity as defined here; and I'll assume "social cohesion" means group cohesiveness as defined here. Given those definitions, how does demographic heterogeneity ("diversity") destroy or erode group cohesiveness ("social cohesion")? By what intrinsic mechanism does diversity cause the dissolution of social cohesion?

Else its still labeled as that certain country, but with an overwhelmingly different populace and their respective culture/ethics will change the country drastically in the future. > Germany today > Germanistan tomorrow ... to put it very plainly

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.

If you know better, or have a clear example of one particular country feel free to contribute.

A clear example of what, exactly?

[1] – I may be mistaken, however, in which case please correct me. Perhaps I misunderstood you, and you're defining "diversity" as a population in which <50% are natives to that country ("native" presumably meaning a citizen whose country of origin is their current country). If that is the definition you're proposing, then you seem to be arbitrarily limiting the definition of "diversity", but I don't mind operating under that narrower definition.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago*

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Ok, but isn't that a fact?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Diversity is preferable to uniformity.

8 years ago

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politically, I never want to let myself be enticed by words, to influence me to think a certain way or another, there's always that trap,
that can lead to fear, and Yoda said it best. it's pretty accurate, no joke.

when it comes to my culture (Australian), compared with European countries, obviously there is a big difference, since here we were never a grand empire among other empires with epic castles and kings and armies, and we don't have a millennia of historical culture and lore, though there is aboriginal culture, but much of it is forever lost to time except for what had been passed down through spoken word. (fun fact - our most famous revered hero and historical figure was a gang member who liked to do murder and many other crimes.)
I was brought up surrounded with multiculturalism, so I never really questioned it. But also there are others from parts of the country that have had different experiences and they don't trust anyone who is different to them, to put it nicely. :(

I'm a simple man, attempting to make society a slightly more pleasant place for those around me and people I meet, no matter who they are or where they are from, I am capable of that at least.
I usually don't expect the same in return, everyone has their own ways. but lead by example they say.
society might change in the future, I'm sure it will, but I won't change, no matter what happens. I won't regret it.


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8 years ago

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in my opinion "Diversity" is a vague word, and overall nor good nor bad, as in it being good or not depends solely on other factors
the way it's used nowadays though, is with flawed goals in mind

8 years ago

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Although it is a sociological term it is a vague word yeah ... that is best described in numbers form statistics of the populace.
What i noticed and know from recent years, is how heavily its used, as a almost exclusively a positive "buzzword" in politics and media ...

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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It's more about how people are not integrating themselves than them being different.

8 years ago

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More or less yes, nobody will ask for assimilation ... merely for a tolerant and a rights-respecting adaptation.
I'd imagine that to be less the case, when you don't have to adapt in the first place ... as there are enough
people form your own cultural background which creates these social tensions soon afterwards.

As a former migrant to the country i'm right now, i know that by experience ... and its certainly more natural,
painless and easier if your former culture shared similar values and ethics and you're willing to adapt.

8 years ago

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I did not watch the video, so I do not know what it said, for or against. This is my opinion, so if you do not agree please be civil. I respect your opinion, so respect mine.

Diversity, in and of itself, does not seem to be the problem, however, if you come to a country, say America for example, then you need to make an effort to become an American. Follow the rules of America, learn the language of America. It is fine to teach your kids the history and culture you came from, but don't undermine the American culture. If your country was so great you would not be coming to America (or whatever country). Become a useful citizen of whatever country you are in. Certainly trying to make the country you live in better - God knows America could use some culture clean-up - is a good thing, but merely forming "colonies" of your own people with no attempt to become included in the host nation simply breeds issues. Just my thoughts.

8 years ago

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You don't have to ... also your opinion seems perfectly fine and reasonable.

8 years ago

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Totally agree. I live in the Netherlands and we get quite a lot of new people in here. Most of them don't seem to integrate well. It's very common to hear a foreign language on the street and often when they want to ask you something (or in reverse), it needs to be done in very bad english or even worse dutch. They also managed to actually change a centuries old tradition we had because they claimed it was racist. I mean, if you go to our country, at least accept our traditions, since they also expect us to accept theirs...

8 years ago

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if you're talking about Zwarte Piet, it IS racist. Just because it's a centuries old tradition, doesn't mean it isn't wrong

8 years ago

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How is it racist? It's always explained to the kids that they're black because they have to go through dirty chimneys (or whatever the word is in english). They're also pictured as very nice people, so in my eyes, it only helps with the image the children get for black people.

8 years ago

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No, Zwarte Piet was always black. The story dating back to 1850 had him be black, mostly a bumbling idiot, and possibly a slave. Over time, he became more of a jolly servant, but was still black. The version where he's black from chimneys only came about fairly recently, in response to complaints about the racist nature of the character.

Selective quotes from Wikipedia:
"Tot ver in de tweede helft van de 20e eeuw was Zwarte Piet een niet zo slimme helper die zich van een brabbeltaaltje bediende"
"Zwarte Piet was ook een van de vele bijnamen voor de duivel"

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8 years ago

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Interesting. Did not know that. Still, as the stories are right now, I don't think it's racist.

8 years ago

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that's because of which side of the conversation you're on.

As the story stands now, or, more precisely, as the imagery stands now, it's racist. Just because you don't think it is, doesn't mean it isn't. It's much easier to pretend it isn't, than to critically evaluate your traditions and realize that, as well-intended as it may be, it is, actually, racist.

a fun read

8 years ago

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The current "problem" in Germany as well as other European countries (I don't know about the USA) is just the logical consequence of our actions in the last 30 years. We have destroyed their lands for oil, gas and drugs, slaughtered many civilians (the modern, post WWI type of war takes a lot of civilian casualties since soldiers no longer fight in "no mans land", neutral territory) so now they are immigrating. They don't want to live under the insane rule of some criminal goverment.
The current situation is just the aftermath of people's greed. Those muslim countries were once developed, you know? And I don't mean 2000 years ago, just a couple of decades from now those countries were very civilizied. And I don't think it's "too late" to get them back to their previous state. But first, we have to wait 'till ALL THE GODDAM OIL is gone.
I know that my comment is not related to the topic of the post, but I know what you meant by creating this thread.

8 years ago

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I know ... Libya/Irak/Afghanistan countries on the brink or already in good standing
got rendered back to war zone hell holes + others economically (Iran). With Syria
being close by that had to follow ... Not much to be done, the "world-police" knows "best",
a real dispute of economic nature will result in war/sabotage/annihilation anyway.

8 years ago*

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let's be fair, some of those countries were a mess long before europeans got involved.

8 years ago

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Nope. First the Soviet Uninon, later Turkey dammed the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Those two rivers have been the reason this region has been civilized for the last 3000 years. Do you think Alexander the Great waged one of the greatest military campaigns in history just to steal goats? Those countries were not rich but they had somewhat of an agriculture in the 1960-1980. Now there are only cold graves and barren lands.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in gods (dispite the fact that officialy I should be categorized as christian) but Islam does not mean "undeveloped savages". The Otoman Empire, although sometimes cruel, has an important role in Europe's cultural development.

8 years ago

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I wasn't referring to the middle east.

Little known fact to anyone who watched, or knows the story of, 300. Xerxes abandoned his quest to subjugate greece, which was considered an insignificant backwater, because there was a revolution in Egypt, which was arguably the richest lands at the time.
During Europe's dark ages / middle ages, one of the great centers of civilization, innovation, science and culture was Baghdad.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by DominusFerrus.